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Hermione vs Katniss Rap

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I came across this on Youtube the other day and thought I would share it. A bit of fun, enjoy!

#POV Hermione and Katniss have a rap battle! (#COLLAB with @HollynnRagland 🥰) #fyp #acting #shorts - YouTube

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180 Degrees

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Just as a follow up to Operation Gladio for anyone who read it, I have just finished 180° by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood - Unlearn All The Lies You've Been Taught to Believe. It covers a lot of what I have covered in the blog but there is additional information in it worth reading in relation to banking, 9/11, CIA, Freemasons, Rothschilds etc. I've never really covered 9/11 on the blog but don't believe for a minute that a few Arabs with boxcutters pulled that off. Anyway, another one for the critical thinkers out there.  Sadly, the author is dead as he is someone I would have loved to have had a conversation with, although, I don't know when he died or what he died from.

Has anyone else noticed the reduction in internet traffic recently? Although, a million households have cancelled their internet in the last year, apparently, due to the cost of living crisis, but maybe they just got sick of the bullshit and decided not to pay to be tormented any more. The only reason I haven't cancelled mine is that the telly is so crap that I mostly watch Netflix these days. I think 99.99 per cent of it is now controlled by government and is propaganda, maybe it always was. I just did a quick search and got one page of returns, most of which were Amazon. I remember when the internet started and you put in a search and got millions of hits from across the world. 

I also came off Facebook and went back on Twitter a while ago and, on Saturday, I had a quick look as the weather was dry, and I wanted to get out into the garden to do some work. I rechecked it four hours later and it was the same stuff. I remember when I first went on Twitter and the page was updating constantly. I'm not sure about Musk, or how honest he is, but there is still quite a bit of censorship on it and, with the appointment of Linda Yaccarino as CEO, ex-employee of the WEF and mainstream media, I'm not sure it is the 'free and open' platform it claims to be, or will be in the future. 

And, on the subject of truth, it is beyond irony that the BBC has now launched a new programme, Verify, which is, according to them - transparency in action – fact-checking, verifying video, countering disinformation, analysing data and explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth. This is our promise to consumers - we understand that their trust must be earned and we will show them how we are doing that each and every day. 

Copy that down and save it somewhere as you may need it for your defence in court in the future when they come looking for the license fee. This is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house, or a male rapist into a women’s prison – oops! You couldn't make it up, unless, of course, you work for the BBC, the Guardian, the IPCC, SAGE, the WEF, the FBI etc, etc...

They used to say believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see, with Ai, I would update that to believe nothing you hear or see on screen, and question everything. The world has never appeared more absurd than it is at present, I'm sure war with Eastasia is about to kick off any day now!

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And in honour of all pagans, past and present, a blast from the past for Solstice, take it away Jethro! 


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A Plague on All Your Houses!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 16:07

In October 2019, Event 201 was run to simulate what would happen in the event of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic and, what a coincidence, there was one shortly afterwards. It was organised by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins Centre for Health Security (because health is now a matter of national security) and the World Economic Forum. But it was all purely a coincidence and there is nothing to see here.

Then, in October of this year, the same players ran another pandemic simulation for 2025, Catastrophic Contagion, where a deadly contagion that affects children and young people starts in South America (where the Zika virus was which I'm sure had nothing to do with vaccines). I'm sure this is just another coincidence and I'm sure they haven't been doing research into something like say, the Spanish Flu and crossing it with a coronavirus or the plague. But, just in case, forewarned is forearmed, as they say. 

And I'm sure Bill Gates didn't really mean anything when he said that regarding another pandemic 'that will get attention next time'. All just a coincidence...nothing to see here.

The next pandemic will get attention this time - Bill Gates - YouTube

About Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019 (centerforhealthsecurity.org)

Catastrophic Contagion, a high-level pandemic exercise in 2022 (centerforhealthsecurity.org)

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 10 Aug 2022, 19:32

In Ireland there is a website where death notices are posted. It is called Rip.ie and you can go on there and check the death notices from across the entire island of Ireland. They are put on by undertakers and not all deaths are posted there. Here are some of the deaths that have taken place in Ireland since my last post. I have only copied over the ones with young people who have died suddenly or unexpectedly. Of course, the media everywhere are ignoring this even when the captain of the Tipperary hurling team, Dillon Quirke dropped dead when walking off the pitch after a recent game. 

If this upsets you, I don't care because this is what is going on in Ireland. You can go on the website and check these out for yourself

I apologise for the quality of the notices, I copied them from the site and wasn't able to include their photos which I wanted to do, as it is important to know that these are real people and real lives that have been destroyed. 

A woman from my town died suddenly today from a cardiac arrest and total organ failure, she was in her mid 50's and I heard about another acquaintance's husband who suffered 2 strokes and is suffering from an accelerated form of dementia. This was what happened to my mother's cousin after the third jab. She died in March. 

The death has occurred of Dillon Quirke
Gorteenamona, Rossmore, Tipperary, E25 A257


Unexpectedly in Semple Stadium. Predeceased by his grandparents Eddie & Lyla Fryday and Phil Quirke. Deeply regretted by his loving parents, Dan & Hazel, sisters Shannon & Kellie, grandmother, uncles, aunts, cousins, relatives, team mates and many beloved friends.

May He Rest In Peace

The death has occurred of Amy BRACKEN

Oakland Park, Dundalk, Louth 

Unexpectedly, at home 15/7/2022. Beloved daughter of the late Margaret and Tommy, adored mum of Kirsty, TJ and Patrick, much loved sister of Anthony, Maria, Tammy, Susan and Eve and a wonderful auntie to Colm and all her nephews and nieces and her late niece Leah. She will be sadly missed by her sorrowing children, brother, sisters, brothers-in-law Gary, Mickey, Richard and John, her children’s father Trevor, all of her nephews and nieces, her aunts, uncles, neighbours, relatives and friends.

 May She Rest in Peace


The death has occurred of Dr. Vicky Conway
Douglas, Cork / Dublin

CONWAY (Dublin and Douglas, Cork): On July 19th 2022, unexpectedly, at home, DR. VICKY, loving daughter of Jean and the late Rory, beloved sister of Dermot, Susan, Bryan and Craig.


