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Not a 'Climate Crisis'

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 19 Oct 2023, 16:25

Just to 'fact check' some of the 'climate crisis' fear-mongering that is going on at present.

Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. We would probably all be long dead before we would reach a point where the seas are boiling. If, however, there is a body of water bubbling up somewhere, it will most likely be due to underwater volcanic activity.

Wood combusts between 250 - 300 degrees centigrade. So, again, we would be long dead before the trees catch fire due to 'global warming'. Forest fires start for a few reasons, lighting strikes, arson, human carelessness re barbecues, cigarettes and other fire type dangers. So, we can all calm down and get back to enjoying the summer, although it's a poor summer here. Beautiful June but a lot of rain this month.

Do these liars not think we have the capacity to check a few basic facts or are they that arrogant that they believe we are that stupid? Sadly, there is no one in a position of authority who will do anything about it, too many corrupt bodies and minions happy to go along with the fraud.

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Greta Doomsberg

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021, 08:43

Greta Doomsberg - You can stick your climate crisis up your ass!  My thoughts exactly

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Truth, Trust and Effort

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Now that the Biden puppet has been installed in the White House, we can see that all the reports and stories of ‘this is going to happen’ or ‘that is going to happen’ were just that, stories. We live in a world of fake news, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies, designed to keep us divided and confused, and making it more and more difficult to find out where the truth lies.  This is not a recent development, they have been doing it, and getting away with it, for decades.

Like the ‘climate change’ fraud, even science cannot be depended upon any more to provide the truth. While the media screams about climate change, the powers behind the media are stomping around the world starting wars to gain control of all the oil, ie: Libya and Iraq, and let’s keep our eyes on the continuing propaganda against Iran. If they were really concerned about the environment, why do they need to control the oil, are we not moving to a ‘greener’ world?

The corruption sadly, is endemic in most governments, corporations and main stream media, and means that we cannot rely on the news to report honestly, or provide us with the truth, or even gives us some context or perspective on it. Instead, the media fuels the fires of fraud and today’s news bears more resemblance to the ‘sad’ story of an X-Factor contestant, playing on the over-hyped emotions of the audience, than an objective reporting of local, national and world events, or real investigative journalism. Something, that has long since died a death in the mainstream.

We are being played, day and daily, and it’s not just the news, television advertising is a constant barrage of the poor, sick and desperate trying to guilt you into parting with your hard earned, to ‘charities’ that pay CEO salaries of £100K per annum. It’s not charity any more, it’s business.

Social media too, is anything but, it is another arm of the corrupt, designed to fuel division and, as I have said many times, while we are down here arguing amongst ourselves and distracted, whether it is over Brexit, BLM or masks, they are sitting back laughing and, usually, making a fortune at our expense.

The worst thing about it is that it is our own governments who are doing this to us. They are engaged in a propaganda war against their own citizens, at the behest of globalist corporations and bankers, to deceive, confuse and repress us. The deceit has been enabled through a web of worldwide corruption that is prepared to use blackmail, black ops, false flags, psyops, propaganda, threats and murder that fuel the interests of this global elite. Is there a government anywhere in the western world who could be trusted now? Our governments do not work for us and have not worked for, or represented our interests, for a long time, our ‘democracy’ is a lie.  As George Carlin remarked, ‘if voting made any difference, it would be illegal’.

However, it is too easy to just blame the government and the media. This last year has been eye-opening; watching people’s reactions to the ‘plandemic’ has been interesting, to say the least, and has revealed a lot about them and the kind of people they are.

The drama queens love it, it makes them feel alive, they get off on all the fear and hype, and just love to talk on the phone with friends about how terrible it all is, emoting at every possible opportunity, over all the ‘poor people who have died’. They can’t get enough of it, especially if they have a ‘vulnerable relative’ who they can be ‘very concerned’ about, self-righteously pontificating that they wear their mask, to ‘protect others’. But even better is if they have an underlying condition that could make them vulnerable too. They’ll have their friends ringing up all the time to check they are ok, because people like this always have friends like them, who love the drama of it all, and who would not miss an opportunity to virtue-signal to the crowd.  But the biggest thrill of all, is if they know someone who has ‘died of covid’, it doesn’t matter that they were 85 with dementia and several co-morbidities, only ‘covid’ counts. They wouldn’t miss the evening news for love or money (well…maybe for money…) feeding like parasitical statisticians on the numbers, for the ghoulish thrill of it all! WOOOOOHH!

Then there are those who are aware that it is all hype, but are playing it to suit themselves, those who can’t come in to work as they are afraid they might get the virus, and they have a ‘vulnerable relative’ or a ‘child with asthma’. The teaching profession is playing this one, big time, helped by the Unions who are using it to play party politics, and GP’s surgeries, who are offloading their work to the Emergency Departments. Each with their own agendas.

Then we have the hypochondriac’s - at last, all their dreams have come true! A deadly virus! A pandemic! They have Contagion on a loop on Netflix, to see what is going to happen next as they run to get tested for the tenth time in a fortnight, taking their temperature daily and googling their symptoms to see if any new ones have been added! Those with Munchausen’s Syndrome are also in this group. (Although, I seriously think the entire pharmaceutical industry and Bill Gates should be checked for Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy. Gates should also be psychologically assessed for a ‘Messiah’ complex too while they’re at it!)

Then there are the merchants of doom, for them it is the end of the world, everything is going to hell, whether it was predicted in the Bible, the Mayan calendar or by Nostradamus, it doesn’t matter, it’s all going to end soon! They are also big into the ‘climate’ crisis or anything that allows them to wallow in the misery of doom, gloom and disaster. Even when confronted with reality, they refuse to acknowledge it. I met one of these in the graveyard a few weeks ago. He struck up a conversation and asked if all the new graves were from covid. I said no, none of them were, as I knew most of them, (the advantages of small town living,) and the majority were just old age and cancer. But he launched into a whole ‘it’s a terrible time for the world, it feels like the end of day’s’ (he must have watched the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie the night before). I remarked that it was pretty bad in World War 2 and we came through that, but he couldn’t be convinced and went on with his doomsday scenarios. I made my excuses and left.

