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Sinn Pfizer Macht Frei

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 It’s all been a bit of a ‘good news/bad news time recently but then life is probably like that all the time. On the good news front, Number 1 grandson arrived a few weeks ago and all is well.

On the bad news front, up until this point I avoided writing about the ‘vaccines’ as I wanted to observe for myself what was going on and not just believe everything posted online. There were several sudden and unexpected deaths in our local town, but I am only aware of one family who blamed it on the jab which, of course, the ‘health professionals’ denied. I am not privy to the medical information of the others so I cannot comment.

Most of my family got ‘vaccinated’ and until recently no one seemed to be suffering from any adverse effects. However, my mother got the Pfizer booster back in October along with the flu jab. She previously had the Astrazeneca and I tried to persuade her to reconsider as she did not know how they would react with each other, as none of these jabs have been through proper human trials (this is the human trial). So, a few days after, she took ill with pericarditis and has now been in hospital for 8 weeks with no foreseeable date for release. Complicated further, as she had a minor stroke at the weekend and is in decline, not just physically but spiritually. 9 weeks in hospital would make anyone lose the will to live.

Prior to the jab, my mother had no trouble with her heart, she is diabetic and was having a few issues with her kidneys, but she was being seen regularly by the hospital and things were ticking along ok. She was mobile, fully cognisant and living independently, although she couldn’t manage the heavier aspects of housework which I took care of. Sadly, her mobility is now reduced and she will not be able to live alone again, if she ever does get out of hospital.

Then I learned yesterday that an elderly cousin of hers had a physical collapse after receiving the booster and was in hospital for two weeks; the medical professionals could not find anything clinically wrong. She got home yesterday and was like a zombie, I was shocked when I saw her, from the woman that she was not so long ago. This lady is in her early nineties and walked into town twice a week to get her own shopping and walked home again, albeit she doesn’t live far from the town centre, and lived independently in her own home. Now she will need carers and cannot be left alone.

My son in law also believes the jab killed his grandfather, he took ill within hours of having it and then passed away from a heart attack. He was fit and walked every day and was a keen gardener. And a neighbour of mine who is only in her early sixties also had a stroke within days of having it.

Were the jabs to blame? No one in the medical profession is going to say yes and who cares about a few old people to bother investigating any further? The conspiracy of silence from the medical and ‘health’ professionals sickens me.

Sportsmen and women have been dropping dead of heart attacks at an alarming rate and Sergio Aguero has had to retire with heart trouble but still the media and political puppets push on with the experimental jab without morals, without conscience, without a care for anyone except their own self-serving agendas.  Pfizer Macht Frei or, as we say here in N Ireland, Sinn Pfizer Macht Frei!

The full story of this fraud will not be known for many years, if ever, as they control the media and try to control the narrative. Who knows what the long term effects of these experiments will be and by the time it is known, the protagonists will be long gone.

Pfizer have asked for their papers on the jab to be kept under lock and key for 55 years. Nothing to see there, I’m sure! And their profits for the last year are up 124%. The complicit will be well paid, it only cost them their humanity. God knows what it is going to cost us, our children and grandchildren. 

And within all this concern for our ‘health’, there hasn’t been a word about sunshine, fresh air, a good diet of real food or keeping active, or anything that will naturally boost your immunity. They closed the gyms and banned people from the beach, and the forests and woodlands but kept the off-licenses open because they really care.

For humanities sake, please stop complying, hold the line and hold your nerve, it can be done, I’ve still never worn a mask or taken any of their jabs and what a miracle, I’m still alive and well. If you’re getting calls offering you one and feeling the pressure, tell them you’ll take it from the doctor over a phone or zoom call. They won’t see patients so play them at their own game.

And from the Ghandi book of small acts of civil disobedience, make appointments for jabs and then don’t show up. I know a few people who are doing that. Please try, it is going to get worse before it gets better, we are sleepwalking into tyranny and no one can stop it but us. 

A bit of good news to finish on, for me at least. I bought an electric piano with a view to teaching number 1 granddaughter, as I played violin many years ago and piano too, for a while. The great thing about the electric piano is that you can plug in the headphones and play away without worrying about hitting bum notes, or annoying the neighbours! I still remember the staves, notes and most of the theory, and started playing again too, a bit rusty but making good progress. It helps to keep me sane as the world slides into totalitarianism; I’ve already learned Beethoven’s Ode to Joy and am working on Moonlight Sonata, something uplifting amongst the insanity.





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Jabs for Jobs

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The government has mandated compulsory vaccines for all front line NHS workers from April next year, so, I will probably be losing my job. Although, not technically a frontline worker, I do deal with the public face to face quite often, and we can’t have the public exposed to the ‘unclean’.

