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Personal Blogs

Evan Wade


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Edited by Evan Wade, Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025, 19:47

I also do encourage anyone who visits my blog to leave me a comment or just to say Hi and what course you're visiting from, or if you want to know anything more about me. It would be nice to have a little community of people on here from all different courses world wide. I look forward to getting to know you.

Evan smile

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Darren Menachem Drapkin, Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025, 21:57)
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Evan Wade

Mental Health Check Point

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Edited by Evan Wade, Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025, 19:40

TW: Mental health and references to suicide

Hey blog, 

Today was the first time I've studied for a couple days, my support worker came over yesterday so it took me all day to decompress from that. It looks like from the 20th February I will have between 2 - 6 weeks before I will be made homeless. 

I need to attend court on the 20th February to fight for 6 weeks extension on my tenancy, my support worker Rebecca (who is from the salvation army) is going to ask the court to allow her in with me as it will be an emotionally turbulent day which is going to challenge my BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) as I can sometimes feel very suicidal when things happen that are out of my control. I am in remission with the help of a private prescription for cannabis so I am seeing the court hearing as a challenge to use my coping mechanisms and my skills that I have been building up over the last year. I am hopeful that by being able to predict how I might react will help me when observing if my body has been triggered and needs reassurance and grounding. 

My emotional dysregulation to the layman may look like, depression, panic attacks, anxiety, rage, reckless/dangerous behaviour and suicidal threats and actions. All of these things are at the root are extreme emotional overwhelm and dysregulation. BPD has a lot of stigma attached to it which is a shame because BPD develops in young adults from years of complex trauma as children that they neither asked for or deserved and now have the responsibility of having bodies with the emotional regulation of a toddler, and yes this is incredibly embarrassing and the stigma against us only makes us feel worse and more demonised.

I have taught myself over the past year, with the help of the internet and with commitment to myself how to heal my brain, I have watched TedTalk after TedTalk different studies, psychologists and alternate healing which is where I learned that Medical Cannabis has been legal in the UK since 2018! If you had tried 2 or more treatments you are eligible to try cannabis as a private treatment option which I had tried almost every anti-depressant and mood stabiliser going, and these tablets caused me stomach issues, brain fog, sexual dysfunction, so many side effects, some side effects I had to take even more tablets just to combat. At one point I was on 5 tablets a day at 21 years old. The tablet that helped the most was called Duloxetine but I am very forgetful and if I missed a dose of Duloxetine the withdrawals were absolutely horrible. It feels as though you're in a video game and it is lagging and I couldn't regulate my body temperature, luckily these subsided within an hour or two of taking another dose. 

I started my medical cannabis journey while I was still taking 120mg/day of Duloxetine. After about 3 months I realised the symptom that effected me the most was the emotional dysregulation that comes with my BPD and with the help of the cannabis I am able to regulate my body and mind within around ten minutes, no matter how upset or suicidal, no matter how bad the thoughts were, I could ground myself within ten minutes, and no anti-depressant or mood stabiliser in pill form I have ever taken has worked that quickly or effectively. I called my GP and told them I no longer needed to be on my tablets and they gave me a couple packs of different doses of Duloxetine and with the help of my Psychiatrist at the Cannabis Clinic I was able to fully come off all tablet form medication. My stomach issues have either gone away from not taking the tablets or are eased by the cannabis, I'm not sure which option it is because there are too many variables but I am just happy I no longer have to take tablets ritually and I also don't have debilitating stomach cramps anymore. Another thing I like about cannabis is it doesn't matter if I miss a day because I don't have to take it ritually I can just use it when I am in a triggered state. 

I didn't intend to talk so much about cannabis in this post but I think I am feeling really grateful for it today, it has changed my life completely. That stupid illegal green smelly plant has given me my life back, and medical cannabis smells so much nicer than black market, so if you use regularly you're probably already medicating for something so you might as well get legal about it!!  

Regarding becoming homeless, there is no temporary accommodation in my area, even for vulnerable groups so I will be sheltered in a hostel or a hotel. I am hoping for a hotel because my mental health isn't the best and I would feel safer in a hotel than I would a hostel, but I will keep this blog updated with everything as it goes. I have an appointment with Shelter Cymru on the 10th of Feb to discuss my housing situation and where we are going to go from there. 

