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Save Our Freedoms

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 6 Jan 2021, 12:32

I attended the Save our Freedoms protest at Stormont on Saturday, we didn't have anything like London's numbers but there were a few hundred there and it was a beautiful day with sunshine and blue skies. The PSNI were in attendance but it was all very casual and relaxed.  I made some new friends and contacts, gave out a few Keep Britain Free leaflets and look forward to the next one. 

My son and my granddaughter came along too. He was especially anxious to go after seeing his daughter's hands. He works away during the week so only see's her on the weekend. They were cracked and bleeding with dermatitis from being made to use hand sanitizer in school. Her mother spoke to the teacher about it and said it is not to happen again. She isn't the only one in her class to have been affected by this, there are several others as well and I have seen a few posting online as well on the Us for Them page on Facebook which is a site concerned with how our children are being treated in schools at present.  Between masks on teenagers and burning the hands of children, this really is child abuse. What have we become as a nation to allow this, or go along with this, over a bad case of the flu. 

There was a surprise guest speaker, Dr Dolores Cahill, Phd who has been at the front of the Health Freedom Ireland movement and has spoken at protests in London and Berlin and is due there again this week. One of the most interesting points made on the day was by one of the other speakers. He asked the crowd, 'Do you know anyone who has died from the virus?'. No one put their hand up. Then he asked ' Do you know anyone who has committed suicide because of the lockdown?'. Almost everyone put their hand up.

But I can see the tide is turning, if it is a little slow. Since my letters to the paper several people had contacted me through Facebook so we are building a little opposition. Many thought they were the only person in disagreement with what is happening, and it was a relief to hear that there are more out there. 

I was in Derry yesterday, and speaking to a shop assistant, I won't say where in case he gets in trouble, but he didn't have a mask on and when he showed me that I had to scan the items myself, he rolled his eyes and we got into a conversation about lockdown and the rest. Maybe he knew I would be ok as I didn't have a mask on either. But an interesting thing happened when we were talking, an elderly lady who was in the queue behind me was listening and then took off her mask. 

Then we went down the quayside a walk and stopped for a bit to eat, it was outside as it was another beautiful day, and a man approached the table next to us with his young daughter and the conversation was all about how fed up they were with all this, how the novelty of zoom calls was over and now they wanted their lives back. I also saw a large crowd queuing outside Smyth's Toy Store and thought, 'how is this going to work through the winter, will people be left standing in the street in the cold and the rain?' 

Anyway, Amazon will do and have done very well out of it all. And when they told you to put your mask on, did you think to ask how long for and when do you take it off? Remember, 3 weeks to 'Save the NHS' and here we are 6 months later, and a second, completely unnecessary lockdown being threatened.  

I was looking at a post earlier on the students who are 'locked' in, in Manchester. I remarked, that the only person locking them in is themselves, they can open the door and leave any time they want, the prison is in their own minds, telling them they have to obey'. But then the prisons of the mind are much harder to break out of.

No one puts a mask on you, you do it yourself, Adolf Hitler never killed anyone, he never lifted a gun or put a foot inside Auschwitz. It was ordinary people who did the killing, they put on the uniform and followed the orders, and as someone shared on Twitter, the people who killed Ann Frank were obeying the law, the people who sheltered her were breaking the law. 

So, on that note, I will leave you with this thought from Henry David Thoreau in his essay on Civil Disobediance, his words were never more relevant - 

'the state never intentionally confronts a man’s sense, intellectual or moral, but only his body, his senses. It is not armed with superior wit or honesty, but with superior physical strength. I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest.'

MP's vote this week on extending Lockdown for 2 more years, if you disagree let your MP or MLA know.

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