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Messiahs, malice, money & masks

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Well, it was an interesting few weeks switching off from the world, although, it is difficult when you still have to go to work every day and interact with others. The only way to  really do it is to have a place away from everything, where you can actually sit in peace and quiet, like Henry David Thoreau in Walden - Life in the Woods, but I don’t have access to that type of land, unfortunately. Self-sufficiency, far from the madding crowd, I can but dream.

About 100 years ago, radio was invented, prior to that, the only noise you would have heard in your daily life was other people talking. Music would only have been heard if there was an occasion that called for it, be it a party, concert, wedding or ceili. Life would mostly have been quiet and silence easy to access.  Modern life is never silent, it drones on 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without respite. Television, movies and music have intruded into our lives and brains, and there are a thousand voices competing to be heard in my head alone, even when sitting quietly; memories, lines from songs, scenes from movies, tv programmes, all vying for space in a place that is already overcrowded and noisy.

When you stand back from the noise for a while, you realise that most of it is meaningless, without purpose or substance, especially the TV. Mindless ‘entertainment’, soulless fodder being fed to the masses with the lowest common denominator as a guide.

Taking a break from it all allows you to adjust your perspective and when I look now at the overall picture, all I see is corruption. We live in a world based on lies and deceit, and sadly, a population happy to play along if it means they don’t have to bother thinking for themselves.

Everything is a lie, absolutely everything that we were told to believe in growing up is a lie and I’m not just talking about Santa Claus. The ‘greatest story ever told’ is exactly that, a story, another manufactured piece of Roman propaganda to quell the rebellious Jews and exert control over them and the people. I had actually thought that Jesus did exist although, I never believed in a virgin birth or resurrection, but now I find out that he never existed at all and was the product of some imaginative scholar working for Rome. (I'll expand on this another day) I have to say there is a great freedom to be had from being able to completely shed the diktats and guilt-tripping of Christianity. No more turn the other cheek or forgiveness here! 

And it is the same for everything, they have been lying for centuries, not just decades.

Voting is, I suppose, another lie, we have the semblance of change but it is merely window dressing and the elite still pull the strings behind the scenes. And it is not just religion and politics that is riddled with lies - the same goes for our ‘health’ service and never more so than now. It’s really the pharmaceutical industry manipulating government and the medical profession to make and keep us ill. They have been giving us all the wrong dietary advice for decades and disdain any alternative approach to health, except one that involves the chemical products of their industry and makes money.

We don’t have a health service any more, we have an illness maintenance service based on medication and lots of it, which is now pushing for vaccination for everyone, for everything. But it is too easy to just blame big pharma and government, there has to be a degree of personal responsibility and too many people think that their health is something the doctor takes care of.

For example, type 2 diabetes is controllable through diet so why are people with type 2 not referred to a dietitian or nutritionist. I know several people with this condition and one of them is on 15 different medications a day, some for thyroid, kidney and blood pressure problems, all related to the diabetes. But not once have they been told to modify their diet other than a vague ‘watch your carbs’ when, time and again, it has been shown that a high fat, high protein diet is better than a low fat, high carb diet.

I am sick of the lies, the propaganda and the ‘messiah’ complexes of the wealthy who cannot leave us in peace to live our short lives.  What angers me most about this whole covid scam, along with all the others, is the stress and fear that have been deliberately generated and with absolute malice aforethought, and all to make money for people who have far too much of it already. I mean, does Bill Gates really need another 20 billion so he can buy another ugly jumper?

Anyway, at this point, I have lost complete faith in everything. I see a world where corruption is endemic and so widespread that it is almost impossible for us to attempt to end it while the majority stand like cows at gates mooing along. The majority, unfortunately, seem to be happy with their imprisonment with no consideration for the fact that their complicity is destroying freedom for the rest of us. (I’m basing this on the reports that the Conservatives seem to be set to win the Hartlepool by-election, I hope the polls are wrong).

Back in 1930’s Germany, if the Jews had fought back when they were removed from public life and denied the right to go to parks/theatres and their businesses destroyed, they could not have moved them into ghettoes, if they had fought back against the ghettoes, they could not have forced them to wear the yellow star, if they had objected to the ghettoes and the stars, they could not have proceeded to moving them to ‘work’ camps.

