Darn those pesky kids, if they haven't done it again. Enjoy the laugh folks, it's going to be a long lonely winter.
Darn those pesky kids, if they haven't done it again. Enjoy the laugh folks, it's going to be a long lonely winter.
I shared a post about this back in March and was slagged off by some for it., I wonder what they think now 6 months after '3 weeks to save the NHS' when we are heading for another 6 month lockdown and the threat of the army being put on the streets to make us obey, helped with covid marshalls and neighbours turning in their neighbours.
Just stop for a minute and look at what has been done to this country in 6 months and you, and if you still think this is about a virus, then you are beyond help and deserve every vaccine they give you, when you're chipped, pinned and tracked like a dog.
But for anyone in NI who is against this, there is a Save Our Freedoms protest at Stormont on Saturday in solidarity with London. It begins at 2.00pm and I will be there with a couple of others. I don't expect much of a turnout to be honest, most of them are still brain dead around here and believe every lie they are being told. But it would be great to see people there, and if you're coming or support the idea but can't make it, then please share this information and maybe more will come along.
And still the 'virus' has not been isolated or met Koch Postulates to be considered an infectious disease. A lockdown for a 'virus' that has a 99.97% recovery rate in the general population. It's beyond farce, it's a tragedy and the snivelling gutless cowards who are going along with it are beyond contempt.
It's been an intense week and just welcomed back a friend in the fight for freedom so in his honour I'm posting this link, chill and enjoy!
As the shambles continues and the opposition has disappeared into the ether, I feel now is the time to move forward with this as the despair among the population is increasing with some of the latest pronouncements - contact details are at the bottom of the page.
As leaders and politicians around the world have shown throughout the Covid 19 ‘crisis’, they lack the competency, understanding and integrity to care for and protect the people, especially from predatory global elites who seek to monitor and control us, and deprive us of our freedom and autonomy. Therefore, I am proposing the creation of a new political party. This party will not be based on any ideology of left or right, nationalist or unionist, monarchy or republic, socialist or capitalist but will be a party based on providing the necessities to ensure a life of quality for all the people.
I would especially appeal to the silent majority among us who do not vote, and who feel that the present political set-up and our representatives no longer speak for us or have any understanding of our lives.
This party will be called the PCC Party – that stands for People, Community, Country which will be the order of care and priority. Our manifesto will be based on the practical needs of the people and the realities of life. It is all very well to dream of a better way of living but we need to take steps to make it happen. Policy and politics will be issued based and not ideologically based.
These are some of the proposals I have drafted in order to begin the conversation around creating a a new political structure, to find a way of working that fits with the modern world and not the stale ideology of ages past.
I propose:
· The abolition of the House of Lords and the Privy Council to be replaced by a council of seniors who will be nominated by the people for their wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
· A written constitution to enshrine our freedoms in law.
· I also propose changes to the way we vote which will be focused on issues not personality, with checks and balances put in place to ensure politicians deliver what they promise in their manifestoes.
· Ministers appointed by merit. For example, the Minister for Education will be someone with many years’ experience in the field of education and who has the knowledge and skills to help to decide policy and devise a curriculum to ensure our children are not just taught but educated.
· Politicians will not be allowed to stand for a constituency if they are not a permanent resident of that constituency. For no one knows the needs of community better than those who live there.
· An environmental policy that cares for the people and the environment, based on science and not on the false propaganda of corporations, dishonest politicians and vested interests.
· A cap on wealth as we have seen and experienced how the accumulation of vast stores of wealth has led to the corruption of the political, economic, and health and social fabric of our society. There will also be severe penalties for anyone who would use their money or position to usurp the democratic will of the people.
· A health care system that is focused on health, not just on medication or working for profit for the pharmaceutical industry.
· The end to wars for profit. There will be no engaging in war without the full support and consent of the people. If the country should have to engage in war then there will be no profiteering by corporations allowed in the supply of goods and services to the armed or defence forces.
· International relations will change from a position of distrust, suspicion and paranoia to one of openness and co-operation.
· The creation of an independent body to ensure transparency in the body politic and the media, to investigate, expose and hold to account those who would deliberately mislead the public with lies, fake news and misinformation.
· I envisage in the long term, a move towards a society not driven by monetary gain or the accumulation of consumer goods but a society that operates cooperatively with each individual playing their part in the community and each member of that community able to access the goods and services they need, and where every member of that community is afforded the respect and care due to all human beings.
· Ultimately, I envisage and unification of Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales as 4 interdependent but separate countries within what I call the WISE Isles
I have set up a Facebook page, it's under PCC100, if interested send me a friend request.I'm sharing this link to an article in The Critic, regarding the law and the present 'scam'. I read a post on Twitter this morning from a teacher who was up all night with 'nerves' because they are starting back to work today and have been told to wear a mask;they won't be.
For the record, there is no law on the statute books of the UK that can force you to wear a mask, the Government might have said it is compulsory but they are chancing their arm because people do not know the difference between ministerial guidance, which is what it is, and law.
When you are ordered to wear anything, be it a yellow star, a burka or a mask, against your will, then you are living under fascism. The only person who can make you wear a mask in the present situation is you - so you do not have to wear one, if you do not want to wear one. So, the question is, will you be complicit in your own enslavement?
So, in answer to our local politicians this is the letter I drafted and sent to the paper in response to the article. The paper comes out on Thursday so I won't know until then if they are going to print it but here is the full text of it.
In answer to Stephen Edwards and Daniel McCrossan’s hysterical over-reaction to a bit of paint on a wall, I must first challenge the assertion of ‘conspiracy theory’. Maybe they were looking at a different wall but, for the life of me, all I see is 3 statements opposing the ‘new normal’, the wearing of masks and a hashtag in support of KBF (Keep Britain Free, there is no Keep (N) Ireland Free group yet.)