But what he demonstrated is that, like all these types, they like to wallow in their delusions, they prefer the lie and are not really interested in the truth, the truth is too boring, or doesn’t suit the agenda or their own narcissistic viewpoint. They want a truth that feeds into their delusion because to look for the real truth and challenge the narrative would take effort. And even if someone else is making that effort, they ignore it because to question one lie, may mean that they may have to start questioning everything, and that would be too much effort. It might mean standing up to the crowd or their own family, it might make them an outsider, or put them in the firing line for the insult of the moment ‘conspiracy theorist’. It might even mean standing alone, something the majority of people are too terrified to even contemplate doing. It’s much ‘easier’ to just agree with everyone and not even try to think or act for yourself.

I’m reading M Scott Peck’s, Further Along the Road Less Travelled, again, and in it he talks about evil. He goes back to the Genesis story where Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. As he points out, this story is about consciousness, about growing up and, in doing so, how we have to take personal responsibility for our choices. Becoming fully conscious is not an easy thing to do, it usually begins when we enter our teenage years, which is why teenagers can be difficult to deal with, because it is then that they start to question their parents, society and their values and belief systems. This can be especially difficult if they have parents who have never questioned anything and can cause conflict within the family.  Some, courageously, continue on that journey throughout life, whereas many others don’t and bend to the will and expectations of family and society – taking the easy way out, which is basically making the choice between growing up and remaining immature. Scott Peck talks about evil as ultimately being laziness. Adam and Eve were too lazy to engage with God, they made no effort to question or debate why they were not allowed to eat from the tree, which is what a grown up would have done, instead, they took the easy way out and that failure saw them driven out of paradise. 

I see that same laziness in so many around me, the failure to challenge the narrative of the government, the unswerving belief that they, and the BBC, would not lie.  It suits their egos and agendas.  These are the same people who, two years ago, were screaming ‘liar’ at Boris Johnston over Brexit, and now believe every false statement and piece of manipulated data he gives out.  And there is no excuse these days when practically everyone is walking about with internet access in their hand. But that would require an effort of will and it is easier to just bleat along with the crowd and virtue-signal in a public show than to make the effort to actually do some research.

With Joe Biden entering the White House last week, I had a bit of a crisis and considered shutting down the blog. I thought, ‘What’s the point?’ especially now when I can see how deep and widespread the web of deceit is, and how willing my fellow countrymen are to remain tangled in it. I can see that loss of faith online, as well, in the posts from friends on social media. I thought about the number one fan and found that, that too, was just another lie. Like many others, I lost faith and wondered who I could trust and went through a sort of ‘dark night of the soul’. It was not helped by the fact that my most beloved aunt has been lying in a hospital bed for last 6 weeks, after suffering a stroke, and is now in the last days of her life. I have not been able to see her. Her own children were not even allowed in, due to covid restrictions. Where has our compassion and humanity gone, that the dying are denied the comfort of having their family around them?

I look at what we have become in the space of a few months and I despair. I will never again wonder at how Nazi Germany happened, at how ordinary men and women took part in some of the most heinous acts against their fellow man. I have seen it unfold in front of me every day, not to those extremes, yet, but I have no doubt about how easily it could change, when I see calls for quarantine camps for those who refuse to be vaccinated, or for them to be refused medical treatment, work or entry into shops.  Egged on, as ever, with a daily diet of propaganda, spoon-fed to the masses by corrupt politicians, and a corrupt and complicit media.

However, I got over myself and decided to continue with the blog, it is important to me and there are quite a few people reading it every day. I’m still not sure why I bother maybe, I’m just ‘thran’ as they say here or maybe, I just want to annoy the self-righteous, I sure seem to piss them off a lot. But I have decided to put my faith in a higher power, whatever that is, trust myself and, it feels like the right thing to do. The search for truth was never more important than it is now and even if I get it wrong at times, or make a complete fool of myself, which seems to bother other’s around here more than it bothers me, at least, I will be able to look my granddaughters in the eye and say that ‘Yes, I stood up for freedom, I made the effort’. Will you?

If this insanity is to end, (if anal swabs and triple mask don’t start to wake you up, then you are beyond help) then it is up to us to end it, no-one is coming to save us, and if you keep ‘going along to get along’, then you are sleepwalking into a totalitarian technocracy and dragging the rest of us with you.  You can stick your head in the sand, keep feeding off the drama and fear, indulging your ego and narcissism, or you can make the effort; research, call out the lies, make a stand, if not for freedom, then, at least, for common sense and a proportional response. Scott Peck says that good mental health is ‘dedication to reality, at all costs’. It isn’t easy to do what you know is right, it may be painful, you may find you are alone, friends and members of your own family may turn against you. But, there are bigger issues here and the time is rapidly approaching when we may all need to grow up fast and start taking responsibility for what is going on. The future of humanity may depend on it and your children and grand-children may thank you someday, the choice is yours.

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Rights + Responsibility = Truth?

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 17 Feb 2021, 10:59

Everyone today, is very clued up on their human rights, they demand that life live up to their expectations and when it doesn't, they start shouting about 'violations' of their 'human rights' and can quote verbatim from the section, sub-section, paragraph and line of the Human Rights Act.