Sadly missed by her loving mother and family, sisters-in-law Amy, Esther and Megan, Frank, her "niblings" Chara, Rory, Alex, Cian, Julie, Lauren, Sam, Daniel, Leo and Seb, relatives, esteemed colleagues, beloved friends and her much loved pet Fionn.

 Reposing in Temple Hill Funeral Home, Boreenmanna Road of Jerh. O’ Connor Ltd.

The death has occurred of Sharon Ryan

Carras, Cloghans Hill, Tuam, Galway, H54 PX63 / Mayo

Tragically and unexpectedly. Predeceased by her grandparents Bridget and Michael Kelly and Anne and Jim Ryan and her aunt Mary and cousin Marie Davin. She will be deeply missed by her loving family, her parents Ann and Peter, her sister Michelle and her brother Emmett, her sister-in-law Sandra and Michelle's partner Barry McNamara, niece Holly, aunts Mary Lavelle, Margaret Owens, and Anne Kelly, uncles Jim Kelly, John Kelly and John Ryan, aunts-in-law, uncles-in-law, cousins, relatives, neighbours and friends.



The death has occurred of Paudie Mullane
Knocknagorna, Athea, Limerick

Paudie passed away unexpectedly on 28th July 2022 (Aged 38yrs). Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his heart broken family, devoted father Conor & mother Mary B, brothers Tomás, Seán & Conor, sister-in-law Eleanor, Seán’s partner Helen, Conor’s partner Kelly, his adored nephew Tom & nieces Maia & Hannah, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, kind neighbours and a very large circle of friends.


The death has occurred of Dylan Mullins
Ardrahan, Galway / Templemore, Tipperary

It is with the greatest of sadness that we announce the passing of Dylan Mullins, Canada and Ireland, Templemore and Ardrahan age 18, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on the 25th of July 2022. 

Dylan, a loving son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend. He leaves behind his devasted parents, Mark and Jacqui, and his heartbroken brothers and sisters, Joshua, Zach, Caoimhe and Saoirse. Dylan known for his kindness, his compassion, and his friendship. He adored his family, and this love was returned ten thousand-fold. 

Dylan was very sadly predeceased by his younger cousin Jack and his two doting grandmothers Carmel and Evelyn, with whom he has been reunited in heaven, in their everlasting arms.

 The death has occurred of Gerard (Gerry) Sullivan

Portmarnock, Dublin / Galway

Sullivan Gerard (Gerry), Portmarnock and formerly of Galway, 29th July 2022. Suddenly, at home. Predeceased by his parents Denis and Teresa's (Tessie) and his brothers Mick, Jimmy and Billy. Beloved husband of Mary. Very sadly missed by his loving wife, children Gerard, Niall and Emma-Kate, Gerard’s partner Bernadette, his adored grandchildren Lily-Ann, Aaron, Abi, Seán, Ollie and Danny, sisters Mary and Bridget, brothers Martin, Oliver and Denis, nieces, nephews, extended family, friends and neighbours.

The death has occurred of Niall Michael Soden
Templevanny, Keash, Sligo, F56 FP66

The sudden death has occurred of Niall Michael Soden, Templevanny, Keash, Ballymote, Co. Sligo and 14 St. Joseph's Terrace, Sligo. Cherished son of Sean and Margo. He will be deeply and forever missed by his precious partner Edel, his loving brother James and his partner Ciara. Also lovingly missed by his dear grandparents Michael and Ann McLynn, his aunts, uncles, aunts in law, uncles in law, cousins, relations, neighbours and his many many friends and work colleagues at The Sligo Park Hotel.


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New blog post

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 22 Jan 2024, 09:49

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Irish Death Stats

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I came across this today and thought I would share it, it's Ivor Cummins with the death statistics for Ireland including 2020/21. It would make your blood boil considering the terror visited on the Irish people by their media and government. Shameful!


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Please sign this petition, it is to stop the government signing the WHO's Pandemic Treaty which basically hands your freedom and national sovereignty to the WHO and Bill Gates and his globalist friends.

Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum - Petitions (parliament.uk)

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To Vote or Not to Vote

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 30 Oct 2023, 13:39

The votes are in and counted and what changes can we look forward to, probably none. With Sinn Fein taking the most seats here, the Unionists will now refuse to go back into Stormont. Of course Sinn Fein are now all about getting back to work but were happy to sit at home for three+ years after they walked out over the RHI scandal. Do they really think Unionism will accommodate them now? The thing is no one even noticed when they were all off and things just rattled along as always. Party politics has really outlived its usefulness, we don’t just need to get rid of the politicians, we need a whole new system.

The press are making a big deal out of Sinn Fein winning most seats but the reality is they haven’t won any more than they did last time around, the only difference this time is that the TUV took a couple off the DUP. The SDLP lost out most and I’m happy to report that one of their losers was Nichola Mallon. Truly well-deserved after her actions of the last two years and there will be many who will not be sorry to see her go. She was the most outspoken supporter of lockdowns, vax passes and compulsory vaccines, a real fascist at heart. I’m only disappointed Colm Eastwood isn’t joining her because he was as bad.

There were over 11,000 spoiled votes and with a turnout of 63% there were still a lot of people, more than a third actually, who didn’t vote. I will be joining their ranks next time around if the choices remain the same.

I was always a strong advocate of voting but have lost all faith in the system, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government, or rather ‘shadow government’, always gets in. It has also been made compulsory to register to vote, this is probably so that your data can be sold on and they can keep tabs on you, so I won’t even bother to register again either.

The malaise is worse in England with only 35% turnout and as low as 13% in some areas. I don’t know how anyone can claim to speak for us on those figures. Boris Johnston could turn those Conservative losses into a big win if he finally got the UK out of the EU, dumped the protocol, stopped bowing to the woke crowd, grew up and actually showed something like leadership.

I was never a fan of Margaret Thatcher but I have to say, she wouldn’t have put up with an ounce of this garbage for five minutes, and I am sick of government policy being decided by media hysteria. Of course, the next outbreak has started already, abortion this time and, off they go, hysterically ramping up the screaming woke mob again. Gawd, give me strength!

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All the Worlds a...fraud??

