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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 8: 8.3 Review of Sirin’s podcast

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My Review:
I have decided to review Sirin’s podcast about the role of an online tutor and tips for good practice in online learning. You can read the review here.

Thanks, Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 8: 8.3 Podcast response to Maria Tannant

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Hi, this is my podcast response to Maria Tannant, a fellow H808 student who reviewed my previous podcast (thank you!)


P.S. I have recorded this file with my mobile phone, but somehow, I had troubles uploading it. IE 8.0 and Firefox didn’t like the file either. Google Chrome managed fine in the end!

You can find the file here

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 8: 8.1 PodCast Mobility in elearning

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You can find my podcast here.

Thank you, Eugene

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Eugene Voorneman, Saturday, 9 Jan 2010, 12:44)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 8: 8.1 Embedding PodCasts in my Blog

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 14 Dec 2009, 19:50

Unfortunately, somehow I can't embed Podcasts in the OU Blog. I have moved my OU Blog to my WordPress Blog where embedding isn't a problem.

Have a look here

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 8: 8.1 Using New Technology

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My Podbean account is here: http://eusie.podbean.com/

Comments can be found here


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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 22: Podcast Sclater/Weller

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My notes regarding the Weller/Sclater podcast:

They don’t differ that much actually. They both want to use tools that are out there on the web, the 2.0 applications. They just differ in opinion about how they should be used.

Weller thinks that students should have the freedom to choose their own tools and that it is important that individuals make the choices that suit them best.  He does not want to restrict their choice by forcing a centralized system on them.  He considers tools available outside the university system superior to their modified versions provided by a university VLE.

Sclater believes that a centralised system provides equal access for all and that many students need to be introduced to learning tools in a structured environment to enable them to gain confidence and develop skills.
He thinks that communication can be restricted if students are all using a wide variety of different tools.
He raises concerns about the robustness of systems outside the university VLE and argues that if there is a problem within the centralised system at least the university will be aware of it and can validate it.

I understand the Universities’ point of view that a VLE provides control. Tools from outside, integrated in a central organised VLE provide a clear overview of what students learn (course content), how they interact (forum, blog, elluminate) and how they collaborate (wiki). As a learner this structure helped me to start my first online course properly.  I would have been lost if it had just been me and a large selection of internet tools and I simply had to find out which ones would be best for which purpose. I favour Sclater’s (and Weller’s) argument that a default environment makes it clear to the students which tools are needed and in which environment. The OU clearly uses this method as they assigned Delicious to us as an example of Social Networking. There are numerous other applications (Digg, EduTagger etc) that we could have used but we had to work with Delicious. It gave us an idea how to work with these tools in general and now we have these skills can choose our own. For me this approach worked well.
I strongly agree with Weller’s opinion that the Tools on the web need to be used. Learning by using is one of my slogans as well.

 I also agree with him that Universities and educational institutions should review their ways of assessments as well. Wouldn’t it be better if we assess processes alongside end results. Isn’t it better to assess how one contributes in addition to what one contributes instead of carrying out the same assessments as 20 years ago with today’s technology? I believe this would be a true reformation and a huge step forward.
Weller suggested the use of OpenId for the authentification problems and I believe that is a good suggestion. Since I have started using it I can use one ID for numerous webites.  It is certainly not 100% foolproof, but good enough for me at the moment.

To conclude, I am in favour of a controlled environment to introduce learners to technology where necessary, and support many of Sclater’s opinions, but my personal views align more closely with Weller’s. I like his approach of using what is available and learning by doing. I strongly favour his arguments about reviewing the entire method of assessment. People like Weller have a Vision about the future, which in my opinion, will bring Education a step forwards. He wants us to stop looking back, stop going in circles, and to move forward.

Cheers, Eugene

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