We’ve come a long way from the days of Thomas Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft when ‘rights’ were nothing more than a middle-class aspiration, and while there is much that I agree with in their writings, overall, I don't actually believe in human rights. I don't believe that there are natural rights or God given rights, as a matter of fact, I don't believe we have the right to anything. The only rights we have are those we have awarded ourselves and when we award ourselves rights then, we are morally obligated to award those same rights to everyone, equally. We consider the Human Rights Act a sign of our evolution into a more civilised society and a demonstration of our moral and intellectual superiority. And like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the more we get, the more we want.  

We are quick to demand our rights, however, we are not as vocal when it comes to our responsibilities and are often quite happy to run away from or ignore them. The concentration on rights without the same consideration of responsibility leads to a skewed perspective and causes an imbalance within society.

Within the Human Rights Act, we have the Right to Life, the Right to Respect for Private and Family Life and the Right to Freedom of Religion and Belief but no responsibility to provide a counter-balance to them.

I do not believe in a ‘right to life’, life is not a right, it is a gift which we are very lucky to have, so alongside a 'Right to Life', I would put a responsibility - the responsibility to take care of and respect that life.

Alongside the Right to Respect for Private and Family Life - I would add the responsibility to ensure that a private and family life does not compel any member of that family to share in your belief system, if they choose not to, and also, that your behaviour as a family does not impact negatively on the community outside your family.

On the Right to Freedom of Religion and Belief - I would add the responsibility to ensure you do not force or impose your religion or beliefs on anyone else. Religion should be a private matter between the individual and whatever God they believe in.

Why do we believe that we have more rights than any other living organism on this planet? The demand for rights comes from the belief that we are 'special', more special than everything else on earth because we sit at the top of the food chain. This idea originally came from the book of Genesis, where God gave man dominion over the earth (which of course was written by man and has more than a bit of self-serving bias in it) and was adopted by religious institutions. From that, we were led to believe that the universe was created for us and we were, literally, the centre of that universe with everything revolving around us. 

In the psychological development of a human being, this is known as the egocentric stage, or egocentrism, and was first identified by the psychologist, Jean Piaget. This stage of development, usually occurs between the ages of 4 - 7, although, it can persist into adulthood for some (believe me; I deal with them all the time!).  It is characterised by a lack of awareness of different points of view - something which was very evident in the Brexit debate and which you can see any day in Parliament (and is actually the modus operandi in Stormont!!). It is a stage of development where a child/person is self-absorbed and still has to learn that things are not always from their point of view or perspective. When it persists into adulthood, it can be identified in people through their 'egocentric shortcomings' which include:

'The False-Consensus Effect - where people overestimate the extent to which their preferences are shared by others; (as evidenced by the ‘remain’ side in Brexit)

The Curse-of-Knowledge Effect - where experts in a particular domain fail to take into account the level of knowledge of laypeople with whom they are communicating; (or egosplaining, as I call it)

The Illusion of Transparency - where people exaggerate the degree to which their internal emotional states (such as anxiety during public speaking) are evident to others; 

The Spotlight Effect - where people overestimate the degree to, which aspects of their appearance and actions are noticed by others.' 

Or, in other words, it's all me, me, me, me, ME!!!

The universe is approximately 14 billion years old, earth is approximately 4.5 billion, man or a man-like creature is estimated to have been around from somewhere between 2 - 7 million years and your life, if you are lucky, will average 70 years. The life of a human being, in proportion to the life of the universe, is nothing more than the blink of an eye. You are a dust mote sitting on a quite beautiful rock which revolves around a glowing hot rock, in a universe whose size is beyond our knowledge and comprehension and, of which, we know very little. We don't even really know the basics - we know that there is a gravitational force in the universe but we have no idea what it is, or how it works, all we know is how it behaves.

Our tendency to egocentrism, often means that we lose our perspective on life and our place in the world. Our egos delude us into overestimating our importance and our knowledge and it can be a shock to the system to confront this reality and realise that, at the end of the day, we still don’t really know that much, we really don't matter very much either and if we disappeared tomorrow, the world will still keep turning and life will still go on.

Within the 'climate' hysteria that has gripped most of the mainstream media; the delusions of the ego are predominant.  Like Brexit, no real debate is allowed and the stream of propaganda continues, as those who are still in their egocentric phase refuse to consider any opinion but theirs, or consider that they could be deceived. 

I can understand and sympathise, if people only get their information from the mainstream media and believe that they are being told the truth.  There is a generation who were brought up to believe in the integrity of institutions like the BBC and NASA, to name but a few, and find it hard to comprehend that they are being lied to on such a grand scale, and believe me that scale is huge. I mean, I believed in it too until someone pointed out the truth to me, and it isn’t nice to have to admit that you were taken for a fool. I was a real ‘greenie’ and was quite happy to pay £3 for a light bulb, I used to pay 60p for. But, that’s life, it wasn’t the first time I’ve been fooled but it will most certainly be the last, I hope!

A few months ago, I tried to debate with a couple of people I know on 'climate change', both have quite large egos and one of them was flying to the US to protest with Extinction Rebellion (ironic or what?). But they completely refused to even consider any alternative viewpoint or read any of the literature I recommended. They chose wilful ignorance over scientific truth because it fed into their egos. 

Coincidentally, I took my mother to mass on Sunday and one of the readings was from Genesis, it was the passage where Adam and Eve are tempted by the serpent into eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is one of my favourite  passages from the Bible because there is so much you can take from it and is probably one of the earliest writings on humans and consciousness.  So, I spent most of mass reading and re-reading this passage. There were several interesting things I took from it. One of the things I noticed about it was that, in this passage, God lied. Now, in all the years of being taught religion at school, no one ever pointed that out or questioned it.  The serpent asks Eve if God has told them not to eat from any of the trees, and Eve tells him yes, that God has said 'you must not eat it....under pain of death'. This is the lie which the serpent reveals. He tells her she won't die and that if she eats from it, her 'eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil'. So, with consciousness, we become the god of our own lives, we have the knowledge of good and evil and can then make a choice. 

