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Same BS, different issue!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 3 Mar 2022, 10:30

With the beginning of Lent, I am doing another media detox. Perfectly timed to avoid the latest onslaught of propaganda now aimed at Russia with covid miraculously disappearing from sight.

Can you see the pattern now?

·         Fake issue whipped up to hysterical levels by the media,

·         Self-righteous virtue-signalling by ‘celebrities’ and the sheep bleating along on social media

·         Gesture politicking in sport (football/Formula 1 etc.)

·         The castigation and ostracising of anyone who disagrees or questions what is going on, although few have dared to disagree publicly yet, even GB News have joined in all things anti-Putin.

·         Collections and donations from you to help the afflicted and given to whoever because they will never have to account for what they collect.

All designed and managed by the global ‘elites’ in their war against humanity to control all the energy, resources, information/knowledge, food and population in their relentless march towards their New World Order/Great Reset, where you will be monitored and watched 24/7 by AI. Your rights and freedom will be just a distant memory as the bankers, corporations, Bilderburgers and Schwabs of this world keep you safe (under their thumb/jackboot?), where you will own nothing and be happy, whether you want to be or not! And where they will own everything and be much happier because the rules they impose on you, do not apply to them.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 3 Mar 2022, 16:26)
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Never-ending Fear

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Life is full of endings, people come and go as we move through life, get married, have children, move house, change jobs and lives diverge into separate paths and futures.

We have a tendency to believe more in happy endings which probably stems from a life of watching movies and reading fiction, where everything works out in the end, everyone lives happily ever after, most of the time: the estranged child and parent make peace, the parted lovers finally get it together, the evil corporation is made to pay and the villain is brought to justice. If only life were so simple.

The last two years have seen the ending of a lot of things we took for granted, friendships that we thought would last forever have been broken beyond repair. Friends and acquaintances, who we once thought of as liberal and open-minded, turned into strangers/fascists overnight, parroting the propaganda pumped out by the media in their campaign of terror against the population that those who dared to disagree with the narrative should be ‘expelled from all society, rounded up into camps or forcibly jabbed’. All concerns about bodily autonomy, or human rights, forgotten, or pushed aside, and their conscience ignored, leaving behind a bitter aftertaste.

With the ending of restrictions for some and, hopefully, the end of this particular bout of insanity, we should take some time and reflect on our actions and behaviour. We should also review the information we were given, and by whom, and question as to why the ‘scientist’s’ got is so wrong, and why did the government continue to listen to them and enact policy on that basis. Why does government policy appear to be based on the latest media hysteria and not on logic or actual evidence? Computer models can only provide information from the data that has been inputted and if the data is flawed, then the results will be flawed too.

Sadly, the misery inflicted by covid is still not enough for the globalists who are now doing their utmost to start a war with Russia. (The lunatics are still running the asylum) This is something they have been trying to do for many years and have created the fake ‘threatened invasion’ of Ukraine along with the false flag attack on a nursery school. Although, no one mentions the invasion of Ukraine by western forces which remains largely ignored by the media,(or the fascism in Canada) as they gather on the border with Russia, or is it only an invasion when it is done by those not on the side of the corporate and banking cartels? Who exactly is threatening who? Is it also a coincidence that Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, have been involved in a lot of dirty dealings in Ukraine, the details of which, and contents of the latter’s laptop, again largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Fortunately, most people are not swallowing the lies which you can see from the comments on news articles. People are waking up and seeing through the propaganda and realise that much of what they were told and believed were lies constructed to further the interests of the global ‘elite’, as they like to think of themselves. The question is, can we stop this? We have the mainstream media pumping out the hype as they did with covid and everything now comes with a large dose of hysterical over-reaction. We can’t even have a bit of winter weather without warnings of ‘threat to life!’  But the biggest threat to life and a bit of peace, is the government, their corporate and banking masters and the hysterical media. Just look at this news article - How would a nuclear war between the US and Russia play out? (msn.com)  – it is complete insanity.

Thankfully, most people are ignoring the hype and aren’t really taking it seriously and who can blame them. We are all tired after covid, and I, for one, am sick of the constant fearmongering. Why can we not be left to live our too short lives in peace? Most people do not want 10 houses or billions in the bank, no one needs billions but think how much good those billions could do if they were put to good use and managed differently or used to really improve our lives. What most of us want is to be left in peace, to get a fair days pay for a fair days work, to be able to enjoy time with our families and friends, have the odd holiday and follow our leisure interests or hobbies without this never ending harassment. It really isn’t a lot to ask but still we cannot be left in peace. When and where will this nonsense end?

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Death and the Apocalypse?

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 10 Apr 2023, 19:10

My mother passed away just over two weeks ago, thanks in no small part to Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and the National Death…sorry ‘Health’ Service. I’m the first to admit she had an underlying condition, Type 2 diabetes but she was far from the grave, as the consultant said, when she was first admitted and, yet, that is exactly where she is now.

When admitted, after blacking out at home and collapsing, she was diagnosed with pericarditis, (there’s a lot of it and myocarditis going around, and organ failure) then they found blood clots in her lungs. So, in trying to manage the balance of fluids in and fluids out, she was in for several weeks as mentioned in the previous post.

