I am still ahead of the study plannerĀ but i am stuck in a funk.
All my motivation for my course has drained away.
Been thinking alot lately if it is worth carrying on with my degree.
I am 52, so it is hard to see how gaining a non vocational degree with help my job prospects.
If i graduate i will be 54 years old. I don't think it is going to really help my career that much, and i am already 12k in student debt, rising to 18k if i complete the course.
I really have not enjoyed this module or the previous one, i feel like i am just grinding on because it's become habit, more habit than enjoying learning.
I really don't know what the best thing to do is.
What to do...
Is it really that much of an achievement to gain a degree? Employers are know to not have as much respect for an open university degree as one's from bricks and mortar uni's... couple that with my age when i graduate and i often feel like i am engaged in a pointless exercise.