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Far Right

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Several years ago, I went to see Avenue Q in London, if you don’t know what Avenue Q is, it’s like Sesame Street for grown-ups. The song that I always remember is ‘Everyone’s a little bit racist (these days)’ and I’m reminded of it this week with the ‘far-right’ out protesting again because it seem that everyone is a little bit far-right these days, at least according to the lame-stream media. I never thought of the farming community as being far-right and can’t imagine a farmer goose-stepping in wellies, although now that I say that, I do recall Freddie Starr giving it a go, but I haven’t as yet seen any tractors with swastikas on but I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

I fully support the farmers in their protests and was also glad to see President Trump win the 2024 election in the US, so I suppose that makes me far-right as well. I’m also, according to the media and others, a climate denier, conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer.  I’m not sure what a ‘climate denier’ is, I don’t deny that the world has different climates or that the climate changes, I just disagree with the reasons we are told make it happen. And regardless of the temperature, our climate hasn’t actually changed, our climate consists of four seasons, determined by the tilt of the earth towards the sun, and we still have four seasons as far as I know.

As for the anti-vaxxer, I absolutely am now, I wasn’t before 2020, all my children were vaccinated, something which I bitterly regret, having taken the time to research the subject, and would strongly recommend that everyone read Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History by Dr Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. It’s an education. I think it is very positive that RFK Jr will be in charge of making America healthy again and looking at vaccines in particular, especially in light of what has happened in recent years and the concerns related to the rise in chronic disease and autism.

President Trump has also stated that one of the first things he will do is ban trans-surgeries for minors and it is more than disturbing to see doctors on Twitter posting that they will now be rushing to perform as many surgeries as possible before the ban comes into effect. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the estimate that a child who has been surgically transitioned is worth up to a million dollars in healthcare treatments over the course of their life. It’s probably all just a wild coincidence or a false narrative created by those crazy conspiracy theorists.

I wholly reject the conspiracy theorist charge, I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am an independent writer and researcher. As for being ‘far-right’, I find this really funny because I was the original communist lefty for most of my life which I have talked about before on my blog. It amazes even me how I went from the left to the right, what I think happened is that I went so far left I came back around to the right. Then again maybe it is just an age thing, as the saying goes, ‘If you are not a liberal in your 20’s you have no heart, if you are not a conservative in your 50’s you have no head’ (similar versions abound attributed to many). However, I prefer the Chinese saying ‘If a man is the same at 50 as he was at 20, then he has lost 30 years’. Maybe these sayings denote the natural progression in our thinking - when we are young, we tend to think we know it all and want to remake the world. As we get older and learn more, we realise that no matter how much we think we know, it is but a drop in the ocean and gain an understanding of why certain social institutions exist and how they provide a framework around which society functions.

I am not a religious person in that I believe or follow the doctrines of any formal religion. Most religions aim to provide moral guidance through their teachings, even if they don’t necessarily follow their own rules, like the Catholic Church, or the government through covid. But they still have a place in society even if we don’t always agree with them, and the danger of creating a vacuum is that you may not be able to control what fills it as Syria may soon find out.


The other danger is that there are so many ideologies and ‘ism’s competing to remake society at present, and appear hell bent on tearing down all the social structures but have given little or no thought to what will replace them. I’m all for a bit of anarchy myself to be honest, but too many of those on the front lines of these movements are nothing more than useful idiots who are being manipulated by forces working to other self-serving agendas, and whose real aim is far from diversity, inclusion and equality.

Socialism is one of the favourites being touted as the means of bringing about the fairness and equality they are striving for, and it’s rather interesting that the farmers, the Kulaks, were one of the first groups targeted by Stalin in his drive to create his socialist utopia which led to the death of millions through starvation. Not to be outdone, Mao pulled the farmers from the land to produce steel because he wanted to beat the US’s production figures, melting down every piece they could get their hands on, leading again to starvation on a grand scale and the death of millions. If there are any diehard socialists reading this then I would recommend reading The Gulag Archipelago, or Mao, to see exactly how socialism created a ‘fairer and more equal’ society in the Soviet Union and China.

However, regardless of the ideology or ism, when you strip back the rhetoric and propaganda what you find is a tale as old as time, it’s the old divide and conquer at work again. Whether it is pitting black against white, female against male, Christian against Muslim, socialist against capitalist, all these issues serve to distract us from what is really happening behind the scenes (and more and more right in front of our faces) that a small group of moneyed individuals and families want to control all the resources on the planet including us. I refuse to call them ‘elite’. They are just the spoiled offspring of the privileged wealthy who think that having more money than the rest of us entitles them to control the world and tell us what to do and how to live. They talk about Diversity, Inclusion and Equality but I never see the media pushing the rich vs poor narrative, if their desire to create a fairer world is genuine. I also don’t see any of them using or re-distributing the obscene wealth they have accumulated to improve the lives of us ‘poor folks’, unless it’s to profit from certain health products.

Why do they have this anal obsession with control, are they afraid that ordinary people will rise up and take their ill-gotten gains? Medically, it can be classed as a personality disorder, like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or maybe it’s just the old fear of death, not being able to handle the fact that all the money in the world is not going to keep the Grim Reaper from the door when your time is up. Maybe a little faith in a higher power is needed but then if you think you are God, how can you put your faith in another. Maybe Bill Gates just needs a few appointments with a good psychiatrist to explore this. Let’s hope he get the help he needs soon, so that we can all get some peace because if Gates et al keep tormenting us with their grand schemes and disrupting our lives, they may get exactly what they fear because I, like many others, are sick to the back teeth of it all. No farmers means no food and I am not up for eating a diet of frankenburgers or lab grown meat at £300 a pound.

They can use their money to buy their puppets whether in the world of politics or entertainment to push their narratives, they can control the media and monitor, censor and shadow ban us on social media but the media is not the world, and the gloss of celebrity is wearing thin these days. Most of us now just ignore them and get on with the job of living our own lives, and I don’t care what their next scheme is, I will not be partaking, complying or indulging the already overly-indulged while they try and destroy my life or that of my fellow countrymen. They can name call and label us as deniers, conspirators or far-right but in light of what has happened in the world since 2020, I realise that I have become not so much ‘far-right’ as I have been right so far.