And where exactly is the ‘fake news’? Now, if it had said something like ‘in February 2019, Bill Gates helped draft legislation to ensure pharmaceutical companies would not be held liable for any injury caused by a corona virus vaccine, or in August 2019, Bill Gates signed a $1billion deal with a democratic Senator for Track and Trace technology, or even in October 2019, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along with the World Economic Forum and the John Hopkins Centre ran a simulation, called Event 201, to plan for what would happen if there was a corona-virus pandemic. But, these are all facts not conspiracy theories or fake news.
As a matter of fact, considering the hysteria, one would almost think there was a conspiracy to push the narrative pumped out by the mainstream media, and their obliging political minions, and discredit anyone who would dare to disagree.
There is a long history of graffiti as a means of legitimate political protest, especially when those who disagree are censored and denied a forum through which to voice their discontent and/or disagreements. When the media, national and local, indulge in censorship, other means of protest have to be utilised.
The Republican movement in Strabane have a history of daubing the walls with their slogans, ‘Ireland unfree shall never be at peace’ is one that adorned the walls of the Ballycolman area for many years. Forgotten now it seems…and we certainly won’t talk about the price Strabane has paid for their activities, past and present. For the record, it was done in daylight too not in the dark.
The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined by the CIA to try and discredit anyone who disagreed with the narrative on the assassination of John F Kennedy. To call anyone a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is to indulge in the laziest form of politics, self-righteously, grandstanding with weak and insipid name-calling, rather than debating with robust intelligent arguments based on fact. But if any of our representatives would like to publicly debate on the merits of the ‘lockdown’, masks or any aspect of the ‘new normal’ or ‘tyranny’, then I would be more than happy to oblige without masks, (anti)social-distancing or censorship.
As to moral duty, there is an old saying - Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.
You see, this is what happens when you don't get your art class, you have to get out and create something and when you have a political conscience as demanding as mine, then what else is a girl to do?? This is across from the local Sinn Fascist office who along with the SDLP took to the local paper to condemn 'vigilante conspiracy theorists' as you can see from the article below. Well, it might not be Banksy but it makes a point.
A few of the highlights from the article read: 'Vigilante conspiracy theorists need to catch themselves on after anti-face mask graffiti was daubed on at least two locations in Strabane this week. The graffiti which appeared at the Bridgend and also on the river wall has also been described as 'mindless vandalism'.
One of the slogans reads, 'No new normal. #nomask tyranny #KBF. It is understood that the term KBF or 'Keep Britain Free' has been used by people protesting against Covid 19 restrictions.
SDLP councillor Steven Edwards condemned the graffiti. 'Not only does this graffiti vandalise public property but it also spreads 'fake news' around the wearing of masks...the vigilante conspiracy theorists need to catch themselves on and realise the damage they are causing to Strabane town.
Party colleague Daniel McCrossan added, 'Whoever did this - wise up. Protest if you like but don't blight our town. Strabane Sinn Fein also condemned the graffiti ' We have asked the council to remove this eyesore from outside our office. We are deeply disappointed that whoever decided to do this in the dark of the night also vandalised our poster thanking NHS and key workers.'
Daniel McCrossan also mentioned their 'moral duty' to protect others. The bottom picture in case you can't see it clearly, says 1939 with a yellow star painted next to it and 2020 with a mask. This was painted on the back of one of those propaganda covid 19 boards telling us to stay apart, wash your hands blah, blah, blah, and I painted a nice big swastika on the front of it so they couldn't put it up again. I was going to to the same to the Sinn Fein board they had put up about clapping for the NHS but my paint ran out and as a key worker myself I find it patronising and puerile as do many of my colleagues.
Well, I managed to get the whole way to the South of England, and back again, without a mask and without much hassle too, I have to say. Had a lovely few days enjoying the sunshine and heat with visits to Brighton and Littlehampton, where the beaches were busy with people out and about and enjoying themselves, and barely a mask in sight.
However, on the journey itself, I was one of the very few flying (or using the trains, or shopping) without a mask, and I never saw the airports as empty as Heathrow and Gatwick were. The travelling was actually quite depressing, normally there is a buzz around the airports and London, but not this time. There was a general air of despondency hanging over everyone which is sad to see as I love London/England. I wonder how long the trains can run like this too. On the way back yesterday, I was the only person in the carriage and the one next to me was empty as well. This was the Gatwick Express going to Victoria and there were barely 15 people on it, a train that is normally full to bursting, especially, at this time of the year.
As I was travelling, I was thinking about England and the English. England is not a very big country geographically, but in spite of that, and I'm addressing this to the people of England, you started the Industrial Revolution and led the world in manufacturing, science and technology. Just take a walk around Highgate Cemetery to see the names of the many scientists buried there, many of whom escaped persecution in other countries and found a home in England.
A hundred years ago, you had conquered most of the world with the 'sun not setting on the British Empire' and I'm not going to get into a debate on the historical rights or wrongs of that, at least not today. You fought two world wars and were on the winning side each time, you built your country back up afterwards and created the welfare state and the NHS which lifted millions out of poverty and gave them a higher standard of living. This led to a rise in social mobility that, in turn, created the explosion of talent in music, art and technology that was the 1960's when Britain led the world in manufacturing, fashion, culture and innovation. Political debates raged and London was the centre for all that energy and enthusiasm which promised so much for so many.
And how many times in your history have you fought back against invaders? Spanish Armada, Battle of Britain, anyone?
So, what happened, where has it gone? Travelling around Southern England I can only shake my head in despair to see the people of England so low, muzzled and depressed by a 'virus' and a government that doesn't give a damn about your health and is nothing more than the puppet of the corporate and banking empires that now rule the world. If they really cared about your health, would there be a mental health/obesity/poverty/social care crisis that has been building up for 40 years?
But it's not just England, look at Scotland, home of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, presided over now by a woman who is becoming more like Stalin with every passing day. Where is the heart of Scottish rebellion now, locked down and masked in tyranny by Nicola Krankie over a bad case of the flu?