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 25 Apr 2022, 13:20

The world is full of fakery, we have fake wars, fake pandemics, fake presidents and leaders, fake news, fake science, fake food, fake men and women, fake histories, fake religions and fake concern; all concocted to control you, keep you distracted and in a continual state of terror so that you don’t see that the real war is being waged against you.

Humanity has been the victim in a silent war of terror for decades and didn’t even know it. Governments and corporations have worked hand in glove to make you sick, terrify you, keep you poor and divided, and all while telling you that they were working in your interests. Unfortunately, there is something faulty in the wiring of humans, that we judge people not on what they do but what they say. It reminds me of the scene in Mars Attacks where the aliens are chasing after the humans and shouting ‘We love you’ while blowing them away.

The question is, how do we counteract it? I don’t really know, well, actually I do, but the scale of it is beyond me and I don’t have the means to take it on. However, they say, be the change you want to see in the world so, to that end, as one human being, I have switched off the fake media. From here on, I will completely ignore all the politicians and concern myself with the wellbeing of my family, friends and community only.

We have an election coming up next week and as part of my ‘new agenda for change’ I will not be voting for anyone, I do not want to encourage these people any more. I will use my vote and spoil it and write on it ‘None of the Above’ - spoiled votes are still counted. There was a petition on Change.org a few years ago to have it added to ballot papers. Sadly, nothing came of it and minority governments will still be able to make laws and implement policies that none of us ever voted for. But if I haven’t voted for them, then I don’t see why I should obey them.

There is no doubt the system needs to change but no one is offering any real change, at least not here in NI, they are all strings of the same bow, parroting out the propaganda and box ticking for effect, with nothing new to offer except the same old self-righteous indignation and arrogance. They cannot see outside of the present models for government or the ‘crisis’ issues being manufactured around them. They have neither the intellect nor imagination to look any further than the end of their own upturned noses, and it’s hard to believe that they are concerned about us now when most of them either gleefully joined in, or stood silently by, in the last two years as our freedoms were stripped away and the entire population was subjected to a campaign of media and medical terrorism.

The SDLP’s posters state ‘People First’, this is the same party that a few short months ago was calling for the unvaccinated to be excluded from society. Now, it’s ‘People First’, do they really think we have forgotten. They must think our memories are as short lived as their election promises.

And Sinn Pfizer’s are ‘Time for a Change’. That I certainly agree with but not the change these fascists have in mind, judging by their actions in the last 2, or rather 30+, years. The party that, along with the Ulster Unionists, banned people from graveyards, beaches and forests. Beaches and forests are two of the best places for your mental and physical health, and the importance of graveyards as a comfort to the recently bereaved is immeasurable. When it comes to self-righteous grandstanding it is hard to beat Sinn Fein’s absolute hypocrisy.

Then we have the newbies, People Before Profit but I didn’t hear a word from them when the profits of the pharmaceutical industry were rocketing at the expense of the health and well-being of the people. Profits before People more like - maybe that should be Pfizer’s new corporate by-line, after all, that is what they have been doing for years anyway!

The Socialist Party are touting ‘We cannot afford this system/Capitalism’. But they only have to look back to the old Soviet Union and Mao’s China to see what the price of ‘socialism’ was, an estimated 65 million dead. A better slogan would be, Flogging the Dead Horse! Good luck with that one!

But in the midst of this manufactured economic crisis, (I know, another one!) what can we ‘afford’? The lie of Theresa May’s ‘there is no magic money tree’, has now been laid bare for all to see and not just in the last 2 years. The government has been happily printing money to pay for the ‘covid’ crisis. There was no shortage of capital for the government and their cronies when their snouts were buried in the ‘covid’ trough. But for years we were told that the 2008 banking crisis was the reason the health service and other public services were being starved of funding. Now, of course, we know the story of that ‘crisis’, caused and manufactured by the banking industry and they still got to walk away with all the money and all the property and we were left to pay for it all, as usual.

The rise of crypto currency shows that the entire monetary system is fake as well. There is now and never was any need for austerity or poverty, it would be quite easy to equalise the opportunities in society and life in general but we will never get it from a political party, at least not from any of the present incumbents touting for a soft seat and a deep pocket in Stormont. The move from money in your pocket to numbers on a screen lays bare the falsehood of monetary economics, just add in a few more numbers. I’m not sure what the biggest scam in history is, banking, Christianity, or 20th/21st century ‘health’ care. Hmmm…

Anyway, in next week’s fake democratic election, in my area, the Sinn Pfizer sheep and the SDLP supporting, middle classes will in all likely turn out and put them back in power so don’t expect to see anything changing around here soon, except the value of the fake pound in your pocket, at least, until it is taken away and replaced with the score on your social credit card and your biometric ID.

And in case all this fakery is too much for you, then Mark Zuckerberg can offer you a fake life to go with all the other fake stuff. You can forget all your troubles and plug into the Metaverse and live a fake life with a fake avatar, obviously a much slimmer, smarter and better-looking version of yourself, until such times as you lose all consciousness of reality and become the first human battery in the AI takeover. The Matrix awaits…

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Same BS, different issue!

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 3 Mar 2022, 10:30

With the beginning of Lent, I am doing another media detox. Perfectly timed to avoid the latest onslaught of propaganda now aimed at Russia with covid miraculously disappearing from sight.

Can you see the pattern now?

·         Fake issue whipped up to hysterical levels by the media,

·         Self-righteous virtue-signalling by ‘celebrities’ and the sheep bleating along on social media

·         Gesture politicking in sport (football/Formula 1 etc.)

·         The castigation and ostracising of anyone who disagrees or questions what is going on, although few have dared to disagree publicly yet, even GB News have joined in all things anti-Putin.

·         Collections and donations from you to help the afflicted and given to whoever because they will never have to account for what they collect.

All designed and managed by the global ‘elites’ in their war against humanity to control all the energy, resources, information/knowledge, food and population in their relentless march towards their New World Order/Great Reset, where you will be monitored and watched 24/7 by AI. Your rights and freedom will be just a distant memory as the bankers, corporations, Bilderburgers and Schwabs of this world keep you safe (under their thumb/jackboot?), where you will own nothing and be happy, whether you want to be or not! And where they will own everything and be much happier because the rules they impose on you, do not apply to them.