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So What Was It All About - Covid

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023, 16:50

So, what was it all about?

Was it about reducing the population of the world and ‘saving the planet’ by a group of self-appointed, globalists playing God, through an enforced vaccination programme that has wiped out millions?

Excess mortality is up across the globe but anyone even mentioning it is immediately denounced as a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Why is there such a deficit in testing vaccines, in comparison with medicines, and why has this been allowed for so long? Who is monitoring the vaccine products of pharmaceutical companies for contents and safety? And why are we (taxpayers) paying for pharmaceutical errors and injuries?  This has to change, we need accountability and transparency regarding all aspects of vaccination. They are still vaccinating people against diphtheria, does anyone in the world know anyone who ever had diphtheria?

Was it about creating patients for the pharmaceutical industry by leaving many who have been vaccinated with lifelong injuries and forever in need of medical care?

When my son started his biomedical degree the first thing the class was told was that pharmaceutical companies do not like cures because they can’t make money from healthy people.

Was it a purge of the elderly and sick, to save the government money in pensions and care costs?

Do Not Resuscitate Orders were put on anyone over the age of 45 who presented as an emergency to hospital and had underlying health problems at the start of the ‘pandemic’. There were 11 patients alone, in a care home in Cork, who all died within 2 weeks of being vaccinated. The vast majority of those had underlying conditions, did the vaccine accelerate their path to the grave as I believe it did to my mother and others?

Was it about resetting the world as a technological totalitarian state with AI monitoring all aspects of our life on a 24/7 basis and putting a one world government in place?

I have the book, The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, which you can buy on Amazon. The Great Reset is predicated on the ‘climate crisis’, another fraud by the powers that be, as you will know from reading my blog. So just imagine if they succeed and everyone is chipped and under 24/7 surveillance, then what? What will the next move be and when is someone going to ask for our views on this?

One thing I have taken from the last few years, in spite of efforts to move our lives online, I have actually cut back from the internet and all news media. I just don’t listen to them anymore and I try and keep my internet use down to once a week. I also know that I cannot live my life online, it is not living and from what I see, using/over using social media makes people mentally ill. The other thing is that people forget that the internet is not the world. There have been several stories raging online recently and no one within the family or at work even mentioned them.   

Was it about an elite cabal (I don’t like using that word ‘elite’, they are not ‘elite’ they just have a lot of money with which they have been able to buy power, eg. Bill Gates) making a lot of money at the expense of our health and our freedom? Who is paying for the furlough, the vaccinations and all the propaganda? Us, the taxpayer as usual. Bill Gates gets a 20% return on his investments from vaccinations and Matt Hancock has a 15% share-holding in his family’s pharmaceutical company. Rishi Sunak’s wife is from one of the richest families in India and are involved in developing track and trace technology. But, of course, this was all just a wild coincidence and there is nothing to see here.

I look at what is going on in the world and see our leaders have taken Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin as their role models for leadership. Bullying, threats and fascist diktats are now the norm with no recourse to Parliament or the law, and where all opposition is being silenced and censored on a scale never seen before. Surely if everything the government and media were saying were true it would be self-evident and hold up under scrutiny. Why do they need to silence and censor those who disagree with them or dare to even ask a question? The treatment of Andrew Bridgen in Parliament has been appalling and shows that our ‘Parliamentary democracy’ is anything but.

The globalists want us to live a simpler more sustainable life but still keep buying their stuff? Can anyone else see the huge contradiction here?

There is a war being waged and it’s not in Yemen, Ukraine or Israel, it is happening every day against us with the constant barrage of lies and propaganda from the media and government. We are being gaslit every day and this didn’t start today, or even three years ago, it has been going on for decades, it is only now that we are able to see just how insidiously we have been lied to, manipulated and deceived.

When I look back over the political events of the last 70 years, I have concluded that the west was lost on 22 November 1963 when JFK was shot. That was the coup that removed the Commander in Chief. The military/industrial complex took over and has been running the world since, spreading their tentacles into governments everywhere and funding their nefarious activities with drugs, arms and war.


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A Plague on All Your Houses!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 16:07

In October 2019, Event 201 was run to simulate what would happen in the event of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic and, what a coincidence, there was one shortly afterwards. It was organised by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins Centre for Health Security (because health is now a matter of national security) and the World Economic Forum. But it was all purely a coincidence and there is nothing to see here.

Then, in October of this year, the same players ran another pandemic simulation for 2025, Catastrophic Contagion, where a deadly contagion that affects children and young people starts in South America (where the Zika virus was which I'm sure had nothing to do with vaccines). I'm sure this is just another coincidence and I'm sure they haven't been doing research into something like say, the Spanish Flu and crossing it with a coronavirus or the plague. But, just in case, forewarned is forearmed, as they say. 

And I'm sure Bill Gates didn't really mean anything when he said that regarding another pandemic 'that will get attention next time'. All just a coincidence...nothing to see here.

The next pandemic will get attention this time - Bill Gates - YouTube

About Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019 (centerforhealthsecurity.org)

Catastrophic Contagion, a high-level pandemic exercise in 2022 (centerforhealthsecurity.org)

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Please sign this petition, it is to stop the government signing the WHO's Pandemic Treaty which basically hands your freedom and national sovereignty to the WHO and Bill Gates and his globalist friends.

Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum - Petitions (parliament.uk)

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I Think, Therefore I Can (See)

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 12:47

I got up this morning to the first frost of the winter. Not even Halloween and frost already. It has been reported that Arctic sea ice is at high levels this year and this is usually a sign of a cold winter to come. Well, it's still only autumn but winter has started and, I think, there is snow forecast for the high ground in Scotland too, this weekend.

I came across an article recently which said that Bill Gates and friends are lining up to start mining minerals in Greenland. Apparently, Greenland has loads of minerals under the ice which are needed for technology and that is why they keep trying to convince us that the ice is melting. If you believe the ice is gone, you won't mind so much, or maybe won't even be aware that they will be there digging it up. After all, how many of us will be up around Greenland to see what is really going on?

