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For the Unvaccinated!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 23 Oct 2023, 09:24

I came across this at the weekend and thought it worth sharing.

French General Pays Tribute to the Unvaccinated: 'They Embody the Best of Humanity, They Are Superheroes'

October 7, 2022

French General Pays Tribute to the Unvaccinated: 'They Embody the Best of Humanity, They Are Superheroes' - RAIR (rairfoundation.com)


2 min read

In a powerful letter making waves across Europe, French General Christian Blanchon praised citizens who refused the experimental Covid “vaccines” injections. Despite years of pressure campaignsdiscriminatory policies, social exclusion, loss of incomethreats, and being blamed for other’s deaths, the General thanked the “unvaccinated” for their strength, courage, and leadership:

Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors.

People who have been capable of such personality, courage, and such critical ability undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.

They are found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries, and opinions.

They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks.

They are the parents that every child wishes to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.

They are beings above the average of their societies; they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered horizons.

They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not do; they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination, and social exclusion.

And they did it because they thought they were alone and believed they were alone.

Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, and had no more money… but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals, and humiliation… but they continued.

Never before in humanity has there been such a casting; we now know who the resisters are on planet Earth.

Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything fell apart. Collapsed.

You’ve passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts, and geniuses couldn’t pass.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the dark.”


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Irish Death Stats

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I came across this today and thought I would share it, it's Ivor Cummins with the death statistics for Ireland including 2020/21. It would make your blood boil considering the terror visited on the Irish people by their media and government. Shameful!


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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 12:58

So, what did I do in my six weeks of off? Well, I read the entire Harry Potter series, and very enjoyable they were too. I didn’t want to read anything political or anything ‘real’ and I’ve carried on reading more fiction since. I’ve just finished the excellent Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith. It is about a serial killer and is set at the end of the Stalin era in Russia. It is based on the story of the real-life serial killer, Andrei Chikatilo who murdered 56 people in Russia in the 1980’s and 90’s. I’ve also ordered the two sequels, The Secret Speech and Agent 6.

There are some statistics at the back of the book relating to Russia under Stalin that are chilling. The two that stood out for me are; it is estimated that 14.5 million people died during this time (the proletariat whom communism was supposed to free) and they would even execute children as young as 12. Absolutely brutal!

If the detail in the book is anything like it really was, the levels of paranoia and fear, it must have been hell for the citizenry. I remember in Wild Swans how people were the same under Mao, paranoid and ready to sell out their family, friends and neighbours, and how in the blink of an eye you could fall out of favour with the authorities and the dangers that brought.  The frightening thing about this is when I look around me today, I see we have learned nothing. It would take very little to turn society into that again, we are halfway there already. I’ve seen and experienced first-hand in the last year, how people who I thought had a modicum of sense and intelligence, completely caved into the fear and propaganda. I have been ostracised by family members for not taking the virus ‘seriously’. (What was I supposed to do, invite it around for dinner and talk to it?!) And the ‘covid cult’ has caused divisions that debates about Trump, global-warming and Brexit never even came close to.

I have also refused to wear a mask, (I will not be complicit in my own enslavement) something which pisses some people off. I think part of it is because it highlights their own cowardice - they don’t want to wear it but haven’t the nerve to go out without it. I tell people now I have a rare condition, it’s called CSIT, it stands for common sense and independent thinking, and believe me it’s a rare commodity around here, I just didn’t realise how rare!

The ‘covid cult’ also reminded me of the early days of the Troubles, especially Bloody Sunday, when a wave of collective insanity seemed to grip the population and which I’ve seen again this year. The change in society was palpable after Bloody Sunday, you could almost taste the anger and hate. Northern Ireland descended into darkness and fear, paranoia and brutality reigned, and every nut job with a grudge had an outlet in which to exercise it. There were also those who took advantage of the anger and the nut jobs, and used them for their own ends, financially and politically. The fear generated then still haunts NI, (they haven’t gone away you know) I see it when I post anything critical about Sinn Fein on Facebook, and it is collectively ignored.