And Ireland? I came back to find that the Sinn Fascists have made muzzles mandatory in shops here too. The great Irish rebels, the great freedom fighters of Ireland are now the foil of the Tories, Maggie Thatcher's old party. Excuse me, while I pull the craw of hypocrisy out of my throat! Their compatriots in arms terrorised the country for 30 years, with their masks and guns, and have left behind a legacy of severe social and mental heath problems in their wake. We don't have the highest suicide rate in Europe for nothing!
Not to mention, the thousands who left or were driven out by them since the 1960's. If they really cared one iota for the 'health' of the people here, tackling that legacy might be a good place to start and maybe they could begin by removing all the memorials to death and murals, to what was 30 years of hell, instead of constantly raking up the past and playing the victim card when the truth is, they were the biggest terrorisers of the nationalist community. I know because I lived through it and it galls me to see them self-righteously pontificate to the rest of us now. 'There is no one more pious than a reformed whore', as the saying goes. But then Sinn Fein were always fascists dressed up as freedom fighters, and have become everything they railed against Unionism for, before they 'reformed', and it's jobs for the boys and their families and friends. Nepotism/cronyism rules!
And lets not forget Owain Glyndŵr of Wales, another fighter for freedom, he must be spinning in his grave with the rest of them, and all over a flu that has negligible impact on the fit and healthy, that has seen a fascist agenda imposed across the world with every little tinpot dictator having a field day. If only Adolf, Mao and Josef had known that all they had to do to impose a complete totalitarian/authoritarian dictatorship was to yell 'Virus' and then sit back and watch as the people capitulated, and not just capitulated but actively report and police those who would dare to defy the 'authorities'.
And don't even start with the 'you're going to kill granny' propaganda. Honest to God, you would think that no one ever died before! Did you think we all lived in some airy fairy dreamland, some utopian oasis where we all lived forever and no one ever got sick and died? Like the US before Donald Trump became president, wasn't it such a paradise??!!!
Good God, what planet are you living on? Where is your fight and your spirit? What did all those millions fight and die in two world wars for, especially those in the First World War, in the mud and dirt of France, conditions you could not even begin to imagine in your worst nightmares - FREEDOM!!! FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY! And you're sitting at home with your mask cringing about a 'flu', shame on you!
It's a sad fact of life, we're all going to die, REALITY!. And as I said before, it is not about dying, it is about how you lived. Now seriously, grow up and deal with it!
In light of the story around a cat with corona, just in case anyone is worrying about kitty, I thought I would share this from the Simpsons way back from 1993 have a laugh!
It's been a few weeks since I posted anything, but since there isn't anything other than the slow descent into technological and medical enslavement to talk about, there really wasn't much point. But irony of ironies, we now have Sinn Fascism telling us to wear masks. 4 months after '3 weeks to save the NHS' and NOW you need a mask. We've been given 4 weeks to get used to the idea before they make it mandatory, you couldn't make it up!! Well, actually you could because that is exactly what they are doing, and from the party whose military wing spent years running around with masks and guns, terrorising and traumatising an entire community?? Give me strength!!!
But I don't care who says it, I still won't be wearing one, I don't care if it's mandatory, compulsory or whatever, I'm not wearing one because a) they are completely pointless - a virus is so small you need a microscope to see it, it is one 10,000th of a millimetre and can easily pass through paper and cloth and b) for health reasons - and as the propaganda says - it's not to protect me, it's to protect you - because if you try and put a mask on me, you will get severely beaten.
But I don't care anyway as my holidays are coming up soon and i'll be heading to England for a few days, for a nice change of scenery. I have to fly out of Belfast this time to Heathrow as everything going to Gatwick was sold out, making it a bit of a trek to get down to Sussex. But it'll be worth it, I'm sure.
I also started running recently, something I never thought I would do, but it just sort of evolved with being out walking so much, and I thought I would try the couch to 5k. I'm just starting my 3rd week and going pretty well, I managed to run for a steady 10 minutes on Saturday and could have run for longer but didn't want to push my luck. I won't be doing any marathons but I'll be quite happy if I can manage a 5k.
I've also been cutting back on the social media and the telly and been reading more, in between the crocheting, gardening and decorating. I finished Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World and also read Ron Kovic's, Born on the 4th of July. I'm on the last chapter of America:The Farewell Tour by Chris Hedges at the moment. The book is divided into 7 chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of the declining empire. I had to take a 3 week break after reading the chapter on Sadism, it was pretty rough and as Hate was the one straight after, I needed a break before getting into that. I don't agree with all his conclusions, but the final chapter titled 'Freedom' is a real eye opener into the depth of the corruption in the prison system or the industrial prison system. It is the best chapter in the book. The prison system is the new slavery, there is just no argument on that and the corporations all have their dirty hands in the trough. Did you know that all the McDonald's uniforms are made in prison by inmates getting paid a dollar an hour, if they are lucky, many aren't even getting a dollar. Think about that the next time you're chowing down on a Big Mac.
But McDonalds aren't the only ones, all military gear is made by prisoners and here are just some of the other corporations using prison labour to boost their profits, usually done through sub contractors - JC Penney (or Primark to us), AT&T, Bank of America, Walmart ( or Asda), Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Dell, Revlon, Johnson & Johnson, Fruit of the Loom, Quaker Oats and many more. It's a business and a very big business at that, and one I'll come back to but whatever you may think of the Black Lives Matter campaign, there are genuine issues of grievance within the black community to be addressed. However, poor whites are suffering just as much and these are the groups who need to unite to fight the injustice and exploitation. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon, we're badly in need of a Malcolm X or 2, (the last honest politician) but with everything that is going on at the moment, something has got to give, as we really can't go on like this. It's a question of where and when that first domino falls...lets hope it's soon.
Another day, another hysterical over-reaction, and another round of self-righteous grandstanding on some issue or other. God, my brain hurts listening to them, and I religiously avoid the news, but there is no getting away from it!
Over these last 4 months, I have come to realise why men are into sport. Sport is fairly straightforward without a lot of complications, you win, lose or draw, and for some, you just either win or lose, like tennis, even less to worry about. I've been getting into it more myself too, just to get a break from all this hysteria and all the other crap that is going on. Black Lives Matter! White Lives Matter! All Lives Matter! No Lives Matter! Some lives matter more than others - blah, blah blah!