On a related topic, we have been told for many years now that there is an island of plastic the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I recently tried to find a picture of this and couldn't get one. I got drawings and photos of small areas of plastic waste but no image of this supposedly large island of plastic. Surely, if it is there, it has been photographed from satellites or drones? Does anyone have a picture of this? Or is this another case of, out of sight, so lie all you want about it?

Insulate Britain do have a point regarding better insulation for our homes but their tactics only serve to annoy people and, to be honest, I've seen a couple of interviews with their spokespersons and, quite frankly, they are nuts!

I also recently listened to a talk by, I think, Alan Watts, or it might have been Max Igan, but I'm not entirely sure, I'll have to try and find it again. He, whoever he was, was saying that the world is insane, but because we are born into the insanity, we think it is normal. And although the insanity is right there for us all to see,(especially at the moment), we are blind to it because we live in it, and our parents basically programmed us to go along with it all, just like their parents did to them, and so the perpetual cycle of insanity continues ad infinitum.

Just sit and think about what is going on in the world at the moment, what sane adult would walk around with a mask on rather than freely breathe the air, or let a pharmaceutical company inject you with an unknown experimental substance with no knowledge of what it is or the possible side, or long term, effects? And why are we taking 'health' advice from the likes of Boris Johnson, a man so reprehensibly corrupt and irresponsible, he can't even manage to put on a condom. Or Nicola Sturgeon, a woman so anally retentive it would take a crow bar to open up her sphincter, and for whom the word 'fun' is a concept completely beyond her comprehension.

Or Bill Gates? Take some time and go and watch some interviews with this man, talking about 'sticking needles into children' and the most recent one about Epstein. This man is a psychopath, yet, he is allowed to dictate health policy to the entire fecking world! And we are listening to these people and letting them tell us what to do! I watched a clip last night of a man being arrested for sunbathing on a beach in Australia, SUNBATHING ON A BEACH!!! Can you really not see the insanity of all this? Just look at some of the 'rules' that were imposed by the petty dictators in the last year, - here in N Ireland they banned people from graveyards (we couldn’t have the dead spreading covid!) - Dan Andrews told people in Australia they had to keep their mask on when eating and drinking. Really, where is the fecking logic in any of this? It's beyond insane! 

But it isn't just today, look back at the wars and misery humanity has engineered and inflicted on one another. How could any sane person send someone's child out to murder others, so they can claim a piece of land, or impose an ideology? Or what about a world that allows a child to starve when others are allowed to hoard billions, which they could not spend in ten lifetimes, never mind one; and whose egos are so large, they can spend millions on a day trip to space, but won't pay one of their own employees more than the bare minimum wage. It is insane and we allow this insanity to go on around us every day!

I used to think I was crazy because I could never fit into the world in the way others wanted me to. I remember on many occasions being told to 'wise up', often just for questioning and challenging the status quo, or asking why. An insult that was also levelled at me at the start of this nonsense, because I challenged the lies and refused to comply with the nonsense. But, I was, and still am, prepared to stand and fight my corner for freedom and truth, regardless of what the frightened sheep bleat.

I don't fit in and now I see that I never will, at least as long as it keeps going as it is, and thank God for that! I realise now that I have been calling out the insanity for most of my life whether it was the dogma of Catholicism, the egotism of teachers, or the idiocy of rules and people in authority who have disappeared up their own rectum. If you think this world is sane, then I am more than happy if you think I am not.  We are living in a world of lies and half-truths but, mostly, complete and utter nonsense, and I, for one, will not go along with it. Not that I ever did, and on those rare occasions when I tried, I always felt that I had let myself down.

We are being led by lunatics and egotistical morons, who are leading us on a merry dance through bedlam. Why would anyone with a modicum of intelligence, or the capacity to think critically, take someone like Boris Johnson or Nicola Sturgeon seriously, they are not just ridiculous but stupid, just plain old dumb and dumber. Yet doctors and medical professionals, educated people, around the world are going along with their insanity.

I watched Noam Chomsky recently talk about what a real education is, he said a real education is not about the learning of facts, it is about learning 'how to think'. I see now that many of our 'health' professionals and those in positions of authority are just people with good memories, who can remember what they have been told, but lack the capacity to think for themselves, or apply critical thinking and logic, which makes them vulnerable not just to manipulation, but also to corruption.

Buddhism says that life is suffering and that is true, up to a point, anyone born to live will eventually suffer the pain of illness and death. However, life is really not that hard, or least it does not have to be. I’ve noticed that when things are right, life flows, it is easy, it is not hard or complicated at all. It is us, we make it difficult, we imprison ourselves in rules that someone else made and allow ourselves to be made miserable by them. It is how our society is structured that makes it difficult, as the Aboriginal man said, before the white man, the land was free, the food was free and the doctor was free. If only! Nothing is free now, you’re not even ‘free’ to breathe the air, and every day it tears away another little piece of your soul.

Life does not have to be this difficult but we have allowed it to become so. We have let the lunatics take over the asylum and run the show and as long as we keep obeying their instructions, then it will continue and will become more and more difficult. Do you really want to stay in the institution for the rest of what remains of your life, or do you want out, the choice is yours, it is time to wise up.



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Temporary Body Storage and Pandemic 2

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 13:36

I had started writing this piece last week, it was speculating on what is coming next and then someone shared this information with me and I thought I’d better get this posted quickly.

One of the internet rumours about the end game in all this, is that this is about reducing the population of the world and ‘saving the planet’ by the self-appointed, global elite playing God, through an enforced vaccination programme that will wipe out millions?

Well, here’s a link to the London Borough Tender Service for Body Storage Facilities for a contract period of four years - Temporary Body Storage Service - Find a Tender (find-tender.service.gov.uk)

Here’s an excerpt - The Authority seeks to procure a framework agreement for temporary body storage in the event of an excess deaths situation for the 32 London boroughs and the City of London, led by Westminster City Council. The framework agreement will appoint a single provider and will be for a period of 4 years. This will be a contingency contract, only called upon in the event that an excess deaths situation arises in the future and existing local body storage capacity needs to be augmented.

