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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 11: ECA + End of Course

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 25 Jan 2010, 09:21

This was again a challenging ECA. The essay part was interesting. It made me reflect upon our school system which I found quite interesting to investigate as well. I have used additional documents from the DCSF which had some interesting documents regarding the use of PDP analysis and ePortfolio systems in primary education. I compared these documents with the European curriculum and came to some conclusuions which I have written in my ECA. I hope it's worthwile smile

The reflection part was quite challenging as well. After using all these applications for my ePortfolio I ended up using a Word document in which I stored all the evidence and created an index file which linked everything together. Hope the file still works after zipping it and sending it through the ETMA system.

So this is it, the end of H808. I found it a very interesting course in which I learned much about what e-learning is. Unit 6 was for me a fantastic e-learning experience and I felt very lucky that everything in our group worked out. So thank you all for this course, Mr. Clarke for his guidance and my fellow students for all the wisdom. See you in another course maybe. I am heading off to H807!

Cheers everone, Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 7: 7.4 An example of self-assessment from H808

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 3: 3.4 My PDP Grid

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Here is my PDP Grid. After filling in this table I have discovered that the e-learning area is quite new for me and although I consider myself tech savvy, I feel quite a newbie on the e-learning front. I have specific ideas in my head but it somehow doesn’t come out...yet!

Cheers, Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 3: 3.4 Your Own Template for PDP

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We were asked to fill in a template for PDP. This is part 1. I hope I don't come across as arrogant but I rated myself as above average in most areas and as expert in the area of IT skills.
I am just lucky that I'm in a job where I can develop myself as an IT consultant for the school and be a teacher as well. I could do with some update on LS and SEN resources. I consider this as my weakness as it has been 10 years ago since I have done a proper course about this subject.

You can have a look at the grid here.

Cheers Eugene

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