People have remarked privately, that they thought I would be burned out or shot after my letters to the paper. I really didn’t care and knew they wouldn’t because what I have realised is that, underneath it all, Sinn Fein and the rest of them are just another bunch of cowards, who are just as corrupt as the rest and always were. If the last year has shown me anything, it is that all the ‘hard’ men around here are nothing more than a shower of gutless wonders. Pathetic!

Anyway, getting back to the books, I’m reading Carl Sagan’s Contact at the moment, (and hoping for a worm hole to open up to another galaxy!). I had started it before Lent but set it aside to read the Harry Potter’s. I will then get back to some of the heavier stuff which is starting to pile up. Next up is Solzhenitsyn’s, The Gulag Archipelago, for some real insights into life under Stalin and Nietzsche’s, Beyond Good and Evil.

It was good to take that time away from the world and switch off from all the hysteria and misery, especially when the government denies you the right to live your life. There’s another year gone which I’ll never get back. Man cannot live for work alone and neither can I.

The fear is also starting to recede and I can see people beginning to question themselves and their actions. The media are still doing their best to ramp it up, with all eyes on India, but with a bit of sunshine and people getting out and about again, the tensions are definitely easing.  Well done too, to all who turned out to march last week in London, it was great to see, especially for those of us living in the outer reaches with little or no support.

When you look back at history and read the literature, whether fictional or not, from the Roman Empire to the present day, you wonder why tyrants never learn and continue with their insane plans for world domination and human enslavement. Because, it doesn’t matter how successful they are initially, in the end, empires always fall and their leaders die, whether it’s Josef Stalin, Mao or Lord Voldemort. Could someone please tell the Rothschilds/ Rockefellers, George Soros , Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Democrats, the Zionists and Xi Jinping? It could save us all a lot of time and trouble, and spare us a lot of pain and misery.

Enslavement is not sustainable in the long term, not matter how brutal they make it. Eventually, some people tire of it and decide to fight back for freedom, to die on their feet rather than live on their knees. What is the point of a life, if you cannot live it as a free human being, especially when none of us are going to be here very long anyway!

The one factor that could have stopped Mao and Stalin was the people, if people had not complied with the orders and stood together, they could have done nothing. Because there are always more of us, than there are of them.

I watched a lecture of Dr Jordan Peterson’s recently where he talked about what a miracle it was that we existed, and how many pairs of males and females it took to successfully mate and produce a healthy child over thousands of millennium for us to be here now. Our ancestors in Europe have lived through the rise and fall of many empires, the Black Death, the Inquisition, famine, starvation, invasions and wars, and here we are cringing in fear with our face nappies, over a flu that has a 99.97% recovery rate. Just think about that for a moment then, grow a pair, take that rag off your face and man up, ffs!  

Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias!


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Chloroquine as a Potent Inhibitor of Sars Cov

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I was trying to upload this a file but it was too large so I've copied the link to it. It is scientific study from 2005 on the success of Chloroquine in treating Sars coronavirus infections. It shows that the information on chloroquine was readily available and known about in treating sars infections as far back as 2005, 16 years ago, so why was it not used this time around and why are they insisting on vaccination? 


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Star Wars, Serendipity and Truth

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Every family has their own Christmas traditions and, in my house, Christmas isn’t Christmas without Star Wars, so I watched the 3 original films again over the holidays, which are, of course, still the best. Little did I think when I sat in the Commodore Cinema, back in the day, watching Star Wars for the first time, that in my lifetime I would see the rise of an evil empire bent on world domination and control. As the globalist bankers, business men and their political puppets come with their vaccine to ‘save’ the world while simultaneously stripping us of our rights, freedoms and health and making a tidy profit for themselves, I can only thank God these people don’t have the ability to travel across the universe. Mind you, I would certainly be in favour of loading them on to a rocket and sending them to a galaxy far, far away.