The over-arching aim of this tender is to provide a single framework supplier that will be able to provide temporary body storage facilities to house deceased in the event of an excess deaths situation. The deceased will be stored with dignity and respect, at locations to be determined based on local London needs at the time and will require some design elements to accommodate local site conditions and constraints, while being capable of rapid deployment, construction and commissioning to an agreed standard. This framework will be procured by the Authority as the pan-London lead, but all London local authorities may call-off against the framework.

This will be a contingency cover framework and as such there is no minimum guarantee of any level of spend or call-off under the framework agreement.

The Authority will be hiring the structures and associated items, which will be decommissioned and removed at the end of the requirement.

It is a one-off contract not for recurrence.  Now, if it had said that it was a safety measure just in case, and up for renewal every four years or so, I would have thought it was just a piece of forward planning.

However, when you add it to this video of Bill Gates talking (Freudian slipping?)about pandemic 2, then I fear people, we are heading into a hell of global corporate making. You have been warned.

And keep in mind, and I'm sure people are sick of me saying it, 3 weeks to save the NHS and flatten the curve.


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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 12:58

So, what did I do in my six weeks of off? Well, I read the entire Harry Potter series, and very enjoyable they were too. I didn’t want to read anything political or anything ‘real’ and I’ve carried on reading more fiction since. I’ve just finished the excellent Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith. It is about a serial killer and is set at the end of the Stalin era in Russia. It is based on the story of the real-life serial killer, Andrei Chikatilo who murdered 56 people in Russia in the 1980’s and 90’s. I’ve also ordered the two sequels, The Secret Speech and Agent 6.

There are some statistics at the back of the book relating to Russia under Stalin that are chilling. The two that stood out for me are; it is estimated that 14.5 million people died during this time (the proletariat whom communism was supposed to free) and they would even execute children as young as 12. Absolutely brutal!

If the detail in the book is anything like it really was, the levels of paranoia and fear, it must have been hell for the citizenry. I remember in Wild Swans how people were the same under Mao, paranoid and ready to sell out their family, friends and neighbours, and how in the blink of an eye you could fall out of favour with the authorities and the dangers that brought.  The frightening thing about this is when I look around me today, I see we have learned nothing. It would take very little to turn society into that again, we are halfway there already. I’ve seen and experienced first-hand in the last year, how people who I thought had a modicum of sense and intelligence, completely caved into the fear and propaganda. I have been ostracised by family members for not taking the virus ‘seriously’. (What was I supposed to do, invite it around for dinner and talk to it?!) And the ‘covid cult’ has caused divisions that debates about Trump, global-warming and Brexit never even came close to.

I have also refused to wear a mask, (I will not be complicit in my own enslavement) something which pisses some people off. I think part of it is because it highlights their own cowardice - they don’t want to wear it but haven’t the nerve to go out without it. I tell people now I have a rare condition, it’s called CSIT, it stands for common sense and independent thinking, and believe me it’s a rare commodity around here, I just didn’t realise how rare!

The ‘covid cult’ also reminded me of the early days of the Troubles, especially Bloody Sunday, when a wave of collective insanity seemed to grip the population and which I’ve seen again this year. The change in society was palpable after Bloody Sunday, you could almost taste the anger and hate. Northern Ireland descended into darkness and fear, paranoia and brutality reigned, and every nut job with a grudge had an outlet in which to exercise it. There were also those who took advantage of the anger and the nut jobs, and used them for their own ends, financially and politically. The fear generated then still haunts NI, (they haven’t gone away you know) I see it when I post anything critical about Sinn Fein on Facebook, and it is collectively ignored.

People have remarked privately, that they thought I would be burned out or shot after my letters to the paper. I really didn’t care and knew they wouldn’t because what I have realised is that, underneath it all, Sinn Fein and the rest of them are just another bunch of cowards, who are just as corrupt as the rest and always were. If the last year has shown me anything, it is that all the ‘hard’ men around here are nothing more than a shower of gutless wonders. Pathetic!

Anyway, getting back to the books, I’m reading Carl Sagan’s Contact at the moment, (and hoping for a worm hole to open up to another galaxy!). I had started it before Lent but set it aside to read the Harry Potter’s. I will then get back to some of the heavier stuff which is starting to pile up. Next up is Solzhenitsyn’s, The Gulag Archipelago, for some real insights into life under Stalin and Nietzsche’s, Beyond Good and Evil.

It was good to take that time away from the world and switch off from all the hysteria and misery, especially when the government denies you the right to live your life. There’s another year gone which I’ll never get back. Man cannot live for work alone and neither can I.

The fear is also starting to recede and I can see people beginning to question themselves and their actions. The media are still doing their best to ramp it up, with all eyes on India, but with a bit of sunshine and people getting out and about again, the tensions are definitely easing.  Well done too, to all who turned out to march last week in London, it was great to see, especially for those of us living in the outer reaches with little or no support.

When you look back at history and read the literature, whether fictional or not, from the Roman Empire to the present day, you wonder why tyrants never learn and continue with their insane plans for world domination and human enslavement. Because, it doesn’t matter how successful they are initially, in the end, empires always fall and their leaders die, whether it’s Josef Stalin, Mao or Lord Voldemort. Could someone please tell the Rothschilds/ Rockefellers, George Soros , Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Democrats, the Zionists and Xi Jinping? It could save us all a lot of time and trouble, and spare us a lot of pain and misery.

Enslavement is not sustainable in the long term, not matter how brutal they make it. Eventually, some people tire of it and decide to fight back for freedom, to die on their feet rather than live on their knees. What is the point of a life, if you cannot live it as a free human being, especially when none of us are going to be here very long anyway!

The one factor that could have stopped Mao and Stalin was the people, if people had not complied with the orders and stood together, they could have done nothing. Because there are always more of us, than there are of them.

I watched a lecture of Dr Jordan Peterson’s recently where he talked about what a miracle it was that we existed, and how many pairs of males and females it took to successfully mate and produce a healthy child over thousands of millennium for us to be here now. Our ancestors in Europe have lived through the rise and fall of many empires, the Black Death, the Inquisition, famine, starvation, invasions and wars, and here we are cringing in fear with our face nappies, over a flu that has a 99.97% recovery rate. Just think about that for a moment then, grow a pair, take that rag off your face and man up, ffs!  

Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias!


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Messiahs, malice, money & masks

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Well, it was an interesting few weeks switching off from the world, although, it is difficult when you still have to go to work every day and interact with others. The only way to  really do it is to have a place away from everything, where you can actually sit in peace and quiet, like Henry David Thoreau in Walden - Life in the Woods, but I don’t have access to that type of land, unfortunately. Self-sufficiency, far from the madding crowd, I can but dream.

About 100 years ago, radio was invented, prior to that, the only noise you would have heard in your daily life was other people talking. Music would only have been heard if there was an occasion that called for it, be it a party, concert, wedding or ceili. Life would mostly have been quiet and silence easy to access.  Modern life is never silent, it drones on 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without respite. Television, movies and music have intruded into our lives and brains, and there are a thousand voices competing to be heard in my head alone, even when sitting quietly; memories, lines from songs, scenes from movies, tv programmes, all vying for space in a place that is already overcrowded and noisy.

When you stand back from the noise for a while, you realise that most of it is meaningless, without purpose or substance, especially the TV. Mindless ‘entertainment’, soulless fodder being fed to the masses with the lowest common denominator as a guide.

Taking a break from it all allows you to adjust your perspective and when I look now at the overall picture, all I see is corruption. We live in a world based on lies and deceit, and sadly, a population happy to play along if it means they don’t have to bother thinking for themselves.

Everything is a lie, absolutely everything that we were told to believe in growing up is a lie and I’m not just talking about Santa Claus. The ‘greatest story ever told’ is exactly that, a story, another manufactured piece of Roman propaganda to quell the rebellious Jews and exert control over them and the people. I had actually thought that Jesus did exist although, I never believed in a virgin birth or resurrection, but now I find out that he never existed at all and was the product of some imaginative scholar working for Rome. (I'll expand on this another day) I have to say there is a great freedom to be had from being able to completely shed the diktats and guilt-tripping of Christianity. No more turn the other cheek or forgiveness here! 

And it is the same for everything, they have been lying for centuries, not just decades.

Voting is, I suppose, another lie, we have the semblance of change but it is merely window dressing and the elite still pull the strings behind the scenes. And it is not just religion and politics that is riddled with lies - the same goes for our ‘health’ service and never more so than now. It’s really the pharmaceutical industry manipulating government and the medical profession to make and keep us ill. They have been giving us all the wrong dietary advice for decades and disdain any alternative approach to health, except one that involves the chemical products of their industry and makes money.

We don’t have a health service any more, we have an illness maintenance service based on medication and lots of it, which is now pushing for vaccination for everyone, for everything. But it is too easy to just blame big pharma and government, there has to be a degree of personal responsibility and too many people think that their health is something the doctor takes care of.

For example, type 2 diabetes is controllable through diet so why are people with type 2 not referred to a dietitian or nutritionist. I know several people with this condition and one of them is on 15 different medications a day, some for thyroid, kidney and blood pressure problems, all related to the diabetes. But not once have they been told to modify their diet other than a vague ‘watch your carbs’ when, time and again, it has been shown that a high fat, high protein diet is better than a low fat, high carb diet.

I am sick of the lies, the propaganda and the ‘messiah’ complexes of the wealthy who cannot leave us in peace to live our short lives.  What angers me most about this whole covid scam, along with all the others, is the stress and fear that have been deliberately generated and with absolute malice aforethought, and all to make money for people who have far too much of it already. I mean, does Bill Gates really need another 20 billion so he can buy another ugly jumper?

Anyway, at this point, I have lost complete faith in everything. I see a world where corruption is endemic and so widespread that it is almost impossible for us to attempt to end it while the majority stand like cows at gates mooing along. The majority, unfortunately, seem to be happy with their imprisonment with no consideration for the fact that their complicity is destroying freedom for the rest of us. (I’m basing this on the reports that the Conservatives seem to be set to win the Hartlepool by-election, I hope the polls are wrong).

Back in 1930’s Germany, if the Jews had fought back when they were removed from public life and denied the right to go to parks/theatres and their businesses destroyed, they could not have moved them into ghettoes, if they had fought back against the ghettoes, they could not have forced them to wear the yellow star, if they had objected to the ghettoes and the stars, they could not have proceeded to moving them to ‘work’ camps.

If we hadn’t accepted shutting down businesses, they could not have ordered us to wear a mask. If we hadn’t complied with the mask, they could not enforce a vaccine, if we hadn’t taken the vaccine they could not begin to consider enforcing a ‘temporary’ vaccination passport. (Temporary, like 3 weeks to save the NHS!) Also, the implications of this are not being taken seriously at all. What about the right to privacy and confidentiality regarding medical treatment? What about the Geneva Convention and the Nuremburg Code that was put in place to stop medical treatments being forced on anyone? What right does the government and big tech/pharma corporations have to deny us our rights to freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom to personal autonomy? And when this is all put in place, what is the next step going to be? Social scores like China that restrict your ability to live and work even more?

I know what’s coming, I’ve done my research, we have learned nothing from history and those who do not learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them, and that seems to be exactly where we are heading. Medical fascism is being implemented and there is barely a word of dissent.

What sickens me more, is the ‘allegedly’ smart people who won’t admit or even look at the information because their egos could not conceive that they could be, or are being, played and deceived. The elderly, who are not ‘tech’ savvy, I can forgive but the wilfully ignorant, I cannot and will not.

If you are complying, you are sleepwalking into a totalitarian/fascist technocracy and dragging the rest of us with you. However, there is a window of opportunity for the people of Britain to register their dissent against this with the May elections. I would ask you, for the sake of freedom, to not vote for any of the main parties and give your support to those who oppose this lockdown. I would also ask, if you care anything for freedom, to take off the f*cking mask, start today and make a stand for freedom and humanity, if not for your own sake, then for the sake of future generations.

I haven’t worn a mask at all, it really isn’t that big of a deal and if anyone gives you grief about it, tell them you are exempt or to f*ck off, which is easily done too, the choice is yours. You are not obliged to disclose your private health information to anyone, and it is not legally enforceable. And if the police stop you, ask them to show you what statute it comes under because there is none. It is a ministerial directive with no basis in law and stories about arrests are just that, stories, to try and scare you into complying. Take it off today and breathe the air. Your children and grandchildren will thank you.


