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A walk in the woods

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A Wood

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Autumn Trees

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 29 Feb 2024, 11:54


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The Nature Reserve

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 25 Sep 2023, 14:02

 Today I decided to visit the Nature Reserve with my husband  near to where I live. It was good to get out and about,  and look at nature,  because being in nature is so beneficial for the mental health.

The Nature Reserve is a short distance away, but still too far to walk, so we took the bus, which takes about 15 minutes.
When we arrived we walked for a while,  then we looked at the map on the display board to find out where all the foot paths were.
We sat on a bench along the way, there we  listened to the birds in the trees. We could hear lots of different  birdsong. The leaves were rustling in the wind,  and the sun shone through the trees, which made the light all dappled and interesting. I even managed to take some photographs.
We also enjoyed the silence too,  far away from the busy roads.
Then we saw magpies, crows, wood pidgeons, wagtails, robins, blue tits and blackbirds flying down to eat the insects after yesterdays rain,  also a grey squirrel ran by carying an acorn between its teeth!
There were some little birds too, wrens, sparrows and finches, they came to the picnic area to eat some crumbs off the picnic tables, from the visitors.
We walked along the woodland paths and felt the peacefulness of the place. The sun was shinning and there was a nice cool breeze blowing.  There was a nice earthy smell too in the woods, and it smelt fresh and clean after the rain. We both enjoyed a stroll in the woods, as well as the bus journey back home.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 30 Sep 2021, 17:40)
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Visit to a nature reserve

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 30 Sep 2021, 00:22

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Tea for Two☕☕ a poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 2 Oct 2021, 14:16

Blackberry and apple jam
to spread on bread for tea
I made it fresh today
Just for you and me

The bread is homemade too
And still is warm to touch
We can eat it with jam and cream
We'll enjoy it very much!

I have a little tea set
That's pink with flowers blue
With lovely cups and saucers
All shiny and brand new!

Gill Burrell

☕☕  🍯🍞

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God at work- poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 2 Oct 2021, 14:28

For it is God who works in you,

 And God who works in me,

His wonders to perform

His love and truth to see .

🏞    🕊  🌄

Gill Burrell

Ref. Bible

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Cherry tree

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 1 Oct 2021, 10:16


There's Cherries on the tree. 

A bumper harvest this year! 

So there's Cherry pie for tea !

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Cheerful flowers

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 8 Oct 2021, 09:51

I spotted these beautiful bright yellow flowers in the meadow near to where I live.They looked stunning!   Looked it up on google search and found they are called 'yellow yarrow'  They really cheered me up!

Yellow Flowers

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Reading about Creative language

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 28 Sep 2021, 21:37

👩‍💻 I am reading the online materials, on the OU site for module E302. I also read the books that accompany this course. The 'Stylistics' book and the 'Creativity in language'  book.

First I read the books 📚 from the recommended chapter, then did the  activities that are mostly online, along with the audios and/or videos to listen to.
Finding it interesting so far, but how will I ever remember 😟 all the terminology?

I look the word meanings up in the Oxford English dictionary, and write all these new words down in my digital notebook.📱From time to time and throughout the day,  I look at my notebook on my mobile,  to remind myself what the words are, and what they mean.😊

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New blog post

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 25 Sep 2021, 16:51

Psalm 29:11

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.


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Life is like a journey

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 25 Sep 2021, 16:50

Life is like a journey, we are all on the journey, but at different stages of the journey.


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Foraging for Autumn berries

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 19 Aug 2022, 22:10

The Berries which I picked when out foraging, and with the apples from my tree in the garden, I have made a lovely jam out of the apples, elderberries and blackberries, which I eat on toast for breakfast. Delicious!


Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 25 Sep 2021, 16:30)
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Fun with a pun!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Sep 2023, 13:24

Repairs at the cemetery

Today repair work has begun at the cemetery in the church yard.  I think that the company who are in charge of all the work has a very appropriate name! 

Mr Allbones!

church and graveyard

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Children of God - poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 2 Oct 2021, 14:30

We are all children of God 

with his help
and our hard work

We will mature.

