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Hermione vs Katniss Rap

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I came across this on Youtube the other day and thought I would share it. A bit of fun, enjoy!

#POV Hermione and Katniss have a rap battle! (#COLLAB with @HollynnRagland 🥰) #fyp #acting #shorts - YouTube

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London Real TV

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020, 08:10

For anyone who is interested, Dr Andrew Kaufmann is going to be on London Real TV today at 6.00pm. Dr Kaufmann was the person I cited for his investigation into the virus' in 'Virus, Wot Virus 1' (I went back and numbered them so as not to confuse people) which detailed the very strong similarities between what they are calling 'covid' and an exosome.  

By the way, here's an interesting fact I found out in my research, guess who owns the patent on coronavirus? 

Here's a clue, he was part of Event 201 which, in case you don't know about, was a simulation of what would happen if there was a coronavirus pandemic which started in China. This was hosted in October of 2019 in New York in partnership with The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum.

Yes, none other than the billionaire Bill Gates, the Eugenicist who believes that the population of the world can be reduced with vaccines, now there's something to think about. There is a Ted Talk on youtube on this, again if anyone is interested.

Here's another little coincidence, and this may be a coincidence, but the World Military Games were on in guess where in October 2019 too?  Yes, you guessed it, Wuhan, China!

Anyway, I have to go to work but if you check out the London Real website there is also an interview with Dr Rashid Buttar on the origins of the virus. Dr Buttar is another person who's work is disappearing off youtube.  As a matter of fact anyone who disagrees with the WHO on this is being taken down.  

I find the censorship of dissent much scarier than any virus! Strange days and times...

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Virus, wot virus? 2

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020, 08:09

Just a quick note on the last post, the question has to be asked as to why no one has actually isolated the virus yet.  Logic would dictate that it would be the first thing you do, so why has it not been done? Could it be that this is just a strain of flu that they already know about but can't admit to as it would wreck their campaign of fear and/or whatever the real political agenda is?

Now that the figures are starting to go down in the UK, I see they are rushing to get figures from care homes to boost the numbers but still won't carry out any sort of independent cross-population sampling to try and provide a balanced perspective on how widespread this is. One sampling carried out in Germany found a death rate of 0.02% which is considerably lower than the normal rate of death from flu which is usually about 0.1%.

There are serious questions to be asked on this but, unfortunately, I don't think we will ever get the answers or even get to ask the questions, the way things are going. There are issues with censorship on Youtube, Facebook and Google which is much more insidious. No dissent allowed to the 'narrative' of the mainstream and since Google have now taken over Youtube expect more of this. The thing is some of these people who are being shut down are doctors and scientists, people who actually know about viruses and medical treatments.  Where is the voice of reason, is fair and balanced reporting now a thing of the past?  I don't care what anyone says, even if it is wrong, I have a mind of my own and can think for myself and I don't need Facebook or Google to make that decision for me. The world has taken a dangerous turn in regard to freedom, dissent and truth and I dread to think where this is heading.

One other important issue to highlight is how this is going to impact on Africa. In spring, the farmers go out and spray the locust larvae in the fields to prevent large swarms forming and decimating their crops but because of the 'lockdown' the were not able to this year and they have already had 2 swarms; the first one was 20 times bigger than the largest ever seen and the second one was 200 times larger.   Africa is heading for a famine of Biblical proportions.  I don't particularly like to describe it like that because I do not want to imply that any of this is a punishment from 'God' or 'nature' or to give credence to that kind of thinking but it is an appropriate description for what may lie ahead for them.  I tried to find the presentation I watched about this yesterday from a Spanish doctor, just to double check my figures, but it has been removed. I did have them written down because he did warn that several of his videos on the subject had already been removed so they should be ok.

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Good News/ Bad News

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 12:51

It's been a good news/bad news sort of a week. Good news, in that Boris won the election with a sizeable majority so now we can finally get on with Brexit and leaving the EU. I never thought I would be glad to see a Tory Government elected but like many working class, Boris was the only choice to finally settle the debate and I would like to say a huge thank you to the people of England who turned out to vote and make it happen. I feel, for the first time in a very long time, hopeful and optimistic about the future of the country and I think the UK will thrive from here on and that we have a lot to look forward to.

The sheep here turned out to vote for the tribes, as usual. However, there were a few upsets. Sinn Fein lost Foyle to the SDLP and the DUP's, Nigel Dodd’s lost his seat too.  Unfortunately, it was to Sinn Fein so that was a bit of a double-edged sword!  