I was going to make a cup of tea but forgot my kettle is broken, and I am not buying a new kettle this close to being kicked out, so a cup of squash and some biscuits it is! That's all for now, remember that even in our darkest nights the sun always comes back and the clouds always part again, nothing lasts forever so lets experience it while we're her smile

Current ambiance: (165) RDR2 Relaxing Ambient Walk across the Map | 4K Ultra Max Graphics - YouTube 


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Evan Wade

Starting Ahead, Staying Ahead

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Yes, I am a few weeks ahead and started before the module started, this is because I know my mind and body enough to know there will be a few days/weeks where I am struggling to study, so to combat that, I am starting early getting ahead and planning to stay ahead if I am honest, mi not holding myself to staying ahead because I don't want to get stressed if I fall a little bit behind and then bully myself because I should have done more to stay ahead. I am just going to be patient and try my best to stay ahead but we can only try our best! and trying my best is what I will do!

I also want to make sure I keep on top of this blog too! and even when I am not feeling great, I want to be posting on here that maybe I'm not feeling to great so I have a log of everything, the good and the bad!!

I never intended to start a blog post this year, but I knew last December I wanted to start some kind of project or creative outlet and finding this is the perfect opportunity for me. and when I saw I had a personal blog and how easy it was to use!! I got so excited so yes!! I am going to be posting on here for at least 6 years to log my journey, not just studying either, my personal journey and struggles. This will be quite a personal look into my life and my feelings, so if you are going to read and comment please be kind haha.


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Evan Wade

My world

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I did it, I finished my maths lesson and now I'm back on here to talk a little bit about me, what I am doing, and why I am doing it.

My name is Evan, I'm 27 and I  live in south Wales. My course I am doing is Natural Sciences with an Astronomy and Planetary science pathway. I chose this because I have always loved the night sky and the stars, and even when everything else in life has been chaotic and unstable, the moon and the stars are the same guys every night you know? Every night the same friends come out and you can see their cycles and this really brought me a lot of comfort in moments of stress in my life. 

The comfort the stars gives me is something I struggle to out down into words, I am neurodivergent and I have a mental health condition called EUPD which stands for Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, which is an absolutely horrific name for a condition where a persons mind is already full of negative self talk, but I refuse to let something as limited as language to describe myself because the past year I have realised I am much more than my labels, so I don't spend much time worrying about labels or what other people have to say about me. 

In December 2023 I was very suicidal and something saved my life that night and since that night I have spend the past year trying to get my life back on track because there is something out there that loves me more than I do and I believe I am supposed to be here and I'm not just a fluke of nature, I truly believe human beings are here in the universe for a reason and were not just random like I originally thought!

This leads me onto why I am studying this course! I am studying with the Open university for a few reasons, firstly my mental health can make it difficult to study conventionally, I often need to study late at night, and sometimes I can't study for a week due to my mental health, and the OU gives me the freedom to miss a week and be able to catch up with study and not miss any content because it is self paced, so that is one big reason why I chose the OU. Another reason is I am not a fan of waking up early and if I had to get up for a 9am lecture every day I'd never complete my course. 

Why did I choose my Natural Sciences (Astronomy and Planetary Science)? Truth is I have no idea where life I going to take me and in 6 years jobs may exist that don't right now, so I don't want to be locked into a specific job title or anything like that because life is so dynamic and fluid. I currently work one shift a week in McDonalds, I see it as my community service because I struggle with conventional jobs  and seeing it as a job, so I like to see it as community service lighting up peoples days because if I see it as work for some reason my body refuses to do it and they love me there, I do have to say, customers love me! 

I want my life to be meaningful and Natural Sciences opens up so many options! I could go into the space sector if I wanted to but right now I am more concerned with our own gorgeous planet, so I am thinking about what I could do to help climate change, carbon capture possibly, something that really gets me going is space trash!! what are we going to do about that because if we carry on the way we are and keep sending up rockets and satellites without returning the debris to Earth to be recycled or disposed of is incredibly irresponsible!! But this course gives me options to do something that is in alignment with what I love and what I want to achieve! I can't wait to see where this course takes me!

Anyway that was a little bit, or a lot, about me and how I'm feeling right now, where my head is at! 

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Evan Wade

Wow my own personal blog post!

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Edited by Evan Wade, Sunday, 19 Jan 2025, 12:33

Hello, I didn't realise this was here or how to use it but I'm excited I found it!

I am actually in the middle of a maths lesson but I got distracted when found this blog, I will go back to it shortly but for now I just want to say:

Hello blog! this is going to be a great place for me to log  my thoughts and feelings and how I am getting on with my course over the next 6 years or possibly longer is I choose to pursue (is that spelled correctly?) a masters or other learning.

I am going to enjoy coming back and reading all these blog posts to see where my head was at where my feeling where, what are my stresses and what am I going to do about it??? Lots to write and discuss, this is going to be great for my mental health and to be able to talk and get it all out. and if other students find value in my babbling then that is also great!! feel free to share your thoughts/comments/advice as I am here to learn and to grow and become a better more well informed human being!

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