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I have just been watching the twelve o'clock Channel 4 news. There was a reprt from Afghanistan and a colonel or other high ranking officer was talking to the tribal leaders. In his conversation he started by saying something along the lines of 'We have been sent here on the orders of Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II' etc...and I would assert that this is not the case. It may be according to army rules and regulations, they sign up to serve Queen and Country but please, to say to these people that they are there on the orders of the Queen is a complete untruth.

The Queen may well have signed the orders but we should be told by the Prime Minister Gordon Brown that our soldiers are in Afghanistan on the orders of the Queen and that accordingly he has nothing at all to do with it. The Queen should come on to our screens and say how much she regrets sending our soldiers to their deaths, are they there on her orders or not.

I think that our soldiers are in Afghanistan on American orders, that we are fighting and dying for somebody else, and that our soldiers must be brought home, now. They are fighting and dying for a corrupt regime which does not have the support of the local people, they are no more freer to vote than we have ever voted in England for Gordon Brown to be our Prime Minister, and we have never voted for the Queen either. What a totally false democracy we are, how on earth can we bring democracy to Afghanistan when we don't have a democracy.

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Good Morning Andrew,

Please let me quote from Kipling:

If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white,
Remember it's ruin to run from a fight:
So take open order, lie down, and sit tight,
And wait for supports like a soldier.
Wait, wait, wait like a soldier . . .

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.

Please note that a cable was allegedly sent by the British envoy in Afghanistan to his French counterpart on 2nd September 2008 where it was said 'the presence of the coalition, in particular its military presence, is part of the problem, not part of its solution'. Foreign forces are the lifeline of a regime that would rapidly collapse without them. As such they slow down and complicate a possible emergence from a crisis'.

I think that the only realistic way to 'unite' Afghanistan is to put in place a dictator, a benign one if you like, and we must prepare public opinion for such an outcome.

We all know that America will never go to the next presidential election whilst such a large numbers of Americans are fighting in occupied Afghanistan. This is not a war, it is an occupation, to think otherwise is stupid, anybody who helps us is seen as a collaborator, just like the French punished their collaborators after the German occupation, no difference whatsoever.

It is time to support the soldiers by demanding our immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan, that is how we can support them. Stop pulling the patriot card, the defeatist card, the three card trick. Look for yourselves as to how many of our soldiers died in the first three years after 2001, until we made the disastrous decision to invade and occupy Iraq. We have lost in Iraq, we were defeated and we retreated, we committed crimes in Iraq, we cannot repeat the same mistake. We must announce our withdrawal. It is time for the Afghans to fight their own battles.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Tuesday, 18 Aug 2009, 09:40)
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Afghanistan (yet again)

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The situation in Afghanistan is pathetic. Everybody knows that Obama will never go to the electorate in 2012 whilst still active in Afghanistan, they will withdraw in huge numbers. What do you think that we will do, stay? never, we will have to leave when the Americans do and then what. All the time, effort, money, injuries, but most of all lives will have been wasted.

But hey don't worry, Lord Mandelson is in charge and he really really cares. So much that not a peep from him about the recovery in France and Germany, not a peep about the lost British soldiers, but worst of all not a peep from any of the government over the charges being brought against the former British soldier in Iraq who is on a murder charge. Who runs these private contracting firms supplying mercenaries to Iraq via very lucrative contracts. 

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Bad things to bad people

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in the old days a firm would make profits and then pay tax to HMRC on those profits the year after those profits were made. Now then a firm would have put back part of those profits to pay their taxes.

What has happened is that firms which made profits have either invested the profits or distributed it in dividends to the shareholders, but made sure that they kept back sufficient to pay the taxes due. They may actually have borrowed money from the bank to pay the taxes due.

Now what has happened is that the HMRC have, after instructions from the government, allowed firms to defer paying their taxes, mainly because they haven't got the money. But, eventually the firms will have to pay up, either that or the HMRC will bankrupt them. As they should, people made profits if they have squandered it then that is their problem, ifeven a penny in tax is due then it must be paid, otherwise they are just freeloaders.

Even when 'the recovery' comes people will still owe money to the taxman, all that is happening is the evil day is being deferred, that is until after the general election, which must be held, mustn't it!

As an example it is not so many years since Exeter City Football Club were in terrible trouble with their finances. Our local MP was able to persuade the Inland Revenue to accept 40p in the pound in settlement of their tax liability, rather than pound for pound. The club was saved from bankruptcy and the rest as they say is history. I think that every penny due to the HMRC must be paid in full and it must be paid now. I pay my taxes, everybody should.

As for the 500,000 jobs saved, where is the evidence as the politicians would say when asked about extra-ordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques, and allegations of torture. I think that caps ought to be issued to HMRC staff with the logo 'we do bad things to bad people'.

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so now we are being told that we are in Afghanistan so that the Afghan government can run the country, so that the Afghan police and army can defend their country etc...so this sounds a bit to me like when the Germans allowed Vichy France to be a government during the German occupation.

What I want to know is that so far we are told there are tens of thousands trained Afghan police and soldiers and that we are training some more. So how many of the Afghan army have fought with the British and Americans in this latest offensive, how many of these well trained well armed soldiers have fought and died. A list please, how many, surely records are being kept.

Why no prisoners being taken, why no trials of those accused of being terrorists. I have just heard the obnoxious comment by Brown that this is now a patriotic duty to keep the terrorists off our streets, I mean has it really come to this 'a patriotic duty'. Look at the equipment that we saw the Iraq army parade after our ignominous retreat, they have better equipment than our boys have. It is not about helicopters, it is not even about soldiers in Afghanistan any more. Ask yourself apparently we have about 8,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, how many of these military personnel are actually what we could call 'front line troops', not many I bet. Do you think we have this number of soldiers fighting the Taliban, please get real.

I can't believe Brown any more, he is to me a fraud, with his deep sensorous voice telling us about deep regret, sad loss, all the platitudes. He makes me so angry. Exactly when did Brown get elected as Prime Minister, just how democratic is our society, not at all corrupt of course are we, no vote rigging, no MPs on the gravy train, no journalists illegally tapping phones, no 'we do bad things to bad people'. I could go on but you get my drift, hey let's just all shut-up and let the bankers with their massive bonuses run the country, now that surely won't happen.


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