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Transport Costs

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Surely with so many being self employed being able to claim for travel expenses then it must be permitted to be available to all people in work through the PAYE system...it would be very fair and equitable and prove that the Tory government really do care about the real workers...TAG smile

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End as we know it

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We had 9/11...we had 9/15...the day when Lehmann Bros went under...now we have 9/12...the day that the merry-go-round came to a shuddering halt...there must be a genral election in the Spring...because surely the liberals cannot tolerate what has happened...so unless they withdraw their support they will suffer terribly at the polls when an election would be eventually held...the ratings agencies have down-graded French banks...which means withdrawals of loans...and they will not have the funds to repay their debts...so they will fail...so the answer is to print money...with the usual effects on inflation...I feel most sorry for the youth...they have no real future..so many doors are being closed...it is ...'The End'...TAG
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Theresa May

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I hope that all goes well for her this afternoon...I think that she is the next leader of the conservative party...as for labour then they really must wait until her announcement to parliament...they can't have it both ways with saying on the Daily Politics that she has said nothing since the news about problems at the Border Agency broke...TAG
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Afghanistan War

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On the 10th Anniversary there are still some who are ready to stand up and be counted:



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The History Forum

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Everybody seems to moan about my contributions...and then everybody goes silent...so I say come on say what you think...and you will be part of a discussion...like at a 'proper' module...at a University...this is not about one individual...it is about a diversity of views...you can express a viewpoint on here...it is about 'arguing'...in a positive way...the best piece for me for FF is the section on 'A Man must Act'...primarily about banking and finance...see how it relates to what is happening today...printing money to bale out the bankers...they should have gone bankrupt...and the period we are studying with FF would show that the 'punishment' for bankruptcy was gaol...by the way great demo going on in London on Saturday with regard to the Two Afghan Wars...some things never change...TAG
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Haroon Shirwani, Thursday, 5 July 2012, 15:09)
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Baha Mousa Inquiry

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There can be absolutely no doubt that in order to cleanse the military of its appalling deeds in respect of Baha Mousa then all those concerned must be brought to justice. where it is shown that they were in any way guilty then they must face a jail term, and forefeit all benefits which they are due.
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Jonathan Vernon, Friday, 9 Sept 2011, 07:25)
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Edited by Terry Griffin, Monday, 5 Sept 2011, 08:51

Here is what I sad to the Today programme. It will be interesting to see if they take it up:

Just to say that in respect of enhanced interrogation techniques and extra-ordinary rendition then I humbly suggest that one of your researchers refer to Hansard on 26th February 2009 where John Hutton, now Lord, made a statement relating to Records of Detention (Review Conclusions).

Now I know that it refers to Iraq, and Afghanistan, however, you might find it ineteresting the following comments:

Hutton 'I regret that it is now clear that inaccuarte information on this particular issue has been given to the House by my Department. However, I want to stress that that was based upon the information available to Ministers and those who were briefing them at the time. My predecessors as Secretaries of State for Defence have confirmed to me that that they had no knowledge of these events.'

Now the BBC have been told about the Gibson Inquiry, may I suggest that you look at the letter from the PM to Gibson on the 6th July 2010:
'Allegations relating to military detentions in Iraq and Afghanistan post-2003 are being addressed by separate arrangements by the Ministry of Defence'.

Now if I were the BBC I would ask the PM if the Gibson Inquiry is to be made to include all detentions from wherever, to wherever, so that nobody will say in future that Gibson relates only to Iraq, and Afghanistan, and nobody asked about Libya. Also I think that all aspects of the Inquiry should be made by Gibson and that it be taken from the MoD, because of a conflict of interest, the MoD IHAT is a waste of time, people will just close ranks and plead no snitching.


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With the news that some of the Gaddafi family have gone over the border to Alegerai just how long before the next revolution starts. people really ought to be asking about the operations of the CIA in various Arab countries.
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First Great Global Depression

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Many still think that the Great Depression started in 1929, it did not. It was 1931, and had its beginnings in the events of September of that year. Loans made to governments which could never be repaid, reparation defaults, banks crashing, Credit Anstalt, governments in turmoil, coalition in this country. I am afraid that the reactions to the events surrounding Lehman Brothers have not been sorted.

This will soon become a catastrophe of mammoth porportions. This will be not the Great Depression Mark II, this will be the First Great Global Depression. The like of which has never been seen before, but there will be another. This is fast becoming 'The End'.