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Casper Smith, Thursday, 22 Apr 2021, 20:50)
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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 29 Sept 2021, 12:38

I was driving to work this morning thinking about the testing for covid and those who say that it is to harvest our DNA and has nothing to do with the virus. To be honest, I wasn't sure about this but then I remembered something. At the beginning of this, I checked to see if was possible to patent your own DNA (just to ensure they wouldn't clone me after I am gone! lol!) and you can't patent your DNA, unless, it has been modified. NOW, the mRNA vaccine alters your DNA and if Bill Gates owns the patent on the vaccine, does Bill Gates now own the patent on the DNA of anyone who has taken the vaccine?  I also read something over the weekend that said that anyone who has been given the vaccine is now a genetically modified organism. Something to think about...

Permalink 15 comments (latest comment by Casper Smith, Sunday, 24 Jan 2021, 20:13)
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Lies, Damned Lies and Fake News

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So, 37/38 weeks on from 3 weeks to ‘Save the NHS’, we’re still being held to ransom in a big open prison. Do you still believe this is about a virus, a virus so deadly, 99.97% of us will recover from it and even if we get it, will have mild or no symptoms, and even among 80 year olds, has a recovery rate of 80%; a virus that still hasn’t been isolated, yet, they can make a vaccine for it? A miracle virus that went from Wuhan to the rest of the world, bypassing the rest of China. Can you see now looking at those videos and news reports from China back in March, of people collapsing and dying in the streets, people in hazmat suits walking around and fumigating the place? All fake, fake news, as real as a White Helmet rescue in Syria. 

They are playing us, on a monumental scale, they think we are fools and idiots and are laughing at how easily we have been lied to and manipulated. They’ve being doing it for decades and getting away with it too. Do you really believe Bill Gates, Boris Johnston and Matt Hancock give a damn about your health? Bill Gates is getting a 20% return on vaccines, he says it’s the best investment he’s ever made and has doubled his wealth in 10 years. These bankers and globalists know that the majority of people are decent and law abiding, otherwise society would not be able to function, and will do what they can to take care of their families, friends and neighbours. I mean who would deliberately want to kill their granny. 

Your trust, your sense of decency and your inherent desire to do the right thing is being exploited and taken advantage of, and they are sitting back having a laugh and making a fortune while our lives have been taken over and we have been locked down in this big open prison.  And Matt Hancock's 'performance' on GMB yesterday confirms this, pretending to be crying, when he is in fact crying with laughter at how they have pulled this off and, no doubt too, at the big pay day for him and the rest of them. What a vile human being! There’s a link down below, I would urge you to view it. See also the photos of yesterday’s fake patients getting their jab. Check the dates on the pictures.

What sickens me most about this is that ordinary decent people are being deliberately terrorised and exploited by those with no moral standards of any kind, and who would sell their granny for profit, in a heartbeat. It’s not nice to be taken for a fool, to be lied to, to be exploited, especially when you are trying to do the right thing. 

Globalist billionaires and trillionaires, like Rothschild, Soros and Gates have more money than they could spend in 10 life times, but it still isn’t enough for them, they want more, they want everything you have and to reduce your life to that of a serf. Too much is never enough for them, a mind-set beyond most of our understanding. 

As it says on the World Economic Forum website on the Great Reset, ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’.  I wonder how they are going to take away what we own, will property and material goods be outlawed and rationed. Who thinks up this stuff? And who are they to decide what will or will not make you happy, or what you can or cannot own? 

As humans, what makes us happy is connection with others, relationships, friendships, love. There are numerous studies on the need in humans for those connections. I remember as part of a psychology course, learning about how children in the Romanian orphanages were literally dying from the want of touch. After the fall of Ceausescu, and the world became aware of the awful conditions and deprivation in the orphanages, money and help poured in but children were still dying at the same rate they had being dying at before. Then they discovered that while they may be getting fed and clothed better, they still were not having any physical contact, no one giving them a comforting hug and they were dying from the want of it.  There is also Bowlby’s famous experiment with Rhesus monkeys, which found that the monkeys deprived of a comforting touch in their early development became psychotic. 

When I think about that coldness and lack of empathy as demonstrated by the psychotic, I can’t help but draw parallels between those public school boys who are sent off at a young age to boarding school and who proliferate the world of business and politics, and turn out like Hancock, Johnson and Gates. 












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Response to Round 2

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So, this is my response to the last letter.

It’s only good manners to thank someone when they compliment you, as the Non Conspiracy Theorist (NCR) did last week on the eloquence of my writing, and maybe to return the compliment, but, on this occasion, I will pass on both those options and can only remark on the wilful ignorance and arrogance of the writer.

Unfortunately, for me, I do not have the same callous disregard for the rest of humanity as the NCR especially, when I see our fundamental human rights being stripped away for nothing more than a bad case of the flu, as evidenced by the figures. Between 2014 -18 deaths from flu in the UK averaged 21,500, the figure this year is 1400. What miracle occurred this year to reduce those figures so dramatically?

I only wish I could sit in ignorance of the reality of what has unfolded in our country and the world, and run off to the beach and bury my head in the sand, like the NCR, and ignore the 1.2 million who have lost their jobs, the £150 billion of national debt, the thousands of excess deaths, the rising suicides and the patients who are being denied treatment on ever lengthening waiting lists and to care nothing about the fallout from all these events.

As for Mr Gates, the information I supplied is freely available from any number of independent news sites across the internet, if you could be bothered to look.  Event 201 even has its own website.

And for the record, I obtained my degree from an accredited University which is one degree more than Mr Gates has. But would it ever occur to the NCR to question why a man with no medical qualifications, or training of any kind, gets to sit down with governments across the world and dictate health policy? By Mr Gates own admission, and you won’t need a dinner invitation or an appointment with his accountant to know that he is getting a 20% return on his investments in vaccines, the news interview is freely available on the internet for anyone to watch.  Did the NCR really think the multi-billionaire wanted to vaccinate the world out of altruism?  7bn @ 20% is a nice payday for Bill and his business associates. It’s a mystery to the NCR why Mr Gates wants to increase his already vast wealth, by their own admission, they don’t see it. I would say that’s a sentence that occurs often in the course of their conversations, along with ’I don’t know’ and ‘I don’t care’.  But the greed, miserliness and lust for power of the rich is well noted in our culture, information which, again, is freely available to anyone who would make the effort to look.