The lack of curiosity and desire for truth and knowledge from the ‘climate change believers’, because it is about ‘belief’ and not scientific truth, shows that some of us prefer to live in ignorance, which is doubly disappointing in an age when so much knowledge is, literally, at our fingertips. Carl Sagan once remarked, 'knowledge is preferable to ignorance, better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable' and was a great advocate for scientific truth over superstition and myth.

I wonder what he would say now or how he would fare in the present day when science is being destroyed by lies and propaganda; when even the Nobel Institute has lost their integrity and real scientists are dismissed and silenced, in favour of an uneducated teenager, who is being cruelly set-up by her parents and paymasters. Would he too be side-lined and silenced?  Where lies the responsibility for truth now, is it with us to demand it as a right?

In searching for truth, I can only be grateful for the internet, for providing a gateway to truth and a different perspective. I dread to think how we would fare without it at the present time and the only advice I can leave you with are the words of another advocate for scientific truth, Benjamin Franklin:

"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see"

By the way, if you still believe you are the centre of the universe, or even if you don’t, because Carl Sagan is always worth listening to, follow the link and enjoy –



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Neo Liberal Fascist Feminism

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 09:43

Here we go again! Another day, another incident and another opportunity for the Neo-liberal Fascists to display their 'liberal' principles in a virtue-signalling, social-media, feeding-frenzy of self-righteous indignation.  And who is the target this time? None other than Tory minister, Mark Field, suspended now from his job for 'assaulting' a 'climate change' protester.  Oh, the howls and screams of protest as they rabidly set out on another hysterical and media-fuelled witch hunt, to publicly disembowel the latest target for their ire. They won't be stopped until he has been hounded from his job, stripped of all human rights and banished to some dark corner of hell, to ponder the errors of his ways, dressed only in sackcloth and ashes and made to self-flagellate on a daily basis until he is allowed to return but only after making a humiliating public apology and being psychologically castrated!

I mean, the audacity of the man! To manhandle this weak and helpless woman, this victim of the patriarchy, a symbol for our times of all that is liberal, truly feminine, deep and meaningful, and not forgetting, all self-sacrificing, not just for the sake of women everywhere but for the entire eco-system of planet earth! What a gal!  Move over Greta! There's a new paragon of virtue in town!

And, would you believe it, before the screaming had died down, what should happen but none other than another rich, white, Tory male should find himself at the centre of another feminist storm when it was reported that his partner was heard to shout 'get off me' in the middle of a row, than the media feeding-frenzy found another target to aim their self-righteous indignation at! And who should it be but none other than the potential next Prime Minister himself, Mr Boris Johnson!   What a present to the Neo-liberals, two in one week! (I wonder, is there a sale on? I might be able to get my own patriarch that I can stomp all over with my self-righteous feminist principles!)  

Then, there was a story on Donegalonline about a National School in Wicklow that is going 'gender neutral' allowing boys to wear skirts and girls to wear trousers (with parental approval). They are also providing 'gender-neutral' toilets.  The insanity spreads, like a cancer, as the Neo-liberal fascists inculcate their anti-Trump, anti-Brexit, pro climate change, all-knowing, all-inclusive, immigrant loving, self-righteous, virtue-signalling on the rest of us!  

Let's not bother that 'gender neutral' clothing would be neither skirts nor trousers (so go figure that one out!)  and let's not bother with the realities of the psychology of a child's mind or the fact that most children have no idea what 'gender' even means, or that they operate at a level below full consciousness.  No, let’s keep indulging the stupidity, let’s not bother to challenge it publicly, lest we be seen and neanderthals, nazis, racists and homophobes.  Let's just keep our mouths shut and let the tyrannical 'liberal' emperors stomp over everything in their fine new clothes!

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NLF - election time

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 09:40

Another week, another election, and another drubbing for the powers that be. Theresa May is finally going, and not before time. Exaunt stage left please, Theresa, and do us all a favour and don’t dance again, at least not in public. My eyes can never unsee it! Dancing Queen? I don’t think so, more arthritic stork. In fairness, I have to say, it takes a special kind of talent to be even more useless than David Cameron. I’m sure she’ll find a use for it somewhere, maybe the European parliament…

Come to think of it, what do MEP’s actually do all day? They can’t bring in legislation, they don’t get to vote on leglislation, the commission allows them to look it over, so what do they actually do? Apart from long trips on the Brussels gravy train or shopping in their private shopping centre?  

I see Martina Anderson, the Sinn Fein MEP had a makeover and a few elocution lessons for the election campaign, they had her well-scrubbed up. You can take the girl out of the bog, but can you take the bog out of the girl? Well, they gave it a go, maybe there’s a beauty salon in the shopping centre? Of course she got elected, the sheep will vote for anything, if you wrap it in the flag of convenience.

On the Euro vote, the Brexit party wiped out the rest in the polls and of course, the arguments are still raging on line between remainers and leavers. Everyone claiming a majority, when the figures show, that the majority didn't even bother to turn out and vote. Turnout averaged 36% which is 15 points short of a majority of voters and a whole 64% short of how many could vote. Maybe it's time to set a threshold of 51% so that if those turnout figures aren't reached, then the vote is invalid. Or maybe, add None of the Above to the ballot paper and make voting compulsory. Then, at least, we would have a truer picture of what the people want.

Why people didn't bother to vote, is anybody's guess.  Maybe like me, they are sick of the sound of 'Brexit' or maybe, like me, they have lost all faith in any government institution to actually put the interests of the people before the interests of the party and their corporate friends...

