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Illuminat, Evil and Enlightenment

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 25 Aug 2023, 09:10

You can’t go online and research anything without coming across the ‘illuminati’.  Apparently, these are the elite who really run the world (and you can see just what a great job they’re doing!), they rope in all the top celebrities and are soooo evil because they believe in and worship the devil!!!  Wooooh! Scary stuff!

They’re supposed to be interconnected with the Freemasons and a load of other secret societies who, allegedly, possess old ‘knowledge’ or ‘magic’. They share symbols (pentagons, all seeing eyes etc) and you go through a ceremony or initiation when you join. Miley Cyrus is supposed to be one, and that would be enough to ensure it’s a club that I, and I’m sure many others, would never want to join!

I have actively avoided mentioning any of this up until now because I think it is all just another load of old crap, designed to distract and divide us, while the mega-rich continue to plunder the world’s resources for themselves.

Now if you want to run around with your trousers up over your knees, give secret handshakes (like a bunch of schoolboys), cover one of your eyes in photos and make hand gestures to signify your loyalty to Satan, then you really need to take a long hard look at yourself and grow up. Just writing that shows how absurd and rather pathetic it all is, ‘Oh, look at us! We’re Satanists, how evil are we?!’

If you look at it logically, if you believe in the devil, then you have to believe in God, I mean, you cannot have the ultimate evil without the ultimate good, it goes against the laws of physics. And I know whose side I would want to be on.

In the Navajo tradition, they believe that man is bad and has to learn to be good, a bit like the old Catholic teaching on original sin but not as fascist. I don’t think the Navajo would have excluded a child from the family burial plot because someone hadn’t poured water on its head and said some ‘magic’ words. The more you break this stuff down, the more ridiculous it all appears.  How could competent and intelligent people have been persuaded to believe this?! Then again, look around!

There was a time when I believed that man was inherently good but the events of this last year have made me reassess that belief. When you look at it logically, again, we have to learn to be, not only good, but to be human/humane. As M. Scott Peak pointed out in The Road Less Travelled series, it is natural to defecate in your pants, but you learn to control it, just as you can learn how to behave and control your emotions and actions.

There are several well known cases of children brought up with animals who adopted the behaviour of the animals. Psychology will also tell you that if language and a host of other ‘human’ behaviours have not been acquired by the age of 7, then the chances of acquiring them after that become slim. It would appear therefore, that there are no inherent instincts or behaviours that make us human and our ‘humanity’ is something that has to be learned. We are animals, whether we like to believe it or not; I was going to say animals with manners, but I don’t think our manners are as good as many other animal species (eg: elephants).  In the face of that, I think we need to show a lot more humility, and a lot less arrogance, about who we think we are and what we know.

M Scott Peck in People of the Lie pointed to laziness as the source of underlying evil in humanity. Being good requires effort, being evil requires no effort at all. Consciousness is that effort and begins early in humans, anyone who has children will remember the three year old who asked why, why, why? We also learn what we are allowed to question and what we are not. If you live in a society where you are forbidden from challenging or asking questions about that society and/or the belief systems you live under, you never develop beyond the psychological boundaries of childhood and mature into full adult consciousness. You remain passive and obedient, mindlessly accepting and believing everything you’ve been told or, at least, pretending to.

Ireland has had one of the hardest lockdowns in the world over the ‘pandemic’ and has been one of the least vocal in speaking out against it and the restrictions. The consciousness of the majority of the population remains undeveloped and immature. Centuries of British rule and the autocracy of the Catholic Church have created a passive and cowardly population. Here in the north, there is an additional factor to that submissiveness.  On the nationalist side, many people still fear Sinn Fein and what they, or their cohorts, might do if they go up against them. The silence against lockdown has been deafening on the nationalist side, a side many would have thought would have been the first to object to having their freedom taken away. But it’s amazing what the Council for Foreign Relations (aka CIA) can buy for €4.6m (Political principles, Ms McDonald?  That’ll do nicely, Mr Haass.) See link below.