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 24 Feb 2022, 14:56

Well, so much for the global warming! A good snowfall this morning made the drive to work rather treacherous and definitely added a few more grey hairs to my head. That winter sparkle has it's own unique beauty which you cannot help but admire, although it doesn't help the drive when I'm trying to watch the road and admire the scenery at the same time! But it only snows in winter so you have to enjoy it while you can or as the man says:

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

And from the beauty of nature to the ugliness of man. It begins in Ukraine and there are reports of Chinese aircraft over Taiwan. We stand with bated breath...

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 3 Mar 2022, 16:56

The poetry has been a tad neglected recently but this popped up today in my emails so I thought I would share it. We have lost out a lot in the last couple of years, I have said goodbye to two beloved aunts, my mum and several members of the extended family. I also lost a very good friend last year to cancer, whose name was Vincent, and his anniversary is coming up soon, so this struck a chord. I miss him very much and will continue to do so as he was one of the few people I could talk to about anything, and we used to have some great conversations. Time does not always heal but we do find ways to live with our losses and move on, to some degree. Ultimately, we have to, but I am thankful for having known all those lovely people and the good times we shared. Gone but not forgotten.

Time Does Not Bring Relief (Sonnet II)

By Edna St. Vincent Millay 

Time does not bring relief; you all have lied   
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!   
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;   
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,   
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane;   
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.   
There are a hundred places where I fear   
To go,—so with his memory they brim.   
And entering with relief some quiet place   
Where never fell his foot or shone his face   
I say, “There is no memory of him here!”   
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.

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Never-ending Fear

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Life is full of endings, people come and go as we move through life, get married, have children, move house, change jobs and lives diverge into separate paths and futures.

We have a tendency to believe more in happy endings which probably stems from a life of watching movies and reading fiction, where everything works out in the end, everyone lives happily ever after, most of the time: the estranged child and parent make peace, the parted lovers finally get it together, the evil corporation is made to pay and the villain is brought to justice. If only life were so simple.

The last two years have seen the ending of a lot of things we took for granted, friendships that we thought would last forever have been broken beyond repair. Friends and acquaintances, who we once thought of as liberal and open-minded, turned into strangers/fascists overnight, parroting the propaganda pumped out by the media in their campaign of terror against the population that those who dared to disagree with the narrative should be ‘expelled from all society, rounded up into camps or forcibly jabbed’. All concerns about bodily autonomy, or human rights, forgotten, or pushed aside, and their conscience ignored, leaving behind a bitter aftertaste.

With the ending of restrictions for some and, hopefully, the end of this particular bout of insanity, we should take some time and reflect on our actions and behaviour. We should also review the information we were given, and by whom, and question as to why the ‘scientist’s’ got is so wrong, and why did the government continue to listen to them and enact policy on that basis. Why does government policy appear to be based on the latest media hysteria and not on logic or actual evidence? Computer models can only provide information from the data that has been inputted and if the data is flawed, then the results will be flawed too.

Sadly, the misery inflicted by covid is still not enough for the globalists who are now doing their utmost to start a war with Russia. (The lunatics are still running the asylum) This is something they have been trying to do for many years and have created the fake ‘threatened invasion’ of Ukraine along with the false flag attack on a nursery school. Although, no one mentions the invasion of Ukraine by western forces which remains largely ignored by the media,(or the fascism in Canada) as they gather on the border with Russia, or is it only an invasion when it is done by those not on the side of the corporate and banking cartels? Who exactly is threatening who? Is it also a coincidence that Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, have been involved in a lot of dirty dealings in Ukraine, the details of which, and contents of the latter’s laptop, again largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Fortunately, most people are not swallowing the lies which you can see from the comments on news articles. People are waking up and seeing through the propaganda and realise that much of what they were told and believed were lies constructed to further the interests of the global ‘elite’, as they like to think of themselves. The question is, can we stop this? We have the mainstream media pumping out the hype as they did with covid and everything now comes with a large dose of hysterical over-reaction. We can’t even have a bit of winter weather without warnings of ‘threat to life!’  But the biggest threat to life and a bit of peace, is the government, their corporate and banking masters and the hysterical media. Just look at this news article - How would a nuclear war between the US and Russia play out? (msn.com)  – it is complete insanity.

Thankfully, most people are ignoring the hype and aren’t really taking it seriously and who can blame them. We are all tired after covid, and I, for one, am sick of the constant fearmongering. Why can we not be left to live our too short lives in peace? Most people do not want 10 houses or billions in the bank, no one needs billions but think how much good those billions could do if they were put to good use and managed differently or used to really improve our lives. What most of us want is to be left in peace, to get a fair days pay for a fair days work, to be able to enjoy time with our families and friends, have the odd holiday and follow our leisure interests or hobbies without this never ending harassment. It really isn’t a lot to ask but still we cannot be left in peace. When and where will this nonsense end?

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I Like Trucking

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022, 09:24

By way of a shout out to the Canadian truckers and to show my support, I thought I would share this video from Not the Nine O'Clock News from a few years ago. Just the thing for a wet and miserable Wednesday morning. Enjoy!

Not The Nine O'Clock News - I Like Trucking - YouTube

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An Ill for Every Pill

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I wrote this a few years ago when I was working on the show about mental health, Waving not Drowning. I came across it the other night when I was going over some old files. I wasn't sure if I had posted it before but I can't find it on the blog. I thought it very appropriate for now. The director of the show rejected it as she didn't think people would know what the reference to Tom Cruise was about and also, that medication can help people, sometimes. I wasn't looking to present a balanced debate, I was pointing out how the field of psychiatry in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders appeared to be labeling normal human emotion and behaviour as a mental health problem and then to medicate it. The title was something I heard in a programme about ADHD, that pharmaceutical companies, with the complicity of the medical profession, were creating illnesses so they could sell more tablets. Apologies if it was posted before.

An Ill for Every Pill

In the science of psychiatry, although Tom Cruise would disagree

We like to watch and see if we can find, those little anomalies in your mind

then label them from our dictionary and give it a medical pathology.


Because we’ve got an ill for every pill

Just pick which one you’d like

and we can keep you medicated

for the rest of your natural life


‘The house burned down, my husband died

and now I’m feeling low’.