Brexit isn't the only thing that I am sick of hearing about. I don't know about you but it seems to me that there is a massive pester-power campaign going on in the media. I don't have Sky TV, just Freeview, and there are about 5 or 6 subjects on telly at the present time, World War 2, the Royal family, Brexit, climate change, cooking and home makeovers of one kind or another and then there are the repeats, of repeats, of repeats!!  There is so little worth looking at, that the minute I hear 'climate change' or 'Brexit', I turn over but most nights I find myself turning off and watching YouTube. At least, it has some variety and provides an escape from the endless droning of brexit, climate change, WW2 royals, brexit, climate change, WW2 royals, brexit, climate change, WW2 royals....

What I feel is happening, is that this is part of some grand brain-washing scheme by the media (or the powers behind the politics) to wear us down until we sink into apathy and despair and just give up (if you don’t believe this could happen, watch Century of the Self). For whose benefit, I’m not entirely sure but I just get the feeling that in a boardroom/Bilderburg meeting somewhere, there are a group of, most probably men, (Rothschilds? Soros? Et al?) sitting back and having a great old laugh at the rest of us. 

Laughing at how easily we are manipulated and led around like fools in a merry dance, being played off one another until gradually we become worn down by the constant fighting, bitching and arguing but mostly by the sense of powerlessness that no matter who you vote for, what arguments you make, what evidence you present, the truth remains buried and/or distorted, the rich get richer, the poor stay poor and the government still gets in…


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Neo-Liberal Fascism part 2

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 09:46

I don’t know about you but I feel as if I have just come through 3 weeks of ‘shock and awe’ on ‘climate change’. Between the media, Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion, we have been bombarded with ‘climate change’ propaganda. And no harm to Greta, she is supposed to be a clever girl but maybe she should start looking at the real scientific facts and not just the misinformation pumped out by the IPCC.

It was also quite nauseating to watch all the neo-liberals fawning over her. They even trotted out Ed Miliband for the all-star, and old has-been, meet Greta Thunberg Show. I wonder if the neo-liberals are planning a comeback or maybe a coup to oust Jeremy Corbyn. However, I’m also beginning to wonder if Jeremy has already crossed over to the dark side of the neo-liberal, politically correct and all-inclusive fascist movement?  One of the biggest disappointments recently was watching him jump on the Greta bandwagon by declaring a ‘climate emergency’. That should make for an interesting conversation, the next time he speaks to his brother Piers! 

Greta also stated after her speech to the EU that she was going to travel home by only using ‘green’ transport.  A noble idea with absolutely no meaning in reality, unless she planned to walk home barefoot across fields which is the only real way to travel ‘green’. Because every car, bus, train, boat and pair of shoes has been made in a factory somewhere using oil and products derived from oil because there is no human process anywhere on earth that doesn’t impact on the environment in some way. Unless you live in a house made from mud that you built yourself, grow and eat only your own vegetables using organic methods, spin your own cloth from your own crops and make your clothing by hand with a needle carved from wood and never fly, drive or travel, use a phone or any modern appliance, then you cannot be truly ‘green’. What is wrong here, is that we lack perspective and proportion but mostly, it is because we are narcissistic about who we are and what we can do. We, white folk here in the west, think we know it all about everything. We know how to fix the planet, we’re going to save the world, just like we knew how to bring all those indigenous and primitive tribes to civilisation. Because our way, is the best way, simply because it’s our way and anyone who thinks differently is stupid, misguided and ignorant. Gawd, bless us, one an’ all!

Meanwhile, in a boardroom or Bilderburg meeting somewhere far from us plebs and guarded by the forces of the state, while we’re all being distracted and arguing away about ‘climate change’ and Brexit and any other item they can use to keep us divided, other darker and more sinister forces are at work. In case you hadn’t noticed, there is a nice little build-up of tensions going on in the gulf as the US and the Saudi’s sabre-rattle towards Iran and the anti-Russian rhetoric is starting to build up online again too. Is there a war looming while we’ve all been looking the other way?

Going back to Brexit, I have to say, it was great to see the Tories getting trashed in the council elections.  Roll on the Euros! The Shinners got a bit of a drubbing here too and lost 4 seats on our council. It was heartening to see a move away from the old 1690/1916 parties and a swing towards independents and Alliance. I’m sure the murder of Lyra McKee had some influence on this. Not that it makes much difference to the politicos, they’re still trying to get the Assembly up and running again and still churning out the same old rhetoric.  ‘It’s not us, it’s them! Ya, boo sucks!’

Another interesting thing that happened a few weeks ago, it was actually the week before Extinction Rebellion started their protests in London, but wasn’t mentioned anywhere on the BBC, was the protest in London by 22,000 bikers and veterans in support of Soldier F. In case, you don’t know, Soldier F is being prosecuted over the Bloody Sunday shootings. A travesty if ever there was one. I don’t live very far from Derry but there are many there who disagree with this prosecution. This soldier has been scapegoated and hung out to dry by the powers that be. There are several reasons why this should not go ahead. For a start, soldiers act under orders so if there are going to be any prosecutions, it should be whoever gave the order. Secondly, under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, all the Republican and Loyalist prisoners were freed. If they did not have to serve out their terms, then no one should be brought before the Courts for any of these past issues and events. The Attorney General John Larkin suggested a while ago that there should be no prosecutions for anything prior to the GFA and that we should draw a line under the past. Of course, he was met with howls of protest from most of the politicians and only Basil McCrea of NI21 supported the idea. Come to think about it, I haven’t heard of NI21 since! 

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Fear & Loathing

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 09:56

I had a day out to Dublin at the weekend, met up with a good friend and we decided to try Wagamama’s for lunch. It was very disappointing, some of the staff hadn’t showed in so all the curry options were going to be at least 30 minutes which, of course, they didn’t tell us until we were about to order. We settled for a chicken and prawn with veg, stir-fry with brown rice. What we got was a brown rice stir-fry with a 3 prawns, very little chicken (about half a fillet between both of us) 1 mushroom each and some very uninspiring looking veg. We complained and got it for half price but it wasn’t even worth that. We won’t be back!

