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Me in my wheelchair

I'm sure its not legal, or at least civilised to have two...

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Edited by Trevor Barrett, Friday, 4 Dec 2020, 03:06

Surely their must be some kind of law that forbids people to see two 1.25's, or two 4's o'clock in the day lol, if not, there should be!  Woke up, painkiller munchies to alleviate a very sore back, and to pass the time watched another episode oh "His Dark Materials", which, if you haven't yet seen comes highly recommended smile

Write y morning diatribe, bidding the world hello, "Hello world", never expecting a "hullo" back, but the at this hour, being fair, I'd probably be very surprised if ever I did get one.

Time to do some more exploring of the OU resources, really can't wait for my pack.  If anyone can recommend a study materials accessory list that would come highly appreciated, groping my way in the dark currently, so please do reply.

Short and too the point as always, 

Don wuan Trev lol.

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Me in my wheelchair

A breakfast of pills and potions

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Edited by Trevor Barrett, Thursday, 3 Dec 2020, 06:51

It comes to something when before you can move out of bed, it needs 4 co-codamol and 20 mils of Oramorph to kick in.  Not cornflakes and coffee, but painkillers and coffee, Jesus wept.

So I'm registered on the module Y033, and not having studied as such in 31 years, I'm very excited, yet at the same time have feelings of dread, possibly because of my Schooling days, and exams.  1989 was the first year for GCSE's, and they weren't pretty exam results to be sure.

So why am I doing this?  Well, hum, at 28 I had a total breakdown, and the DWP slapped a not permitted to work order on my file, at 34 I became wheelchair bound, and to top it off I had a rare cancer that needed some cutting edge scientific genetic work to cure, but through all of these things I've felt useless, and I'm fed up of feeling useless, so a return to academia, to finally put everything all behind me, at 47.  I like to do graphic work and fly drones, build websites, but it's not enough, my brain feels like it's rotting, and that just won't do, visa vi, Y033 before embarking on q67, a 6 year Batchelors Degree.

So yes, excited, but bloody nervous as hell, anyone else feeling like that?


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Me in my wheelchair

ABBA @ 05.48 anyone?

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Edited by Trevor Barrett, Thursday, 3 Dec 2020, 06:51

You know when you get that feeling, waking up, first cup of coffee, and you just have to listen to something?  Well for me this morning it was ABBA of all things.... Hum, why oh why lol.

Had a decent night's sleep for a change,  and sorry but james blunt is now playing, only so much abba in one morning I can take, well, decent for me, after 5 am wake up smile

Yesterday was pretty much a write off, meds shut me down all day, morphine will do that if it's tackling above my pain limit, and it was fired up to do just that, ftr, I fecking hate being on morphine.  

Well, right now that's all, may post later.

C ya'lls


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Me in my wheelchair

05.40 am and I've been awake since 01.50 am hours

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Edited by Trevor Barrett, Thursday, 3 Dec 2020, 06:50

I guess you could say I'm a light sleeper, but when you have a mind that as soon as you open your eye's is running like a steam train at full pelt, going back to sleep is something that doesn't happen often.

My stomach is in butterfly mode thinking about the course and education route I'm planning to take.  I left school 1989, 31 years since I've done any academic work, will I flourish, or flounder and I wish I knew.  People tell me I'll do really well, my own confidence is, let's say not as comforting.

Have I taken on too much?  I cannot answer that right now, but by the gods I'm going to give it a bloody good try.

It's very quiet at this hour, as it should be one has to acknowledge smile

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