She was so depressed they decided to send her home and treat her in the community. She had also suffered a mini stroke which initially affected her speech, but rectified itself within a few days but her short term memory was slightly affected. She was due to go home the Monday before Christmas. On the Saturday night, the Ward Manager decided she would move her to another Ward, (her fifth or sixth move, I’m not sure, I lost count) against the orders of the consultant that she wasn’t to be moved. She had been in a 4 bed ward and was moved to a single room in the new wing of the hospital, which has been built in preparation for the switch to private care, although no one will admit it publicly yet. She woke about six o’clock in the morning needing to use the bathroom. What happened next, remains unclear, no one knows if she called for assistance or tried to go herself but, if she did, no one came as they were all on their tea-break. She was found lying on the floor afterwards with a broken hip and, from there, went downhill rapidly. I cannot even begin to describe how completely sickened I was on getting that news on the Sunday morning, or how angry. She was in so much pain, they couldn’t leave her so they did a hip replacement on Christmas Eve.

Her mental state before the fall, and afterwards, was masked by the morphine she was on for the pain but she didn’t improve when they took her off it. I wonder now if she suffered another or several small strokes, or maybe it was the 15 different medications that were being pumped into her per day on an empty stomach. With the rules around visits, I didn’t see her for the first 7 weeks of her stay, but was able to see her when she was in Ward 44, and Ward 22, after the fall, but did not see her after the operation until she got home. The decline was shocking. She finally got home on 6 January, a pale shadow of the woman she had been a mere 13 weeks previously – physically unable to walk or stand, and at least 2 stone lighter. Mentally, it was as if the lights had gone out, her emotional connections were broken. She passed away peacefully on 17 January, after slipping into unconsciousness the day before - a small consolation after three months of hell.

There was a surge in deaths in our town after Christmas from strokes, heart attacks and sudden onset organ failure. But because most of them were elderly, or over 60, no one is going to even bother to investigate. Maybe some of them would have happened anyway, but even the local priest spoke out about the unprecedented numbers and is strongly anti-CV jabs, even if his church isn’t. But as I keep pointing out, these jabs are not vaccines, they are m-RNA gene therapy, and no one is even bothering to ask where they are getting the RNA from. Is it from animals, aborted foetuses or is it synthetic? No one can think straight with all the hysteria and the media just keep pumping out the fear and propaganda.

It has been a strange two years and feels even more surreal now, the world before wasn’t perfect but God, I miss it. The world now is in an absolute mess, engineered, of course, by the powers behind the political puppets so that they can implement the Great Reset. I’m sure all the anti-Trumpers are delighted with Joe, what a great president, driving the US into the worst economic and social mess in history, and now trying to start a war with Russia – good luck with that one!

And over here we have ‘partygate’. The absurdity of it all, they partied, unafraid and uncaring, while you masked, distanced and volunteered yourself as a guinea pig for the pharmaceutical industry. Granny was left to die alone as mass hysteria and lunacy swept over the population. Common sense forgotten in the midst of it all and the most basic questions regarding facts and scientific evidence, not even asked, as humanity lost their minds and their humanity.

My family like many others have been fractured by this, you would have thought the loss of my mother would have brought them together and started a healing process but unfortunately not. Those in thrall to the medical profession refuse to even discuss the possibility that they were duped, it’s hard to reason with those who are screaming hysterically, or maybe they are now so afraid of what may be ahead for them, as they are all jabbed, that they dare not believe they have been used, or that their own government could set them up like this.

My mother’s cousin is still in hospital and suffering from what can only be described as derangement. Yet, the doctors can find nothing physically wrong with her. If they performed a D-dimer test they might find an answer.

They are pushing hard now to get rid of Boris, maybe he isn’t fascist enough for the puppet masters or maybe he has served his usefulness and they don’t need him for the next stage of the plan, it all feels a bit engineered doesn't it. The pattern is becoming more obvious, create a crisis, get the media to whip it up to hysteria levels and then magically present the solution.

The FOI request made by GB News reveals that 17,500 people died with ‘Covid’ alone. Which is about 3k less than a normal flu year and the average age was 82.5 years, one year above the national average, and let’s not even get started on the figures for the monumental waste of our money on PPE or Nightingale Hospitals.

With truckers across the world joining those in Canada in staging protests, it feels like it is the beginning of the end of the insanity, although lunatics like Trudeau and Ardern are holding fast and threatening to be even more fascist. Will humanity prevail? I’m not sure because it feels as if something profound has been lost and, as my mother was hastened to her death, so I feel that humanity has been hastened to their demise. 

Back in the 1960’s, John Calhoun conducted experiments with mice by building them a Utopian society where all their needs were met. Initially, there was an explosion in the population, but the population never reached its potential maximum and eventually tapered off and died. He tried the experiment with many other animals and the outcome was always the same and followed the same pattern; the societies grew and then collapsed. Looking at where we are now, between the ‘woke’ but not awake hysteria, and the destruction wrought by covid, I predict that within thirty years we, in the west, will be living like Romanians were in the 1950’s. While Calhoun’s experiments are taken as a possible demonstration of what happens with over-population, I took from it that it was more a warning about the dangers of a universal income and what would happen in a society when all the needs are met without any effort. We have the ‘snowflake/woke’ generation at present, who have never known want or poverty, and the same patterns seem to be evolving. I have included a link to interviews with Dr Calhoun and would encourage you to learn more about his experiments. Then look around you at our present society and see if you can draw parallels.

But whatever the future holds for us, the road ahead is not going to be smooth, all I can advise is to sharpen up your survival skills and stock your cupboards. I think the worst is yet to come especially if the lunatics are intent on war with Russia.

But in the midst of all the gloom, there is one bit of good news, Mark Zuckerberg lost millions this week when Facebook/Metaverse stock took a big hit. Apparently, Facebook has peaked and is hemorrhaging users/viewers like the mainstream media. It seems life through a screen has lost its attraction and when you censor and shut down your own customers/products, what do you expect?  Like David Aames, it seems people want to live a real life. Here’s to hoping they will be able or allowed to.