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Chilcot Baha Mousa Inquiries

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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 14 Aug 2011, 09:55
The Chilcot Inquiry, and Baha Mousa Inquiries are soon to report. With all the disturbances on our streets I can only hope that if it is found that there has been breaches of International law, for whatever reason, that those responsible will be held to account. if this involves the trail  of former senior politicians, and military leaders, then so be it. there must be justice.
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So pleased that I have now passed another couple of Ou modules...and now have a Cerificate in Information Technology and Computing...hurrah...onwards to Masters in History
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by N D, Monday, 8 Aug 2011, 18:45)
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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 24 July 2011, 11:01
I worked in Norway for a while, it was a strange experience. All might have seemed perfect on the surface, but underneath, I had strange feelings, like those I felt in Saudi Arabia. I felt both in their different ways are repressed, strange.
Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Jameela Bi, Sunday, 24 July 2011, 12:49)
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Legal Advice

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Surely we are seeing that companies and individuals are being given legal advice. This legal advice is sometimes erronious. Surely, it is time that companies stopped hiding behind their legal advice, and that all advice was actually tested in front of an impartial judge. There must be an investigation by the Law Society into legal advice.
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There is only one thing that the media giants understand, and that is money. So, the way to break their hearts, as they have broken the hearts of so many people, is to sue.

Let the courts, and juries, come down on these people like a ton of bricks. Let them be sued, for exemplary damages, if it results in loss of homes, of bankruptcy, of loss of jobs, then so be it.

The problem is that all those involved, all those involved in the whole sordid industry, will be forced to pay. Let the courts not go for the small sums, let us hit them for millions, and the money can go into the care for the elderly, or the NHS, or whatever, but these people, even the paper boy is indirectly involved, the lorry drivers, the pribters, the phone companies, so remove the cancer, the Americans have the solution.

These people have lost it, and it is time for change, we do not realise that if action is not taken now then we are all stained. There is corruption, there is something so terribly wrong with the State of England, let alone Denmark.
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Almost a month has passed...and now not 'our boys' causing deaths...but their own home grown suicide bombers...bin Laden dead...we are to pull out...the French and Germans to pull out...the Americans to pull out...we should all pull out now...
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Goldman Sachs

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Interestiung that you should mention Goldmans. There was a very interesting conversation on the Today programme at about 8:45 with a former employee of Goldmans. He was saying that they massively shorted on the mortgage market, just as Poulson had. Only they went big.

Now what shorting involves is selling something which you haven't got, to some body who thinks that the price will rise, rather than fall. Now in order to short you have to deliver something to the purchaser to show that they are the new beneficial owner, a piece of paper. So, the short seller must have borrowed the 'paper' from somebody else, to make delivery to the purchaser. It is no wonder that the mortgage market in America failed, as did AIG, who of course sponsored Manchester United.

Now the point is that once the price starts to fall then the original holder has probably lent some money to somebody else, or borrowed against their original holding, so they would have used the original piece of paper as collateral, but the short seller keeps driving the porice down, because now there are forced sellers, they need to raise money, the shorter keeps selling, driving the price down, and the buyers who thought that the prices would keep rising now begin to get nervous, look at their investment returns are falling, and that they are having to set more and more aside for contingency, and the market smells forced sellers, so they short as well. The vicious circle continues, just as it did with the banking shares in our market.

The problem is the same with inflation and interest rates, on government bonds. They have been buying in older issues with high interest rates and issuing new bonds with lower yields, which they banks have had to purchase, and now the vice is about to close. Higher yields mean falling prices, and the banks balance sheets will look worse, and so they will have to cash in the bonds, unless they treat them as cash. However, the prices will continue to fall, and as Goldman are now saying that the bull market is due to collapse, then there will be another wall of money hitting the market in something else.

Let us not hope that the media are not part of another big game, where Goldman short the market in commodities, and that they now need sellers so that the prices fall, so that they can again make a killing on the market. They would not have shorted now, they would have shorted some time ago, and now, snap. The vice closes, we are all in the grip of misery, and destitution is just around
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On Monday there will be a report issued in respect of the banking industry, preventing a bank being too big to fail, well let me into a little secret.

Now I used to work for an Investment Bank, which was taken over after big bang by a Clearing Bank. Now then, ihe Investment Bank was structured under a Holding Company, with all the various subsidiaries being legal entities in their own right. So, if one bit failed, it failed, but not the whole structure.

Now this is in computer terms, a Firewall, and enabled the Investment Bank to prosper, because one aspect was that we held the client money completely separately, unlike the Clearing Banks which put all your money together. If you like it was the clients money, and not our money.

We also had to know our clients, very well, and what they wanted to achieve, and what we had to achieve on their behalf, which is why there was something called KYC, Know Your Client.

Now some may say what on earth has this got to do with the Cafe, well it has because the implications of the crisis in banking is effecting us all, and when you listen to an 'expert' on the media remember just who got us into this hole, and who did not speak out when they were making loads of money, especially the accountants, the auditors, and to a certain extent the computer programmers who did not develope systems which would have prevented all this happening in the first place.

