OU blog

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

New Literacy

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An opening quote from a Blog Entry which caught my eye:

"As the school year begins, be ready to hear pundits fretting once again about how kids today can't write—and technology is to blame. Facebook encourages narcissistic blabbering, video and PowerPoint have replaced carefully crafted essays, and texting has dehydrated language into "bleak, bald, sad shorthand" (as University College of London English professor John Sutherland has moaned). An age of illiteracy is at hand, right?"

Read the full Blog entry here: features Andrea Lunsford from Stanford University. Interesting reflections!



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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Twitter & Blog activities

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Twitter, Delicious, Blogging, reading my Facebook messages. It takes me too much time, have neglected my blog. Will catch up soon.
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 18: Twitter and Tweets

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Hi All,

I have read a lot about Twitter and how this can be a useful tool for education. I'm quite new to this and have to get around it a bit. It's fun for sharing short messages...I can't seem to discover the use for educational purposes at the moment, but maybe someone can help me out on this subject.

It is quite easy to do by the way through my mobile phone...addictive as well...oh nooooo!!!

Well see you on Twitter...

username: eusie


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Nathan Lomax, Tuesday, 16 June 2009, 10:09)
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