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Passing the time

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 30 Nov 2020, 23:51

Well, since there is nowhere to go and the season of goodwill is almost upon us, I have been occupying my time making Christmas decorations. These are hand made by me and I have to say I'm quite proud of them. These are just a couple of several different types I've made and the reason why the blog has been so neglected of late. But, in spite of the regulations, which I ignore anyway as much as I possibly can, I'm looking forward to a big Christmas gathering in the wilds of Aghyaran, (which is going to break all the rules) and since there will be nothing happening this side of Spring, unless the Tory rebels manage to oust Boris, there isn't much else to talk about.

But and however, I am trying to start a campaign to FREE THE COVID 65 MILLION! They have been locked down without a trial or recourse to the law; denied the company of family and friends; denied the right to move freely and also, denied the most basic right which all human beings take for granted,(or, at least, we used to) to freely breathe the air!

So, show your support for the COVID 65ml by throwing away your mask, hugging random strangers and wishing them a Merry Christmas! Or be totally rebellious and reckless, carry a bunch of mistletoe and snog a few as well, if you can! Go on, I dare you! 

Anyway, I'll probably be arrested for incitement to murder or reckless endangerment or whatever for that...but who cares? Not me!

So, in case I don't see you later, good afternoon, good even... sorry, Merry Christmas and a free and happy new year!


wreath 2
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Christmas Tree

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 4 Mar 2020, 21:34

This was my Christmas re-do of one of my flower arrangements. I didn't put up a tree this year, just did my usual holly, ivy and assorted flowers etc. garland around the fireplace.  I really liked how this turned out and will keep it for next year, I think.


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All I want for Christmas...

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And God sent his only Son that mankind might be saved ....NO IT WASN'T! It was to punish us for all our misbegotten deeds so that every year as a 'celebration' of his arrival, we would have to endure the special purgatory that is Christmas Shopping!  As if shopping at any time of the year wasn't it's own special kind of hell, now you can do it with bigger crowds who are more stressed while Noddy Holder screams 'IT'S CHRISTMAS!' for the four hundredth thousand time as you trudge around, on the verge of a mass extinction of brain cells, spending your hard earned (that could be better spent or saved for a decent holiday somewhere warm!) buying meaningless tat for those who spent their hard earned buying you the same meaningless tat because you 'have to' because its 'Christmas'. 

I wouldn't even mind if they actually bought me something I could use, I mean I have hobbies, I read, I write, I paint, I knit, I crochet, I garden and I've even gone back to playing badminton. But would they ever buy some paint or a canvas or two? NEVER!  Just the same bloody old body lotions and potions which I NEVER use!

And as if all that wasn't bad enough, now we have a general election in the middle of it all???  So, we're going to have to trudge out in the midst of the ice and snow (and the next one who mentions 'global warming' to me is going to get punched several times over!) to see if we can finally get a functioning government in place who will carry out the democratic will of the people and get us the f*ck out of the EU and start running the bloody country again! 

Merry Christmas everyone, God bless us one an' all!

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Christmas time

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I would just like to take this opportunity to wish all bloggers and readers a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.  May all your assignments be in on time and all your marks high.  Merry Christmas everyone!!

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