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My feet are in a horrid mess, I've worked seventeen days on the trot and I've been doing six in the am until nine/ten in the pm shifts for the last three days.

Still I bagged, I hope, another five marks in my topology TMA tonight. More to the point, in doing so, I understood [yet another] something that is you intuitively think is true, is not true when it comes to topology.

Topology is just plain mad but it has a beauty that any kind of jejune normalcy just doesn't.

My feet can be fixed, my mind is forever altered.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 17 Aug 2012, 16:37)
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Now all I have to do is to prove that an inverse function maps the co-domain onto the domain. And, oh yes, I have to show that the function is continuous.

Why did sign up for this?

Today I wrote two pages for three marks.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 17 Aug 2012, 16:38)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 11 Aug 2012, 21:34

Started with Danny and I painting the new pinboards in the front entrance. Pinboards are a pain to paint, they're dusty, textured and rough. Even with well-thinned emulsion and a thick-pile roller it takes for ever. Danny did the cutting-in, I did the roller work.

When we'd finished we stood back and admired our work. It looked great, as it should do—we've spent loads of time, effort and cash over the last few weeks making it so. Getting the War Memorial bronzes/brasses cleaned cost over 2K alone, the oak-framed pinboards weren't cheap either.

Danny and I have got a wee bit Colin & Justin lately, we spent ages agonizing over the exact shade of green that we wanted for the pinboards, Danny has been madly rearranging the trophies in the new display cabinets for over a week. There was still something wrong.

It was the plasma screen, it wasn't on but even if it had been it would have destroyed the symmetry that we'd worked so hard to create. I'm not a geek for nothing, so I created a powerpoint template that matched. For once I lucky, I get perfect colour matches.

Sad old sods that we are, we horizontal-beamed as we did three-sixties[2π] from various vantage points to check out our work. The thing looks lovely. Almost nobody will notice what we have achieved in any conscious sense, they will subliminaly clock that they are in a temple of education.

Then it was off to my topology tutorial.

I'd forgotten that it was festival time, central Edinburgh was stowed with mal-dressed folk. I was beginning to get ratty with them when I ran into Graham in the Grassmarket. He was having a fag, which I'd been in-head planning for some while. So I rolled one as we walked to the tutorial together.

I've had a couple of maths books wasting time on my bookshelves for a while now, so I'd been planning to give them to mates, who would appreciate them. I had two about my person when I met Graham.

His was: the philosophy of maths. He will have much more fun with it that I ever could. I, also, gave Chris my partial differentiation book, it's probably too easy for him but...

Graham and I were early, not the first, so we sat with the others in the reception cafe-typee-thingee [nobody ever eats the free fruit] and talked about t0pology, groups and the online OU life. I'm in an awkward place when it comes to either.

Then we did our topology. Towards the end of which I looked round my wee group of mathos, We were tired. Because I played chess from an early age I know that thinking is as knackering as digging holes.

When we'd finished doing the stuff that none of us understand [well I at least don't], I walked back through an even-more thronged Grassmarket/canal to my school. I did the few bits and pieces that were needed so that tomorrow, when the cleaners come, they won't be in my way. I would have liked to go for a pint with my mates...

When I got home I found my wife toiling in the garden, so I was obliged to help. She bossed me around for about an hour.

I was pecking by this point so, I played the astronomical card—the Perseids are due tonight Babe, I said. We might want to be out walking in the dark for that.

I'm now drinking strong cider, but come dark, if the sky is clear my wife and I will be out in the wild-world looking for the Persiads.

I don't often get days like today. But the fact that I get any days like today shows that I'm on the right track with my life.

Life is an existance theorem when it comes to the joy of it.

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We are all entitled to these. Here is the dodgy scaffolding of my main one.
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exam thoughts

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Well, you have them don't you?
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Susan Whelan, Tuesday, 7 Aug 2012, 00:09)
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night thoughts
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again, about me
Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 13 Jun 2012, 19:04)
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tma post
Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 6 Jun 2012, 21:23)
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space & maths

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 17 May 2012, 17:23

I helped a teacher rearrange her classroom today. After we'd finished we both agreed that there seemed to be more space. I pointed out that there couldn't actually be any more space, we hadn't taken anything out [and we didn't do anything 3-D]. But there was more space.

I went away for a wee ponder. The main change was that instead of ten blocks of three desks there was one big block in the shape of a square W.

Ah, borders and faces!

