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#NoMasks #KBF

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Well, I managed to get the whole way to the South of England, and back again, without a mask and without much hassle too, I have to say.  Had a lovely few days enjoying the sunshine and heat with visits to Brighton and Littlehampton, where the beaches were busy with people out and about and enjoying themselves, and barely a mask in sight. 

However, on the journey itself, I was one of the very few flying (or using the trains, or shopping) without a mask, and I never saw the airports as empty as Heathrow and Gatwick were. The travelling was actually quite depressing, normally there is a buzz around the airports and London, but not this time. There was a general air of despondency hanging over everyone which is sad to see as I love London/England. I wonder how long the trains can run like this too. On the way back yesterday, I was the only person in the carriage and the one next to me was empty as well. This was the Gatwick Express going to Victoria and there were barely 15 people on it, a train that is normally full to bursting, especially, at this time of the year. 

As I was travelling, I was thinking about England and the English. England is not a very big country geographically, but in spite of that, and I'm addressing this to the people of England, you started the Industrial Revolution and led the world in manufacturing, science and technology. Just take a walk around Highgate Cemetery to see the names of the many scientists buried there, many of whom escaped persecution in other countries and found a home in England. 

A hundred years ago, you had conquered most of the world with the 'sun not setting on the British Empire' and I'm not going to get into a debate on the historical rights or wrongs of that, at least not today. You fought two world wars and were on the winning side each time, you built your country back up afterwards and created the welfare state and the NHS which lifted millions out of poverty and gave them a higher standard of living. This led to a rise in social mobility that, in turn, created the explosion of talent in music, art and technology that was the 1960's when Britain led the world in manufacturing, fashion, culture and innovation. Political debates raged and London was the centre for all that energy and enthusiasm which promised so much for so many. 

And how many times in your history have you fought back against invaders? Spanish Armada, Battle of Britain, anyone?

So, what happened, where has it gone? Travelling around Southern England I can only shake my head in despair to see the people of England so low, muzzled and depressed by a 'virus' and a government that doesn't give a damn about your health and is nothing more than the puppet of the corporate and banking empires that now rule the world. If they really cared about your health, would there be a mental health/obesity/poverty/social care crisis that has been building up for 40 years?

But it's not just England, look at Scotland, home of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, presided over now by a woman who is becoming more like Stalin with every passing day. Where is the heart of Scottish rebellion now, locked down and masked in tyranny by Nicola Krankie over a bad case of the flu?

And Ireland? I came back to find that the Sinn Fascists have made muzzles mandatory in shops here too. The great Irish rebels, the great freedom fighters of Ireland are now the foil of the Tories, Maggie Thatcher's old party. Excuse me, while I pull the craw of hypocrisy out of my throat! Their compatriots in arms terrorised the country for 30 years, with their masks and guns, and have left behind a legacy of severe social and mental heath problems in their wake. We don't have the highest suicide rate in Europe for nothing! 

Not to mention, the thousands who left or were driven out by them since the 1960's. If they really cared one iota for the 'health' of the people here, tackling that legacy might be a good place to start and maybe they could begin by removing all the memorials to death and murals, to what was 30 years of hell, instead of constantly raking up the past and playing the victim card when the truth is, they were the biggest terrorisers of the nationalist community. I know because I lived through it and it galls me to see them self-righteously pontificate to the rest of us now. 'There is no one more pious than a reformed whore', as the saying goes. But then Sinn Fein were always fascists dressed up as freedom fighters, and have become everything they railed against Unionism for, before they 'reformed', and it's jobs for the boys and their families and friends. Nepotism/cronyism rules!

And lets not forget Owain Glyndŵr of Wales, another fighter for freedom, he must be spinning in his grave with the rest of them, and all over a flu that has negligible impact on the fit and healthy, that has seen a fascist agenda imposed across the world with every little tinpot dictator having a field day. If only Adolf, Mao and Josef had known that all they had to do to impose a complete totalitarian/authoritarian dictatorship was to yell 'Virus' and then sit back and watch as the people capitulated, and not just capitulated but actively report and police those who would dare to defy the 'authorities'. 

And don't even start with the 'you're going to kill granny' propaganda. Honest to God, you would think that no one ever died before! Did you think we all lived in some airy fairy dreamland, some utopian oasis where we all lived forever and no one ever got sick and died? Like the US before Donald Trump became president, wasn't it such a paradise??!!! 

Good God, what planet are you living on? Where is your fight and your spirit? What did all those millions fight and die in two world wars for, especially those in the First World War, in the mud and dirt of France, conditions you could not even begin to imagine in your worst nightmares - FREEDOM!!! FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY! And you're sitting at home with your mask cringing about a 'flu', shame on you!

It's a sad fact of life, we're all going to die, REALITY!. And as I said before, it is not about dying, it is about how you lived. Now seriously, grow up and deal with it!


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Tuesday, 1 Sept 2020, 09:27)
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Medical Marshall Law

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 1 Apr 2020, 22:56

I posted this on my Facebook page yesterday and here last night.  I went out to my kitchen last night at 8.30 to make a cup of tea as someone who lived in a free, democratic society (well, I knew I didn't really but it had its pluses) and by the time I came back in, I was caged in a totalitarian state.

In light of the new world order takeover, I'm posting it again and I urge you to take an hour today and watch this, after all you don't have anywhere to go. It is an hour and 9 minutes long and I don't know how long it is going to be available as we don't know if the internet is going to be shut down next or if they will do the same with the phone networks, under the guise of emergency's only, just to make sure 'we are all safe'. Cos, we're all 3 year old's with no understanding or minds of our own, and we need the government to keep us 'safe'.  


Now, just ask yourself when did the government ever give a flying fiddlers f*ck if you were safe, or about the NHS or the welfare of 'old and vulnerable people in society', the ones they've been grinding down under their heal for years and into an early grave with Universal Credit.

And it's interesting to see all the sheep on youtube bowing to the fascists with their fake concern for 'old and vulnerable people'.  These are the same people who for the last three years have been whining about how 'old people destroyed their lives' when they voted for Brexit and who they wished to die (and that was one of the milder comments) or the same sick and vulnerable people on benefits who were witch-hunted under David Cameron's government as charlatans and fakes. The hypocrisy is stunning!

I would also ask that you share this with as many people as you can, lets see if we can send this 'viral'.

I will try and keep writing and updating, still no one I know with the virus or who has died from the virus.

Thank you for your time and a tip for any fellow anarchists out there, if you're going out, leave the phone at home, that is how they will be able to track your movements.

Take care people and remember, believe nothing of what they tell you and only half of what you see. Now take a look and see what's down the rabbit hole - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSv0phbYp0E&t=67s

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 26 Mar 2020, 18:21)
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Scotland says no

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What a let down!  My most sincere condolences to all in the 'Yes' camp, i really hoped you would win. It's really ironic, the 'no' vote was for the status quo but because of the vote, things are going to change anyway!!!  All you 'no's' should just have voted yes......

Things will change for Scotland and the rest of us but i think the real losers here are going to be the working class in England, the possibility of Tory rule forever in England is just too depressing to contemplate, you have my sincerest sympathy!  Say goodbye to the NHS if the Tories get in again!

Good luck to Alex Salmond, he did a great job, sorry he didn't get the result, but i bet there are many today who voted no and now regret it.  Imagine that, you voted AGAINST your own country, that is something you have to live with!


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Tuesday, 23 Sept 2014, 19:42)
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