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Saturday, 5 Feb 2022, 19:59)
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Abide(n) with me, fast falls the eventide, the darkness deepens…

So, the Biden puppet has been installed in the stolen election, and democracy and the will of the people usurped. Mind you, they’ve been doing this for years, it’s just becoming more obvious now and, as George Carlin remarked, if voting really made any difference, they wouldn’t let you do it and it would be illegal.

So, what comes next? Well, it could play out a number of ways. Biden will be retired early on ‘health’ grounds and Kamala will take over. Who will she name as her VP? Probably Hilary Clinton and then Kamala will meet with either a tragic ‘accident’ or some ‘lone assassin’s bullet, and President Clinton 2 will take the helm, and then the fun and games will really begin. First, on the agenda, there will probably be an upscaling of the war with Syria and then Iran. Then, maybe, with the support of China, North Korea will go down and China might just take South Korea too, while they’re at it. Look out Vietnam, Cambodia et al, the sleeping tiger is about to wake up and show the world their teeth.

Will China and the globalists/bankers then join forces and go after Russia? We shall see, but if you have relatives in any of these places, I’d tell them to make plans to leave, just in case.

Earth's joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;

On the plandemic front, it will play out one of two ways. Either it will all magically disappear now that puppet Joe is installed, or it will be a full lockdown and mandatory vaccines for the US and no travel for anyone unless your fully vaxxed, tracked, traced and masked.

Funny, New Zealand declared themselves covid free yesterday and all restrictions lifted. Could this just be a massive coincidence that on the day Biden is declared the winner, covid disappeared, just like that - Poof!

However, the question for us is, will Brexit still happen, or will it be stolen too? Will Boris bottle it or do what he was voted in to do? Interesting times ahead, get your popcorn ready for the show of the century, it could be nuclear! And isn’t inauguration day going to be fun this time around!

And for all the anti-Trumpers out there who are feeling all self-righteous and smug today (who cares about democracy?) remember that in the days to come…

Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. 

Reveal the truth and expose the traitors lies

Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;

In life, in truth, O Lord, abide with me

 Anyway, here’s a link to the late great George Carlin, enjoy!


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Monday, 4 Jan 2021, 21:59)
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Letters to the Paper Round 3

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Well, I waited in anticipation for their response in the hope that we could get this debate going but this was it under the banner - Hard to know who to believe

In response to last week’s letter – Respected doctors, scientist, epidemiologist and virologist with decades of study, research and practical experience behind them or someone who has spent six months watching Youtube videos.

It’s hard to know who to believe these days.

That was it, so this was my response -

The NCR still cannot put forward any argument to support masks, lockdowns or restrictions and can only demonstrate the same arrogance with their empty rhetoric and sarcastic comments. They talk about doctors, scientists and epidemiologists but cannot offer the name of one or cite their work.  So, here’s a few for them to look up – Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Judy Mikovits Phd in Virology, Dr Rashid Bhuttar or any of the 640 German Doctors who recently spoke out against the WHO narrative, Covid 19 and their government as part of a global scam.

I would especially recommend watching the interview with Dr Mikovits on the London Real site and there is also a very interesting interview with Robert Kennedy Jr, son of the late Senator Bobby Kennedy and Chairman of the Children’s Health Defence, especially, if you have a child with autism.

I could name many more but I’m sure that the NCR won’t even bother to check them out  because even a few hours of ‘honest’ research would reveal glaring contradictions and discrepancies in the narrative being pumped out by the media and the government.

And if they are trying to work out who to believe, here are a few questions for the NCR to ask as they try to work out where the truth lies:

1 What is being said? 

2 Who is saying it?

3 WHY are they saying it?

4 Where is the evidence

5 How do you know it is where or who they say it is?  Can it be verified by an independent body or person or someone you know is reliable?

6 And this is probably the most important one - Is there anything else going on in background that they may be trying to distract you from? 

On the advice of the late great Carl Sagan, I try to ‘critically interrogate’ everything I am being told and when things don’t add up, I apply the scientific principle of ‘Occams Razor’ - when there are two competing narratives, the simplest explanation is probably the truest - and when it comes to politics (and health) the answer is usually money.

And coincidentally, back in March, in the world of financial trading, there was a lot happening. The west was/is bankrupt and was heading for another financial crash. The Saudi's and the Russians’ wanted to dump the petrodollar as the world’s trading currency. They fell out for a while about it which was why the price of oil went down but Russia was in the best position to take it over.  Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gadaffi had proposed this before and we all know what happened to them. 

So, financial trading was going to change from petrodollars to whoever had a currency, and the wealth. to back it, the US, at that point, had a budget deficit of 1.3 trillion dollars, whereas Russia had no debt, lots of gold, natural resources and oil.  So, this is why, I think, we are where we are - the Globalist don't like that they have lost their hegemony and then along came Covid 19, just in time, to save the day.  

So, we are being frogmarched towards the financial reset, the ‘new normal’ a cashless society where they can wipe out their debt with a bit of computer wizardry but not your debt, and we are all going to be paying for it, us, our children and our grandchildren.

Then again, maybe I am wrong, but coincidentally, last month, the Belarusian President said that the IMF and the World Bank offered him $940million to impose extreme lockdown on his people in the form of Covid Relief Aid. I wonder why?

So, now, I think, the question has to be asked, have any of our political parties received money from the IMF or the World Bank to impose ‘lockdown’? Maybe the NCR could tell us or will I see what I can find on Youtube?