Gill Burrell


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Planet in danger- We have to Wise up!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 4 Oct 2021, 17:47


It is very easy to criticize these movements like extinction rebellion, and other environmental groups but without these groups of people,  bringing these very important issues to the forefront, most ordinary people would be non -the -wiser,  about what is really going on in the world, because  not everyone is well educated about such matters!

It is like they are sounding an alarm or blowing the trumpet to warn people of the coming catastrophe but people don't listen and the time is running out for everyone on earth!

However,  a lot of people would just like to brush these important matters under the carpet!
They would like the protesters to just shut up and go away!
As long as it is not happening to them they couldn't care less.
and that is just selfishness!

I  am not a member of any of these groups, but I do see their point of view. Global warming effects us all and is coming to a place near you very soon!!!

A Concerned student and member of the public who cares about environmental problems, racism and social justice!

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Starting a book collection!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 23 Nov 2021, 23:26

I am currently studying E302. English Language and Creativity.

Since starting with the OU
I have amassed quite a good collection of text books on Language learning. Starting with Arts and Language. I also have a lot of dictionaries that I have bought over the years and a lot of music books& CDs both classical and contemporary.

 In literature I am fond of reading  the Classics Jane Eyre, Wuthering heights, Little Women, Anne of Green gables, Emma, Pride and predjudice. Dickens Great expectations, Bleak House, and A Christmas Carol. I also like CS Lewis and Tolkien. Poems by Blake, Wordswoth and Keats also the Oxford book of Poetry. (Various poets.) Including Emily Dickinson.

I also like the French books-  in french of course! Germinal, Zola. Madame Bovary La Tentation de Saint Antoine by Flaubert some of Maigret series by Simenon in french, En Attendant Godot  by Samuel Becket,  Albert Camus La peste, l'etranger et La Mort heureuse
Balzac My Cousin Bette, le Père Goriot
Le Conte de monte cristo, by Dumas,  Le Petit prince.
Some Poetry books Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire
and A Book of French Song (in french) by Bernard Minssen. As well as the french feminist writer Simone de Beauvoir. 

 I haven't  yet read all of the French books,  just a few of them,  but hopefully I will get through them all eventually.

These are just some of the books I have bought over the last five years,  from the Oxfam bookshop  in the city, for just around a couple of pounds each!! Cheap huh?

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 25 Sep 2021, 12:04)
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The runaway horse poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 18 Dec 2021, 03:38



                🐎      🌲 🌳

The trees are blowing in the wind

Inside of Central park, 

The moon is shining in the dark
Inside of Central park
When a horse goes galloping by!

A horse goes galloping by! 🐎

Beside the brook he stops to drink
He paddles his hooves
With a splish and a splosh
Then soon he is off
he gallops and gallops, around and about,
Out of the park and through the street
he gallops away, through a field of wheat

When a horse goes galloping by!
A horse goes galloping by! 🐎

Morning comes round and soon he is found
Grazing  in the long grass safe and sound
Eating some apples that he has found
That had tumbled down upon the ground

When a horse had gone galloping by!
When a  horse  had gone galloping by!  🐎

(Inspired by a recent event!) 🐎

Gill Burrell

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A study day poem 📚

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 25 Sep 2023, 14:06

The term is here, it's just begun
I find 'Student home" and get logged on.
I have a browse through unit one
Familiarising myself with what's to come

I listen to audios watch videos too
Taking notes with pens of red, green, yellow and blue
There really is a lot to do
Before I can start on unit two

I take my time and rest in between
And Test myself on what I've seen
Learn technical words and phrases too
Then Reading, understanding, and TMAs to do!

Gill Burrell

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 18 Sep 2021, 16:26)
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Wisdom, Peace and Love🌺poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 11 Jan 2022, 03:18

All Good comes from God

All Evil comes from satan

Gods plan is unfolding

It is up to us to use wisdom to discern 

And choose the path of peace and Love.

