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So What Was It All About - Covid

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023, 16:50

So, what was it all about?

Was it about reducing the population of the world and ‘saving the planet’ by a group of self-appointed, globalists playing God, through an enforced vaccination programme that has wiped out millions?

Excess mortality is up across the globe but anyone even mentioning it is immediately denounced as a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Why is there such a deficit in testing vaccines, in comparison with medicines, and why has this been allowed for so long? Who is monitoring the vaccine products of pharmaceutical companies for contents and safety? And why are we (taxpayers) paying for pharmaceutical errors and injuries?  This has to change, we need accountability and transparency regarding all aspects of vaccination. They are still vaccinating people against diphtheria, does anyone in the world know anyone who ever had diphtheria?

Was it about creating patients for the pharmaceutical industry by leaving many who have been vaccinated with lifelong injuries and forever in need of medical care?

When my son started his biomedical degree the first thing the class was told was that pharmaceutical companies do not like cures because they can’t make money from healthy people.

Was it a purge of the elderly and sick, to save the government money in pensions and care costs?

Do Not Resuscitate Orders were put on anyone over the age of 45 who presented as an emergency to hospital and had underlying health problems at the start of the ‘pandemic’. There were 11 patients alone, in a care home in Cork, who all died within 2 weeks of being vaccinated. The vast majority of those had underlying conditions, did the vaccine accelerate their path to the grave as I believe it did to my mother and others?

Was it about resetting the world as a technological totalitarian state with AI monitoring all aspects of our life on a 24/7 basis and putting a one world government in place?

I have the book, The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, which you can buy on Amazon. The Great Reset is predicated on the ‘climate crisis’, another fraud by the powers that be, as you will know from reading my blog. So just imagine if they succeed and everyone is chipped and under 24/7 surveillance, then what? What will the next move be and when is someone going to ask for our views on this?

One thing I have taken from the last few years, in spite of efforts to move our lives online, I have actually cut back from the internet and all news media. I just don’t listen to them anymore and I try and keep my internet use down to once a week. I also know that I cannot live my life online, it is not living and from what I see, using/over using social media makes people mentally ill. The other thing is that people forget that the internet is not the world. There have been several stories raging online recently and no one within the family or at work even mentioned them.   

Was it about an elite cabal (I don’t like using that word ‘elite’, they are not ‘elite’ they just have a lot of money with which they have been able to buy power, eg. Bill Gates) making a lot of money at the expense of our health and our freedom? Who is paying for the furlough, the vaccinations and all the propaganda? Us, the taxpayer as usual. Bill Gates gets a 20% return on his investments from vaccinations and Matt Hancock has a 15% share-holding in his family’s pharmaceutical company. Rishi Sunak’s wife is from one of the richest families in India and are involved in developing track and trace technology. But, of course, this was all just a wild coincidence and there is nothing to see here.

I look at what is going on in the world and see our leaders have taken Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin as their role models for leadership. Bullying, threats and fascist diktats are now the norm with no recourse to Parliament or the law, and where all opposition is being silenced and censored on a scale never seen before. Surely if everything the government and media were saying were true it would be self-evident and hold up under scrutiny. Why do they need to silence and censor those who disagree with them or dare to even ask a question? The treatment of Andrew Bridgen in Parliament has been appalling and shows that our ‘Parliamentary democracy’ is anything but.

The globalists want us to live a simpler more sustainable life but still keep buying their stuff? Can anyone else see the huge contradiction here?

There is a war being waged and it’s not in Yemen, Ukraine or Israel, it is happening every day against us with the constant barrage of lies and propaganda from the media and government. We are being gaslit every day and this didn’t start today, or even three years ago, it has been going on for decades, it is only now that we are able to see just how insidiously we have been lied to, manipulated and deceived.

When I look back over the political events of the last 70 years, I have concluded that the west was lost on 22 November 1963 when JFK was shot. That was the coup that removed the Commander in Chief. The military/industrial complex took over and has been running the world since, spreading their tentacles into governments everywhere and funding their nefarious activities with drugs, arms and war.


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Lies, Damned Lies and Fake News

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So, 37/38 weeks on from 3 weeks to ‘Save the NHS’, we’re still being held to ransom in a big open prison. Do you still believe this is about a virus, a virus so deadly, 99.97% of us will recover from it and even if we get it, will have mild or no symptoms, and even among 80 year olds, has a recovery rate of 80%; a virus that still hasn’t been isolated, yet, they can make a vaccine for it? A miracle virus that went from Wuhan to the rest of the world, bypassing the rest of China. Can you see now looking at those videos and news reports from China back in March, of people collapsing and dying in the streets, people in hazmat suits walking around and fumigating the place? All fake, fake news, as real as a White Helmet rescue in Syria. 

They are playing us, on a monumental scale, they think we are fools and idiots and are laughing at how easily we have been lied to and manipulated. They’ve being doing it for decades and getting away with it too. Do you really believe Bill Gates, Boris Johnston and Matt Hancock give a damn about your health? Bill Gates is getting a 20% return on vaccines, he says it’s the best investment he’s ever made and has doubled his wealth in 10 years. These bankers and globalists know that the majority of people are decent and law abiding, otherwise society would not be able to function, and will do what they can to take care of their families, friends and neighbours. I mean who would deliberately want to kill their granny. 

Your trust, your sense of decency and your inherent desire to do the right thing is being exploited and taken advantage of, and they are sitting back having a laugh and making a fortune while our lives have been taken over and we have been locked down in this big open prison.  And Matt Hancock's 'performance' on GMB yesterday confirms this, pretending to be crying, when he is in fact crying with laughter at how they have pulled this off and, no doubt too, at the big pay day for him and the rest of them. What a vile human being! There’s a link down below, I would urge you to view it. See also the photos of yesterday’s fake patients getting their jab. Check the dates on the pictures.

What sickens me most about this is that ordinary decent people are being deliberately terrorised and exploited by those with no moral standards of any kind, and who would sell their granny for profit, in a heartbeat. It’s not nice to be taken for a fool, to be lied to, to be exploited, especially when you are trying to do the right thing. 

Globalist billionaires and trillionaires, like Rothschild, Soros and Gates have more money than they could spend in 10 life times, but it still isn’t enough for them, they want more, they want everything you have and to reduce your life to that of a serf. Too much is never enough for them, a mind-set beyond most of our understanding. 

As it says on the World Economic Forum website on the Great Reset, ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’.  I wonder how they are going to take away what we own, will property and material goods be outlawed and rationed. Who thinks up this stuff? And who are they to decide what will or will not make you happy, or what you can or cannot own? 

As humans, what makes us happy is connection with others, relationships, friendships, love. There are numerous studies on the need in humans for those connections. I remember as part of a psychology course, learning about how children in the Romanian orphanages were literally dying from the want of touch. After the fall of Ceausescu, and the world became aware of the awful conditions and deprivation in the orphanages, money and help poured in but children were still dying at the same rate they had being dying at before. Then they discovered that while they may be getting fed and clothed better, they still were not having any physical contact, no one giving them a comforting hug and they were dying from the want of it.  There is also Bowlby’s famous experiment with Rhesus monkeys, which found that the monkeys deprived of a comforting touch in their early development became psychotic. 

When I think about that coldness and lack of empathy as demonstrated by the psychotic, I can’t help but draw parallels between those public school boys who are sent off at a young age to boarding school and who proliferate the world of business and politics, and turn out like Hancock, Johnson and Gates. 












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