On Tuesday, 5 of us headed to the Millenium Forum to see the Royal Moscow Ballet perform Swan Lake.  A great night was had by all and I didn’t even mind missing my art class for it. Highly recommended! Keep an eye out for them, as they are  touring Ireland, at the moment before moving on to Holland and then Poland later on in the year.

I had a couple of days off work last week too; the best 2 days of the week and the year, so far, weather wise at least. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long and we are now back in a cold spell. But what really pissed me off about it, was all the bloody doom and gloom merchants. You can’t even enjoy a good day now without the whole ‘climate change’ terror on the media. I don’t know about you but I am sick to death of being terrorised about everything.  

Don’t sit in the sun – you’ll get skin cancer!   

Don’t eat meat – you’re destroying the planet! 

Don’t buy new clothes – you’re destroying the planet and exploiting the poor! 

Don’t fly anywhere- you’re destroying the planet! 

Don’t light your fire in the winter – you’re destroying the planet! 

Don’t use plastic – you’re destroying the planet! 

Don’t drive a petrol or diesel car – you’re destroying the planet!

Arrrggghhhh!  I can’t stand it! All the joy is being sucked out of life with this constant terrorising of the population: everybody, guilt-tripping over everything, and stressing out. It’s no wonder everyone is depressed and anxious with this constant onslaught of fear, negativity and misery.

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Strike Out!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 09:58

In case anyone missed it, the 'yoof' had a day off school on Friday. They went on strike for the day, to demand us grown-ups do something on climate change. While I admire their enthusiasm, I think they might have been better off staying in school and studying some real science as opposed to 'environmental' science. They might have learned a thing or two about C02 and realised that, like King Canute trying to stop the sea, they have about the same chance of stopping 'climate change'. 

The other thing about all this 'save the planet' stuff is the arrogance. How self-righteous and arrogant do you have to be to think you can 'save the planet'. What is it about us here in the West, that make us think we know it all about everything and are so sure of ourselves, we don't even have to bother to check the facts. That's not to say there aren't issues that need addressing especially around plastic pollution but when I look around me, I see a much better world than the one I lived in 40 years ago.  

There are many more trees now and not just around my town but across the entire country. The rivers and waterways are all much cleaner and most of our rubbish is now recycled too. There are still many more green spaces than urban and people aren't getting shot or blown up every day either which is a really big improvement!  

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Climate Catastrophe!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Tuesday, 9 Oct 2018, 07:26

So, the IPCC is terrorising the population again with their tales of impending climate catastrophe! It’s not just climate-change or global-warming, there is a climate catastrophe coming our way!

 'We're doomed, we're all doomed!'  

Ok, before you all head for the hills, or loot the local supermarket to stock up for the Armageddon that is, supposedly, just around the corner, let me just say, don't panic, don't panic!  

When it comes to global-warming, because I believe in global warming, I know you thought I didn’t but it is a real thing and the amazing thing is, I figured it out all by myself!  Woo hoo!  So,  just to set your mind at rest, here is how it works and this is all you need to know about it - every day the sun comes up and warms the earth, and here is the important bit, every night the sun goes down and the earth cools down again.  See, simple, really when you think about it!

Ok everyone, panic over, relax, drop your shoulders and breathe!  Aaaahhhhhh...now let's be realistic about this, what difference would 1.5 degrees really make in your life or the life of the planet?  Little or no difference because no matter how hot is gets during the day, that temperature never stays the same and even when it is hot, it's only hot for a few hours because that temperature goes up and down every day, up and down, changing all the time because that's the thing about the temperature, it is seldom the same in any two places for very long. 

'But it was really hot this year and not just here but in other places?' I hear you say.  Yes, it was hot, it was summer, and we had a good one, for a change!    I remember we had one back in 1995 and in 1976, and back in the day, when we got a hot summer or a bit hotter than average(?!) we called them 'heatwaves'.  Someone even wrote a song about them, you may know it, 'We're having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave!  The temperature's rising, it isn't surprising...because it was the summer, that’s why!  Maybe the IPCC could adopt it as their theme tune.  This is a bit like the hurricane Harvey terror of 2017, there was a hurricane in a place called Hurricane Alley at a time called hurricane season!  I know! Go figure??!!

But, back to global-warming/climate change.  Back in the middle-ages, the earth went through a warming period, it was so warm, the Danes were living and farming on Greenland, see, the clue is in the name, 'green' land.  Logic would dictate that if the Danes were able to farm on Greenland then the Arctic ice must also have been gone.  Did the world drown in 100 metre sea rises?  No, it didn't, because even if the ice poles melt, the sea will only rise by about 8 inches.  If you think about this logically, it makes sense too.  The Arctic is ice and the majority of that ice is under the water.  Now, when water freezes, it expands so if the ice melts in the Arctic, it will contract, so won't really add that much to the oceans.  Antarctica is bigger than the Arctic but it is a continent, land with ice on it but again like the rest of the planet, it goes through seasons so even if it warms up a bit in the summer, it will cool down and freeze again in the winter.  Also, a recent report from Antarctica identified that the ice in Antarctica was melting from underneath not from above.  It was melting because of volcanic activity below the ice, not temperature rises above the ice. 

So, there we go, panic over, nothing to worry about here...well, apart from pollution from plastic, species loss, fishing the oceans dry, incompetent leaders, deforestation, junk food, fake news, obesity... Oh, and you are doomed, sorry about the bad news but we are all going to die, some day, maybe even today!  But then again, maybe not, so to leave you on a happier note, while we are here, lets live a little or live a lot, if you can, enjoy each day as it comes and if you are really worried about the planet, then plant some flowers or a tree or two, then sit back, relax and enjoy the day for what it is and don't worry about the earth.  It has survived worse than mankind and will in all probability outlive us too. 