‘No, no my dear, you are depressed

Now take the pills and go

My childs too active he won’t sit down,

What am I to do?’

Just bring him in and we’ll settle him

With a daily dose of Ritalin


We’ve got valium and citalopram

and don’t forget the prozac

They’ll dull the pain and stop you feeling

But keep you coming back!

and if they  don’t work

and you can’t see the Doc

Then there are others you can buy

there’s always the soluble solpadeine

or give neurofen plus a try


That codeine adds a nice little kick

And will brighten any dull day but more importantly for us

it keeps the pharmaceuticals in pay

and even though,  over time, they might make you sick

We’ll have another pill to cure that ill

Because that’s our cleverest trick



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Death and the Apocalypse?

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 10 Apr 2023, 19:10

My mother passed away just over two weeks ago, thanks in no small part to Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and the National Death…sorry ‘Health’ Service. I’m the first to admit she had an underlying condition, Type 2 diabetes but she was far from the grave, as the consultant said, when she was first admitted and, yet, that is exactly where she is now.

When admitted, after blacking out at home and collapsing, she was diagnosed with pericarditis, (there’s a lot of it and myocarditis going around, and organ failure) then they found blood clots in her lungs. So, in trying to manage the balance of fluids in and fluids out, she was in for several weeks as mentioned in the previous post.

She was so depressed they decided to send her home and treat her in the community. She had also suffered a mini stroke which initially affected her speech, but rectified itself within a few days but her short term memory was slightly affected. She was due to go home the Monday before Christmas. On the Saturday night, the Ward Manager decided she would move her to another Ward, (her fifth or sixth move, I’m not sure, I lost count) against the orders of the consultant that she wasn’t to be moved. She had been in a 4 bed ward and was moved to a single room in the new wing of the hospital, which has been built in preparation for the switch to private care, although no one will admit it publicly yet. She woke about six o’clock in the morning needing to use the bathroom. What happened next, remains unclear, no one knows if she called for assistance or tried to go herself but, if she did, no one came as they were all on their tea-break. She was found lying on the floor afterwards with a broken hip and, from there, went downhill rapidly. I cannot even begin to describe how completely sickened I was on getting that news on the Sunday morning, or how angry. She was in so much pain, they couldn’t leave her so they did a hip replacement on Christmas Eve.

Her mental state before the fall, and afterwards, was masked by the morphine she was on for the pain but she didn’t improve when they took her off it. I wonder now if she suffered another or several small strokes, or maybe it was the 15 different medications that were being pumped into her per day on an empty stomach. With the rules around visits, I didn’t see her for the first 7 weeks of her stay, but was able to see her when she was in Ward 44, and Ward 22, after the fall, but did not see her after the operation until she got home. The decline was shocking. She finally got home on 6 January, a pale shadow of the woman she had been a mere 13 weeks previously – physically unable to walk or stand, and at least 2 stone lighter. Mentally, it was as if the lights had gone out, her emotional connections were broken. She passed away peacefully on 17 January, after slipping into unconsciousness the day before - a small consolation after three months of hell.

There was a surge in deaths in our town after Christmas from strokes, heart attacks and sudden onset organ failure. But because most of them were elderly, or over 60, no one is going to even bother to investigate. Maybe some of them would have happened anyway, but even the local priest spoke out about the unprecedented numbers and is strongly anti-CV jabs, even if his church isn’t. But as I keep pointing out, these jabs are not vaccines, they are m-RNA gene therapy, and no one is even bothering to ask where they are getting the RNA from. Is it from animals, aborted foetuses or is it synthetic? No one can think straight with all the hysteria and the media just keep pumping out the fear and propaganda.

It has been a strange two years and feels even more surreal now, the world before wasn’t perfect but God, I miss it. The world now is in an absolute mess, engineered, of course, by the powers behind the political puppets so that they can implement the Great Reset. I’m sure all the anti-Trumpers are delighted with Joe, what a great president, driving the US into the worst economic and social mess in history, and now trying to start a war with Russia – good luck with that one!

And over here we have ‘partygate’. The absurdity of it all, they partied, unafraid and uncaring, while you masked, distanced and volunteered yourself as a guinea pig for the pharmaceutical industry. Granny was left to die alone as mass hysteria and lunacy swept over the population. Common sense forgotten in the midst of it all and the most basic questions regarding facts and scientific evidence, not even asked, as humanity lost their minds and their humanity.

My family like many others have been fractured by this, you would have thought the loss of my mother would have brought them together and started a healing process but unfortunately not. Those in thrall to the medical profession refuse to even discuss the possibility that they were duped, it’s hard to reason with those who are screaming hysterically, or maybe they are now so afraid of what may be ahead for them, as they are all jabbed, that they dare not believe they have been used, or that their own government could set them up like this.

My mother’s cousin is still in hospital and suffering from what can only be described as derangement. Yet, the doctors can find nothing physically wrong with her. If they performed a D-dimer test they might find an answer.

They are pushing hard now to get rid of Boris, maybe he isn’t fascist enough for the puppet masters or maybe he has served his usefulness and they don’t need him for the next stage of the plan, it all feels a bit engineered doesn't it. The pattern is becoming more obvious, create a crisis, get the media to whip it up to hysteria levels and then magically present the solution.

The FOI request made by GB News reveals that 17,500 people died with ‘Covid’ alone. Which is about 3k less than a normal flu year and the average age was 82.5 years, one year above the national average, and let’s not even get started on the figures for the monumental waste of our money on PPE or Nightingale Hospitals.

With truckers across the world joining those in Canada in staging protests, it feels like it is the beginning of the end of the insanity, although lunatics like Trudeau and Ardern are holding fast and threatening to be even more fascist. Will humanity prevail? I’m not sure because it feels as if something profound has been lost and, as my mother was hastened to her death, so I feel that humanity has been hastened to their demise. 