With the EU out of the way, the buck will now stop in Westminster (at least, it will once we are out) and our politicians will now (hopefully!) be more accountable for their policies and actions.  At least, it will be easier to hold them to account.

Other good news on the election front, was the non-election of Jo Swinson who got a lesson in reality - self-righteous pontificating isn't really much of a policy and a bit of advice for Jo, just because The Guardian say it, doesn't make it true. Now, Jo will have to get a real job and work for a living. Welcome to the real world!

Labour too, got a hard lesson in reality. They deserted the working-classes and now the working-classes have deserted them, at least, temporarily. Although, I was sorry to see Dennis Skinner lose his seat. 

Labour hasn't been a working-class party for years, like the politics of Northern Ireland, their view of the world is out of date and so are most of their policies. What we have also seen, is that reality trumps ideology and we are now moving towards a post-ideological world.  The extremes of right and left ideology no longer work when faced with the practical reality of life. Labour needs to restructure and start living in the real world and not in some 'socialist' Utopian ideal that exists only in the minds of those who have only ever lived comfortable, middle-class lives. Especially, when in recent years, they pontificate and insult their voting heartlands with their self-righteous grand-standing and try to ignore the voice of that majority.

On the bad news front, we lost Dr David Bellamy, the naturalist and critic of the 'climate change' fraud. His opposition to that fraud saw him side-lined by the media and many of the environmental groups he was involved with. I hope the day is coming soon when the lies of the mainstream media are finally exposed on this and with the EU out of the way, that will, I hope, be the end to their funding of the propaganda and distortions of the truth.

And if anyone is still in doubt about 'climate change', answer this one simple question (even Jo Swinson could work this one out!) 

Who is more likely to tell you the truth about the effects of Co2 on the climate of this planet?

A - An American politician, Al Gore?

B - An unqualified and uneducated, 16 year old with a learning disability, Greta Thunberg?

C - A naturalist and environmentalist with a Phd in Botany and over 40 years of campaigning on the environment, Dr David Bellamy?

On the news/news front, since you cannot trust the BBC or any of the mainstream services, I would recommend Sky News Australia.  A completely different beast from Sky News UK which, I would never allow in the door but a great channel with some great commentators. You can find it on Youtube.

So, roll on 2020, and the US election.  This will probably return a massive vote for Trump since the US is also enduring the same self-righteous grandstanding that we have endured from the Neo-Liberal Fascist's in our midst but from the Democratic Party in their propaganda war of lies as they try to cover up Biden's dirty deals in Ukraine.  Watch this space...


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Fun for Friday

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Sunday, 22 Sept 2019, 09:49

As it's Friday, it may not be five o clock, and it may not be time for Crackerjack but the sun is shining, the sky is blue and in spite of all the doom merchants striking in the largest show of mass brainwashing/stupidity in my lifetime, I thought I would share a good joke with you. 

I was reading through comments after watching a quite serious video on Youtube last night, in relation to an onging courtcase in Canada around transgender identity which I will discuss in another post but not today because today is a day for fun!!

In the comments section, someone had remarked, and I apologize for not checking who, but I think it was a male ( a real one, that is and not a made up one) and he said ' I want to identify as Michael Jackson, and my chosen pronouns are He/Hee'.  Brilliant!

Enjoy, and have a lovely weekend everyone and if you're still worried about 'climate change' check out the work of  Michael and Ronin Connolly or Dr Willie Soon on Youtube, it'll put your mind at rest and you can go and enjoy your life and not worry about the planet.

Michael and Ronin Connolly -  https://globalwarmingsolved.com/about-us/

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NLF - election time

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 09:40

Another week, another election, and another drubbing for the powers that be. Theresa May is finally going, and not before time. Exaunt stage left please, Theresa, and do us all a favour and don’t dance again, at least not in public. My eyes can never unsee it! Dancing Queen? I don’t think so, more arthritic stork. In fairness, I have to say, it takes a special kind of talent to be even more useless than David Cameron. I’m sure she’ll find a use for it somewhere, maybe the European parliament…

Come to think of it, what do MEP’s actually do all day? They can’t bring in legislation, they don’t get to vote on leglislation, the commission allows them to look it over, so what do they actually do? Apart from long trips on the Brussels gravy train or shopping in their private shopping centre?  

I see Martina Anderson, the Sinn Fein MEP had a makeover and a few elocution lessons for the election campaign, they had her well-scrubbed up. You can take the girl out of the bog, but can you take the bog out of the girl? Well, they gave it a go, maybe there’s a beauty salon in the shopping centre? Of course she got elected, the sheep will vote for anything, if you wrap it in the flag of convenience.