The original arrangement had eleven faces and ten borders. The new arrangement had only one border and two faces. Does this matter? Yes, I think that it does.

For example you want to paint a room, what do you do with the furniture? You shove it all together into the centre of the room don't you? You reduce it to a single border of the shortest possible length and the faces to two.

You don't get any more floor area but you get better connected space [not a proper term].

There's something topological about this...

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 18 May 2012, 04:43)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 17 May 2012, 17:21
Not piddling around. Honest.
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Sunday, 6 May 2012, 20:49

My wife spent the day in the garden, I spent my day with topology [when no lifting was needed].

She had a good day, I think, and I thought that I'd had a good one too—I had a fair copy TMA question ready. Then the bomshell dropped—I was piddling around the course site when I saw a sinister errata. It appears that the TMA question, the one that I tackled, was exactly the same as an exercise in the unit text. So the TMA has been changed.

There's good and bad in this, mostly bad it has to be said.

  • The good: I got the thing mostly right
  • The bad: I didn't even spot that I'd done the thing before, and given that I'd seen a model answer why did I spend three pages doing something that was a paragraph in the unit?

Still, the thing is a doddle now, they didn't even bother to change the type of question—all I have to do is plug in another set of numbers. Mechanistic maths.

Which is what's beginning to worry me—is that all that I'm good for?

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last year

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 4 May 2012, 19:53

[This is a mid-think post about something that I will, maybe, write a more reasoned post about in my nonsense.]

For one reason or another I needed to look back through my blog posts—crivens, I have written loads of loads of nonsense, haven't I?

Anyway, I got interested in what I was doing/feeling this time last year—much the same is the answer. Is this a good thing?

Maybe, but in one sense very not—I can see that I'm falling [have already fallen?] into the same study-trap that I was in then: I'm not pushing myself hard enough.

For example, last night I was working my way through a group theory proof, I could see, in a general sense, what was going on. But I was skipping over details, you can't do that! Not when you're learning anyway. I wouldn't do this if I was reading code—then I would need to see what every line did.

The time has come when I either, need to get serious about maths, or decide that these maths is just a hurdle that I have to jump over in whatever way that I can.

If I decide the former [which I will] then I need to buckle down and start making this stuff mine. By which I mean that I need to be able pull together what I know in an organized fashion. At the moment there's too much, "oh, yeh I knew that" when I read the answer and not enough, "how do I get from there to there? What things do I know?"

I'm not explaining myself well here. That's the problem, I've worked on quotient groups for nearly three years now, could I explain them [and why they were important] to my wife? [She wouldn't let me.] Can I explain them to myself?

For the topology course I don't have the same problems, although I can see the problems approaching. [I just tried to explain something that I thought that I knew in the forums, fortunately I realized my error in time].

If you can't explain then you don't know.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by ROSIE Rushton-Stone, Friday, 4 May 2012, 20:45)
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...inside my head with the group theory blues again.
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tmas away...

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Supposedly I'm on holiday, but what with one thing and another I find myself at work-work, with no intentions of doing work-work work, why should I? So I'll write this instead.

I posted my TMAs off about four this afternoon. As I was walking back to the school in the sunshine something that had been worrying me suddenly became clear. About ten minutes after it would have done me any good. Still, I now understand something about quotient groups that I knew, but didn't quite get.

These TMAs have been a nightmare, a nightmare caused by me not having done the work and being forced to rush things. With maths [and computing] TMAs you need time to come up with the best solutions, sometimes to come up with any solutions.

The groups TMA was particularly bad as I had a whole unit unit book unread, and I was relying on what I already knew, or thought that I did [hence the quotient groups debacle]. The one good thing here was that I suddenly grokked the standard form and what it was for on Monday night. Which allowed me to shoot through a whole lot of questions that had been worrying me. [There's a post about the new notation that we are using forming in my hind-brain.]

How will I have done? Not sure is the answer—I think I was in the right area most of the time, but because I was rushing...

We'll see.

Tonight I'm taking the night off. Tomorrow I start the long haul to catch up and get ahead.

On another note it's likely that I'll hit 20, 000 views today or tomorrow. I think that says more about you, dear reader, than it does about me. wink

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I finished my topology tma today [fair copy]. The thing is a mess, but will be submitted, as is, tomorrow. Time is something of a problem, for me, just now.

'tma away' is always a wee bit of a wrench—you know that you could have done better. This one has been a huge annoyance to me; I know what I wanted to achieve and I came up way short. Many of my solutions lacked elegance, some were grotesque.

