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Personal Blogs

This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 1: 1.1. Where do I stand in all of this?

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Well, I consider myself as an digital immigrant. I am quite computer minded and consider myself an early adopter of technology. When it comes to being an e-learning professional I believe I'm a fanatic amateur. I'm not part of an elearning community yet and I'm not making my money out of it. I'm learning though by being involved in an elearning project in our school by trying to set up a virtual learning environment.....but there is so much more to learn in the digital world.

Cheers, Eugene
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 1: 1.1 The e-learning professional

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Hello fellow 808-ers,

An interesting podcast: what is an e-learning professional?

In my previous blog post I tried to describe e-learning, but listening to Robin Goodfellow's comments about this I couldn't agree more when he says "In my view, elearning in one part of the educational technologist's job". He continues to give alternative descriptions for what is to be considered elearning as well: computer-assisted learning, intelligent tutoring systems, technology enhanced learning.

In my view a professional is someone who has the qualifications to carry out a specific task. One who has specific knowledge. A professional earns money with this specific knowledge as well, a license to practice (Gill Kirkup in the opening podcast).

Kirkup's views come close to what I believe to be an elearning professional at the moment: Someone who is operating with a set of ethical professional standards. Someone who is part of a community but most of all, someone who is always learning, updating and developing the field they belong to!



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