So, why don’t they do it now, why wait until April? Because by April, the winter rush will be over and patient numbers will be down. This will still cause a collapse of the health care system, after all they are struggling already with the backlog caused by ‘covid’ and, when it does, the private sector will then step in and take it over.  So, start looking for private health insurance because you’ll be needing it and  goodbye NHS!

But, of course, it won’t be the  government and their corrupt practices that will be blamed, it will be those selfish workers who won’t put their lives on the line for the NHS and their patients, and all the (self-righteous) vaccinated will be lining up to point the finger too.

I wonder if this is merely the first step and how long will it be before it is extended to all employments? After all, teachers deal with our most ‘vulnerable’ children, will they also be forced to vaccinate so they don’t put ‘lives in danger’? And will the next move be to exclude the unvaccinated from all employments where there is face to face contact with the general public?

Does no one else see the danger in an employer being able to dictate what health treatments a worker has to get? What if your boss thinks you need a bit of botox to keep the wrinkles at bay or a boob job? After all, you don’t want the delicate general public to be faced with the reality of growing old and possibly dying, because everyone must be protected now from illness and death, and anything else that might upset generation snowflake and their cowardly parents.

I was to go and see Van Morrison this Thursday but now I can’t attend it either as our local council have introduced medical apartheid. You can’t enter the hallowed halls of the Millenium Forum without proof of vaccination or a test to show that you are disease free. I will not be partaking. I have drawn the line and will no longer give credence to this fraud in any way, shape or form. No testing, no vaccines and no emotional, or financial blackmail, and I am prepared to put my life on the line for it. My patience has run out and as long as people keep doing what they say, the restrictions will get tighter and tighter.

Remember ‘3 weeks to save the NHS and flatten the curve’ – now week 85, vaccine passports and compulsory vaccination. They’ve screwed you over on that one too, and now your ‘passport’ won’t be any good until you take the booster and God knows what the next mandates will be, as long as they keep getting away with it. Jab 3 is on the way, no doubt, and you’ll probably still be sitting at week 135 waiting on jab 5/6 so that you have access to medical treatment, a night out or just your job.

Spring 2020 – Clap for NHS Heroes. Spring 2022 – You’re sacked!

The power is ours, if we stand together but, unfortunately, we don’t. So, techno-feudalism, here we come!

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Just a point  to think about on vaccines. Every bite of processed food we buy comes with a label detailing the contents, additives/colourants etc, and the quantity for each. It also has nutrition information on carbohydrate/fat/sugar content as well.  

Medicines go through a process of double-blind testing with control groups, and when you buy or are prescribed medicine, there is a leaflet detailing the contents and a list of possible contra-indications and side effects. If you have an adverse reaction to a medicine you can seek compensation from the manufacturer.

Vaccines are not tested with double-blind control groups. Neither are you given a list of the contents, possible contra-indications or side effects. And if something goes wrong, the manufacturer has no liability to compensate you. Our taxes pay for their errors through the government.


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Questions on Vaccines

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 8 Jan 2021, 13:16

I have just finished reading Dr Vernon Coleman's book on vaccines - Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. I would recommend you read it. I took these questions from it, to take with you if you are being asked or pressured to vaccinate.  Pharmaceutical companies do not pay for vaccine damage and this does not just apply to these new vaccines, there is a government scheme that pays out, paid by us the taxpayer, of course. Thereby, negating the necessity of pharma companies to ensure their products are safe and effective.  This information is more important now than ever, especially with Matt Hancock saying you may need to do this twice a year. A pretty profit for Matt, Bill and all those invested in vaccines. Do the math - 7bn times 2, forever - or at least until you die - a nice payday for some!


How dangerous is the disease for which the vaccine is being given? What are the chances it will kill or cripple and where can I find the scientific evidence?

How effective is the vaccine?

How dangerous is the vaccine? What are the chances it will kill or cripple and where can I find the health and safety information on it? Was it tested in a double blind study?

What side effects are associated with the vaccine?

Which patients should not be given the vaccine?

Will you guarantee that this vaccine will not harm me/my child?

Will you guarantee that this vaccine will protect me/my child?

Will you take full responsibility for any ill effects caused by this vaccine?

Is the vaccination essential?

Have you personally investigated the risk-benefit ratio of the vaccine and having looked at the evidence, do you believe it is safe and essential?

Are you nurse/doctor personally gaining financially by recommending/giving this vaccine?

Can you give me a list of the vaccine contents?



Name of vaccinator ______________________________



Batch number of vaccine________________

Address of clinic/surgery ____________________________________________________


Signed: _____________________________________________


*These details are essential in case you need a lawsuit.

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