But this letter wasn't printed, so the right of response has been denied by the editor of the paper, who I strongly suspect is the NCR. As well as editing the paper, he also has a column and the style and tone of writing is very similar. This week's paper was full of the fear-mongering again, with reports of a rise in cases so I don't think my letter would have fitted in with the narrative or the hysteria they were trying to generate. But I'll wait and see, maybe they were short of room and it might be in this week. However, right at the beginning of this, I sent a letter is which is on the blog, and it wasn't printed and very probably for the same reasons.

Here is a link to an article on the Belarussian claim, this has been reported on other sites too. And just as a note to this, there are ongoing demonstrations now in Belarus against the President, and reports in August of an attempted coup, link to that story below as well.



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A Life Lived in Fear...

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Sunday, 12 July 2020, 14:03

'Blessed be the fruit' 

'May the Lord open'

A greeting by way of the Handmaids Tale because yesterday in Lidl, I thought that was where I had walked into. 

Lidl have brought in 'fascists' to police the checkout. (it would be too easy to go the nazi route but if there is a lesson from history here, this is how it starts) These people aren't local and I have no idea who they are or where they came from, maybe they were shipped in from Area 51F! But, they are here now and you better do what they tell you or you could be in trouble!!

I was in Lidl last Monday, I have holidays to use up before the end of the year so, there I was in the queue, talking to the guy in front of me about the 'corona' crisis.  No instruction on where to stand, just chatting with a friendly stranger.  I was in again on Wednesday and the floor of the checkout was marked out in metres so you had to stand a metre away from the customer in front, but since there was no one there, I was able to go straight to the front, although the 'fascist' started handing out orders to the people coming behind me. I was about to say, I don't mind where they stand but my goods were through so, I thought, 'leave it' and left.

Yesterday, a new fascist was in charge. I was in with number 2 son and number 1 grand-daughter.  I was only getting one item and so I was first up to the checkout. The guy in front of me was from one of our local shops where I regularly buy petrol and I have had brief conversations with him in the course of paying for my purchases. I was about to speak to him, just a friendly hello to a familiar face when the voice behind said. 'Would you mind standing back here' So, I replied 'Actually, I would' and turned back around. Then the conversation started, 

Fascist - 'The PHA has ordered people to stand 2 metres apart', 

Me - 'Well, it was only a metre the other day'.

Fascist - 'The store policy is 2 metres to stop the virus spreading,

Me - 'How many people do you know with the virus' - this threw her for a second.

Fascist - 'There's people dying everywhere',

Me - 'Really? Where? Have you seen them? Do you actually know anyone with the virus?'

Fascist - 'You need to open your eyes and look'

Me - 'Well, you tell me where they are, and I'll look' - she walked off at this point to harass more customers. 

So, Lidl just lost one of their best customers for I will not be back.

I am not the least concerned about this virus, if I get it, I get it, if I die, I die. And the reason why I don't really care is because, if this is the world we are going to be living in for the foreseeable future, no theatre, no cinema, no art, no badminton, no public gatherings, no thinking for yourself, no holidays, no freedom of movement, then quite frankly, I'll take my chances with the virus because I would prefer to 'live on my feet than die on my knees'.  And if this is the 'end of the world', then I'm not going down without a fight and I am not going to spend, what maybe my last few months on earth, cowering in my house, clutching a jumbo pack of toilet roll and crying into my pot noodle!

The other reason why I am not going to stop talking to people is that I have lived a life in fear, I have lived in states of chronic terror for many years, and then one day I decided, I will not live like this again. That is not to say, I don't feel afraid at times, I do, but I do not let it stop me from living.  

Back in the 60's, when I was very, very young, I encountered my first moment of large scale 'terrorise the people'. I was brought up Catholic, so every other week it was 'you'll burn in hell for all eternity, you worthless sinner'. Quickly followed by 'the Russians want to take over the world and turn us all into Atheists' (Yayyy! I thought) Next was, 'the world is heading into another ice age, we won't be able to grow food and millions will starve and your children, if you even survive long enough to have any, will have to go and live in Africa' or at the very least, somewhere warm. Which added another layer of terror, because we knew Africa was in no state to support us as we were sending money out to them every week for the 'black babies'. 

Then the real terror started, 'the Troubles', and we were locked down into 30 years of state and community terror.  And believe me, the community terror was the really scary one!  

After that, we rolled into the 80's and the Russians were back with a vengeance, only this time it was the big one, NUCLEAR WAR!!! Yes, those pesky Russians didn't want to take over the world any more, (apparently, there had been a change of plan by the Politburo) Oh no, now they wanted to annihilate it, well not all of it, just the Western bits where we lived, 'because they were jealous of capitalism and wanted to destroy it!'  But, just as we were all about to build a bunker in the back yard, the Berlin wall fell and we all lived happily ever after....sorry...I must have dozed off. 

Then there was the virus, the Aids virus and HIV, if you had sex with someone who had it you could die!! And not only that you could have it for 15 years before it even showed itself which meant you could have it already and be passing it around to anyone you slept with and you would all dieeee!! But the numbers didn't quite hit the predictions and let's face it, you're not going to stop people having sex, and it seemed to be confined more to gay men and Africa and if you wore a condom you would be ok and that was the end of that.

So, we hit the 90's and we had nothing to fear, and we were all running about enjoying ourselves, some people were going to raves which almost became a 'national crisis', people were selfish then and having far too much fun, so they had to think of something to terrorise the people with once again to keep them down so that they could be manipulated and controlled...and what better terror than the 'climate', but it couldn't be another ice age because they had tried that in the 60's and it didn't pan out so they would have to try a different tack this time. And they did, 'global warming', yes, that was it, you weren't going to freeze to death this time,(OH NOOO!) this time you were going to roast to death, the sea levels were going to rise by 100metres (later reduced to 20 metres, apparently someone forgot to put in a decimal point or something) and if you didn't drown, then your country would be transformed into a desert and you wouldn't be able to grow food and millions would starve etc (see 1960's) only you couldn't move somewhere cooler because there was nowhere cooler to go!