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It's a funny old world

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This is a message I sent to the Today programme in respect of the debt problems now engulfing the world:

Back in 1928/29 the British Government were due to repay War Loan, they defaulted, they made it ir-redeemable. Why not do the same with some of this debt, make it ir-redeemable so it is not a 'real' default, it is just we can't afford to repay you today, but we will give you a good rate of interest until we can, effectively, 'the kids can sort it out'.

What do others think, as people consider their summer holidays they will see the effects of this austerity in Europe. It is the classic he who pays the piper calls the tune, and in the meantime we have services closed around the country, yet we can bale out these other countries, it's a funny old worldthoughtful

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Posted on Cafe

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Now we know that many students of the OU are involved in Health, all forms of health and let me say that I used to be a member of my local Community Health Council, abolished under labour.

My point, that under Section 11 of the Health & Social Care Act 2001, now Section 242 of the Consolidated NHS Act 2006 there is a legal duty to consult and involve patiuents, and /or their representatives before changes can be implemented.

Furthermore, that the decision cannot be seen to have been made before the changes were put forward. So, I can see a judicial review before this government of national unity brings in any of their proposed health service changes.

Some may say get a life Terry, that this is nothing to do with the Cafe, but I think it is, I don't know about you guys but in my cafe we do talk about these things, that they are important, that I will not see the NHS, the care for patients, becoming something that we can no longer be very proud of.

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Consultaions in NHS

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Section 11 of the Health & Social Care Act 2001, which is now Section 242 of the Consolidated NHS Act 2006 there is a legal requirement to consult on change. If a decision is made before the consultation then I can see judicial review on the basis that the decision was made before the consultation. It will be seen to be a false consultation.
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Mercenaries in Libya

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so effectively we have no military to talk of left. However, what we do have is an awful lot of some very good personnel who have left the army, Special Forces in particular, who can be 'hired' by the government through the private firms who supply 'protection' for our civil and diplomatic communities whilst they operate in difficult places. Many would call them mercenaries.

Now we know that the retired General Sir Mike Jackson, mentioned in the Bloody Sunday inquiry, who led the British army in Iraq, is involved in one of these private security firms. We also know that Lt-Col Richard Williams, former head of the SAS in Iraq is also involved in the same reputable company.

Therefore, it would be no surprise if the British government did not want to send our brave and courageous soldiers to Libya, to protect civilians of course, but instead chose to 'hire' some 'mercenaries' to fulfill the role of training the new Libyan army. With all the redundancies just announced it would be brilliant if the army could be used as consultants, or advisers, without the government being directly involved.

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School fees

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Where would we all be without an education. No well paid jobs, no spending money. So, what do others think about the new University Fees System. Surely, many jobs need you to have a University Degree, so why should we not pay for our education. During our lives we benefit from our teachers, who are mostly trained, and paid, at the expense of the state, so why should we not pay for that, especially when we benefit. As for those who say but those who are bringing in fees are the ones who benefited, yes that is true, but just because something was the way it was in the past does not mean that it should be so in the future.
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At least Blair had a debate and vote about Iraq before sending in our brave and courageous soldiers, sorry no soldiers allowed, except Special Forces of course. No I meant brave and courageous airmen, who drop bombs from a great height, sorry wrong again, when they see any civilians then they don't drop their bombs, I meant our brave and courageous sailors who sit in a boat and fire very expensive missiles at the demon Gaddafi.
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Free Speech

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I do sometimes wonder about free speech. I still struggle when people say that they get upset when somebody says that they don't agree with something, for example that we should not be holding parades for our brave and courageous military when they return from tours of duty.

I am always reminded of the War of Jenkins Ear, on the basis that the people thought that it was a good idea at the time. Or that England got involved in the Great War, which really was nothing to do with us, except that it was likely that Germany would have 'won' by Christmas without our assistance to the French.

I always worry when politicians use war as a distraction to events at home, for example again with the Great War, the near Mutiny in Ireland just before we sent the boys over to save the Empire. We are mired in the awfulness of Afghanistan, after our ignominious defeat in Iraq, with the run in the dark from Basra, and I fear what exactly we are going to do in Libya, and why we do nothing in Yemen, or Bahrain.


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Interest Rates

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Some accountants are saying interest rates must not rise. I trust no accountants when I consider that the banks and financial institutions were able to 'get away' with ruining the economy. Who signed off  the banks accounts, who were the consultants who advised the banks as to 'invest' in instruments which proved to be valueless.

Of course interest rates must rise, but because of the politics it will have to be held until on, or near the budget. They should be 2%, with the rates of inflation we are all suffering. They should have been raised last year, and as for Queantitaive Easing, this 'wall of money' is the worst decision ever made by any governor, and the policy continued by the government of national unity is a disgarce, this is the economics of the mad house.

I told you some time ago that things were going to be bad, but I don't fall for the 'saying I told you so is not an economic policy'. I not only told you so, I tell you now, interest rates must rise.

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