33,000 views or as it is known in slang ' a double carpet... in the old days if you had done 30 years in the nick, the guards would buy you a 3 feet square roll of carpet for your cell. Hence 3 is known as a 'carpet' so 33 is a double carpet..
So i have hit a double carpet of bags...
A bag of sand... a grand.. one thousand.
Hence 33,000 is a double carpet of bags.
Stick another neves on and it would by big plymouth of bags...
Anyway i want to say thank you to everyone who has visited my blog.
For 34,000 thousand we can go with some more details about slang counting, perhaps look at jacks, stripes, bottles, scores, ponies and cockles...or even half'a'bar.
For advanced counting slang we could switch for phonetic Cantonese?
Yat = 1
Ee= 2
Sarm= 3
Gow= 9
It goes in the 10 unit style... so for example 33 is said as 3 10 3... so 33 is sarm,sap,sarm...
Anyway, thank you for visiting my blog.. it makes me happy to know that you do...