But those early global warming terrors didn't really have a big impact, people said they would plant more trees and look after the environment better and were happy to pay 4 quid for a light bulb they used to pay 60p for (me) and people started to reminisce about the hippie movement, all that peace, love and harmony and started talking about world peace and why can't we all just get along sort of stuff. So, that was the end of that and a new terror was needed.

As the 20th century drew to a close, with what looked like was going to be the 'party of the century', another new scare arrived. Well, they couldn't allow fun on that sort of scale so next up was the Y2K scare. Apparently, Bill Gates or someone forgot to programme the computers to change at the end of 1999 to 2000, and all sorts of mayhem was going to ensue. Since almost everything had a 'chip' of some kind, everything was going to fail, planes were going to fall from the sky, everything was going to break down and the world was going to be plunged back into the stone age! There was a couple who tried to warn us all, they had built a bunker, moved out of the city and had a larder that would shame today's hoarders! And what happened?  Well. nothing actually, the computers just changed to 2000 and everything still worked and everybody had a great night out or in. I heard the couple later divorced, very quietly, without any publicity.

So, with that loss of credibility, people started to enjoy themselves again and that could never be allowed so a new terror was needed. It would have to be something big, something spectacular that hadn't been tried before, at least not in our lifetime, because they had to restore faith in the voices of doom and gloom so George Bush's puppet masters got together with Mossad and the CIA and they came up with the mother of all terrorist attacks -The Twin Towers - and since they controlled most of the media, they were able to control the narrative and a new terror was born, a muslim with a stanley knife!  Ta da!  Yes, those terrible Arabs (or eh-rabs as they call them in the good old US of A!) had destroyed the Twin Towers because they were jealous of us and our capitalism - see 1980's Russians also, see The Crusades - etc, etc...So, they invaded Iraq, decimated the country and the population with their depleted uranium bombs, all in an effort to bring them peace, freedom and capitalism, and the West took their oil in return. They wrecked Libya too, tried to wreck Afghanistan but the Taliban had already done that so they just fouttered about for a few years and managed to wrest control of some areas from them but it's all still a bit dodgy. 

So, as the new century progressed, they managed to fake a few more 'muslim' events and then the Democrats came to power and needed money so Al Gore got out his pencil, 'global warming' became 'climate change' and another new terror was born - well actually it was an old one revamped - and again the sea levels were going to rise, we'd all drown, and generally, we were all doomed...again..and Leonardo DiCaprio stopped shagging 18 year old's on his yacht and bought a Prius...well, no, actually, he just bought a Prius and paraded his green credentials by driving it to the Oscars which distracted from all the young girls partying on his yacht.

And then because none of Al's predictions had come true they needed a new 'messiah' and an uneducated teenager with a learning disability was roped in by her unscrupulous parents to ramp the fear up again and Extinction Rebellion was born too, to harass the poor old working man trying to go about his business. But then because of the internet (THANK GOD!) people were questioning the lies and propaganda, but then Australia had a big fire which helped to ramp up the fear again but then winter arrived, the Aussies had a lot of rain and so, the fear of a 'world on fire' sort of dissipated. 

And while all that was going on something else had happened in the world financial trading system in 2019. The US fell out with the Saudi's over the price of oil, they wanted to cut it but more importantly, they do not want to trade in petroldollars any more either.  Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gadaffi had proposed this before and we all know what happened to them but the Saudi's are so well armed (ironically by the US and the UK) so although they are a quite authoritarian society, an invasion or war is not a possibility, to bring them capitalism and democracy, at least not at this stage. So, financial trading was going to change from petrodollars to, whoever had a currency, and the wealth to back it, the US has a budget deficit of 1.3 trillion dollars. 

In the world's financial systems, oil and commodities are traded in dollars, this has been going on since the 1970's when Nixon defaulted on his loans , the US did not have enough gold to cover the debts, so they stopped trading on the Gold Standard and moved to the petrodollar (the Gold standard is a monetary system where a country's currency or paper money has a value directly linked to gold) This means that in order to buy oil or commodities, you first have to buy dollars and then you can buy your oil or whatever. The US gets a cut from every one of these financial transactions so it's a nice payday for them. However, because they fell out with the Saudi's and because the Saudi's, like the US, has a lot of debt, Russia stepped up (they have no debt, lots of gold, natural resources and oil) world trade was about to be taken over by a new currency.  You will notice that the price of petrol has gone down a lot recently, this is all connected to it. So this is where we are - the financial world is heading for a reset and the US doesn't like that they have lost their hegemony. 

And who could have challenged the US for a trading currency in today's world apart from Russia, maybe just maybe, the fastest growing economy in the world, China.  Well, what a coincidence!!! Just when it looked like they were about to take over the currency for world trading, with possibly the backing of Russia, they are hit with a terrible virus, allegedly started by someone in China eating a bat, that's wasn't fully cooked through.  

And coincidentally, Iran, their old enemy goes down a storm with it too.  But what about Italy, I hear you say, look how they've been hit! Yes, poor old Italy is supremely f*cked, they have about 4 trillion euros of debt and an aging population but maybe, they got hit by the wrong virus or strain of virus, (see previous posting) or maybe not, who knows?

On a happier note and to give you time to absorb all that, one of my favourite movies is Strictly Ballroom by Baz Luhrmann and coincidentally, I watched it last weekend. It's a great movie, full of that Aussie humour I like so much. One of the themes in the movie is fear and there is a saying in it which is also Baz Luhrmann's personal motto - a life lived in fear is a life half lived. I have also adopted it as mine, I only have one life, I want to live it.