If we hadn’t accepted shutting down businesses, they could not have ordered us to wear a mask. If we hadn’t complied with the mask, they could not enforce a vaccine, if we hadn’t taken the vaccine they could not begin to consider enforcing a ‘temporary’ vaccination passport. (Temporary, like 3 weeks to save the NHS!) Also, the implications of this are not being taken seriously at all. What about the right to privacy and confidentiality regarding medical treatment? What about the Geneva Convention and the Nuremburg Code that was put in place to stop medical treatments being forced on anyone? What right does the government and big tech/pharma corporations have to deny us our rights to freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom to personal autonomy? And when this is all put in place, what is the next step going to be? Social scores like China that restrict your ability to live and work even more?

I know what’s coming, I’ve done my research, we have learned nothing from history and those who do not learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them, and that seems to be exactly where we are heading. Medical fascism is being implemented and there is barely a word of dissent.

What sickens me more, is the ‘allegedly’ smart people who won’t admit or even look at the information because their egos could not conceive that they could be, or are being, played and deceived. The elderly, who are not ‘tech’ savvy, I can forgive but the wilfully ignorant, I cannot and will not.

If you are complying, you are sleepwalking into a totalitarian/fascist technocracy and dragging the rest of us with you. However, there is a window of opportunity for the people of Britain to register their dissent against this with the May elections. I would ask you, for the sake of freedom, to not vote for any of the main parties and give your support to those who oppose this lockdown. I would also ask, if you care anything for freedom, to take off the f*cking mask, start today and make a stand for freedom and humanity, if not for your own sake, then for the sake of future generations.

I haven’t worn a mask at all, it really isn’t that big of a deal and if anyone gives you grief about it, tell them you are exempt or to f*ck off, which is easily done too, the choice is yours. You are not obliged to disclose your private health information to anyone, and it is not legally enforceable. And if the police stop you, ask them to show you what statute it comes under because there is none. It is a ministerial directive with no basis in law and stories about arrests are just that, stories, to try and scare you into complying. Take it off today and breathe the air. Your children and grandchildren will thank you.


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Casper Smith, Thursday, 22 Apr 2021, 20:50)
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Masks and the Law

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I'm sharing this link to an article in The Critic, regarding the law and the present 'scam'. I read a post on Twitter this morning from a teacher who was up all night with 'nerves' because they are starting back to work today and have been told to wear a mask;they won't be. 

For the record, there is no law on the statute books of the UK that can force you to wear a mask, the Government might have said it is compulsory but they are chancing their arm because people do not know the difference between ministerial guidance, which is what it is, and law. 

When you are ordered to wear anything, be it a yellow star, a burka or a mask, against your will, then you are living under fascism. The only person who can make you wear a mask in the present situation is you - so you do not have to wear one, if you do not want to wear one. So, the question is, will you be complicit in your own enslavement?


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 2 Sept 2020, 22:29)
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Behind the Mask

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 25 Aug 2023, 09:04

It's been a few weeks since I posted anything, but since there isn't anything other than the slow descent into technological and medical enslavement to talk about, there really wasn't much point. But irony of ironies, we now have Sinn Fascism telling us to wear masks.  4 months after '3 weeks to save the NHS' and NOW you need a mask. We've been given 4 weeks to get used to the idea before they make it mandatory, you couldn't make it up!! Well, actually you could because that is exactly what they are doing, and from the party whose military wing spent years running around with masks and guns, terrorising and traumatising an entire community?? Give me strength!!!

But I don't care who says it, I still won't be wearing one, I don't care if it's mandatory, compulsory or whatever, I'm not wearing one because a) they are completely pointless - a virus is so small you need a microscope to see it, it is one 10,000th of a millimetre and can easily pass through paper and cloth  and b) for health reasons - and as the propaganda says - it's not to protect me, it's to protect you -  because if you try and put a mask on me, you will get severely beaten. 

But I don't care anyway as my holidays are coming up soon and i'll be heading to England for a few days, for a nice change of scenery. I have to fly out of Belfast this time to Heathrow as everything going to Gatwick was sold out, making it a bit of a trek to get down to Sussex. But it'll be worth it, I'm sure.

I also started running recently, something I never thought I would do, but it just sort of evolved with being out walking so much, and I thought I would try the couch to 5k. I'm just starting my 3rd week and going pretty well, I managed to run for a steady 10 minutes on Saturday and could have run for longer but didn't want to push my luck. I won't be doing any marathons but I'll be quite happy if I can manage a 5k.