At least the Grand Prix is back on this weekend, and I see Boris has just announced an easing of the national lockdown. I think this is in response to Simon Dolan's court case which it looks like the Government are going to lose. Yayyyyy!
Anyway, I came across this article on the off-guardian website which makes for interesting reading, (link below) I expect this nonsense to all end soon. 3 weeks to save the NHS is now entering 4 months of fascist tyranny. Sturgeon has seriously lost the plot but it's an interesting insight into what kind of leader she would be in a 'free and independent Scotland'. Scary stuff!
On another topic, the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell is very interesting news, now that is story I will be following! There will be some of the great and (not so) good sweating over this, well, except Prince Andrew because he doesn't sweat any more (ha,ha,ha,ha haaaaa). Won't this be fun!
I came across this article on Twitter in relation to the Court case that Simon Dolan is taking against the government. I would especially like to invite the person who accused me of being a liar and spreading misinformation to read it in regards to the virus (post -Virus, wot virus?) which I had said had not been isolated a few weeks ago, as this paragraph from the article states.
As ‘covid-19’ has never been isolated and proven to be a virus or disease, it cannot be tested for. Instead of ‘covid-19’ being tested for, what is actually being tested for is genetic material and a RNA sequence based upon lung fluid extracted from Chinese patients. This genetic material is found in everyone, and at higher levels in very ill people suffering from anillness.
Further, the test that is being used is called the RT-PCR test and the inventor said it should NEVER be used for diagnostics.
Anyway, here is the link to the whole article. https://www.europereloaded.com/the-uk-coronavirus-act-2020-is-null-and-void/
As the lockdown grinds tortuously on, I don't even know what we're allowed or not allowed to do any more, I stopped listening weeks ago and I don't particularly care either. All I'm waiting on is the start of the Grand Prix and flights to England.
I won't be wearing a mask either on public transport or anywhere else (unless it's Halloween) and I don't give a damn who says it, it isn't the law and as far as I'm concerned it is a violation of the most fundamental human right, the right to breathe the air. By the way, a mask is of absolutely no use against a virus, it's the equivalent of using an open door to stop a fly. A mask will also reduce the flow of oxygen into the body and raise Co2 levels which place the body under stress and may cause you to pass out, this is especially dangerous if you are driving.
A virus cannot survive for very long unless it has a living host. When you put on a mask, you are breathing out bacteria (which are living organisms) and viruses that are contained within your nose and mouth, providing a fertile breeding ground for any virus to replicate which you are then inhaling back into your lungs. Not a good idea and liable to make you ill. So, forget about the mask.
I was having a discussion with someone on Twitter as to how to make our dissent known to the powers that be and we needed something quick and easy to organise so I suggested sending a mask to 10 Downing Street in protest. So this is mine, sent yesterday along with a letter detailing why I'm not going to wear a mask, get vaccinated or volunteer to be tracked and traced.
I've read so much about vaccines in the last few weeks that I was sick to my stomach that I had ever allowed any of my children to be vaccinated. As Dr Judy Mikovits said, it is a plague of corruption and if you haven't watched her interview on London Real then I strongly recommend you do as soon as possible and then follow it up with the Robert Kennedy Jr (son of the late Senator Bobby Kennedy) interview, also on the site.
And I certainly will not allow anyone belonging to me to be vaccinated at the behest of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with his record, he should be in jail for crimes against humanity. His vaccines have caused polio in up to half a million girls in India, the deaths for hundreds of African children and he chemically castrated a million women in Kenya with a supposed Tetanus vaccine. The stories are horrific.
And I will not be tracked and traced, I am not a dog and what I do and where I go is no one's business but mine, I do not have the virus, I am not a danger to anyone and I am not doing anything illegal.
We were discussing this in the office the other day, and how this 'track and trace' is going to work. There are 7 in our office when we are working at full capacity, now imagine it's Monday morning, we've all been in the office for a few hours and someone gets a call - they have been in contact with someone with Covid and they have to self-isolate, so we will all have to go home and self-isolate for 2 weeks. So, 2 weeks later we come back and next day another one of us gets a 'self-isolate' call so again we all have to go home and self-isolate. And then 3 weeks later it happens again. Realistically, you could be off work forever, it's complete nonsense and is never going to work, apart from the fact that the so called 'deadly' virus has practically gone anyway.
Where is the voice of reason? We are ruled by the incompetent and the arrogant and unfortunately, that didn't happen today or yesterday. A change is badly needed to the whole system. But, in the meantime, if anyone else feels like making their dissent known, I invite you to send a mask to Boris and let's end this insanity.
By the way, one man died in our town with the virus, not from the virus, with. He was 88 had major heart surgery about 20 years ago and many thought he was dead already, as he hadn't been seen in years. So, it is safe to assume he had several co-morbidities as well.
'As leaders and politicians around the world have shown they lack the intellect, understanding and integrity to care for and protect the people, especially from predatory global elites who seek to monitor and control us, and deprive us of our freedom and autonomy, I am proposing the creation of a new political party. This party will not be based on any ideology of left or right, nationalist, republican, unionist, communist or fascist but will be a party based on providing the necessities for a life of quality for all the people.
This party will be called the PCC Party – that stands for People, Community, Country which will be the order of care and priority. Our manifesto will be based on the practical needs of the people and the practical realities of life. It is all very well to dream of a better way of living but we need to take practical steps to make it happen based on reality and not ideology.
These are some of the proposals I have drafted in order to begin the conversation around creating a new political structure and way of working.
I propose:
· The abolition of the House of Lords to be replaced by a council of seniors who will be nominated by the people for their wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
· Ministers will be appointed by merit. For example, the Minister for Education will be someone with many years’ experience in the field of education and who has the knowledge and skills to decide common policy and devise a curriculum to ensure our children are not just taught but educated.
· Politicians will not be allowed to stand for a constituency if they are not a permanent resident of that constituency. For no one knows the needs of community better than those who live there.