We haven't been fully hit yet with the virus and maybe, we won't. This is all speculation, but at the time of writing, I still don't know anyone with the virus or who has died from the virus, and my sister and her friends in the South of England, 20 minutes from where the first suspected case was, don't know anyone either.

I have lived through a lot of scary times and some other personally horrifying situations and as scary as all of those events were/are, do you know what has terrified me the most about this whole situation, is how easily the population of this country gave up their freedoms and not a word of protest heard.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum...



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The Finger of Blame

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 23 Mar 2020, 19:03

I was listening to a report on Sky News Australia and one of the people on it was blaming China and saying that China 'wilfully inflicted Coronavirus on the world' and should be held to account. Of course, down in the comments, it was the usual brainless trolls spouting anti-Chinese/communist propaganda and demanding boycotts and all sorts and talking about manufacturing and why everything is made in China. So, I couldn't resist and fired off this response.

You're not manufacturing because you are not in charge, your democracy is an illusion, the world is run by corporations and banks and compliant/puppet politicians and propaganda news channels. The west has been happy to look away for years as the working classes got shafted and we all knew that there was a price for cheap goods and that was the cheap labour on offer in places like China. So don't blame China, blame yourselves for your own lazy attitude, for ignoring the political landscape because you were too lazy to think for yourself and because 'politics is boring' and you preferred to shop online at Amazon. And if you still believe in 'climate change' then you are exactly the kind of person I am talking about and now that you are faced with the prospect of your own mortality, you're running shit scared and blaming everybody else and ignoring your part in 'creating this world'.

So, before we rush to judgement on anyone, let's take a minute and breathe, and let's try and keep an open mind at least until we have as many facts as we can gather. Maybe this did start in China but just maybe, someone started it in China, and at this point, we don't know the absolute origin of it other than what the news media is telling us, and we all know how reliable they are. There are a few more questions we need to ask before the self-righteous grandstanding and finger pointing begins. For example, is it a coincidence that outside of China, Iran is the country that is suffering most?  And why is the death rate in these countries so much higher than somewhere like Germany where the death rate is 0.2%. Is it possible that there is a different strain of virus in China and Iran?  No one has died in Russia, what could Russian Intelligence tell us? They were quick to close the border with China, what did they know that we didn't? And why was Europe so slow to close it's borders? Donald Trump was slated by the EU for banning flights, yet Boris Johnson was slated for not being more extreme in his response. 

We could also ask ourselves, what has been going on in the world in recent years while we have all been distracted with 'climate change'?  There is an ongoing scrap in the Middle East and it has been going on for some time, and it wasn't that long ago, the US was trying to start a war with Iran. As a matter of fact, the US has been trying to go to war with Iran for years.  

And, has anything else interesting happened recently? Well, Netanyahu basically carried out a coup in his own country, just as he was about to be indicted for bribery, fraud and corruption, and he had just lost the election too, along comes coronavirus to save the day!! He suspended Parliament and shut down the Courts and is carrying on, business as usual!  

The municipal elections were also held in France last weekend, has there been a result yet?  France just enacted emergency legislation that states you must phone for permission to leave your house. Will that stop the Gilet Jaunes from protesting? After all, they were out in their thousands the weekend before in Paris, still protesting Macron, week 70. You have got to admire their courage and tenacity, maybe we could learn something from them!

In Ireland too, they recently had an election and Sinn Fein, who are a little bit socialist, got the most first preference votes but now because of the coronavirus, everything has shut down and Leo is still in charge, ohh, what a lot of coincidences!!

At this point, we know nothing and in all likelihood, we will never know the full/true story of its origins but as I remarked in an earlier post, I am reading the Life and Death of Dr David Kelly and if we sit here and think that our governments' hands are clean in the area of biological weaponry, then we are seriously deluded. But keep your eyes on Iran, and your ears and minds open - believe nothing of what they tell you and only half of what you see...

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Dark Waters, Dark Actors and the Deep Dark State

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 18 Aug 2021, 10:14

I went out to see Dark Waters last week. I mentioned it on the blog a few weeks ago. It’s the story of lawyer Rob Bilott who sued Dupont, initially, on behalf of Wilbur Tennant, a farmer whose animals had died, or were dying, in Parkersburg, West Virginia and which eventually became a large, class-action law-suit, which he fought for 20 years on behalf of the citizens of Parkersburg and won many millions of dollars for them in compensation. Although, it’s not much good, when your health is buggered.

Mr Tennant’s animals were being poisoned with the chemical, perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA/C8, which is made by Dupont and which we know as Teflon. Your non-stick pans are coated in this stuff and it has also been used on waterproof clothing, stain-resistant rugs, microwave popcorn bags and even dental floss. Add that to the fluoride in the toothpaste and that’s a nice little toxic mix to put in your mouth.

It is estimated that 99% of all humans on the planet have PFOA in their bodies because once it is in it is very hard to get rid of.  The worst thing about it is that Dupont knew how toxic it was but just never let on. They released it into the water in Parkersburg and it was also released into the air. They even tested it in cigarettes which they gave to their employees and who, of course, took ill but weren’t told why.  It has been linked to six diseases, including kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, pre-eclampsia and high cholesterol and it was also found to cause birth defects; one of the real life children affected by this appears in the film, Bucky Bailey.

It’s a deeply moving story (at least I thought so) of the little guy (as always) getting screwed over by those with money and power. I highly recommend you go see it because we don’t see enough of this kind of exposure anymore.

