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To Vote or Not to Vote

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 30 Oct 2023, 13:39

The votes are in and counted and what changes can we look forward to, probably none. With Sinn Fein taking the most seats here, the Unionists will now refuse to go back into Stormont. Of course Sinn Fein are now all about getting back to work but were happy to sit at home for three+ years after they walked out over the RHI scandal. Do they really think Unionism will accommodate them now? The thing is no one even noticed when they were all off and things just rattled along as always. Party politics has really outlived its usefulness, we don’t just need to get rid of the politicians, we need a whole new system.

The press are making a big deal out of Sinn Fein winning most seats but the reality is they haven’t won any more than they did last time around, the only difference this time is that the TUV took a couple off the DUP. The SDLP lost out most and I’m happy to report that one of their losers was Nichola Mallon. Truly well-deserved after her actions of the last two years and there will be many who will not be sorry to see her go. She was the most outspoken supporter of lockdowns, vax passes and compulsory vaccines, a real fascist at heart. I’m only disappointed Colm Eastwood isn’t joining her because he was as bad.

There were over 11,000 spoiled votes and with a turnout of 63% there were still a lot of people, more than a third actually, who didn’t vote. I will be joining their ranks next time around if the choices remain the same.

I was always a strong advocate of voting but have lost all faith in the system, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government, or rather ‘shadow government’, always gets in. It has also been made compulsory to register to vote, this is probably so that your data can be sold on and they can keep tabs on you, so I won’t even bother to register again either.

The malaise is worse in England with only 35% turnout and as low as 13% in some areas. I don’t know how anyone can claim to speak for us on those figures. Boris Johnston could turn those Conservative losses into a big win if he finally got the UK out of the EU, dumped the protocol, stopped bowing to the woke crowd, grew up and actually showed something like leadership.

I was never a fan of Margaret Thatcher but I have to say, she wouldn’t have put up with an ounce of this garbage for five minutes, and I am sick of government policy being decided by media hysteria. Of course, the next outbreak has started already, abortion this time and, off they go, hysterically ramping up the screaming woke mob again. Gawd, give me strength!

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All the Worlds a...fraud??

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 25 Apr 2022, 13:20

The world is full of fakery, we have fake wars, fake pandemics, fake presidents and leaders, fake news, fake science, fake food, fake men and women, fake histories, fake religions and fake concern; all concocted to control you, keep you distracted and in a continual state of terror so that you don’t see that the real war is being waged against you.

Humanity has been the victim in a silent war of terror for decades and didn’t even know it. Governments and corporations have worked hand in glove to make you sick, terrify you, keep you poor and divided, and all while telling you that they were working in your interests. Unfortunately, there is something faulty in the wiring of humans, that we judge people not on what they do but what they say. It reminds me of the scene in Mars Attacks where the aliens are chasing after the humans and shouting ‘We love you’ while blowing them away.

The question is, how do we counteract it? I don’t really know, well, actually I do, but the scale of it is beyond me and I don’t have the means to take it on. However, they say, be the change you want to see in the world so, to that end, as one human being, I have switched off the fake media. From here on, I will completely ignore all the politicians and concern myself with the wellbeing of my family, friends and community only.

We have an election coming up next week and as part of my ‘new agenda for change’ I will not be voting for anyone, I do not want to encourage these people any more. I will use my vote and spoil it and write on it ‘None of the Above’ - spoiled votes are still counted. There was a petition on Change.org a few years ago to have it added to ballot papers. Sadly, nothing came of it and minority governments will still be able to make laws and implement policies that none of us ever voted for. But if I haven’t voted for them, then I don’t see why I should obey them.