I always say that if, you are coding something and you can't see the whole of the code on a single screen you have a problem. I'm getting like this with maths, and this tma fails to jump that hurdle.

I think that my answers are correct but I came to them in a shitty, verbose, fashion. Everything was an expedience.

I hope that I'm developing a personal style with maths, if I amn't I'll give up. If you can't bring you into what you are doing, is it worth the effort? But aside from a couple of questions, I seemed to be brute-forcing my answers [taking all of the cases and dealing with them monkey-poke-fashion]. By the itching of my palms I knew that there was a neater way to do this stuff.

My trouble is that I'm lazy and impatient all at once. The only way to achieve elegance is by knowing what you are doing so well that you can look effortless, to others, when doing it. Pissing around at the last moment just won't cut it.

In the end, as ever, I'm bitching about me—comfortable with that, now for the, trickier groups tma...

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Joyce Rae, Friday, 6 Apr 2012, 21:05)
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Avoiding work and making these.
Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 31 Mar 2012, 19:31)
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my last post

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getting back...

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 24 Mar 2012, 00:18


getting back…and problems

Because I’m, again, marooned, in my other building, on a Friday night where I can’t post to my nonsense I will format it as if I was posting there; and fix it tomorrow.

Tonight we have the PTA race-night. Which is OK as they are all getting drunk and I condone that type of behavior. They tend to interrupt a janny trying to focus on his maths and there are, what might be their, strange yoofs gathering outside. Still, I’m always up for nonsense…and the quashing thereof.

how’s maths?

Slowly-slowly this week I’ve been ramping my maths back up to speed.

I’ve been on back-shift: but every day I’ve tried to do a wee-bit before, during and after work. Some days it hasn’t panned out. Most days I’ve gone to bed with a fear in my heart.

I made a decision last week—one that I think was the right one—to just do something. I think that it’s paid off. Here is the balance sheet:

  • Woefully behind at work: disciplinary action hovers over my bonce for my massive undone
  • I have a tutorial tomorrow, the venue has been changed, I might not even be able to find the place—never mind do the maths involved.
  • I looked at the course-fora for the first time in ages today, I didn’t have the bottle to open up a single post, nevermind reply
  • I’m a whole four weeks behind with the groups course. For the first time ever I can’t read Nilo’s stuff, because it’s like a blade turned into my failure.
  • I’m still behind on the topology course
  • The end of the financial year is coming up, there is everything that I haven’t done.


Been here before, will be again. I’m alive, I have food, drink and drink-drink and a better life that 99% of the people on this planet have ever had…

The problem is, that, often, in your day-to-day the above doesn’t make you feel better, when you have been massively blessed; to be thwarted once or asked to pay seems to be an imposition of the worst kind. All you see is that others have more, others who out-shine you with their…, others—cheats & scoundrels all, do better than you. Just others.

Tonight I found the first diagram in the topology units that actually reduced my understanding of a concept. [Although these diagrams have been on a cusp for a while.] Something that I’d predicted.

I don’t care about others. Any more.

Now, it's just me.

{obviously I will edit out the many mistakes that I've made}

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no follow, no index

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Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Susan Whelan, Tuesday, 20 Mar 2012, 22:32)
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strange place

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I've ended up at
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A lost weekend, again.
Permalink 6 comments (latest comment by Susan Whelan, Monday, 12 Mar 2012, 23:39)
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Away. And I begin to see that things may be becoming difficult.
Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 24 Feb 2012, 14:31)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 4 Feb 2012, 12:08
I fall into the dangers of thinking.
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more plans

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These will the last plans I promise.
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I'm coming to the end of unit A1 of the topology course, distance and continuity. What to do next?

So far nothing has been too off-the-wall  [we're stretching our M208 stuff mostly], I think that I see where we are heading. At some point the ground will be swiped from under us and we shall fall flailing into the abyss, but we aren't there just yet...

I'm on backshift [yet again] next week ,so I'm not going to get too much done. I'll sleep late and then lie drowsing, with a unit text in my mitts and a bed-full of pencil stubs just waiting to stab me in my soft parts.

Still, I have some choice about, this, not too much. Should I?

  • Try to cement my knowledge of A1 by doing lots of exercises [ε-δ stuff mostly]
  • Start A2, metric spaces
  • Do 1B1 for the groups course [why is it called that?]
  • A combination of the above

I should do the first [that was the plan], but I think that I've neglected the groups for too long now. They may pine.

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