Gill Burrell


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Forgiveness- A poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 17 Sep 2021, 16:00

As the cool night air
Blows upon my skin
And I walk this lane
I forget my pain

I have turned the page
On the distant rage
As the dark clouds race
O'er the pale moon's face

Why am I still here?
This is my fate
There is no more hate
I belong in this place.

Gill Burrell


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First impressions- excellent!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 21 Nov 2021, 18:00

📒🖊✏ 📚 💻

I have been readng module E302 unit one yesterday and unit two today on the OU module website. I have also been listening and watching the first video about creative linguistics. It was very interesting, Reading the books in order, book 1 and 2  appear to be the main books to read first for this particular block. Although there are no numbers on books,  it seems it goes just by the titles.

 Finding it quite difficult to remember all the different  technical words i am coming across,  how to remember them all?  so I have decided I must make a glossary of all these words. in order to remember what each word means. It is going to be a long list!  Then I will pin it up on the wall, so I will be able to see it all times to remind myself!

I will probably have to read  through the units again next week,  to make sure it is all fixed firmly in my mind. Thank goodness for the induction  sessions,   which really gives you a chance to get off to a flying start!

Went to the taster session last night to understand how to use the technology and found it very informative and  helpful. The tutor was very patient and calm. I think another session and I will have it completely nailed. Anyway I think I am off to a good start!

Thank you OU for these very useful sessions !


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A Warning from Revelation about Climate change

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 16 Sep 2021, 13:24

                     🌍 ⚡

Revelation 11 v 18

 "The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”

(New King James version)

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Capitalism and Global warming

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 16 Sep 2021, 13:07

     Greed 💰   =    🌍🔥

As the name says, 'Global warming' is a global phenomenom and not a localised effect. Capitalism worldwide is despoiling the environment, changing weather patterns, degrading land and water, extinguishing animal species. Capitalism is polarising the planet, making a few fabulously wealthy while impoverishing the many, seizing the best land and evicting small farmers and devastating rural communities, leaving destitution in its wake. The capitalists sacrifice the balance of nature for the sake of plunder.
Essentially, if Capitalism is the reason why we have the climate change crisis, then any attempt to halt it must by definition anti-capitalist and therefore the anti-capitalist prescription is to scrap rather than reform capitalism. A cooperative commonwealth of the associated producers, rationally interacting with nature for mutual benefit is surely the precondition for a sustainable planet.


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Books are here at last!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 16 Sep 2021, 12:46

🏡       📚      🚚

My books for E302  have arrived at last! It is 5.30pm!  I think I must have been one of the last deliveries on yodel's list.  I suppose we do live out in the sticks a bit, thats probably why it took them so long!

I will be spending this evening having a good leisurely browse through these 4 lovely books. They feel reassuringly heavy,  all loaded with the knowledge and information that somehow I have to absorb! 

 I will treat them like a good rich meal,  and take out small bitesize chunks of knowledge,  just a little at a time,  because I do not want to get indigestion of the brain! lol!
But I am sure they will be very interesting and satisfying for me to read. I am looking forward to it immensely!

Glad I took a walk earlier on,  as I will now be indoors for the rest of the evening , engrossed in my new books!
No tv for me tonight!

It thundered and rained today, just a little bit of each,  but it feels much fresher and cooler, than it has done lately, so much better now to think more clearly as I read through my new books this evening.


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My internet is working now- hurray!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 13 Dec 2021, 13:25

Good news - the engineer came today, after I had reported that the internet had stopped working to BT yesterday. I think it was 'Outreach ' who came to fix it,  and my internet problem has now been resolved. The engineer had said that the wire was completely corroded, so it has now been replaced.  I also have a new hub! Everything is now up and working again.
Thank goodness for that! now I should be able to attend a taster session on Tuesday. Well done good for you BT!  My parcel is due to arrive today, and is currently on its way. At the moment I am just exploring the various sites on the module. E302. Language and Creativity.
                      ☕🍰   👩‍💻

Having a coffee and almond cake to steady my nerves!

I Hope you are all getting on ok with your various courses.👍good luck!

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Friday, 10 Sep 2021, 15:31)
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