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Michael Gumbrell


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Well all the reading and activities are done,

all I have to do now, and have 4 days in which to do it, is write the TMA....

Pity I do not have a single clue what I am going to write....


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Michael Gumbrell

The death of Stalin

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I am off to see the film ' the death of Stalin' tomorrow night.

Very much looking forward to that.

Anyone else think of going to see it?

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Michael Gumbrell

university challenge round two

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following on from my last post,

I did the application form and took the online quiz, I went for General knowledge.

I got 8 out of 10, so I was pleased with that.

hopefully I can get into round 3, which are the auditions at Milton Keynes.

I really hope so, I am so keen to be involved with the University Challenge team for 2018.

Here's hoping,

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Michael Gumbrell

Round two

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I am really excited about being in round two of the university challenge sorting.

I have to pick me specialist area of knowledge. Do i choose politics and philosophy, the natural choice for my study path? Or do i take a punt on general knowledge?

I fancy taking a punt on general knowledge.

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Michael Gumbrell

University Challenge

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Happy days.

I did the first round test for the 2018 open university, university challenge team.

I passed!

So into round 2 sorting i go.

How exciting, i do watch university challenge every week.

I would so love to be in the OU team for 2018.

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Michael Gumbrell

Thank you for viewing

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Thank you for visiting.

If you read my blog regularly you might know i get a bit compulsive about me view counter..

This week the counter has shot up from 7000 to 7500, 500 views in a week!

So thank you to everyone who has taken the time out of their busy schedules to visit this blog,

It is much appreciated.

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Michael Gumbrell

Life changing experiance

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Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017, 21:53

A couple of days ago i agreed with the ou adverts claiming thst ou study is life changing.

I tended to agree with that statement.

Having just read Parfitts work on self indentity, i would agree even further.

The idea of personal indentity as a bundle of consciousness and physcological continuity is very interesting.

I am not a man of faith, i do not believe in a divine maker, hence i can have no soul, as hume pointed out, when he looked inside himself, there was only sensations and ideas, but no soul.

I find the same in myself.

So i am just a bundle of contining consciousness. For 8 hours every night my brain shuts down most of its neurological function while it sleeps. Does that mean my personal identity is lost for a third of everyday, a third of my lifetime?. Does that upset me?

As Hume pointed out we know the sun will rise tomorrow, and barring tragedy so will my consciousness.

I struggle to decide if this knowledge makes me thankful that i have consciousness or sad because of how fragile my consciousness is.

I will think about that in the morning, when the sun has come up and i have spent 8 hours not having a personal indentity...

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Michael Gumbrell


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Must get my head down, re-read the book chapters.

Must do study, must not procrastinate.....

Oh look bake off is on tv, its quarter final week...

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Michael Gumbrell

Life changing

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I keep seeing lots of adverts on social media feeds which declare that OU study is 'life changing' despite my struggle with a222 so far this year, i do agree.

Study with the OU is life changing.

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Michael Gumbrell

Still clueless

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I am still clueless about what to write for the TMA.

I will just have to go over the relevant chapters again to see if anything pops into my head.

This philosophy module is very hard.

This year is going to be a struggle.

Whatever mark i get will have to be ground out.

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Michael Gumbrell


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The tutorial was okay.

I am still none the wiser sfter it 

Nice to catch up with Simon though 

I am still very confused though.

This year looks like being very hard work.

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Michael Gumbrell


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Its tutorial day.

No messages on the planner to say it has been cancelled because of the storm.

So its off to Guildford i go.

First tutorial in six months and first of this new module.

Should be fun.

At lesst i will save some money of petrol. The 60mph winds forecasted for today will blow the car along the a3 to guildford...

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Michael Gumbrell

Politics, philosophy and economics

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On the pathway for a Politics, Philosophy and Economics degree, the last two modules are a free choice.

You can only study two of the three subjects in the last two modules.

At the moment i can quite happily say that philosophy will be my dtopped subject.

I wonder if i will still feel that way after i have slogged my way through this module?

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Michael Gumbrell

Same boat?

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Are there any past or present A222 students who read this blog?

How are you coping with?

A. The huge amount of reading required?

B. The lack of resolution of topics.

C. Thought experiments, i get a bit overehelmed with all the potential positions, do you?

I am keen to hesr your input.