There is no doubt the system needs to change but no one is offering any real change, at least not here in NI, they are all strings of the same bow, parroting out the propaganda and box ticking for effect, with nothing new to offer except the same old self-righteous indignation and arrogance. They cannot see outside of the present models for government or the ‘crisis’ issues being manufactured around them. They have neither the intellect nor imagination to look any further than the end of their own upturned noses, and it’s hard to believe that they are concerned about us now when most of them either gleefully joined in, or stood silently by, in the last two years as our freedoms were stripped away and the entire population was subjected to a campaign of media and medical terrorism.

The SDLP’s posters state ‘People First’, this is the same party that a few short months ago was calling for the unvaccinated to be excluded from society. Now, it’s ‘People First’, do they really think we have forgotten. They must think our memories are as short lived as their election promises.

And Sinn Pfizer’s are ‘Time for a Change’. That I certainly agree with but not the change these fascists have in mind, judging by their actions in the last 2, or rather 30+, years. The party that, along with the Ulster Unionists, banned people from graveyards, beaches and forests. Beaches and forests are two of the best places for your mental and physical health, and the importance of graveyards as a comfort to the recently bereaved is immeasurable. When it comes to self-righteous grandstanding it is hard to beat Sinn Fein’s absolute hypocrisy.

Then we have the newbies, People Before Profit but I didn’t hear a word from them when the profits of the pharmaceutical industry were rocketing at the expense of the health and well-being of the people. Profits before People more like - maybe that should be Pfizer’s new corporate by-line, after all, that is what they have been doing for years anyway!

The Socialist Party are touting ‘We cannot afford this system/Capitalism’. But they only have to look back to the old Soviet Union and Mao’s China to see what the price of ‘socialism’ was, an estimated 65 million dead. A better slogan would be, Flogging the Dead Horse! Good luck with that one!

But in the midst of this manufactured economic crisis, (I know, another one!) what can we ‘afford’? The lie of Theresa May’s ‘there is no magic money tree’, has now been laid bare for all to see and not just in the last 2 years. The government has been happily printing money to pay for the ‘covid’ crisis. There was no shortage of capital for the government and their cronies when their snouts were buried in the ‘covid’ trough. But for years we were told that the 2008 banking crisis was the reason the health service and other public services were being starved of funding. Now, of course, we know the story of that ‘crisis’, caused and manufactured by the banking industry and they still got to walk away with all the money and all the property and we were left to pay for it all, as usual.

The rise of crypto currency shows that the entire monetary system is fake as well. There is now and never was any need for austerity or poverty, it would be quite easy to equalise the opportunities in society and life in general but we will never get it from a political party, at least not from any of the present incumbents touting for a soft seat and a deep pocket in Stormont. The move from money in your pocket to numbers on a screen lays bare the falsehood of monetary economics, just add in a few more numbers. I’m not sure what the biggest scam in history is, banking, Christianity, or 20th/21st century ‘health’ care. Hmmm…

Anyway, in next week’s fake democratic election, in my area, the Sinn Pfizer sheep and the SDLP supporting, middle classes will in all likely turn out and put them back in power so don’t expect to see anything changing around here soon, except the value of the fake pound in your pocket, at least, until it is taken away and replaced with the score on your social credit card and your biometric ID.

And in case all this fakery is too much for you, then Mark Zuckerberg can offer you a fake life to go with all the other fake stuff. You can forget all your troubles and plug into the Metaverse and live a fake life with a fake avatar, obviously a much slimmer, smarter and better-looking version of yourself, until such times as you lose all consciousness of reality and become the first human battery in the AI takeover. The Matrix awaits…

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In Defence of 'Vigilante Conspiracy Theorists'

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So, in answer to our local politicians this is the letter I drafted and sent to the paper in response to the article. The paper comes out on Thursday so I won't know until then if they are going to print it but here is the full text of it.

In answer to Stephen Edwards and Daniel McCrossan’s hysterical over-reaction to a bit of paint on a wall, I must first challenge the assertion of ‘conspiracy theory’. Maybe they were looking at a different wall but, for the life of me, all I see is 3 statements opposing the ‘new normal’, the wearing of masks and a hashtag in support of KBF (Keep Britain Free, there is no Keep (N) Ireland Free group yet.)