I've also been cutting back on the social media and the telly and been reading more, in between the crocheting, gardening and decorating. I finished Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World and also read Ron Kovic's, Born on the 4th of July. I'm on the last chapter of America:The Farewell Tour by Chris Hedges at the moment. The book is divided into 7 chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of the declining empire. I had to take a 3 week break after reading the chapter on Sadism, it was pretty rough and as Hate was the one straight after, I needed a break before getting into that. I don't agree with all his conclusions, but the final chapter titled 'Freedom' is a real eye opener into the depth of the corruption in the prison system or the industrial prison system. It is the best chapter in the book.  The prison system is the new slavery, there is just no argument on that and the corporations all have their dirty hands in the trough.  Did you know that all the McDonald's uniforms are made in prison by inmates getting paid a dollar an hour, if they are lucky, many aren't even getting a dollar. Think about that the next time you're chowing down on a Big Mac. 

But McDonalds aren't the only ones, all military gear is made by prisoners and here are just some of the other corporations using prison labour to boost their profits, usually done through sub contractors - JC Penney (or Primark to us), AT&T, Bank of America, Walmart ( or Asda), Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Dell, Revlon, Johnson & Johnson, Fruit of the Loom, Quaker Oats and many more. It's a business and a very big business at that, and one I'll come back to but whatever you may think of the Black Lives Matter campaign, there are genuine issues of grievance within the black community to be addressed. However, poor whites are suffering just as much and these are the groups who need to unite to fight the injustice and exploitation. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon, we're badly in need of a Malcolm X or 2, (the last honest politician) but with everything that is going on at the moment, something has got to give, as we really can't go on like this. It's a question of where and when that first domino falls...lets hope it's soon.

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No Mask, No Vax, no Trax

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As the lockdown grinds tortuously on, I don't even know what we're allowed or not allowed to do any more, I stopped listening weeks ago and I don't particularly care either.  All I'm waiting on is the start of the Grand Prix and flights to England.

I won't be wearing a mask either on public transport or anywhere else (unless it's Halloween) and I don't give a damn who says it, it isn't the law and as far as I'm concerned it is a violation of the most fundamental human right, the right to breathe the air. By the way, a mask is of absolutely no use against a virus, it's the equivalent of using an open door to stop a fly. A mask will also reduce the flow of oxygen into the body and raise Co2 levels which place the body under stress and may cause you to pass out, this is especially dangerous if you are driving. 

A virus cannot survive for very long unless it has a living host.  When you put on a mask, you are breathing out bacteria (which are living organisms) and viruses that are contained within your nose and mouth, providing a fertile breeding ground for any virus to replicate which you are then inhaling back into your lungs. Not a good idea and liable to make you ill. So, forget about the mask.

I was having a discussion with someone on Twitter as to how to make our dissent known to the powers that be and we needed something quick and easy to organise so I suggested sending a mask to 10 Downing Street in protest. So this is mine, sent yesterday along with a letter detailing why I'm not going to wear a mask, get vaccinated or volunteer to be tracked and traced. 

I've read so much about vaccines in the last few weeks that I was sick to my stomach that I had ever allowed any of my children to be vaccinated. As Dr Judy Mikovits said, it is a plague of corruption and if you haven't watched her interview on London Real then I strongly recommend you do as soon as possible and then follow it up with the Robert Kennedy Jr (son of the late Senator Bobby Kennedy) interview, also on the site.

And I certainly will not allow anyone belonging to me to be vaccinated at the behest of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with his record, he should be in jail for crimes against humanity. His vaccines have caused polio in up to half a million girls in India, the deaths for hundreds of African children and he chemically castrated a million women in Kenya with a supposed Tetanus vaccine. The stories are horrific.

And I will not be tracked and traced, I am not a dog and what I do and where I go is no one's business but mine, I do not have the virus, I am not a danger to anyone and I am not doing anything illegal. 

We were discussing this in the office the other day, and how this 'track and trace' is going to work. There are 7 in our office when we are working at full capacity, now imagine it's Monday morning, we've all been in the office for a few hours and someone gets a call - they have been in contact with someone with Covid and they have to self-isolate, so we will all have to go home and self-isolate for 2 weeks. So, 2 weeks later we come back and next day another one of us gets a 'self-isolate' call so again we all have to go home and self-isolate.  And then 3 weeks later it happens again. Realistically, you could be off work forever, it's complete nonsense and is never going to work, apart from the fact that the so called 'deadly' virus has practically gone anyway. 

Where is the voice of reason? We are ruled by the incompetent and the arrogant and unfortunately, that didn't happen today or yesterday. A change is badly needed to the whole system. But, in the meantime, if anyone else feels like making their dissent known, I invite you to send a mask to Boris and let's end this insanity.

By the way, one man died in our town with the virus, not from the virus, with. He was 88 had major heart surgery about 20 years ago and many thought he was dead already, as he hadn't been seen in years. So, it is safe to assume he had several co-morbidities as well.

Mask letter

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 10 June 2020, 19:11)
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