· An environmental policy that cares for the people and the environment, based on science and not on the false propaganda of corporations, dishonest politicians and vested interests.
· A cap on wealth, as we have seen and experienced how the accumulation of vast stores of wealth has led to the corruption of the political, economic, and health and social fabric of our society.
· The creation of an independent body to ensure transparency in the body politic and the media, to investigate and expose possible instances of corruption by vested interests in shaping government policy.
If you are interested in any of these and want to join the conversation then please contact me at :
While Arlene Foster with the complicity of Sinn Fein, keep NI on lockdown even though our figures are minuscule, I noticed that, around my town, new cameras have been put up. These are not CCTV or traffic cameras, these are face recognition, track and trace cameras to keep an eye on us wherever we go. There are 2 on the main bridge in the centre of town and 4 on the new bridge. Big Brother has arrived and our political representatives remain silent. This is why we have been kept on lockdown, to give them time to get them in place - coming to a road near you any day now that's if they are not already up.
I watched an interview with Dr Judy Mikovits on the London Real website, she is a virologist. I thought that all this was just to do with oil and money, which I am sure is a part of it, but the threads run deeper and darker and, to be honest, I am frightened of where this is leading. If you care anything about your health, or your family and friends, then please, take the time to watch this, it is an hour and 40 minutes long and well worth a look. I will put the link down below.
I am also reading Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World at the moment, I'm only a couple of chapters in but I came across this passage and I felt I had to share it with you, it's very prescient especially when you consider that it was written in 1996 about America but just as easily applies to the UK:
“I have a
foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the
United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the
manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome
technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing
the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the
ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority;
when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our
critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good
and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and
The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive
content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now
down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous
presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration
of ignorance. As I write, the number one video rental in America is the movie Dumb and Dumber. Beavis and Butthead remains popular (and influential) with young viewers. The plain lesson is that study and learning - not just of science, but of anything - are avoidable, even undesirable.
We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements - transportation, communication and all other industries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting - profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”
I think it just did. Carl Sagan must be spinning in his grave.
Link to interview - https://londonreal.tv/is-coronavirus-a-plandemic-exposing-the-truth-behind-americas-covid-19-strategy-dr-judy-mikovits/
World leaders came together for a virtual summit on a vaccine for coronavirus yesterday and guess who else was at the summit, even though they are not leaders in any government organization and nor have they been democratically elected by anyone anywhere in the entire world to any government body? Why none other than Bill and Melinda Gates! Well, what a surprise! All rested up after Event 201 and ready to dictate to the world.
Why were they there, the health of humanity has nothing to do with them and is none of their business? They are private individuals with absolutely no right to be there, so why were they there? I mean, who died and put Bill Gates in charge of the health of the world???
I see the churches are still closed with no plans to reopen yet either, it's good to see all those religious institutions showing their true colours at this time. Their congregations are in 'crisis' and they have closed their doors and turned their backs on them, no words or acts of comfort for the suffering then. It seems the 'men of God' have a distinct lack of faith in the God they, allegedly, believe in.
But then the Church is a bit like the Gates, unelected and self-appointed to dictate and pontificate to the rest of us.
For anyone who is interested, Dr Andrew Kaufmann is going to be on London Real TV today at 6.00pm. Dr Kaufmann was the person I cited for his investigation into the virus' in 'Virus, Wot Virus 1' (I went back and numbered them so as not to confuse people) which detailed the very strong similarities between what they are calling 'covid' and an exosome.
By the way, here's an interesting fact I found out in my research, guess who owns the patent on coronavirus?
Here's a clue, he was part of Event 201 which, in case you don't know about, was a simulation of what would happen if there was a coronavirus pandemic which started in China. This was hosted in October of 2019 in New York in partnership with The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum.
Yes, none other than the billionaire Bill Gates, the Eugenicist who believes that the population of the world can be reduced with vaccines, now there's something to think about. There is a Ted Talk on youtube on this, again if anyone is interested.
Here's another little coincidence, and this may be a coincidence, but the World Military Games were on in guess where in October 2019 too? Yes, you guessed it, Wuhan, China!
Anyway, I have to go to work but if you check out the London Real website there is also an interview with Dr Rashid Buttar on the origins of the virus. Dr Buttar is another person who's work is disappearing off youtube. As a matter of fact anyone who disagrees with the WHO on this is being taken down.
I find the censorship of dissent much scarier than any virus! Strange days and times...
A bit of good news for our Northern Ireland citizens, the law in the Irish Republic does not apply to you so you are free to go to any beach or holiday home in Donegal if you wish, and there is nothing they can do about it. The absolute joke of this is that people in Donegal are not allowed to go to their beaches but we are!
Other good news, you are now allowed back in the cemeteries too. Interestingly, this move was opposed by Sinn Fascists - sorry, Sinn Fein and the Alliance Party - remember that at the next election because I certainly will.
It's interesting to see that it is the DUP who are trying to be a bit more liberal about all these issues and Arlene Foster has opposed the 2km limit for people exercising while Sinn Fein have been trying to take a harder line. No surprise there, it has been interesting to watch their arrogance increase in direct proportion to their political power.
As the self-righteous grandstanding goes on in politics and the media, we are now faced with the problem of everyone trying to find a way out of the over-reaction and save face at the same time. The total number of deaths from 'covid' in Northern Ireland and the UK are 250 and 20,000 respectively, that's a lot less than the predicted 14,000 and 500,000 that was used to terrorise the populace when the media went into panicdemic overdrive. And 20K is about average for the flu anyway, the yearly 'pandemic' that comes and goes every other year without the hype and hysteria, although they did try hard with 'bird' flu and 'swine' flu.
Sadly, it seems people prefer the hype and hysteria, maybe they get off on it or maybe their lives are so boring it gives them something to talk about, but the funny thing is, all my friends and family know I work at the local hospital but not one of them has asked about numbers of patients, or how staff are coping with the 'crisis', or even an estimate of how many people are being treated. Not one! But just in case anyone is interested, when I asked last week, I was told they have 'wards full of empty beds'.