And where exactly is the ‘fake news’? Now, if it had said something like ‘in February 2019, Bill Gates helped draft legislation to ensure pharmaceutical companies would not be held liable for any injury caused by a corona virus vaccine, or in August 2019, Bill Gates signed a $1billion deal with a democratic Senator for Track and Trace technology, or even in October 2019, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along with the World Economic Forum and the John Hopkins Centre ran a simulation, called Event 201, to plan for what would happen if there was a corona-virus pandemic. But, these are all facts not conspiracy theories or fake news.

As a matter of fact, considering the hysteria, one would almost think there was a conspiracy to push the narrative pumped out by the mainstream media, and their obliging political minions, and discredit anyone who would dare to disagree.

There is a long history of graffiti as a means of legitimate political protest, especially when those who disagree are censored and denied a forum through which to voice their discontent and/or disagreements. When the media, national and local, indulge in censorship, other means of protest have to be utilised.

The Republican movement in Strabane have a history of daubing the walls with their slogans, ‘Ireland unfree shall never be at peace’ is one that adorned the walls of the Ballycolman area for many years. Forgotten now it seems…and we certainly won’t talk about the price Strabane has paid for their activities, past and present. For the record, it was done in daylight too not in the dark.

The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined by the CIA to try and discredit anyone who disagreed with the narrative on the assassination of John F Kennedy. To call anyone a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is to indulge in the laziest form of politics, self-righteously, grandstanding with weak and insipid name-calling, rather than debating with robust intelligent arguments based on fact. But if any of our representatives would like to publicly debate on the merits of the ‘lockdown’, masks or any aspect of the ‘new normal’ or ‘tyranny’, then I would be more than happy to oblige without masks, (anti)social-distancing or censorship. 

As to moral duty, there is an old saying - Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.

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Not Banksy

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Sunday, 11 Oct 2020, 09:58

You see, this is what happens when you don't get your art class, you have to get out and create something and when you have a political conscience as demanding as mine, then what else is a girl to do?? This is across from the local Sinn Fascist office who along with the SDLP took to the local paper to condemn 'vigilante conspiracy theorists' as you can see from the article below. Well, it might not be Banksy but it makes a point.


No description available.

A few of the highlights from the article read: 'Vigilante conspiracy theorists need to catch themselves on after anti-face mask graffiti was daubed on at least two locations in Strabane this week.  The graffiti which appeared at the Bridgend and also on the river wall has also been described as 'mindless vandalism'.

One of the slogans reads, 'No new normal. #nomask tyranny #KBF. It is understood that the term KBF or 'Keep Britain Free' has been used by people protesting against Covid 19 restrictions.

SDLP councillor Steven Edwards condemned the graffiti. 'Not only does this graffiti vandalise public property but it also spreads 'fake news' around the wearing of masks...the vigilante conspiracy theorists need to catch themselves on and realise the damage they are causing to Strabane town.

Party colleague Daniel McCrossan added, 'Whoever did this - wise up. Protest if you like but don't blight our town. Strabane Sinn Fein also condemned the graffiti ' We have asked the council to remove this eyesore from outside our office. We are deeply disappointed that whoever decided to do this in the dark of the night also vandalised our poster thanking NHS and key workers.'

Daniel McCrossan also mentioned their 'moral duty' to protect others. The bottom picture in case you can't see it clearly, says 1939 with a yellow star painted next to it and 2020 with a mask. This was painted on the back of one of those propaganda covid 19 boards telling us to stay apart, wash your hands blah, blah, blah, and I painted a nice big swastika on the front of it so they couldn't put it up again. I was going to to the same to the Sinn Fein board they had put up about clapping for the NHS but my paint ran out and as a key worker myself I find it patronising and puerile as do many of my colleagues.

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