There have been several voices of dissent on the Unionist/Protestant side (Sammy Wilson, Van Morrison) which, when you look at history, comes as no surprise. The first ‘Irish rebels’ were Presbyterians, going back to Wolfe Tone in 1798 and, in the Easter Rising, there were many from the Presbyterian tradition initially involved in the fight for freedom and equality. It was only afterwards, on the issue of Home Rule, that the divide opened up across religious grounds, leading to the political division of a mainly Protestant North and a Catholic South. These were the same tactics the British used to divide India from Pakistan and set Muslim against Hindu, and vice versa.

The false humility promoted by ‘Christianity’, along with nationalism/republicanism, has created a culture of victimhood and martyrdom. The nodding assent on display is the result of a population who are not used to thinking for themselves, or questioning authority, or rather the authorities who are supposed to be on their side. Religious, political and community leaders continue to exploit this victimhood mentality to maintain power and control over the masses. (A strategy not confined to Ireland and now being used by the manipulators behind the BLM movement). This is not to say that the Irish haven’t endured some horrific abuses over the centuries and there is a kind courage in bearing suffering that is beyond your control. But none at all, when it is fully within your control as a grown adult.

When it comes to being good or evil, I don’t care if you worship God or Satan.  I do however, believe that both those entities are the excuse many use for a lot of self-righteous hypocrisy and some extremely questionable behaviour. I believe the choice between good and evil is ours and our alone, but it does require consciousness, and that can only be fully achieved with the right support and advice growing up, and begins with observing, thinking and asking questions. People may be able to control your actions at times, and we may not always be allowed to openly question what we are being told, but the majority of us still have the capacity to think, even if we can’t always express those thoughts.

Some believe that we need religion to provide the moral framework for the development of a conscience and that, without religion, people would not be good at all and evil would flourish. I disagree; there are some religions/belief systems that are fairly benign, eg: Buddhism, but the evils committed under Christianity would do Hitler proud and are no guarantee that a person will act morally or from a place of consciousness.  Religion may tell us what to believe but consciousness makes us think.

When we think about evil, we think about the great evils of Stalin or Hitler who as I pointed out in previous posts, never actually killed anyone. As Scott Peck pointed out, there is another low level of evil, within all of us that we need to be aware of and recognise. We would consider breaking a child’s bones an evil act, but would we feel the same about a resentful and jealous parent breaking a child’s spirit? Or what about the overly involved parent, who gives their child everything, as a way of emotionally manipulating the child and sabotaging their autonomy?

Then there are the diabolical horrors committed by humans against each other when in a state of war, or in defence of an ideology. I’m only a couple of chapters into the Gulag Archipelago and I’m appalled to think about the minds that dreamt up the tortures detailed in it. It’s easy to think the perpetrators were psychotic, and I’m sure there were a few psychos among them, but they couldn’t all have been, or maybe the devil made them do it.

As Solzhenitsyn points out in Chapter 4, ‘If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil, cuts through the heart of every human being’.

He acknowledges the potential within himself to do what his tormentors are doing. He wonders how he would behave if his life had taken a different direction, and questions what makes decent men complicit within these types of situations. He concludes that it is because they believe they are doing good and, as the old saying goes, ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions’.

The corruption on display around the world by those in power today could make one think that maybe they are minions of Satan and Old Nick, himself, is running the show. But I’m not convinced.  They say the devil makes work for idle hands but I think it is the weak minded who are most easily led towards corruption.

I don’t know if the Illuminati are a real thing or are just a few deluded celebrities desperately trying to give themselves some ‘street cred’. Illuminati means enlightened and if they really are seeking enlightenment, then they will have difficulty finding it in the vileness that Satan represents. As Jordan Peterson says, ‘truth is the path to true enlightenment’ and truth is the very antithesis of the devil, aka, the Father of Lies. 

The population, at present, are being lied to on a grand scale. The powers behind the lies have been doing this for decades and are well practised in making a lie appear as truth, and the truth, a lie. They use censorship and propaganda to confuse and misdirect us, and people have been manipulated into believing they are doing good by wearing masks, social-distancing and taking ‘vaccines’, without any real scientific truth being presented to validate those claims . Debates rage in families and online regarding the efficacy of these measures and keep us divided and distracted, again.