Coincidentally, I’m reading Dark Actors at the moment; this is the story of Dr David Kelly by Robert Lewis who ‘committed suicide’. He was the only person to speak out against the ‘dossier’ for war with Iraq, remember that fake news? He was vilified and hounded by New Labour and the media for his honesty. I’m only 79 pages in at this point but it gives a very good insight into that New Labour toe-rag, Jack Straw and Tony Bliar too.

Considering now the whole Epstein/Prince Andrew/ Bill Clinton and other various scumbags story that is playing out, it wouldn’t take a genius to join the dots of a Mossad/CIA led honey trap whereby up and coming politicians/celebrities are seduced by the glamour on offer from the likes of Epstein, then filmed and recorded, and which is then used to blackmail and control them and ensure the agendas of the puppet masters are followed. 

I also read another book this week, it was a very short one and I got through it in an afternoon. It is the Great British Skripal Hoax by Nicholas Kollerstrom, and available from richplanet.net. I never believed the Skripal story for a minute, the whole thing is too absurd (do they really think we are that stupid??) but what is most disturbing about it is where exactly are the Skripals? Are they being held against their will by British and/or American intelligence? Are they even alive? How can people just be made to disappear in an allegedly ‘free and open society’ and no one even question it or do anything about it?

It’s worth a read especially in relation to a man by the name of Christopher Steele, who compiled the other fake dossier about Trump and the alleged Russian interference in the last US presidential election. Apparently, Mr Skripal who was a double-agent and was released from Russia as part of a spy swap, was about to leg it back to Russia and the security services (MI6) couldn’t allow that to happen because he helped Mr Steele compile the dossier which the Russians would then know about, and who knows what else he may have had to tell them.

By the way, also beware of an organisation called Integrity Initiative, it’s just another black ops group spouting propaganda on behalf of the deep state.

The thing about all these dark and dirty goings-on is that they aren't really very secret at all. We are all aware of the propaganda and lies that are pumped out by a compliant media and there is no such thing as an investigative journalist any more, at least, not in the mainstream media. Everything is hiding in plain sight, we know that the politicians don't really run the country; we know there are dark actors behind the scenes manipulating and controlling everything. We and they know that there is little or nothing we can do about it, some people just don't want to know and who can blame them when we see how ruthless and murderous they are. But still, it does no harm to remind ourselves just how rotten the deep state is and it is laudable that there are still people out there, researching and reporting on the rot that corrupts politics and business and are prepared to take them on and expose it.

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Weapons, War and Money

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 18 Aug 2021, 20:54

Just sitting watching the news (if it could be called news) on the topic of chemical weapons and Syria, one question comes to mind.  If you bomb a facility which makes and 'stores' chemical weapons as claimed by the West, then surely you will be releasing more toxic chemicals into the surrounding area?

There is so much propaganda and lies, you wouldn't know who or what to believe.  I still go back to Radio 4, (about 3/4 years ago, I think) when an army general announced we would be going to war with Russia within 3 years.  John Humphreys was taken aback, to say the least and basically said, 'you must be insane', or words to that effect.  The general then went on to explain that they had these new nuclear weapons which they wanted to try out.  If that is where we are headed then, I take comfort in the fact that 2 other empires perished on the Russian frontier, France under Napoleon and the Third Reich under Hitler.  So, go for it, they sooner it happens, the sooner it will all be over, and then we might finally get some peace!  Come to think about it, Germany is being very quiet on this, I haven't heard a word from Merkel?

Talking about peace, why can we not just have peace?  Why is Russia our enemy?  Who decided that?  The mentality of those in charge really needs to be looked at.  In the US, they are all paranoid, living with a mind-set that is 60 years out of date and what is all the secrecy about?  Why do we not just share our knowledge and try to find ways to improve the lot of everybody?  Why can't the US and the UK just mind their own business?  If the people of Syria want rid of Assad, then it's up to them to sort that out.  If the West is so concerned with the well being of down-trodden others, will they be bombing Saudi Arabia now over their treatment of the people of Yemen?  Of course, they won't, the hypocrisy is sickening!   Why can't the US and the UK just stay in their own country and take care of their own people! 

But at the end of the day, the buck stops with us too and we have to carry some of the blame for sitting back and shutting our minds to it all, for letting others do our thinking and for not questioning more.  Going out to vote and voting for people who basically don't give a crap about any of us, which is worse here because all they do is vote for their tribe regardless of how competent these people are. 

The media is complicit too, we don't have journalists any more, with the exception of Jon Pilger, all we have are reporters, who merely report what they have been told to say.  Thank God for the internet, at least there, you can find out more and are able to access other opinions.

I watched another good documentary online recently, All Wars are Bankers Wars, (because you'll never get this on Sky or the BBC) worth a look if you have 45 mins to spare.  But when all is said and done, I know the answer to all those questions, and as Tom Cruise says in Vanilla Sky, "What is the answer to 99out of 100 questions? Money."

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Movies spies and money?

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 30 Nov 2022, 10:22

I’ve been having a bit of a movie fest this last week or so, catching up with the Oscar winners in between painting, gardening and job-hunting.  I’ve watched I, Tonya, The Shape of Water and Ladybird and if I had to give marks out of ten for them, it would be 8.5 for I,Tonya, 7.5 for Ladybird and 6 for The Shape of Water.

For me, I, Tonya was the best of them.  Very funny and also remarkable in that even if only ¾ of it is true, it’s amazing that Tonya Harding ever amounted to anything with what can only be described as a poisonous old hag for a mother, not to mention Dumb, who she married, and Dumber, his friend.  We’re all aware of some of this story but I would highly recommend seeing it to fill in some of the blanks.  I won’t say anything about it other than I hope Tonya gets a happy ending.