Back in the 1960’s, John Calhoun conducted experiments with mice by building them a Utopian society where all their needs were met. Initially, there was an explosion in the population, but the population never reached its potential maximum and eventually tapered off and died. He tried the experiment with many other animals and the outcome was always the same and followed the same pattern; the societies grew and then collapsed. Looking at where we are now, between the ‘woke’ but not awake hysteria, and the destruction wrought by covid, I predict that within thirty years we, in the west, will be living like Romanians were in the 1950’s. While Calhoun’s experiments are taken as a possible demonstration of what happens with over-population, I took from it that it was more a warning about the dangers of a universal income and what would happen in a society when all the needs are met without any effort. We have the ‘snowflake/woke’ generation at present, who have never known want or poverty, and the same patterns seem to be evolving. I have included a link to interviews with Dr Calhoun and would encourage you to learn more about his experiments. Then look around you at our present society and see if you can draw parallels.

But whatever the future holds for us, the road ahead is not going to be smooth, all I can advise is to sharpen up your survival skills and stock your cupboards. I think the worst is yet to come especially if the lunatics are intent on war with Russia.

But in the midst of all the gloom, there is one bit of good news, Mark Zuckerberg lost millions this week when Facebook/Metaverse stock took a big hit. Apparently, Facebook has peaked and is hemorrhaging users/viewers like the mainstream media. It seems life through a screen has lost its attraction and when you censor and shut down your own customers/products, what do you expect?  Like David Aames, it seems people want to live a real life. Here’s to hoping they will be able or allowed to.


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Sinn Pfizer Macht Frei

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 It’s all been a bit of a ‘good news/bad news time recently but then life is probably like that all the time. On the good news front, Number 1 grandson arrived a few weeks ago and all is well.

On the bad news front, up until this point I avoided writing about the ‘vaccines’ as I wanted to observe for myself what was going on and not just believe everything posted online. There were several sudden and unexpected deaths in our local town, but I am only aware of one family who blamed it on the jab which, of course, the ‘health professionals’ denied. I am not privy to the medical information of the others so I cannot comment.

Most of my family got ‘vaccinated’ and until recently no one seemed to be suffering from any adverse effects. However, my mother got the Pfizer booster back in October along with the flu jab. She previously had the Astrazeneca and I tried to persuade her to reconsider as she did not know how they would react with each other, as none of these jabs have been through proper human trials (this is the human trial). So, a few days after, she took ill with pericarditis and has now been in hospital for 8 weeks with no foreseeable date for release. Complicated further, as she had a minor stroke at the weekend and is in decline, not just physically but spiritually. 9 weeks in hospital would make anyone lose the will to live.

Prior to the jab, my mother had no trouble with her heart, she is diabetic and was having a few issues with her kidneys, but she was being seen regularly by the hospital and things were ticking along ok. She was mobile, fully cognisant and living independently, although she couldn’t manage the heavier aspects of housework which I took care of. Sadly, her mobility is now reduced and she will not be able to live alone again, if she ever does get out of hospital.

Then I learned yesterday that an elderly cousin of hers had a physical collapse after receiving the booster and was in hospital for two weeks; the medical professionals could not find anything clinically wrong. She got home yesterday and was like a zombie, I was shocked when I saw her, from the woman that she was not so long ago. This lady is in her early nineties and walked into town twice a week to get her own shopping and walked home again, albeit she doesn’t live far from the town centre, and lived independently in her own home. Now she will need carers and cannot be left alone.

My son in law also believes the jab killed his grandfather, he took ill within hours of having it and then passed away from a heart attack. He was fit and walked every day and was a keen gardener. And a neighbour of mine who is only in her early sixties also had a stroke within days of having it.

Were the jabs to blame? No one in the medical profession is going to say yes and who cares about a few old people to bother investigating any further? The conspiracy of silence from the medical and ‘health’ professionals sickens me.

Sportsmen and women have been dropping dead of heart attacks at an alarming rate and Sergio Aguero has had to retire with heart trouble but still the media and political puppets push on with the experimental jab without morals, without conscience, without a care for anyone except their own self-serving agendas.  Pfizer Macht Frei or, as we say here in N Ireland, Sinn Pfizer Macht Frei!

The full story of this fraud will not be known for many years, if ever, as they control the media and try to control the narrative. Who knows what the long term effects of these experiments will be and by the time it is known, the protagonists will be long gone.

Pfizer have asked for their papers on the jab to be kept under lock and key for 55 years. Nothing to see there, I’m sure! And their profits for the last year are up 124%. The complicit will be well paid, it only cost them their humanity. God knows what it is going to cost us, our children and grandchildren. 

And within all this concern for our ‘health’, there hasn’t been a word about sunshine, fresh air, a good diet of real food or keeping active, or anything that will naturally boost your immunity. They closed the gyms and banned people from the beach, and the forests and woodlands but kept the off-licenses open because they really care.

For humanities sake, please stop complying, hold the line and hold your nerve, it can be done, I’ve still never worn a mask or taken any of their jabs and what a miracle, I’m still alive and well. If you’re getting calls offering you one and feeling the pressure, tell them you’ll take it from the doctor over a phone or zoom call. They won’t see patients so play them at their own game.

And from the Ghandi book of small acts of civil disobedience, make appointments for jabs and then don’t show up. I know a few people who are doing that. Please try, it is going to get worse before it gets better, we are sleepwalking into tyranny and no one can stop it but us. 

A bit of good news to finish on, for me at least. I bought an electric piano with a view to teaching number 1 granddaughter, as I played violin many years ago and piano too, for a while. The great thing about the electric piano is that you can plug in the headphones and play away without worrying about hitting bum notes, or annoying the neighbours! I still remember the staves, notes and most of the theory, and started playing again too, a bit rusty but making good progress. It helps to keep me sane as the world slides into totalitarianism; I’ve already learned Beethoven’s Ode to Joy and am working on Moonlight Sonata, something uplifting amongst the insanity.





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Grand Prix

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 13 Dec 2021, 13:31

What a season! What a race! What an ending! Massive congratulations to Max Verstappen for winning but also for making this one of the most memorable Formula 1 season's ever. Well done! Can't wait for next season!

There is a great show on Netflix, Drive to Survive, a behind the scenes look at the previous seasons. Definitely worth checking out, even if you're not a fan. My sister and her hubby watched it and are now avid followers too. I hope they were filming this year.

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Greta Doomsberg

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021, 08:43

Greta Doomsberg - You can stick your climate crisis up your ass!  My thoughts exactly

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Jabs for Jobs

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The government has mandated compulsory vaccines for all front line NHS workers from April next year, so, I will probably be losing my job. Although, not technically a frontline worker, I do deal with the public face to face quite often, and we can’t have the public exposed to the ‘unclean’.