The only defence against a lie is to consciously seek the truth and be authentic, and that begins with us and us alone. We have within us the power to do good or evil, and recognising and acknowledging our capacity for evil, as well as good, is the first step towards consciousness, and that requires honesty and effort. As we try to navigate our way through the web of lies and deceit that has been created as part of this ‘crisis’, remember the words of Edmund Burke, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing’, so think on.

Apologies forgot to add in the links:



Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Monday, 7 June 2021, 21:19)
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Truth, Trust and Effort

Visible to anyone in the world

Now that the Biden puppet has been installed in the White House, we can see that all the reports and stories of ‘this is going to happen’ or ‘that is going to happen’ were just that, stories. We live in a world of fake news, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies, designed to keep us divided and confused, and making it more and more difficult to find out where the truth lies.  This is not a recent development, they have been doing it, and getting away with it, for decades.

Like the ‘climate change’ fraud, even science cannot be depended upon any more to provide the truth. While the media screams about climate change, the powers behind the media are stomping around the world starting wars to gain control of all the oil, ie: Libya and Iraq, and let’s keep our eyes on the continuing propaganda against Iran. If they were really concerned about the environment, why do they need to control the oil, are we not moving to a ‘greener’ world?

The corruption sadly, is endemic in most governments, corporations and main stream media, and means that we cannot rely on the news to report honestly, or provide us with the truth, or even gives us some context or perspective on it. Instead, the media fuels the fires of fraud and today’s news bears more resemblance to the ‘sad’ story of an X-Factor contestant, playing on the over-hyped emotions of the audience, than an objective reporting of local, national and world events, or real investigative journalism. Something, that has long since died a death in the mainstream.

We are being played, day and daily, and it’s not just the news, television advertising is a constant barrage of the poor, sick and desperate trying to guilt you into parting with your hard earned, to ‘charities’ that pay CEO salaries of £100K per annum. It’s not charity any more, it’s business.

Social media too, is anything but, it is another arm of the corrupt, designed to fuel division and, as I have said many times, while we are down here arguing amongst ourselves and distracted, whether it is over Brexit, BLM or masks, they are sitting back laughing and, usually, making a fortune at our expense.

The worst thing about it is that it is our own governments who are doing this to us. They are engaged in a propaganda war against their own citizens, at the behest of globalist corporations and bankers, to deceive, confuse and repress us. The deceit has been enabled through a web of worldwide corruption that is prepared to use blackmail, black ops, false flags, psyops, propaganda, threats and murder that fuel the interests of this global elite. Is there a government anywhere in the western world who could be trusted now? Our governments do not work for us and have not worked for, or represented our interests, for a long time, our ‘democracy’ is a lie.  As George Carlin remarked, ‘if voting made any difference, it would be illegal’.

However, it is too easy to just blame the government and the media. This last year has been eye-opening; watching people’s reactions to the ‘plandemic’ has been interesting, to say the least, and has revealed a lot about them and the kind of people they are.

The drama queens love it, it makes them feel alive, they get off on all the fear and hype, and just love to talk on the phone with friends about how terrible it all is, emoting at every possible opportunity, over all the ‘poor people who have died’. They can’t get enough of it, especially if they have a ‘vulnerable relative’ who they can be ‘very concerned’ about, self-righteously pontificating that they wear their mask, to ‘protect others’. But even better is if they have an underlying condition that could make them vulnerable too. They’ll have their friends ringing up all the time to check they are ok, because people like this always have friends like them, who love the drama of it all, and who would not miss an opportunity to virtue-signal to the crowd.  But the biggest thrill of all, is if they know someone who has ‘died of covid’, it doesn’t matter that they were 85 with dementia and several co-morbidities, only ‘covid’ counts. They wouldn’t miss the evening news for love or money (well…maybe for money…) feeding like parasitical statisticians on the numbers, for the ghoulish thrill of it all! WOOOOOHH!

Then there are those who are aware that it is all hype, but are playing it to suit themselves, those who can’t come in to work as they are afraid they might get the virus, and they have a ‘vulnerable relative’ or a ‘child with asthma’. The teaching profession is playing this one, big time, helped by the Unions who are using it to play party politics, and GP’s surgeries, who are offloading their work to the Emergency Departments. Each with their own agendas.