Ladybird was enjoyable if a bit of a cliché; teenager doesn’t get along with peers, school and mother but it all comes right in the end.  While watching it, I did wonder if it was sponsored by the Catholic Church, it was very pro-church in a sentimental sort of way, but worth a look anyway if you had nothing else to do.

The Shape of Water, nothing very original in this and again a bit of a cliché. The story line has been done before, most notably in The Day the Earth Stood Still.  Only instead of an alien we have an extra from Stingray!  Usual story, strange creature with healing powers (ET), held by nasty government official and helped to escape by girl (Starman) who in this instance, can’t speak.  I’m not really sure what Guillermo was aiming for but I think this was over-rated, to be honest, and really not worthy of Best Picture Oscar.  Maybe it was a homage to those old B-movie monster flicks from back in the day, or a statement on judging those who are different or on the Cold War, which the West seems to be doing their best to start again.  Who knows?  It even had a spy from Russia who after helping in the escape is killed by his paymasters.  A bit of a coincidence or a nice little piece of propaganda - considering current events?  I wonder who financed the movie?

I’ve watched Century of the Self and I’m very cynical now, I don’t know who poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, but I don’t believe anything the government tells me about it.  The anti-Putin rhetoric has been doing the rounds for some time now and since the chances of a war with North Korea are disappearing, the military-industrial complex need a villain and a war to make some money, so back we go to Putin.   And, of course, another chance for the right-wing media, and the Blairites, to have a go at Jeremy, too.

It just all seems too convenient, I mean, why would Putin do this now when he’s in the middle of an election he’s going to win anyway?  He is popular in Russia which is a source of continuing irritation to the West and a thorn in their side as he’s keeping them out of the oil and gas fields in Crimea.

But however it all turns out surely the most embarrassing moment in the whole media-driven hysteria had to be Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson’s remarks that ‘Russia should just shut -up and go away’.   Like some naff teacher’s pet, trying to take on the school bully, this was cringe-inducing!  I’m sure Vladimir is quaking in his boots at the thought of gimpy old Gavin, NOT

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Simon Reeve in Russia

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I just finished watching the Simon Reeve in Russia, series.  I was really looking forward to it but I feel disappointed and let down by the overall tone of it.  The constant anti-Putin rhetoric, spoiled it for me and the thing about it is, the issues that Simon focussed on, are mirrored here exactly: health cuts, corruption, elites controlling and taking all for themselves and having special privileges, ordinary people having no voice.  The only difference in here and Russia, is they actually have a strong leader and ours are all weak, ineffectual and useless.  Politicians here would die for Putin's satisfaction ratings, up in the 80%'s.

On tonight's show, he featured a girl who lives in one of the old style apartments and is being forced to leave because they're knocking them down, and has to go and live in a brand new apartment block.  There are working class people in this country wishing that was a problem they had!  Simon has a short memory, does he not remember the issues around Stratford when the Olympic Stadium was being built or the social cleansing that has happened in London under the guise of 'austerity'.  And just on that, the economy crashed in 2008, that's nearly 10 years ago, and we're still being hammered with austerity!  What have they been doing all this time, twiddling their thumbs???

Anyway, Russia is a huge country and one that I hope to visit some day.  I even starting learning a bit of Russian last year.  I had a real flair for it too and was picking it up very easily.  By the way, the Russian word for the number one is pronounced adeen,  So, I'm nearly number one in Russia! 

I'm studying the Cold War too, as part of DD306 at the moment so it's all very relevant especially since it all seems to be going strong again!  Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 14 June 2017, 21:49

So, I'm all signed up for DD306.  Roll on September!  I absolutely love politics, I'm one of those sad people who gets excited over topical debates, and the Grand Prix, I know that's got nothing to do with politics but I just thought I would drop it in there.  I'm in the minority around here for both of those. 

But anyway, back to the politics.  The unfortunate thing about it is that so many people are put off because of politicians.  I include myself in that, I rarely even watch the news but I suppose I'll have to start taking more of an interest in current events.  Although I still keep in touch with things on line.  I've found you get more 'truth' online.

Take Syria for example, has there been any mention anywhere on the mainstream news about gas pipelines across Syria?  Probably not.  Apparently President Assad turned down a plan for a pipeline from Qatar through Saudi Arabia and Syria to Europe and this is the real reason for the war. Isis is just a smokescreen. There is another pipeline from Iran and this is the one Assad gave the go ahead to.  And Russia?  They're trying to keep control of the gas fields in the Ukraine and Crimea is where the port for shipping offshore is situated as well as being another area with gas.

So, Syria is being ripped apart and it's people terrorised because the military/ industrial/corporate complex are fighting to control the gas and are trying to stop Russia and Iran benefitting. 

That is why Donald Trump is so reviled by the mainstream media.  The election of Donald scuppered the plans for a war with Russia and another big payday for the corps and they've been crying all over the media since.  Brexit was another big blow to them but people are waking up to how we have all been manipulated and screwed over and are fighting back the only way they can, with their votes.

I also have to say, I have serious doubts about the gas attack being the work of Assad. It all seems too convenient for the 'dark' forces of the MIC complex.

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 5 Sept 2022, 15:26

The power battle between East and West is about to be settled. The power base shifted last year over Syria when China backed Russia. If China backs Russia again just sit and watch the West hand-wring but be powerless to do anything.

The West is in decline and has been for years and the East has risen. That's why England is so anxious to keep Scotland in Britain because without it they are just one small country on an island of three. Will they still be able to keep their seat on the UN Security Council when they are no longer 'Great Britain'?  Probably not.

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