Treatments have been cancelled, the economy has been crashed, millions have been thrown out of work and the voice of dissent is being censored like never before online, all because of a 'flu' and a media induced hysterical over-reaction.
But well done to the owners of the Federal Reserve, they just made 2 trillion dollars which the American people will have to pay back once this nonsense is all over. Still, it's good to see the bankers doing so well while the ordinary folk are getting shafted..again!
Just a quick note on the last post, the question has to be asked as to why no one has actually isolated the virus yet. Logic would dictate that it would be the first thing you do, so why has it not been done? Could it be that this is just a strain of flu that they already know about but can't admit to as it would wreck their campaign of fear and/or whatever the real political agenda is?
Now that the figures are starting to go down in the UK, I see they are rushing to get figures from care homes to boost the numbers but still won't carry out any sort of independent cross-population sampling to try and provide a balanced perspective on how widespread this is. One sampling carried out in Germany found a death rate of 0.02% which is considerably lower than the normal rate of death from flu which is usually about 0.1%.
There are serious questions to be asked on this but, unfortunately, I don't think we will ever get the answers or even get to ask the questions, the way things are going. There are issues with censorship on Youtube, Facebook and Google which is much more insidious. No dissent allowed to the 'narrative' of the mainstream and since Google have now taken over Youtube expect more of this. The thing is some of these people who are being shut down are doctors and scientists, people who actually know about viruses and medical treatments. Where is the voice of reason, is fair and balanced reporting now a thing of the past? I don't care what anyone says, even if it is wrong, I have a mind of my own and can think for myself and I don't need Facebook or Google to make that decision for me. The world has taken a dangerous turn in regard to freedom, dissent and truth and I dread to think where this is heading.
One other important issue to highlight is how this is going to impact on Africa. In spring, the farmers go out and spray the locust larvae in the fields to prevent large swarms forming and decimating their crops but because of the 'lockdown' the were not able to this year and they have already had 2 swarms; the first one was 20 times bigger than the largest ever seen and the second one was 200 times larger. Africa is heading for a famine of Biblical proportions. I don't particularly like to describe it like that because I do not want to imply that any of this is a punishment from 'God' or 'nature' or to give credence to that kind of thinking but it is an appropriate description for what may lie ahead for them. I tried to find the presentation I watched about this yesterday from a Spanish doctor, just to double check my figures, but it has been removed. I did have them written down because he did warn that several of his videos on the subject had already been removed so they should be ok.
I managed to post 25 times over Lent, which I’m fairly pleased about but because there was so much going on politically, there was plenty to write about. The coronavirus hysteria is still ongoing, but hopefully it will be ending soon and we can get back to living. This isn’t going to be a very long article but it was hours and hours of research in the making and worth it in the end, I hope.
As part of my research into the covid virus, here is the most interesting fact I have found, there is actually no such thing as a covid 19 virus. Yes, you read that right, the ‘virus’ as such, hasn’t even been isolated yet and the test they are using to confirm its ‘presence’ is called the RT-PCR test and was designed to detect and measure RNA. It works by identifying genetic material (DNA/RNA) in the lungs which is often present when someone has other compromising illnesses. So, anyone with any kind of lung condition would most probably test ‘positive’. The test was invented by Kary Mullis, an American Biochemist and he said it should ‘not be used to diagnose infectious diseases’.
The other thing is that, what they are calling ‘covid 19’, has all the same features as Exosomes which occur naturally in the body and as you can see from the table below, are a perfect match!
What Exosomes do is, ‘they communicate information to target cells, depending on the types of cells they came from, and are of special interest in the field of medicine for their ability to stimulate immune responses’.
So, there’s a bit more information on ‘covid’ and I have certainly expanded my knowledge of viruses in the last few weeks. So, what is really going on? Well, what I think is happening is that there is a SARS type flu going around this year, which certain vested interests have latched onto as a way of experimenting on, and testing, the population, especially, in light of EVENT 201. I think we are the lab rats in the experiment and the powers behind it all, are having a real big laugh at our expense over the hysteria they have created. This may all be useful information for them for the future, as now they have seen how we have reacted in the ‘panicdemic’ and know how easy it was to put the entire population under lockdown, no facts or real information necessary, just let the media loose with their hysterical over-reaction and the crowd will follow.
However, on a positive note, the voices of dissent are rising and I think there are going to be a lot of questions asked about this when the ‘panic’ has died down, and someone in authority really needs to start taking the media to task over their behaviour. Quite frankly, the BBC and many others have been nothing short of an absolute disgrace in how they have handled this. Not only that, but with people being ordered to stay home, they have done absolutely nothing to calm people’s fears or even give them something decent to watch.
On another note, there are a lot of theories flying around on 5G but as yet there are no formal studies to confirm or refute these hypotheses and on the little I did find on it, there was no correlation between 5G and where the virus was. However, I did come across information on the possible long term effects of radiation from Wifi and smartphones but it’s a topic for another day, as the sun is shining and I’m back to work tomorrow, so I’ll be out in the garden and making the most of it today!
I never got into the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme) or 'chem trail's' weather engineering theories but I have to say that since all those jets stopped flying over, our weather has really improved and this spring feels like spring used to feel when I was young. Although, it is still on the cooler side, we have had some really beautiful days with clear blue skies and wall to wall sunshine. But more importantly, it has been dry for a lot of the time, and since we have had nothing but rain for what feels like forever, especially this last year which was a total wash out, it is very welcome indeed.
I believe nothing now until I see some evidence but as a first hand experience, there could definitely be something in this one. I remembered seeing a clip of Jeremy Clarkson from many years back on a NASA machine that makes clouds and I've posted a link to it on Youtube. Coincidence or not, or part of the 'climate change' agenda, you decide?
Why, thank you, thank you for that wonderful round of applause for all us hard-working NHS workers, you’re much too kind, no really you are, we don’t really deserve it, after all, we’re just doing our job, but thank you, again!