So, why don’t they do it now, why wait until April? Because by April, the winter rush will be over and patient numbers will be down. This will still cause a collapse of the health care system, after all they are struggling already with the backlog caused by ‘covid’ and, when it does, the private sector will then step in and take it over.  So, start looking for private health insurance because you’ll be needing it and  goodbye NHS!

But, of course, it won’t be the  government and their corrupt practices that will be blamed, it will be those selfish workers who won’t put their lives on the line for the NHS and their patients, and all the (self-righteous) vaccinated will be lining up to point the finger too.

I wonder if this is merely the first step and how long will it be before it is extended to all employments? After all, teachers deal with our most ‘vulnerable’ children, will they also be forced to vaccinate so they don’t put ‘lives in danger’? And will the next move be to exclude the unvaccinated from all employments where there is face to face contact with the general public?

Does no one else see the danger in an employer being able to dictate what health treatments a worker has to get? What if your boss thinks you need a bit of botox to keep the wrinkles at bay or a boob job? After all, you don’t want the delicate general public to be faced with the reality of growing old and possibly dying, because everyone must be protected now from illness and death, and anything else that might upset generation snowflake and their cowardly parents.

I was to go and see Van Morrison this Thursday but now I can’t attend it either as our local council have introduced medical apartheid. You can’t enter the hallowed halls of the Millenium Forum without proof of vaccination or a test to show that you are disease free. I will not be partaking. I have drawn the line and will no longer give credence to this fraud in any way, shape or form. No testing, no vaccines and no emotional, or financial blackmail, and I am prepared to put my life on the line for it. My patience has run out and as long as people keep doing what they say, the restrictions will get tighter and tighter.

Remember ‘3 weeks to save the NHS and flatten the curve’ – now week 85, vaccine passports and compulsory vaccination. They’ve screwed you over on that one too, and now your ‘passport’ won’t be any good until you take the booster and God knows what the next mandates will be, as long as they keep getting away with it. Jab 3 is on the way, no doubt, and you’ll probably still be sitting at week 135 waiting on jab 5/6 so that you have access to medical treatment, a night out or just your job.

Spring 2020 – Clap for NHS Heroes. Spring 2022 – You’re sacked!

The power is ours, if we stand together but, unfortunately, we don’t. So, techno-feudalism, here we come!

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Greta Doomsberg

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Greta Doomsberg, blah blah, blah - my thoughts exactly.

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I Think, Therefore I Can (See)

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 12:47

I got up this morning to the first frost of the winter. Not even Halloween and frost already. It has been reported that Arctic sea ice is at high levels this year and this is usually a sign of a cold winter to come. Well, it's still only autumn but winter has started and, I think, there is snow forecast for the high ground in Scotland too, this weekend.

I came across an article recently which said that Bill Gates and friends are lining up to start mining minerals in Greenland. Apparently, Greenland has loads of minerals under the ice which are needed for technology and that is why they keep trying to convince us that the ice is melting. If you believe the ice is gone, you won't mind so much, or maybe won't even be aware that they will be there digging it up. After all, how many of us will be up around Greenland to see what is really going on?

On a related topic, we have been told for many years now that there is an island of plastic the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I recently tried to find a picture of this and couldn't get one. I got drawings and photos of small areas of plastic waste but no image of this supposedly large island of plastic. Surely, if it is there, it has been photographed from satellites or drones? Does anyone have a picture of this? Or is this another case of, out of sight, so lie all you want about it?

Insulate Britain do have a point regarding better insulation for our homes but their tactics only serve to annoy people and, to be honest, I've seen a couple of interviews with their spokespersons and, quite frankly, they are nuts!

I also recently listened to a talk by, I think, Alan Watts, or it might have been Max Igan, but I'm not entirely sure, I'll have to try and find it again. He, whoever he was, was saying that the world is insane, but because we are born into the insanity, we think it is normal. And although the insanity is right there for us all to see,(especially at the moment), we are blind to it because we live in it, and our parents basically programmed us to go along with it all, just like their parents did to them, and so the perpetual cycle of insanity continues ad infinitum.

Just sit and think about what is going on in the world at the moment, what sane adult would walk around with a mask on rather than freely breathe the air, or let a pharmaceutical company inject you with an unknown experimental substance with no knowledge of what it is or the possible side, or long term, effects? And why are we taking 'health' advice from the likes of Boris Johnson, a man so reprehensibly corrupt and irresponsible, he can't even manage to put on a condom. Or Nicola Sturgeon, a woman so anally retentive it would take a crow bar to open up her sphincter, and for whom the word 'fun' is a concept completely beyond her comprehension.

Or Bill Gates? Take some time and go and watch some interviews with this man, talking about 'sticking needles into children' and the most recent one about Epstein. This man is a psychopath, yet, he is allowed to dictate health policy to the entire fecking world! And we are listening to these people and letting them tell us what to do! I watched a clip last night of a man being arrested for sunbathing on a beach in Australia, SUNBATHING ON A BEACH!!! Can you really not see the insanity of all this? Just look at some of the 'rules' that were imposed by the petty dictators in the last year, - here in N Ireland they banned people from graveyards (we couldn’t have the dead spreading covid!) - Dan Andrews told people in Australia they had to keep their mask on when eating and drinking. Really, where is the fecking logic in any of this? It's beyond insane! 

But it isn't just today, look back at the wars and misery humanity has engineered and inflicted on one another. How could any sane person send someone's child out to murder others, so they can claim a piece of land, or impose an ideology? Or what about a world that allows a child to starve when others are allowed to hoard billions, which they could not spend in ten lifetimes, never mind one; and whose egos are so large, they can spend millions on a day trip to space, but won't pay one of their own employees more than the bare minimum wage. It is insane and we allow this insanity to go on around us every day!

I used to think I was crazy because I could never fit into the world in the way others wanted me to. I remember on many occasions being told to 'wise up', often just for questioning and challenging the status quo, or asking why. An insult that was also levelled at me at the start of this nonsense, because I challenged the lies and refused to comply with the nonsense. But, I was, and still am, prepared to stand and fight my corner for freedom and truth, regardless of what the frightened sheep bleat.