Ok, panic over, resume your positions and carry on… 


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How I learned to stop worrying and love Co2

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 10:23

Stephen Hawking, in a recent article, stated that we should start looking around for a new planet to colonise because ‘with climate change, overdue asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth, our own planet is increasingly precarious’. If all that’s coming, maybe we should just leave now! Stephen Hawking is a clever man, but he’s obviously looking for a big grant to fund research or something. Now, let’s be logical about it and look at the reality. We’re miles from anywhere habitable and he suggests colonies on the Moon or Mars. Why would we leave a planet that is rich in water, plant and animal life to live on a barren wasteland with no water, life or atmosphere? This is another of those statements paraded all over the media that terrorize the population and keep us in a constant state of fear. 


Coincidentally, I have been looking into the science behind ‘global-warming’ and ‘climate change’, for several weeks now and (I have to get the language right here) from the evidence I have gathered, I have concluded that we’ve all been taken for huge ride. 


When it comes to man-made global-warming and climate change, I’ll be the first to admit, I believed it. I didn’t even bother with the science because I thought, ‘well, you can’t lie about science; it’s all based on evidence and research, isn’t it?’  I’ve always enjoyed science programmes, never missed Tomorrow’s World and I even wanted to study it at school but we had a rubbish science department.  I remember looking through the biology books, a subject you weren’t allowed to do until 3rd year, and the pages on human reproduction were torn out because they had a picture of a naked man and woman in them.  We sneaked a look at the teacher’s book, they were still in his. So, everything in nature procreated except humanity, in the narrow world of the Convent Grammar.   


Going back to the early 1990’s, some doubts were raised. I was doing a Life Sciences course as part of a Foundation course at Magee College and I remember reading this in one of the journals, and it always stuck with me. It said, ‘there is no such thing as an environmental crisis in nature, because nature is always working to repair the damage’. That, and the fact that the teacher didn’t believe any of the environmentalist’s warnings about what was happening. We also discussed the fact, that back in the 1960’s, they were talking about another ice-age which I remember too…barely that is!


But, courses end and life moves on, and you become distracted by other things, and I didn’t give it much more thought.  I could see the benefits of recycling and trying to cut back on energy usage if for no other reason than to save a few pounds, and assumed we were being told the truth because the general consensus in the media seemed to confirm there were problems with the climate. There were stories about El Nino and a hole in the ozone layer and, in 1995, we had the summer from heaven, 3 months of the most beautiful warm, sunny weather and we thought, ‘well, if this is global warming, bring it on!’


And as I sit here and write this, I’m thinking, it’s June, my roses have only bloomed in the last couple of weeks, last year one rose bush didn’t bloom until July and even then it was only for about 2 weeks.  I had my heating on last night, I still have the quilt on my bed and I’ve even had to wear pyjamas a couple of nights this month as it was so cold.  


Now, this all came about because I’ve been having more political debates and discussions with my sister (Me: for Jeremy Corbyn.  Her: not) Then, the topic of climate-change came up; and there’s another thing I noticed recently, there’s less talk about ‘global-warming’ now. The language of the debate is changing and it’s becoming more about ‘climate change’, have you noticed that? Anyway, she has always been a sceptic and has complained a lot about paying taxes for something she said wasn’t true so after some debate she said, check out Piers Corbyn’s website, Weatheraction.com.  At this point, neither she nor I knew Jeremy and Piers were brothers. So, I did.


Weather forecasting is Piers Corbyn’s area of expertise and when he started studying, he noticed a correlation between solar (sunspot) activity and temperature and climate change on earth.  He was so successful in using this information in weather-forecasting that he was able to live off the money he won, betting on the weather when he was at university. 


Now, when you actually read the science you come to understand that the earth has always had periods of warming and cooling. There was a warming period in medieval times, when Greenland was green and the Vikings lived and farmed there.  There was a mini ice-age about 600 years ago (we’ve warmed up a bit since then) but scientists on several sites seem to agree that we are now in a cooling period again. This data is derived from studies on solar activity.   

On the website climatescienceinternational.org, 6 leading British scientists, including Piers and the well-known botanist, David Bellamy, Phd; and many others from around the world, have put their name to this statement:


We, the undersigned, having assessed the relevant scientific evidence, do not find convincing support for the hypothesis that human emissions of carbon dioxide are causing, or will in the foreseeable future cause, dangerous global warming."


It also states their reason for compiling a register of scientists:


‘A common misunderstanding amongst the general public, mainstream media and politicians is that only a small proportion of experts in the climate science community have serious problems with the concept of a carbon dioxide-driven climate crisis. In reality, thousands of climate experts are highly skeptical of this hypothesis.

This fact has been repeatedly demonstrated through open letters, petitions and other declarations.  However, these documents have not had sufficient impact on government policy largely because mainstream media have generally ignored them and so only a minority of the public is aware of their existence’. 


On petitionprojectorg, 31,487 US scientists, 9029 of them Phd’s, have signed their name to another petition whose purpose is:


‘to demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming “consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatological damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists.

Publicists at the United Nations, Mr. Al Gore, and their supporters frequently claim that only a few “sceptics” remain…It is evident that 31,487 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,029 PhDs, are not "a few."


These scientists are instead convinced that the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientific validity and that government action on the basis of this hypothesis would unnecessarily and counterproductively damage both human prosperity and the natural environment of the Earth.