On the Euro vote, the Brexit party wiped out the rest in the polls and of course, the arguments are still raging on line between remainers and leavers. Everyone claiming a majority, when the figures show, that the majority didn't even bother to turn out and vote. Turnout averaged 36% which is 15 points short of a majority of voters and a whole 64% short of how many could vote. Maybe it's time to set a threshold of 51% so that if those turnout figures aren't reached, then the vote is invalid. Or maybe, add None of the Above to the ballot paper and make voting compulsory. Then, at least, we would have a truer picture of what the people want.

Why people didn't bother to vote, is anybody's guess.  Maybe like me, they are sick of the sound of 'Brexit' or maybe, like me, they have lost all faith in any government institution to actually put the interests of the people before the interests of the party and their corporate friends...

Brexit isn't the only thing that I am sick of hearing about. I don't know about you but it seems to me that there is a massive pester-power campaign going on in the media. I don't have Sky TV, just Freeview, and there are about 5 or 6 subjects on telly at the present time, World War 2, the Royal family, Brexit, climate change, cooking and home makeovers of one kind or another and then there are the repeats, of repeats, of repeats!!  There is so little worth looking at, that the minute I hear 'climate change' or 'Brexit', I turn over but most nights I find myself turning off and watching YouTube. At least, it has some variety and provides an escape from the endless droning of brexit, climate change, WW2 royals, brexit, climate change, WW2 royals, brexit, climate change, WW2 royals....

What I feel is happening, is that this is part of some grand brain-washing scheme by the media (or the powers behind the politics) to wear us down until we sink into apathy and despair and just give up (if you don’t believe this could happen, watch Century of the Self). For whose benefit, I’m not entirely sure but I just get the feeling that in a boardroom/Bilderburg meeting somewhere, there are a group of, most probably men, (Rothschilds? Soros? Et al?) sitting back and having a great old laugh at the rest of us. 

Laughing at how easily we are manipulated and led around like fools in a merry dance, being played off one another until gradually we become worn down by the constant fighting, bitching and arguing but mostly by the sense of powerlessness that no matter who you vote for, what arguments you make, what evidence you present, the truth remains buried and/or distorted, the rich get richer, the poor stay poor and the government still gets in…


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Courses, books & movies

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 25 Aug 2023, 09:07

My brain has been itching for something to do recently so I tried out one of the OU's free online courses, Living Without Oil.  I had started it when I was off after my op (which I had forgotten) but I finished it this week.  It was interesting, at some point in the future humanity may have to live without oil and as we have lived without it for many more years than we have had it, I don't really think it will be a problem. Humans have shown themselves to be incredibly creative when needed and are great problem solvers.  The thing is, we could easily cut back our consumption if the will or necessity was there.  All houses could be insulated to a much higher standard than they are at present and there is always the option of ground source heat.  Public transport could easily be improved too with trams and trains.  I'm not losing any sleep over it, we'll adapt when the time comes, I'm sure.

I've now moved on to a Philosophy course, Faking Nature.  I have too much on this year to commit to formal study but I think I may have to do something after the summer, my brain needs it.

I've still been reading a lot too.  2 outstanding reads are; The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls and Educated by Tara Westover.  They are both on similar themes, growing up in highly unstable environments, I would recommend reading The Glass Castle first.  You can also watch the movie of it on Netflix, I haven't checked it out yet so I can't comment on what it's like.  

Talking about movies, I ventured out to see the new Mary Poppins this week.  It started off well enough and was in keeping with the original but then it just went on and on, about 25 minutes too long and there was a bit at the end which didn't make sense.  Spoiler Alert!  They were racing to turn back the hands on Big Ben and then Mary Poppins flew up with her umbrella and did it.  I thought, 'well, why didn't you just do that to start with?'  And it's not that I don't enjoy a long movie, I'm actually sitting here at the moment watching one of my all-time favourites, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (today on Channel 5).  I actually have a limited edition Directors cut of this on video so when it's good, the longer the better!  

I've also just finished Jordan B Peterson's 12 Rules for Life, An Antidote to Chaos.  I only recently got to know about Jordan Peterson (again when I was off after the op) by watching videos on Youtube.  I am most definitely a fan and he has transformed my thinking and consequently, my life.  He is every man I wish I'd ever known, I wish there were more like him.  The book was a much more intelligent and spiritual read than I expected and I think listening to him has rekindled the desire in me to get back to study.  I'm now re-reading CJ Jung's Memories, Dreams and Reflections since Jung gets quite a few mentions in it.

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