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Michael Gumbrell


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Bloody A222. I thought the first tma was to ease you into the module.

Not the case with A222, it is confusing and difficult.

I will be paying close attention to the tutorial tomorrow.

I need to get me some clarity about this 'ease in' tma1.

I cannot even imagine how hard the rest of the module is.

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Michael Gumbrell

Personal identity as....confusion

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Okay personal identity.

Locke refuted physical identity as part of personal identity,

Locke decided that the continuity of memory is important to identity.

Locke decided we have a soul and it is a material thing.

But Hume...

Hume thinks we don't have continuity of memory as personal identity

The identity is made up of impressions (senses) and idea's (informed by senses)

Our identity is a mental stage that ideas and impressions float across like actors. 

Hume looked inside himself and could only detect ideas and impressions, hence he had no soul, he could only detect ideas and impressions. Hence the idea of a 'self' is only a fiction.

If I wrote my TMA1 today I would suggest that I agree with Hume, because when I look inside myself t the moment I just find confusion.

The self as confusion?

Now to wade through Taylor, lets hope Taylor proves insightful, because after that is Parfitt's bloody tele-transporter and that's not going to resolve anything!

'The self as confusion' so I must rely on the process of the study to see if it all becomes clear.

Perhaps Hume was right, my 'self' is the theatre that the ideas and senses play up, and only by having a organised process to make clear stage directions to those bloody ideas and impressions can I make a clear 'play' out of all of it.

The self as 'mental play- director, stage manager, orchestrator, lighting rigger, critic, actor, audience, in fact just the whole bloody theatre'.

So is, 'my self' just the auditorium that all the external impressions  and internal ideas perform in. The performance is a fiction, the theatre is not.

Can you quote Nick Hornby in TMA'S?

Rather than ponder so much about personal identity,

I could reference Hornby's 'about a boy'

'they say every man is an island!, fucking right, and if I am to be an island,

I will be I-fucking-biza, thank you very much'


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Michael Gumbrell

Personal identity

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I have to say, The first month of A222 is really challanging.

I cannot even begin to imagine how hard months four and five are.

I might not be the worlds most natural philosopher 

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Michael Gumbrell

First tutorial of the this module

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So Saturday is the first tutorial of this module. A222 exploring philosophy 

This year the tutorials are in Guildford.

It will be good to catch up with my cohorts from last year.

Looking forward to seeing Simon and Stephen again.

I might even get some insight into what ever the hell it is that the first A222 book has been on about.

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Michael Gumbrell


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My blog hit 7000 views.

Which I am delighted by.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my Witterings.

It is very much appreciated.

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Michael Gumbrell

University challenge

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Well i did my online application to be in the Open University challenge team.

hopefully I did well enough to get a call back for the second round of interviews.

I would so love to have a go at it.

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Michael Gumbrell

Irony of fate

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Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Wednesday, 11 Oct 2017, 20:55

My current job is only s 6 month fixed term contract.

I am currently half way through 

So time to apply for another position.

I am experianced for the new role i have just applied for.

Operations director of Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.

Home of those ships of Theseus.

HMS Victory and the Mary Rose.

Come on fate, i dare you too.

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Michael Gumbrell

Hit count.

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Just looking at the hit counter for my blog.

By this time tomorrow it should pass 7000.

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by.

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Michael Gumbrell

Spain again

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Now that catalonia has declared and immediately suspended its independance, does that make it the shortest ever sovereign state. Independant for 5 minutes.

Will the king of Spain declare the declaration treason.?

Treason for 5 minutes.

Sounds like the title of a Robert Ludlam thriller....

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Michael Gumbrell


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You know you are in the first month of a new module when....

The book says....

'This activity should take 15 minutes'

And it takes you a full hour....

Oh well, slow and steady wins the race?

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Michael Gumbrell

Still stone age study.

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Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Monday, 9 Oct 2017, 17:26

8 year old A222 strikes again.

None of the forums work in a mobile format.

So i have to dig the lap top out to use A222's completely non interactive study planner just to read the forums.

Here i am currently on my mobile, blogging that my module planner will not work on a mobile.

And i am still getting charged full whack for it.

Come in A222, your time is well up.

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