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Love life fear no gods

Ray Manzarek 1939-2013

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Edited by Simon Paul Clarke, Friday, 15 Nov 2019, 23:34

Founding member of The Doors, one of the greatest rock bands. One mean keyboardist probably the equivalent of Jimi Hendrix in terms of mastery of his instrument. (I hope that made sense!) My thoughts to his wife and family.

'When the music's over, turn out the light'.


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Love life fear no gods

What is more important the right to kill or the right to live?

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Edited by Simon Paul Clarke, Wednesday, 13 Feb 2013, 21:32

Warning I use strong language.  I'm upset.

Innocent people have died not to mention young children.  My youngest thought this would happen to her and when I tried to explain, she was upset for her cousins, cousins in Pennsylvania, as she thought it was typically American... I'm not so sure she is wrong.


I am angry, very angry! Part of my anger is because I know I can't make a difference, at least not in the USA. This is to do with our cousins the Americans. Didn't you get it after Columbine! The second amendment, that bit about the right to bear arms. Are you off your trolley? This may be a law that in 18th Century, even 19th Century America, may have had validity. But not today, not in 21st Century America. Sorry Charlton 'From these dead hands!' Heston, thankfully he is dead.... so take the fucking rifle from his grasp!


There shouldn't need to buy military grade weapons in a supermarket with ammunition that is designed to cause so much damage to the human body. Why? To protect Americans from what...Liberals, Marxists, Atheists, Muslims or maybe those damn Nazi/Marxist/liberal/atheistic/Muslims. America try to grow up! I'm a liberal atheist, are you going to kill me. I guess freedom should be defined as any European country. Can I ask you President what is more important, the erosion of freedom of speech, torture at Guantanamo Bay, the freedom of expression or the right to kill a person when you get pissed off? Seriously does the death of so many children justify the second amendment. We may not be perfect in Britain but after the Dunblane massacre we have tightened up the laws on gun ownership. It hasn't eradicated the problem but it is very rare.


These were teachers and very young children, who were thinking about Santa Claus, presents, and holidays. What have they done that makes your second amendment to be morally right.


President Barack Obama, how about changing the gun laws, especially the second amendment to the constitution. Those children should never have been in danger. Thanks to the second amendment they were. If you can't sort out your own countries problems then stay out of the rest of the worlds.  Seriously America (and lets face it Britain), just Piss off out of the rest of the worlds business!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Amy S, Monday, 17 Dec 2012, 14:42)
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Love life fear no gods

Those were the days my friend, I thought would never end....

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Edited by Simon Paul Clarke, Friday, 15 Nov 2019, 23:37

I very rarely use the Metro system these days but since starting the OU, I figured it would be easier and cheaper to take the Metro into town, to get to the University. As we pulled into West Jesmond station, I noticed the building connected to The Longsdale Pub had disappeared. A small part of me died. That building was the Jesmond Picture House.


The Jesmond Picture House holds many fond memories for me. I spent a good part of my youth. Indeed as a Student, I was a patron of this establishment. Every other Saturday, we would visit my maternal grandparents, and with my younger brother in tow, we would walk the small distance from Bayswater Road to the Cinema. Saturday afternoons was 'Kids Matinee', and we were treated to an array of movies from 'Jason and the Argonauts' to the many Sinbad films that were made during the 60s and 70s. I can't quite remember how much it costs but I seem to think it was about 50p. For that we got not one but two movies. The first movie tended to be a short film, usually a Bugs Bunny/ Tom and Jerry Cartoon or an old Stooges film. Then there was an intermission and then the main feature.


Let me explain what I loved about The Jesmond Picture house. It was imperfect. As you went into the auditorium you were greeted by a large red curtain. On that curtain, from the projectionist, a light show was played with a cardboard cut out of all the astronomical birth signs spiralling to the sound of Cliff Richards and the Shadows hits. Weirdly this was mesmerizing. Eventually the movie would begin. The curtains would squeak across the stage and then the projectionist would play the first movie. Of course for the first few minutes it was out of focus, but he would get there.

After the first movie an Usherette came out selling ice creams, although I never saw them, selling Albatross. (This is for Python fans).


Now the main feature...For the first few minutes it was out of focus. (I have never not been entertained at this cinema. Even when the film was rubbish!)


It wasn't just the movie, the staff were second to none. They were friends of my Grandma. They always looked out for us.


The last time I was there I was about 20 and I went to see 'The Doors'. I'd seen it at the ODEON in Pilgrim Street. I am a big Doors fan and I wasn't impressed. However my flatmates were out, I had consumed quarter a bottle of Jack Daniels so I decided to go to the pictures to see 'The Doors'. I hid my bottle of Jack Daniels in my coat and bought a few Hamlet cigars. Went upstairs to the upper circle, where there were a few people, drank, smoke and finally, thought I understood the film. If only because I was drunk! (No I didn't smoke anything illegal!) As I left the upper circle I bumped into an usherette, who said 'Are you the son of 'my mother with maiden name'?”


“Yes.” I said


“Ooh she used to go to school with my daughter 'name', does your mother remember?”

I don't know, she never mentioned her. Yet I lie, to make her happy.


It made me realise how much I hate these modern, expensive, can't bring your own sweets, multiplex Cinemas.


I'm now a grumpy old man, but, 'when I were a lad'...We didn't have to pay a booking fee, or an extortionate amount of money, because they have more screens or associated with some American studio. Cinema houses were independent, and because of this a certain charm.


Progress does not always equal good.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Simon Paul Clarke, Tuesday, 29 May 2012, 21:05)
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Love life fear no gods

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Edited by Simon Paul Clarke, Friday, 15 Nov 2019, 23:40

Just heard Beastie Boy, Adam Yauch has died of cancer.

My heart felt wishes to his wife and family. 

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Love life fear no gods

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday...........

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Edited by Simon Paul Clarke, Friday, 15 Nov 2019, 23:40


This is very late but I want to pay my respects to an icon. You may have heard of the sad and untimely death of Davy Jones. A Manc (I'll try not hold that against him.) he was a Jockey, a musical actor and Ena Sharples Grandson. Off on a tangent my Granddad had footage taken on a Cini Camera of Ena Sharples signing autographs sometime in the 60's/70's at what looked like a church!


I was disappointed that the BBC/ITV didn't even think to honour him by playing all 2 series of 'The Monkees'. Why? Because, I saw a cheap way to get the Monkees on DVD! (I know I'll burn in Hell, unless I accept Jesus then my sins don't matter!) But also because despite their prefab status, they were actually quite good. Whether it was Boyce and Hart or the Monkees themselves they have written some decent songs. Not only that they were very funny. John Lennon I believe said they were a cross between The Beatles and the Marx Brothers. So why no moving programmes around to dedicate to Davy Jones.


In the summer 1977, listening to our Marconiphone Gramophone and wireless. My mother was ironing, the news came over the speakers. Mike Neville (I should check this out......No can't be bothered!) Mike announced Elvis had died!! My Mam was devastated, I didn't get who Elvis was, my brother was asleep in the cot, and my Dad thought..and I quote 'Cliff was better than Elvis, and he was crap.' However BBC2 showed every film and my Mam made me watch everyone, You know what....my Dad was right. Except for 'Jailhouse Rock', 'Love Me Tender' and 'GI Blues' which were OK, the rest were absolute pap.


With that in mind, Davy Jones, deserved a BBC week of dedicated programs, why aren't there repeats of The Monkees. We haven't seen this series since 'The Banana Splits', Play it BBC, play it for Davy.

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Simon Paul Clarke, Saturday, 5 May 2012, 21:37)
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