Then we have the hypochondriac’s - at last, all their dreams have come true! A deadly virus! A pandemic! They have Contagion on a loop on Netflix, to see what is going to happen next as they run to get tested for the tenth time in a fortnight, taking their temperature daily and googling their symptoms to see if any new ones have been added! Those with Munchausen’s Syndrome are also in this group. (Although, I seriously think the entire pharmaceutical industry and Bill Gates should be checked for Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy. Gates should also be psychologically assessed for a ‘Messiah’ complex too while they’re at it!)

Then there are the merchants of doom, for them it is the end of the world, everything is going to hell, whether it was predicted in the Bible, the Mayan calendar or by Nostradamus, it doesn’t matter, it’s all going to end soon! They are also big into the ‘climate’ crisis or anything that allows them to wallow in the misery of doom, gloom and disaster. Even when confronted with reality, they refuse to acknowledge it. I met one of these in the graveyard a few weeks ago. He struck up a conversation and asked if all the new graves were from covid. I said no, none of them were, as I knew most of them, (the advantages of small town living,) and the majority were just old age and cancer. But he launched into a whole ‘it’s a terrible time for the world, it feels like the end of day’s’ (he must have watched the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie the night before). I remarked that it was pretty bad in World War 2 and we came through that, but he couldn’t be convinced and went on with his doomsday scenarios. I made my excuses and left.

But what he demonstrated is that, like all these types, they like to wallow in their delusions, they prefer the lie and are not really interested in the truth, the truth is too boring, or doesn’t suit the agenda or their own narcissistic viewpoint. They want a truth that feeds into their delusion because to look for the real truth and challenge the narrative would take effort. And even if someone else is making that effort, they ignore it because to question one lie, may mean that they may have to start questioning everything, and that would be too much effort. It might mean standing up to the crowd or their own family, it might make them an outsider, or put them in the firing line for the insult of the moment ‘conspiracy theorist’. It might even mean standing alone, something the majority of people are too terrified to even contemplate doing. It’s much ‘easier’ to just agree with everyone and not even try to think or act for yourself.

I’m reading M Scott Peck’s, Further Along the Road Less Travelled, again, and in it he talks about evil. He goes back to the Genesis story where Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. As he points out, this story is about consciousness, about growing up and, in doing so, how we have to take personal responsibility for our choices. Becoming fully conscious is not an easy thing to do, it usually begins when we enter our teenage years, which is why teenagers can be difficult to deal with, because it is then that they start to question their parents, society and their values and belief systems. This can be especially difficult if they have parents who have never questioned anything and can cause conflict within the family.  Some, courageously, continue on that journey throughout life, whereas many others don’t and bend to the will and expectations of family and society – taking the easy way out, which is basically making the choice between growing up and remaining immature. Scott Peck talks about evil as ultimately being laziness. Adam and Eve were too lazy to engage with God, they made no effort to question or debate why they were not allowed to eat from the tree, which is what a grown up would have done, instead, they took the easy way out and that failure saw them driven out of paradise. 

I see that same laziness in so many around me, the failure to challenge the narrative of the government, the unswerving belief that they, and the BBC, would not lie.  It suits their egos and agendas.  These are the same people who, two years ago, were screaming ‘liar’ at Boris Johnston over Brexit, and now believe every false statement and piece of manipulated data he gives out.  And there is no excuse these days when practically everyone is walking about with internet access in their hand. But that would require an effort of will and it is easier to just bleat along with the crowd and virtue-signal in a public show than to make the effort to actually do some research.

With Joe Biden entering the White House last week, I had a bit of a crisis and considered shutting down the blog. I thought, ‘What’s the point?’ especially now when I can see how deep and widespread the web of deceit is, and how willing my fellow countrymen are to remain tangled in it. I can see that loss of faith online, as well, in the posts from friends on social media. I thought about the number one fan and found that, that too, was just another lie. Like many others, I lost faith and wondered who I could trust and went through a sort of ‘dark night of the soul’. It was not helped by the fact that my most beloved aunt has been lying in a hospital bed for last 6 weeks, after suffering a stroke, and is now in the last days of her life. I have not been able to see her. Her own children were not even allowed in, due to covid restrictions. Where has our compassion and humanity gone, that the dying are denied the comfort of having their family around them?