I don't fit in and now I see that I never will, at least as long as it keeps going as it is, and thank God for that! I realise now that I have been calling out the insanity for most of my life whether it was the dogma of Catholicism, the egotism of teachers, or the idiocy of rules and people in authority who have disappeared up their own rectum. If you think this world is sane, then I am more than happy if you think I am not.  We are living in a world of lies and half-truths but, mostly, complete and utter nonsense, and I, for one, will not go along with it. Not that I ever did, and on those rare occasions when I tried, I always felt that I had let myself down.

We are being led by lunatics and egotistical morons, who are leading us on a merry dance through bedlam. Why would anyone with a modicum of intelligence, or the capacity to think critically, take someone like Boris Johnson or Nicola Sturgeon seriously, they are not just ridiculous but stupid, just plain old dumb and dumber. Yet doctors and medical professionals, educated people, around the world are going along with their insanity.

I watched Noam Chomsky recently talk about what a real education is, he said a real education is not about the learning of facts, it is about learning 'how to think'. I see now that many of our 'health' professionals and those in positions of authority are just people with good memories, who can remember what they have been told, but lack the capacity to think for themselves, or apply critical thinking and logic, which makes them vulnerable not just to manipulation, but also to corruption.

Buddhism says that life is suffering and that is true, up to a point, anyone born to live will eventually suffer the pain of illness and death. However, life is really not that hard, or least it does not have to be. I’ve noticed that when things are right, life flows, it is easy, it is not hard or complicated at all. It is us, we make it difficult, we imprison ourselves in rules that someone else made and allow ourselves to be made miserable by them. It is how our society is structured that makes it difficult, as the Aboriginal man said, before the white man, the land was free, the food was free and the doctor was free. If only! Nothing is free now, you’re not even ‘free’ to breathe the air, and every day it tears away another little piece of your soul.

Life does not have to be this difficult but we have allowed it to become so. We have let the lunatics take over the asylum and run the show and as long as we keep obeying their instructions, then it will continue and will become more and more difficult. Do you really want to stay in the institution for the rest of what remains of your life, or do you want out, the choice is yours, it is time to wise up.



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Summer Reading

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 12:42

So in between art attacks I was reading a lot over the summer. I finished the Tom Rob Smith Trilogy which includes Child 44, The Secret Speech and Agent 6.  I would definitely recommend them. Child 44 was made into a film, I haven’t seen it but my sons didn’t think it was up to much.

One of the local charity shops has a whole room of second hand books so I pick up most of my fiction there quite cheaply. They always get them back when I’ve finished with them, so it’s a win, win all round. I read some ‘womens’ fiction, if you’re allowed to call it that now. Anita Shreve’s, A Change in Altitude and one called Home but I cannot remember who wrote it, Trophy Child by Paula Daly, and The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan. You could rattle through them in a day or two and they won’t tax your brain too much. One of the reasons why I don’t particularly like ‘women’s’ fiction is that the central characters are always so bloody weak and drippy. And it’s all a bit ‘Oh no! Gerald is shagging the au pair again, and that’s the third time this week, whatever am I going to do? But I still love him so much!’ It hard to feel much sympathy for the characters when it usually turns out she started shagging Gerald at the Christmas party when his wife was 6 months pregnant. But they’re a cheap read and it’s probably the only way I would ever read them, I wouldn’t spend good money on them. One exception was Sail Away by Celia Imrie. I got this as part of my prize for winning the Haiku competition and really enjoyed it, so this is one I would recommend and will definitely read more of hers.

I’m not a great reader of fiction and prefer autobiography over other genres. But as I worked my way through The Gulag Archipelago, I needed a break now and again, as the brutality was quite harrowing at times and, more so, at present, as we seem to be sleep walking back into totalitarianism. Everyone should read this book, it should be on the Secondary School curriculum. It is an appalling indictment of man’s inhumanity to man and, as I’ve said before, Stalin killed no one, it was the ordinary Russians who ‘followed’ the orders of the tyrant. They estimate 14 million Russians died in World War 2 and 17 million Chinese. They estimate 65 million died under Stalin and Mao, killed by their own, murdered and starved. An appalling lesson from history that everyone should know about, but seems to have been forgotten by our glorious leaders and their minions. Ignore the lessons of history at your peril!

Other good reads were Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. The Geisha who the book was based on was not impressed with Arthur’s interpretation and wrote her own story afterwards.  I have it on the Kindle but haven’t read it yet, but I would still recommend Memoirs.

Other fictions were John Grisham’s The Appeal. I enjoyed this up to a point and it felt very relevant considering it’s themes of political and corporate corruption. There is no happy ending to this one so don’t read it if you’re feeling depressed, it just might tip you over the edge especially with ‘life’, if you could call it that, at present.

On the rest of the reading list was Wilbur Smith’s Blue Horizon, this is book 11 in a whole series about the Courtney family but I haven’t read any of the others. It was a bit of an epic and set in Africa in the early days of colonialism. I did enjoy it and will look out for the others.

John Case’s The Genesis Code was ok. I could see where it was going quite early on, part of the ending didn’t quite gel, but it was ok and worth a read, if you’re not looking for anything too taxing on the brain cells.

Since it was a bit of a Russian summer, I also read Shallow Graves in Siberia by Michael Krupe. This took me back to autobiography. He was a Polish national and this is the story of how he ended up in the gulags and managed to escape both them, and the Jesuits, eventually ending up in Britain. A happy ending for once! I would strongly recommend it. A great read and a reminder of just how amazing the human spirit can be and what we can endure and overcome.

And after all that, and to continue on the Russian theme, I was trawling through some music on Youtube and came across this stunning piece by Tchaikovsky. I’m a big fan of Tchaikovsky but I had never heard of this one, it is called Hymn of the Cherubim. It has to be the most beautiful piece of music I have ever heard and it gives me great pleasure to share it with you all today. It shows that even though we can be absolutely appalling to one another, we can also be beautiful and wonderful, and this is a demonstration of what humanity can produce when we are at our absolute best. Food for the soul that speaks to God. Turn out the lights, turn up the volume and let your soul soar to the heavens. Amen!

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Hymn of the Cherubim - YouTube

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 22 Jan 2024, 09:51

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