Christmas is a religious holiday, usurped from the pagans, (if it happened now, you could call it cultural appropriation and start a row about it!) and I would not have considered myself a religious person, although a nephew once remarked that Star Wars isn’t a film in my house, it is a religion. You could do worse, I suppose, than aim to be a Jedi and how cool would it be to have a light sabre? Although, at the present time, I’d happily settle for a Kalashnikov.

Anyway, getting back to religion, I had started to re-read M Scott Peck’s, The Road Less Travelled again. This happened by accident, I was reading Moby Dick on my Kindle at lunchtime at work, and I went to check a note but couldn’t get back to the page I was on, and ended up on a page in the Road Less Travelled on a chapter on religion. In the passage, the author was talking about patients who do not claim to be religious and pointed out that they are, ‘You have a religion…a rather profound one. You worship the truth’. This struck me, maybe it was a serendipitous moment (the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for) or maybe it was just a coincidence, but I gave it some thought and had to agree, truth is my religion which is probably why I am at odds with so many and always have been. When I look around me, I see too many who question nothing and it’s not even that they believe everything they are told, but they pretend to ‘belief’ because it is too much work to act and think independently, and it is much easier to just bleat along with the crowd.  I also realised that not only do I worship at the altar of truth, but on each side of that altar there is a pillar, one to context and the other to perspective, 3 elements that are sadly missing in the cv19 spectacle being played out across the world in the web of lies, deceit, cowardice and fearmongering.

Over Christmas, I was also speaking to someone I hadn’t seen in a while, and who travels a lot for work, especially to China. I won’t say who they are or how I know them, but they were in the Shanghai area in June 2019, and told me that everyone was sick with a respiratory flu. They were unable to meet the boss of the company they were visiting, as the man was so ill he had to go to the hospital for injections to help him breathe. Is there anyone else out there who was in China in 2019 and had a similar experience or knows anyone who did? With all the debates raging over lockdowns and masks, we have taken our eye off the ball regarding the origins of this ‘virus’ and it is a question that still needs to be answered, especially since the residents of Wuhan were able to go out and party on New Year’s eve while we were all locked down.

I still maintain I had this back in January of 2019 and my mother in July 2019, more so now since hearing this. My mother was ill for weeks and the cough she had took months to get rid of, and she is 84 years of age and has diabetes, and survived it. That could explain why I’ve been able to walk around without a mask, travel across the UK and neither me nor anyone I have had contact with has been ill. 2 members of my family circle had mild symptoms (loss of taste and smell for a few days) and that was it.  Maybe we have passed on our immunity. And talking about immunity, where are all the thousands who had it and recovered? Are they still wearing masks or are they spreading their immunity around? If you already had it, you should not need a vaccine or mask either, as you should have immunity now.

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Virus, wot virus 3

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Saturday, 4 July 2020, 09:50

Another day, another hysterical over-reaction, and another round of self-righteous grandstanding on some issue or other.  God, my brain hurts listening to them, and I religiously avoid the news, but there is no getting away from it!  

Over these last 4 months, I have come to realise why men are into sport. Sport is fairly straightforward without a lot of complications, you win, lose or draw, and for some, you just either win or lose, like tennis, even less to worry about.  I've been getting into it more myself too,  just to get a break from all this hysteria and all the other crap that is going on. Black Lives Matter! White Lives Matter!  All Lives Matter! No Lives Matter! Some lives matter more than others - blah, blah blah! 

At least the Grand Prix is back on this weekend, and I see Boris has just announced an easing of the national lockdown. I think this is in response to Simon Dolan's court case which it looks like the Government are going to lose. Yayyyyy!

Anyway, I came across this article on the off-guardian website which makes for interesting reading, (link below) I expect this nonsense to all end soon. 3 weeks to save the NHS is now entering 4 months of fascist tyranny. Sturgeon has seriously lost the plot but it's an interesting insight into what kind of leader she would be in a 'free and independent Scotland'. Scary stuff!  