3 weeks now and doesn’t it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and evoke that old Dunkirk spirit, yes because we are a nation, we’re all pulling together to ‘Save the NHS’ and ‘Save Lives’. Because we’re all in this together and, ‘We have to do it, to get through it!’
And all the children with their pretty rainbow pictures up in windows because you can’t leave the children out, you gotta get them programmed early too, sorry, I mean you’ve got to include them too. Yes we must always be inclusive, include them while they’re young! Altogether now - ‘Children! Children! Future! Future! Children are the future - KIDS!’
And who’s leading the clap this week but none other than Boris Johnson’s pregnant girlfriend Carrie Symonds – aawww! Because you just know she’ll be delivering her baby in an NHS hospital and, by the way, does anyone know what hospital Boris is being treated in, could it possibly be a private one? But still wasn’t it good of her…aawww!.
There are just so many who care, I mean, we already had Prince Charles, who never put foot in an NHS hospital for anything other than to pull the curtain back on a plaque with his name on it. And the Beckham’s too, who live in the US and again, haven’t seen the inside of an NHS hospital for decades. After all, the NHS isn’t for the likes of them, oh no, it’s just for us plebs but isn’t it great to see they are so concerned about us and caring or could it be that maybe they are just concerned about something else? Like maybe, if they don’t keep everyone indoors the NHS will be overwhelmed and people will see how much it has been starved of funding for the last 20 years. I mean when I drive in every morning, the signs from the recent strikes are still hanging outside ‘Safe Staffing, Save Lives’. Short memories, eh? So, maybe their motivation is not really to save lives but to save their own jobs, their own necks and their own privileged lifestyles? After all, you don’t want the plebs rising up in a revolution and demanding fair treatment or decent services for their taxes so let’s keep trotting out the feel good propaganda and shovelling the shit down the throats of the little people.
So, well done, everyone, it’s so good to see everyone turning out to support the NHS, but wasn’t there just a small part of you that felt like one of those sea lions, you used to see on variety shows years ago, who sat up on their little plinths and clapped to order?
Following on from the last post, this is the poem used by Violette, it is such a beautiful poem, I couldn't resist sharing it with you. It was written by Leo Marks in 1943
The Life That I Have
The life that I have
Just when you think it can't get any crazier - it does! I went for a walk on Tuesday and called to the graveyard to visit my grandfather's grave. There was a sign on the gate saying that, due to new regulations, you were not allowed in unless it was for a funeral. And I thought police using drones to track walkers and 'shame' them was the low point. There was girl in the graveyard and she said ‘you are allowed to come in as long as you close the gate behind you’. I asked if this was to stop the coronavirus from coming in but I don't think she realised I was being sarcastic.
I pulled the sign down and went in. Apparently, some 'snowflake' had called the council to report that people weren't practising proper 'social distancing' in the graveyard on Sunday. It wasn't even that graveyard; it was one on the other side of the town. Of course, the local priest folded to the whines of the snowflakes, much like the government. So much for his ‘faith’ in God but then priests by their nature are unquestioning minions as we know only too well! By the way, the only thing that will ever stop me visiting my grandfather's grave will be a bullet!
When I was at school, there was one teacher who, when the class got noisy, would always say, 'Empty vessels make most noise', a phrase that keeps coming to mind when I listen to the ongoing media hysteria and not just on this issue.
However, on the good news front, the voices of dissent are starting to make themselves heard above the clamour. I was delighted to hear Peter Hitchens and Lord Sumption challenge the media in regard to the hysteria and fear they have whipped up, and criticise the actions of the government and some police forces over their handling of the ‘crisis’. I was beginning to think I was part of a very small minority but, thankfully, there are numerous online communities voicing their dissent too.
On Saturday morning, I walked down the town which is something I usually do and between the big girls’ blouses with their masks and scarves tied around their mouths,(and I am never going to apologise for using that phrase) and the snowflakes with their gloves and hand sanitiser, I had to get away from the 'noise'. So, along with number 2 son and number 1 grand-daughter, we headed to the beach. I know I wasn't allowed to do that either, so shoot me!! On the way to the beach, we stopped for petrol and in the shop they were selling small bottles of hand sanitiser at 10 euros a pop. There’s always someone with an enterprising spirit or someone ready to rip people off - well, it all depends on your perspective, doesn’t it?
Anyway, it's a quiet beach; I won't say where it is as I want it to remain that way. Not many people know about it but, even those that do don't bother going to it as it is off the beaten track and requires a bit of effort to get to. Even at the height of summer you would hardly get more than 20 people on it. There is a more accessible beach a few miles away which draws the crowds. That suits me fine, I was never one to follow the crowd. I had a paddle in the water while I was there which was absolutely freezing.
Now everyone in Ireland has paddled or swam in the sea at one time or another and most people in Britain probably have too. As a matter of fact, anyone who lives anywhere near a coastline has, in all probability. Well, here’s a fact about seawater and viruses, there are one billion viruses in a litre of seawater and I bet no one ever died after a paddle or a swim. When the snowflakes find out about that, they will never venture on a beach again!
And talking about viruses, here’s a little bit of information on them. There is some debate among scientists as to whether viruses are alive or not as they do not have an organised cell structure or any form of energy. They have one or two strands of RNA or DNA and they cannot replicate or evolve outside of a living host. Viruses are not bacteria, fungi, plants, animals or protists (single cell organisms). Yellow Fever was the first human virus discovered in 1901 by Walter Reed and the first flu virus was isolated in 1933. Viruses work by injecting their genetic material into a cell which they then take over and multiply.
The bad news is that there is little doctors can do to treat viruses and your best defence is to be healthy and have a strong immune system, and the way to do that is to eat well and take care of your health. Viruses outnumber all other life forms here on planet earth and wherever there is life, there are viruses so there is no getting away from them and it takes years to produce vaccines against them so I’d be very reticent about any ‘cure’ they find in the near future.