I look at what we have become in the space of a few months and I despair. I will never again wonder at how Nazi Germany happened, at how ordinary men and women took part in some of the most heinous acts against their fellow man. I have seen it unfold in front of me every day, not to those extremes, yet, but I have no doubt about how easily it could change, when I see calls for quarantine camps for those who refuse to be vaccinated, or for them to be refused medical treatment, work or entry into shops.  Egged on, as ever, with a daily diet of propaganda, spoon-fed to the masses by corrupt politicians, and a corrupt and complicit media.

However, I got over myself and decided to continue with the blog, it is important to me and there are quite a few people reading it every day. I’m still not sure why I bother maybe, I’m just ‘thran’ as they say here or maybe, I just want to annoy the self-righteous, I sure seem to piss them off a lot. But I have decided to put my faith in a higher power, whatever that is, trust myself and, it feels like the right thing to do. The search for truth was never more important than it is now and even if I get it wrong at times, or make a complete fool of myself, which seems to bother other’s around here more than it bothers me, at least, I will be able to look my granddaughters in the eye and say that ‘Yes, I stood up for freedom, I made the effort’. Will you?

If this insanity is to end, (if anal swabs and triple mask don’t start to wake you up, then you are beyond help) then it is up to us to end it, no-one is coming to save us, and if you keep ‘going along to get along’, then you are sleepwalking into a totalitarian technocracy and dragging the rest of us with you.  You can stick your head in the sand, keep feeding off the drama and fear, indulging your ego and narcissism, or you can make the effort; research, call out the lies, make a stand, if not for freedom, then, at least, for common sense and a proportional response. Scott Peck says that good mental health is ‘dedication to reality, at all costs’. It isn’t easy to do what you know is right, it may be painful, you may find you are alone, friends and members of your own family may turn against you. But, there are bigger issues here and the time is rapidly approaching when we may all need to grow up fast and start taking responsibility for what is going on. The future of humanity may depend on it and your children and grand-children may thank you someday, the choice is yours.

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Friday, 12 Feb 2021, 14:44)
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Star Wars, Serendipity and Truth

Visible to anyone in the world

Every family has their own Christmas traditions and, in my house, Christmas isn’t Christmas without Star Wars, so I watched the 3 original films again over the holidays, which are, of course, still the best. Little did I think when I sat in the Commodore Cinema, back in the day, watching Star Wars for the first time, that in my lifetime I would see the rise of an evil empire bent on world domination and control. As the globalist bankers, business men and their political puppets come with their vaccine to ‘save’ the world while simultaneously stripping us of our rights, freedoms and health and making a tidy profit for themselves, I can only thank God these people don’t have the ability to travel across the universe. Mind you, I would certainly be in favour of loading them on to a rocket and sending them to a galaxy far, far away.

Christmas is a religious holiday, usurped from the pagans, (if it happened now, you could call it cultural appropriation and start a row about it!) and I would not have considered myself a religious person, although a nephew once remarked that Star Wars isn’t a film in my house, it is a religion. You could do worse, I suppose, than aim to be a Jedi and how cool would it be to have a light sabre? Although, at the present time, I’d happily settle for a Kalashnikov.

Anyway, getting back to religion, I had started to re-read M Scott Peck’s, The Road Less Travelled again. This happened by accident, I was reading Moby Dick on my Kindle at lunchtime at work, and I went to check a note but couldn’t get back to the page I was on, and ended up on a page in the Road Less Travelled on a chapter on religion. In the passage, the author was talking about patients who do not claim to be religious and pointed out that they are, ‘You have a religion…a rather profound one. You worship the truth’. This struck me, maybe it was a serendipitous moment (the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for) or maybe it was just a coincidence, but I gave it some thought and had to agree, truth is my religion which is probably why I am at odds with so many and always have been. When I look around me, I see too many who question nothing and it’s not even that they believe everything they are told, but they pretend to ‘belief’ because it is too much work to act and think independently, and it is much easier to just bleat along with the crowd.  I also realised that not only do I worship at the altar of truth, but on each side of that altar there is a pillar, one to context and the other to perspective, 3 elements that are sadly missing in the cv19 spectacle being played out across the world in the web of lies, deceit, cowardice and fearmongering.

