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Richard Walker


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I'd never really thought where the word cliché came from but today I stumbled across its origins.

It seems that in the late 18th/early 19th century printers had a process for producing plates to print illustrations. The picture was carved into a wooden block, then the latter was 'dabbed' into molten metal to leave a cast, which would be a negative version of the illustration.This could then be dabbed into molted metal again to produce a positive plate. The same cast could be used over and over again.

Now it seems that the dabbing action made a noise that French printers fancied sounded like a click - a cliché - and so these casts came to be called clichés. In time the meaning of the word was extended to cover anything that could be used in a mechanical and repetitive manner and eventually acquired its modern sense of a trite and over-used expression.

This story sounds a little like a hoax but I don't think it is. You can read more here

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Richard Walker

Greek Proverb?

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Alpha loaf is beta than no bread.

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Richard Walker


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What is the solution of this clue (4, 2, 3, 8, 2, 4, 4)

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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 I bought this new steam cleaner. It's brilliant! I've got the cleanest steam of anyone I know.

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Richard Walker

Clue Of The Day

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So, Reader, is this a romantic gift? (1, 3, 4)

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Richard Walker

20 daft definitions from the forest

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Alder: Modify

Apple: A romantic acquaintance when successfully initiated

Ash: Psychoactive drug, illegal in many jurisdictions

Aspen: Said of one possessing writing implement

Beech: Area between sea and land

Birch: Place where birds alight

Chestnut: Not, just not

Cypress: Device for making cider from apples

Elm: Part of water vessel's steerage

Fir: Distant

Holly: Totally

Maple: Possibility of striking up romantic acquaintance

Pear: A couple

Pine: Savoury pudding having some accompaniment; as in 'Pine mash'

Plane: Amusing oneself in a light-hearted way

Poplar: Liked by many

Rowan: Way of propelling water vessels

Walnut: Stubborn refusal

Willow: Future debt

Yew: Second person

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 9 Feb 2020, 19:43

I was really looking forward to seeing Rapunzel’s hair. But it turned out to be a bit of a let down.

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Richard Walker

On Belief

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 9 Feb 2020, 00:38

As far as we can tell, everything we believe may be wrong.

From Voltaire: Pour autant que nous puissions le dire, tout ce que nous pensons peut être faux.
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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Took my dog into town. He woofed really quietly, but the dog warden still slapped a barking ticket on him.

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Richard Walker

Playground Joke

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Why do leopards always go the same places?

Because they can’t change their spots!

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Richard Walker

Peas offering

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Richard Walker

Sleep Easy With Us

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020, 22:42
You may have read in the press recently that houses in gated communities are being TARGETED by ruthless smash and grab raiders.

We can RID you of this worry. Move to one of our prestige communities. Start of the art Internet Of Things (IOT) technology is deployed 24/7 to watch the estate and keep your house and possessions SECURE.

And if the worst should ever come to the worst, we have retained the services of the most famous detective in the world, who will unfailingly track down the CRIMINALS so they can be brought to justice.

This is why we call our product Sure-Lock Homes.

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Richard Walker

Very small crossword

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Richard Walker

Ghost Poem

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In Iceland stories are told of those who are lost in sudden blizzards and never found again. Survivors of anything often feel guilt. I wanted to write a poem to capture a sense of closure and comfort. It has its origins in something I read in 2018 and I’m repeating it from then.

You were tugging my wrist

It was only the wind

I heard you cry out

There are storms hereabout

You were lost in the snow

A long time ago

Where do your bones lie?

In peace, do not cry.

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Richard Walker

Palindromic date

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 2 Feb 2020, 14:26

I wrote today's date on something and realised it's palindromic


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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 2 Feb 2020, 02:00

Alexa, what is flu virus?

I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.

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Richard Walker

Crossword Clue

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It’s tna with an unserious meaning (8)

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Richard Walker

A Riddle

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I am a teacher, yet nobody learns my lessons. What am I?

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Richard Walker

The action of a flower 🌷

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Since Brass, nor Stone, nor Boundless Sea,

But Sad Mortality ower’sways their Powers

How with this Rage shall Beauty hold a Plea,

Whose Action is no stronger than a Flower?

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Richard Walker

The First Crocus

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Richard Walker


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I’m starting a service for people that want to air their grievances online. I plan to call it ‘Gripevine’.

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Richard Walker

"If I sent you the answer"

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If I sent you the answer
It would never be the real answer
The one that lies inside you.

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Richard Walker

The Coat Stand

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 25 Jan 2020, 12:17

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Richard Walker

The First Snowdrop

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Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Friday, 24 Jan 2020, 23:26)
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