When we sit down and watch films like Schindler’s List or Carve Her Name With Pride, (if you’re not familiar with that one it is the story of Violette Szabo who was a spy for Britain during World War 2, if you get the chance, check it out, there is a beautiful poem in it) we imagine that if we were in those situations, we would be like Oscar or Violette. We imagine that if tyranny ever rose again that we would be the hero, we would be the one to stand up for freedom or the little guy and speak out.
Unfortunately, the events of the last few weeks have shown that when fear is used as a weapon, the majority turn tail and run or hide. It has been highly disappointing but not surprising to see the behaviour of many around me who have conducted themselves with something less than honour, not that it was my first experience of that. More disappointing has been the wilful ignorance on display from those who refuse to consider that there could be another agenda at play, or that the media would lie or distort the truth. (If you believe the BBC would not lie, then you should probably go back to believing in Santa Claus)
That is not to say that I have always acted with honour in my life. I have lived in fear and terror and experienced first-hand the worst of humanity. I have no illusions about myself or what I have done or might be capable of doing in the future but one thing I will say is that I never scapegoated anyone else to save my skin. However, there are only so many times fear can be used as a weapon (at least against me) but you will find that the more you face up to it, the more you build up your courage and the less scary it becomes.
When this is over and life returns to whatever it will be, how will you feel about your behaviour at this time? Did you go along and do what you were told or weren’t told without question or objection? (I know some who self-isolated before the Government ordered them to, even when self-isolation only applied to those who were ill or in high risk groups) Did you panic buy, did you investigate for comparison or try and educate yourself a little about viruses? Did you join in the chorus of disapproval, and how many times did you think (or hope) that those outside should be punished for not ‘social-distancing’ correctly, or did you go a step further and report someone?
Events like this reveal facets of our character that, under normal circumstances, we would deny exist. It isn’t easy to admit that we have a darker side or to confront the reality of our weakness and/or cowardice in the face of fear, or to consider that, if we had been in Nazi Germany, would we have put the uniform on and obediently followed orders? Hitler and others like him could never have succeeded without the compliance of the people, whether as soldiers or civilians and that should give us all something to think about.
This is not a condemnation of the German people, I understand how Nazi Germany happened. I know that the German people were suffering from the economic ruin that was visited on the country after the First World War and Hitler promised them a better life and future.
The actions of some, while questionable, does not lie entirely with them and the media most definitely deserve a large share of the blame for the part they have played in fomenting the panic and hysteria. It has sickened me to see the pleasure they have taken in ramping it up, every time they say ‘global pandemic’.
I do understand people’s fear, especially those with young children. For many, this is probably the first time they have been confronted with the reality of death, or faced the possibility of their own mortality and that is scary, if it is something you have never had to face before. But facing up to it, can led to a more conscious and, hopefully, better human being.
When this is over and the dust has settled, take some time to arm yourself against the next ‘project fear’ because there will most certainly be another one, and the greatest weapon you can have against fear is knowledge. Take a deep breath and don’t immediately believe everything they tell you. Take some good advice from Carl Sagan and ‘sceptically interrogate’ the information you are being given or, as it happens these days, being rammed down your throat. Make the effort to educate yourself around whatever the issue is, then when the media goes into overdrive, you will be sure of yourself and have confidence in your knowledge which should then inform your actions. However, I do have to warn you that no-one may listen but remember that it isn’t about them, it is about you and your integrity, and people will remember that later on when the fear subsides and the panic is over.
The results of this event have been a lesson to us all and revealed things about us or those around us that we may not want to confront but in order to become a better person, we need to be honest and ask ourselves, just how far would we go to save ourselves, and what would we have done in the war?
The coronavirus does not frighten me but what did frighten me was watching how those around me reacted and how easily they surrendered their freedom. I know many people have been genuinely terrified by this, the media has certainly gone all out on this one, but there were others who should and do know better. Maybe they like the drama of it all, there are certainly no shortage of drama queens around these days, and no shortage of doom and gloom merchants either. But when you look back and remember how you behaved, if it was less than ‘honourable’, then don’t beat yourself up about it, especially if you are in the young adult category, instead aim to hold yourself to a higher standard in the future, and try and do better next time.
A virus, like Co2, is the perfect weapon in the arsenal of terror; you cannot see it, feel it or smell it. There are dark forces at work in this world who would use any weapon to further their own agendas and some of those agendas are deeply unsettling. So, going forward, before you join in the anti-Chinese chorus, which has already started, make some effort to educate yourself and look a little deeper at what has been going on around the world and who these dark forces might be.
And, unfortunately, here is a little bit of more bad news - you are going to die, some day, maybe even today or tomorrow. Around the world every day babies, children and young people die, and old people die too. Some of us will die in accidents, others from illness, some may even be murdered and a disturbing number of you will take your own life, at least, in this country. But, it is an absolute guarantee that we are all going to die, there is no escaping it, eventually the grim reaper is going to get you no matter what you try to do to make yourself ‘safe’ and the jumbo pack of toilet roll isn’t going to be of much help when the time comes.
It is the natural course of life; we are born, we grow up (most physically but not necessarily, mentally) and if you are lucky, you will get to grow old and see your grand-children before you shuffle off this mortal coil. But there is no escaping it, it is the great leveller.
I hope that when my time comes, it isn’t too painful or drawn out but I’m ready to meet my maker whenever that may be because, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how you die, what matters more is how you lived.
God, I really miss the Grand Prix. I was so looking forward to it and was sure this was going to be Vettel's year and instead we have project fear, crappy nothingness and no Olympics either! I'm waiting to see what they do in the football, it would be an absolute shame if Liverpool are not given the league title.
Apparently, the natives are getting restless in Italy and insurrection is threatening (I'll provide an update soon on the Italian numbers and things are not what they seem!) We are all overdue a good revolution, lets hope it arrives soon.
I haven't changed much about my routine, I'm still working but the first major change I am making is that I will no longer be shopping in supermarkets. Lidl and Asda have had their last from me and they will be the last shops I ever go to for anything. From here on, it will be local first and foremost, regardless of the cost.
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