Over Christmas, I was also speaking to someone I hadn’t seen in a while, and who travels a lot for work, especially to China. I won’t say who they are or how I know them, but they were in the Shanghai area in June 2019, and told me that everyone was sick with a respiratory flu. They were unable to meet the boss of the company they were visiting, as the man was so ill he had to go to the hospital for injections to help him breathe. Is there anyone else out there who was in China in 2019 and had a similar experience or knows anyone who did? With all the debates raging over lockdowns and masks, we have taken our eye off the ball regarding the origins of this ‘virus’ and it is a question that still needs to be answered, especially since the residents of Wuhan were able to go out and party on New Year’s eve while we were all locked down.

I still maintain I had this back in January of 2019 and my mother in July 2019, more so now since hearing this. My mother was ill for weeks and the cough she had took months to get rid of, and she is 84 years of age and has diabetes, and survived it. That could explain why I’ve been able to walk around without a mask, travel across the UK and neither me nor anyone I have had contact with has been ill. 2 members of my family circle had mild symptoms (loss of taste and smell for a few days) and that was it.  Maybe we have passed on our immunity. And talking about immunity, where are all the thousands who had it and recovered? Are they still wearing masks or are they spreading their immunity around? If you already had it, you should not need a vaccine or mask either, as you should have immunity now.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Friday, 8 Jan 2021, 13:02)
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Edited by Aideen Devine, Sunday, 15 Mar 2020, 08:56

I was at a birthday party yesterday in our local Playstations, apparently, they had 5 cancellations just this weekend for parties. The panic is ongoing and when we were talking about it afterwards I realised, I don't even know anyone with the virus.

According to the news, there are 20 cases in Northern Ireland. But no one knows who or where they are so if you feel the panic rising, just ask yourself that question, do you actually know anyone with the virus or who has died from the virus? Deaths have been announced on the news but they are always lacking detail, there are no names or identifying details or grieving relatives, it's just something like 'an elderly person with an underlying heath condition'.

Northern Ireland isn't a very big place and when something major happens there is usually someone who knows who was involved, where they live etc. and have it up on Facebook. But not a word on this one, apart from one GAA footballer.

The other thing about it is, what if the coronavirus is present in a certain percentage of the population all the time anyway, like meningitis, and having it is not necessarily something to worry about.  M Scott Peck in his book, The Road Less Travelled makes a point about meningitis - Ask any physician, what causes meningococcal meningitis and the instant response will be, "Why, the meningococcus, of course." However, If this winter I were to make daily cultures of this bacterium from the throats of the inhabitants of the small village in which I make my home, I would discover it living there at some point in approximately nine out of ten people. Yet no one in my little village has suffered from meningococcal meningitis for many years, nor is likely to do so this winter. -

This came to mind yesterday when I was looking at a few videos online and there was one with a girl who had tested positive for the virus but was fine and had no fever or other symptoms. Now, I'm not a doctor or a virologist so I don't know the full facts about the virus but until I actually know someone with it, I will carry on as usual.

They other thing about it is, being highly skeptical of everything we are being told in the world of fake news, wars and terrrorist attacks, I'm wondering what is going on behind the scenes while we are all being distracted with coronavirus? Maybe nothing but....keep your eyes, ears and mind open just in case.

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Common Humanity

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 15:08

X Factor, Jeremy Kyle, The Only Way Is Essex, Made in Chelsea, Jersey/Geordie Shore, what do these programmes all have in common? 

The answer: they all seek to reduce the value of human beings in order to provide ‘entertainment’ and I use that term very lightly because I don’t find any of them in the least entertaining. 

I don’t watch X Factor, I did once, back at the beginning when everyone was talking about it, just to see what it was about. I tuned in one Sunday morning when the repeat showing of the auditions was on and this is the reason why I have never watched it since. A young man came out to sing and it became obvious, very quickly, that he did not have talent as a singer but the disturbing thing about watching it was that this young man was what we term ‘special needs’. Sharon Osbourne was the only one to show him any humanity as the rest of them fed off his confusion and humiliation. I felt physically ill watching it and haven't watched it since then. 