But, when things don’t make sense, I make it my business to try and find out what is going on, and I do care when I see humanity being terrorised, lied to and manipulated by predatory global elites, with the complicity of their minions in the media and government, who are supposed to be acting in our interests.

As myopic as the NCR’s outlook is, even with their limited capacity for understanding, they would have to question why 5 months after ‘3 weeks to save the NHS and flatten the curve’ we are forcing children into masks when the curve, at this point, is prostrate?

But here’s a little information for our NCR to ponder in the wasteland of their mind while sitting on the beach or wandering around the shopping mall, the ‘virus’ has still not been isolated or met the criteria to be called an infectious disease, as laid down in Koch’s Postulates. And the RT-PCR test which is being used to detect the virus was, as stated by the inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, never designed to diagnose infectious disease, as it had a false positive rate of 80%.

The NCR might think or, at least, try to think about, why, if the virus is so deadly, you need to get a test at all, to know you have it? Or, if it is so deadly, how could you have it and not have any symptoms? Or even, what possible reason could anyone have to put a cloth or paper mask on a healthy person against a virus that is 1/10,000th of a millimetre, can easily pass through paper and cloth and can only be seen with a microscope? Or why do we even need a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.97% recovery rate in the general population?

But, to even consider possible answers, to those questions, would require effort and for the NCR to also, consider the small possibility that, maybe, just maybe, they don’t know it all. So, a little advice in return, step away from the mirror, deflate your ego (if only your intellect was as large) sit down at the computer and see what you can learn.

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Letters to the Paper Round 2

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Sunday, 11 Oct 2020, 09:39

Well I've a day off today and it’s been a busy few weeks so I’m just trying to get caught up with things and get the blog up to date. So, this is round 2 of letters to the local paper, this was the response to my letter, it added nothing to the debate, nothing on health figures or the efficacy of masks, lockdowns or otherwise to back up their case but here it is anyway.

Firstly I would like to paraise the author on her eloquence. It was a well written piece stating her points very clealy and I do agree with her when she describes the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ as lazy. It is a phrase too often trotted out to dismiss the views of a minority whose beliefs do not fit in with the mainstream narrative.

I do however have to question where Ms Devine is coming from in the rest of her well-crafted monologue. Basically she is laying the blame for all the current woes facing the world at the doorstep of Bill Gates.

Ms Devine states with such authority that what she says is the absolute truth – that one would be led to believe she has met Mr Gates. Not only has she met him but he has granted her access to his various investments and financial affairs. How else could she know such unchallengeable truths about his $1billion deals and his helping to draft legislation that would let pharmaceutical companies off the hook in the event of a coronavirus outbreak?

I’m guessing and I stand to be corrected here, that Ms Devine has not in fact had dinner with Bill Gates but that she has received her Masters Degree from the University of the Internet. A well-attended educations establishment it is too.

My question would be this: Why? What has Bill Gates got to gain from this pandemic? A quick Googles search tells me that he is already worth $114 billion so he’s hardly in it for the money.

The man will be 65 shortly – so unless he uses his billions to unearth the secret to eternal life, he has 30 years left , give or take. And what then? On his deathbed will he be surrounded by the rest of the supposed ghouls – Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Jacob Rothschild – rubbing his hands and cackling at how he brought the world to its knees? (BTW I made no mention at all of any of these people in my letter if anyone want's to go back and check, or a new world order)

I just don’t see it. But maybe that is the point MS Devine is trying to make.

I would also ask though, so what? So what if there is some New World Order out there and we are all being played like cheap fiddles? We only get a few decades on this earth and time passes quickly. When you’re gone the nefarious cabal will be someone else’s problem.

Step away from the computer. Drive to the beach. Meet a friend for a cuppa. Do something productive because siting worrying about Bill Gates and the unholy dealing you believe his is weaving from his dark castle is not good for your mental-well being.

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In Defence of 'Vigilante Conspiracy Theorists'

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So, in answer to our local politicians this is the letter I drafted and sent to the paper in response to the article. The paper comes out on Thursday so I won't know until then if they are going to print it but here is the full text of it.

In answer to Stephen Edwards and Daniel McCrossan’s hysterical over-reaction to a bit of paint on a wall, I must first challenge the assertion of ‘conspiracy theory’. Maybe they were looking at a different wall but, for the life of me, all I see is 3 statements opposing the ‘new normal’, the wearing of masks and a hashtag in support of KBF (Keep Britain Free, there is no Keep (N) Ireland Free group yet.)

And where exactly is the ‘fake news’? Now, if it had said something like ‘in February 2019, Bill Gates helped draft legislation to ensure pharmaceutical companies would not be held liable for any injury caused by a corona virus vaccine, or in August 2019, Bill Gates signed a $1billion deal with a democratic Senator for Track and Trace technology, or even in October 2019, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along with the World Economic Forum and the John Hopkins Centre ran a simulation, called Event 201, to plan for what would happen if there was a corona-virus pandemic. But, these are all facts not conspiracy theories or fake news.

As a matter of fact, considering the hysteria, one would almost think there was a conspiracy to push the narrative pumped out by the mainstream media, and their obliging political minions, and discredit anyone who would dare to disagree.

There is a long history of graffiti as a means of legitimate political protest, especially when those who disagree are censored and denied a forum through which to voice their discontent and/or disagreements. When the media, national and local, indulge in censorship, other means of protest have to be utilised.

The Republican movement in Strabane have a history of daubing the walls with their slogans, ‘Ireland unfree shall never be at peace’ is one that adorned the walls of the Ballycolman area for many years. Forgotten now it seems…and we certainly won’t talk about the price Strabane has paid for their activities, past and present. For the record, it was done in daylight too not in the dark.