So, I started really looking in to this and gathering data about ‘global warming’, I typed in ‘facts about global-warming and I got a site called Co2earth which gives the Co2 levels in the atmosphere which at this time are 400ppm (parts per million) which doesn’t sound like a lot. (I wonder what’s making up the other 999,600 parts.). Anyway, back in the Cambrian period, Co2 levels were at 7000ppm and I also found out that the Cambrian period is ‘famed for its explosion of abundant and diverse life forms’. So no harm done there then!


Now, to be fair, I also checked out the other side. The first thing I noticed about the pro GW/CC sites was that they didn’t have a lot of actual scientists, scientific papers or links to all the evidence and one of the first things I came across, on one of the sites, was a statement that said there was a global consensus among scientists about ‘man-made climate change’, which I knew straightaway from my research, was a lie. According to the GW/CC ‘science’, rising Co2 levels are causing the earth to warm up but the actual real science shows us that reverse is true.  Temperature rises cause Co2 levels to increase.  Part of the reason for this is that warm water cannot hold as much Co2 as cold water and the oceans contain huge amounts of Co2. So, when the water warms up it releases Co2 but Co2 levels are not static anyway and are moving all the time. As a greenhouse gas, Co2 isn’t very big either. They largest greenhouse gas is water vapour, yes, I know, I couldn’t believe that one either.  Water vapour coming off the oceans makes up about 96% of greenhouse gases. Co2 is contained in the other 4% along with methane and other gases. As a proportion of the atmosphere, Co2 is about 0.039% with nitrogen making up 78% and oxygen 21%. Again, that’s not a lot, as Paul Daniels used to say. (Gawd, I’m really starting to show my age!)


Anyway, back to the science!  Co2 or carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring element on earth; it is in everything, plants, animals, the oceans, the land, us, everywhere. As a matter of fact, if there were no Co2, everything would die. We even breathe it in and out. We breathe in 400ppm of Co2 but we breathe out 40,000ppm and as the man says, I don’t think anyone has died from Co2 poisoning while receiving CPR. We could actually do with some more Co2 as it makes everything grow bigger and better, it’s the very food of life for plants and trees.

Now, the earth itself is about 71% water to 29% land. 33% of the land is deserts and 3% is urbanised which doesn’t really sound like a lot either. So if you were worrying about the impact of your non eco- friendly light bulbs, stop now because how much of a difference is that going to make when you look at the big picture?


Here’s another piece of info, 99.9% of the energy that drives the earth’s climate comes from the sun.  And this is backed up time and again by data. When the sun is active the temperature goes up and then the oceans release Co2. Water vapour rises forms clouds and helps to insulate the earth, keeping it warm. You’ll know this from the difference in a clear sky at night and a cloudy one. Clear skies in autumn, winter and spring bring frosts. So, if we’re causing the planet to heat up, then it is only a fraction of a percent and again, light bulb vs sun?  Think about the proportions.

We also have to remember when we hear stories of the highest temperature or warmest month since records began, they have only been keeping records since 1880. (I think parts of England had a hottest day since 1976 last week, didn’t they?)  Again, let’s think about it proportionally, that’s 137 years out of 4 500 000 000. The earth has been around for many years and has gone through many changes so keep that in mind the next time you hear the hottest, wettest, driest day/week/month since records began! 


The main body promoting climate change is the IPCC which stands for the International Panel on Climate Change which was established by the United Nations and the World Meteorogical Organisation in 1988. A lot of their scientific data was drawn from what they call proxy studies which take information from many sources and are notoriously unreliable as models for predicting anything. They have used the Mann ‘hockey stick’ graph to show the rising temperature but this graph is still the subject of debate as to the authenticity of the results and has been subjected to charges of manipulation. Some of the temperature data is taken from urban sites which are naturally warmer. There have also been difficulties in replicating the study which is a really big deal in science. It’s like reverse plagiarism, you have to be able to follow the exact same procedures, to see if you get the same result, otherwise, the study is invalidated.


So, if like me, you were worried about humanity and the future of the planet, then I hope I have eased your mind, keep looking at the big picture and don’t let yourself be terrorised by the government and Al Gore.  Al Gore is a charlatan and I really hope he reads this and sues me so I can take him to court and expose the fraud. Now, climate change is happening because the climate changes all the time so it’s always happening and always will.  Here is a little table showing hot and cold periods on the earth since 200AD. 


200 – 600   Warming


440 – 900   Cooling  (Dark Ages)


900 – 1300  Warming again


1300 – 1850 Cooling (little ice-age)


1850 -  present  Warming with possible cooling period ahead


So, there you have it.  Now, asteroids, I’m afraid we can do nothing about.  A big one might arrive at any time but I would like to think if we were facing some life extinction event like that, then we would pull together and use all those nukes to blow it away in a grand display of human camaraderie while unilaterally disarming at the same time! Kill two problems with one big bang, so to speak.


Epidemics? Again, I think we’re fairly well disposed to sorting out those threats with all the good scientists and scientific knowledge we do have. But if the worst happens, well, the upside is we won’t have to worry about population growth! There you go, problem solved!  See, every cloud has a silver lining…and a large percentage of greenhouse gases! By the way, the population is dropping in Europe so there’s another thing we don’t have to worry about.


I’m going to be a real bore about this from now on, I can’t believe how quickly I learned all this stuff. I didn’t even realise I knew this much until I got into a spat on Facebook about it, and I was able to ream off facts and figures without having to check my notes. I have to say, I even impressed myself and more importantly, I got the last word! Game, set and match to me!!


I’m actually thinking about creating a fake science site and starting an internet rumour about Co2. I’m going to tell people that ‘scientists have reported that if we all held our breath for a minute every day for a year we could reduce Co2 levels by 10%’ and see how long it takes to become an urban myth. So, do me a favour and start spreading it around. 


And for anyone who’s interested, here are a few links to sites with lots more interesting reading and scientific facts.












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