I say confusion because I later learned from someone who, when at music college, had been encouraged by her friends to enter the auditions which were being held locally. She told me about the process of turning up, being left outside for hours, being ushered into a booth to sing and then told to come back for the next audition or not. A few weeks later she went through the same process again, but something about the whole set up did not feel right so she did not go back for the third audition, this is the process you go through before you get to stand up and sing before the ‘judges’. So, in the case of the young man, if he had come through that process, then he was merely being used as fodder with no regard to his humanity and that is fine, up to a point, if you are fully aware of what is happening, or why you are standing there, but he didn’t. 

I have seen some of the Jeremy Kyle show, another foul piece of programming which, again, takes human beings under the guise of ‘helping’ them in order to turn their lives into a public spectacle. I have never seen TOWIE, or Jersey/Geordie Shore but I did see them advertised in a friends house one day and from the talk at work, this confirmed everything I had deduced about them, well, let’s face it, you wouldn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out.  I did also see about 15 minutes of Made in Chelsea one time, another piece of garbage television and, quite frankly, 15 minutes was about 14 minutes too long. 

The ‘scripted reality’, (a contradiction in terms to begin with) of these shows is television at it’s laziest, as it relies on reducing humanity to their lowest common denominator. The spectacle they hope to create is every bit as nauseating and disturbing as the events that used to take place in the Roman Coliseum. It was interesting that Anders Breivik talked about having to stop thinking about the people he was going to shoot as human beings in order to carry out his slaughter. The same thing happened under the Nazis in Germany and throughout the conquest of places like Ireland, Africa, the Americas and the Antipodes. In order to hurt, humiliate or kill other humans they had to be regarded as not fully human, or not as evolved, their value reduced, their worth regarded as being less than another's.

There are many ways we reduce our humanity, we do it by drinking too much, eating too much, taking drugs, being physically, psychologically and/or verbally abusive, allowing ourselves to use or be used sexually, or for monetary gain. We also do it by grouping people into social hierarchies like the class system or the caste system. We do it by labelling people with derogatory descriptions likes chavs or the ‘n’ word, (I loathe that word in particular, and physically cannot say it, so I won’t write it either) or claiming that the church someone attends is better than those of another faith. But the real reduction is when we deliberately pick on those who don’t have the skills or the intellect to understand what is being done to them, because in seeking to reduce them, we also reduce ourselves.  

I didn’t get off to a very good start in life and from there it went rapidly downhill, which explains why I am doing Open University at my age. This is not an exercise in blame, the reality of the situation was that my parents were ill-prepared for the task of parenting. I was too, which of course I didn’t realise until I became a parent, but luckily enough I was blessed with a certain intellect and realised how inadequate I was and so set about trying to acquire some skill in the area, which is why I believe it should be part of the school curriculum. 

There were also other events which over the years contributed to the de-valuing of me as a human being and left me with no sense of self-worth. Then twelve years ago, I hit a crisis point, one of a few over the years but the one where I finally started to turn it around. Since then I have been on this spiritual journey which regular readers (yes, you two, I’m giving you a mention today) would know, as I’ve mentioned it before, and since then I have done a lot of work to raise my sense of worth. By that I do NOT mean that I now have high self-esteem, because self-esteem leads to a large ego and an overblown sense of your value, what I have now is self-love and self-respect which are basically the same thing. I am not any more valuable than any other human being on this planet but neither am I of any LESS value than any other human being on this planet. And this is true for everyone whether you believe you were created by God or whether you believe your existence here is the result of the evolutionary process alone (for me personally they are one and the same thing).  And when I see something on television like the Jeremy Kyle show then, I think, ‘there but for the Grace of God go I’, because if I had not been blessed with the gifts of intellect and understanding (and I don’t mean that to sound like I know it all, every day is another learning experience) I might never have reached the place where I am today. Which by the way, I didn’t do all on my own, I did it with God/Universe’s help and help from other people. I also read and thought a lot about things and, on that note, for anyone in need of some good advice or who maybe doesn’t have much of a sense of their value as a human being, I  would highly recommend ‘The Road Less Travelled by M, Scott Peck. This book was an invaluable source of help and I would also recommend the follow up ‘ Further Along the Road Less Travelled’.   

The degradation of humanity is usually the first step on the road to tyranny as history has shown us and something we always need to be aware of.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Monday, 15 Oct 2012, 23:29)
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