On another topic, the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell is very interesting news, now that is story I will be following! There will be some of the great and (not so) good sweating over this, well, except Prince Andrew because he doesn't sweat any more (ha,ha,ha,ha haaaaa). Won't this be fun!


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Sunday, 12 July 2020, 13:48)
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The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void!

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I came across this article on Twitter in relation to the Court case that Simon Dolan is taking against the government. I would especially like to invite the person who accused me of being a liar and spreading misinformation to read it in regards to the virus (post -Virus, wot virus?) which I had said had not been isolated a few weeks ago, as this paragraph from the article states. 

As ‘covid-19’ has never been isolated and proven to be a virus or disease, it cannot be tested for. Instead of ‘covid-19’ being tested for, what is actually being tested for is genetic material and a RNA sequence based upon lung fluid extracted from Chinese patients. This genetic material is found in everyone, and at higher levels in very ill people suffering from anillness.

Further, the test that is being used is called the RT-PCR test and the inventor said it should NEVER be used for diagnostics. 

Anyway, here is the link to the whole article. https://www.europereloaded.com/the-uk-coronavirus-act-2020-is-null-and-void/

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Virus, wot virus? 1

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020, 08:09

I managed to post 25 times over Lent, which I’m fairly pleased about but because there was so much going on politically, there was plenty to write about. The coronavirus hysteria is still ongoing, but hopefully it will be ending soon and we can get back to living.  This isn’t going to be a very long article but it was hours and hours of research in the making and worth it in the end, I hope.

As part of my research into the covid virus, here is the most interesting fact I have found, there is actually no such thing as a covid 19 virus.  Yes, you read that right, the ‘virus’ as such, hasn’t even been isolated yet and the test they are using to confirm its ‘presence’ is called the RT-PCR test and was designed to detect and measure RNA. It works by identifying genetic material (DNA/RNA) in the lungs which is often present when someone has other compromising illnesses.  So, anyone with any kind of lung condition would most probably test ‘positive’. The test was invented by Kary Mullis, an American Biochemist and he said it should ‘not be used to diagnose infectious diseases’.

The other thing is that, what they are calling ‘covid 19’, has all the same features as Exosomes which occur naturally in the body and as you can see from the table below, are a perfect match!

esome table

What Exosomes do is, ‘they communicate information to target cells, depending on the types of cells they came from, and are of special interest in the field of medicine for their ability to stimulate immune responses’.

So, there’s a bit more information on ‘covid’ and I have certainly expanded my knowledge of viruses in the last few weeks. So, what is really going on? Well, what I think is happening is that there is a SARS type flu going around this year, which certain vested interests have latched onto as a way of experimenting on, and testing, the population, especially, in light of EVENT 201. I think we are the lab rats in the experiment and the powers behind it all, are having a real big laugh at our expense over the hysteria they have created.  This may all be useful information for them for the future, as now they have seen how we have reacted in the ‘panicdemic’ and know how easy it was to put the entire population under lockdown, no facts or real information necessary, just let the media loose with their hysterical over-reaction and the crowd will follow. 

However, on a positive note, the voices of dissent are rising and I think there are going to be a lot of questions asked about this when the ‘panic’ has died down, and someone in authority really needs to start taking the media to task over their behaviour. Quite frankly, the BBC and many others have been nothing short of an absolute disgrace in how they have handled this. Not only that, but with people being ordered to stay home, they have done absolutely nothing to calm people’s fears or even give them something decent to watch. 

On another note, there are a lot of theories flying around on 5G but as yet there are no formal studies to confirm or refute these hypotheses and on the little I did find on it, there was no correlation between 5G and where the virus was. However, I did come across information on the possible long term effects of radiation from Wifi and smartphones but it’s a topic for another day, as the sun is shining and I’m back to work tomorrow, so I’ll be out in the garden and making the most of it today!




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