The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined by the CIA to try and discredit anyone who disagreed with the narrative on the assassination of John F Kennedy. To call anyone a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is to indulge in the laziest form of politics, self-righteously, grandstanding with weak and insipid name-calling, rather than debating with robust intelligent arguments based on fact. But if any of our representatives would like to publicly debate on the merits of the ‘lockdown’, masks or any aspect of the ‘new normal’ or ‘tyranny’, then I would be more than happy to oblige without masks, (anti)social-distancing or censorship. 

As to moral duty, there is an old saying - Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.

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No Mask, No Vax, no Trax

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As the lockdown grinds tortuously on, I don't even know what we're allowed or not allowed to do any more, I stopped listening weeks ago and I don't particularly care either.  All I'm waiting on is the start of the Grand Prix and flights to England.

I won't be wearing a mask either on public transport or anywhere else (unless it's Halloween) and I don't give a damn who says it, it isn't the law and as far as I'm concerned it is a violation of the most fundamental human right, the right to breathe the air. By the way, a mask is of absolutely no use against a virus, it's the equivalent of using an open door to stop a fly. A mask will also reduce the flow of oxygen into the body and raise Co2 levels which place the body under stress and may cause you to pass out, this is especially dangerous if you are driving. 

A virus cannot survive for very long unless it has a living host.  When you put on a mask, you are breathing out bacteria (which are living organisms) and viruses that are contained within your nose and mouth, providing a fertile breeding ground for any virus to replicate which you are then inhaling back into your lungs. Not a good idea and liable to make you ill. So, forget about the mask.

I was having a discussion with someone on Twitter as to how to make our dissent known to the powers that be and we needed something quick and easy to organise so I suggested sending a mask to 10 Downing Street in protest. So this is mine, sent yesterday along with a letter detailing why I'm not going to wear a mask, get vaccinated or volunteer to be tracked and traced. 

I've read so much about vaccines in the last few weeks that I was sick to my stomach that I had ever allowed any of my children to be vaccinated. As Dr Judy Mikovits said, it is a plague of corruption and if you haven't watched her interview on London Real then I strongly recommend you do as soon as possible and then follow it up with the Robert Kennedy Jr (son of the late Senator Bobby Kennedy) interview, also on the site.

And I certainly will not allow anyone belonging to me to be vaccinated at the behest of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with his record, he should be in jail for crimes against humanity. His vaccines have caused polio in up to half a million girls in India, the deaths for hundreds of African children and he chemically castrated a million women in Kenya with a supposed Tetanus vaccine. The stories are horrific.

And I will not be tracked and traced, I am not a dog and what I do and where I go is no one's business but mine, I do not have the virus, I am not a danger to anyone and I am not doing anything illegal. 

We were discussing this in the office the other day, and how this 'track and trace' is going to work. There are 7 in our office when we are working at full capacity, now imagine it's Monday morning, we've all been in the office for a few hours and someone gets a call - they have been in contact with someone with Covid and they have to self-isolate, so we will all have to go home and self-isolate for 2 weeks. So, 2 weeks later we come back and next day another one of us gets a 'self-isolate' call so again we all have to go home and self-isolate.  And then 3 weeks later it happens again. Realistically, you could be off work forever, it's complete nonsense and is never going to work, apart from the fact that the so called 'deadly' virus has practically gone anyway. 

Where is the voice of reason? We are ruled by the incompetent and the arrogant and unfortunately, that didn't happen today or yesterday. A change is badly needed to the whole system. But, in the meantime, if anyone else feels like making their dissent known, I invite you to send a mask to Boris and let's end this insanity.

By the way, one man died in our town with the virus, not from the virus, with. He was 88 had major heart surgery about 20 years ago and many thought he was dead already, as he hadn't been seen in years. So, it is safe to assume he had several co-morbidities as well.

Mask letter

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 10 June 2020, 19:11)
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Unelected and Self-righteous

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Tuesday, 5 May 2020, 22:36

World leaders came together for a virtual summit on a vaccine for coronavirus yesterday and guess who else was at the summit, even though they are not leaders in any government organization and nor have they been democratically elected by anyone anywhere in the entire world to any government body?  Why none other than Bill and Melinda Gates! Well, what a surprise!  All rested up after Event 201 and ready to dictate to the world.

Why were they there, the health of humanity has nothing to do with them and is none of their business? They are private individuals with absolutely no right to be there, so why were they there? I mean, who died and put Bill Gates in charge of the health of the world???

I see the churches are still closed with no plans to reopen yet either, it's good to see all those religious institutions showing their true colours at this time. Their congregations are in 'crisis' and they have closed their doors and turned their backs on them, no words or acts of comfort for the suffering then.  It seems the 'men of God' have a distinct lack of faith in the God they, allegedly, believe in.

But then the Church is a bit like the Gates, unelected and self-appointed to dictate and pontificate to the rest of us.

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London Real TV

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020, 08:10

For anyone who is interested, Dr Andrew Kaufmann is going to be on London Real TV today at 6.00pm. Dr Kaufmann was the person I cited for his investigation into the virus' in 'Virus, Wot Virus 1' (I went back and numbered them so as not to confuse people) which detailed the very strong similarities between what they are calling 'covid' and an exosome.  

By the way, here's an interesting fact I found out in my research, guess who owns the patent on coronavirus? 

Here's a clue, he was part of Event 201 which, in case you don't know about, was a simulation of what would happen if there was a coronavirus pandemic which started in China. This was hosted in October of 2019 in New York in partnership with The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum.

Yes, none other than the billionaire Bill Gates, the Eugenicist who believes that the population of the world can be reduced with vaccines, now there's something to think about. There is a Ted Talk on youtube on this, again if anyone is interested.

Here's another little coincidence, and this may be a coincidence, but the World Military Games were on in guess where in October 2019 too?  Yes, you guessed it, Wuhan, China!

Anyway, I have to go to work but if you check out the London Real website there is also an interview with Dr Rashid Buttar on the origins of the virus. Dr Buttar is another person who's work is disappearing off youtube.  As a matter of fact anyone who disagrees with the WHO on this is being taken down.  

I find the censorship of dissent much scarier than any virus! Strange days and times...

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