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A Cool Quiet Saturday!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 24 June 2024, 09:31

This weekend was so very different from last weekend,  because last weekend it had been warm and busy. This weekend on the other hand was much cooler and more quieter in the neighbourhood. There didn't seem to be that many people about either in the street. or outside in the gardens today.

I took my son for a walk and there was hardly any children playing in the park. Then I realised it is because this is the last weekend before the school term starts again ,  many families may have gone out to the local beach just a few miles away.

We were able to slowly walk around the quiet park, to sit at the picnic tables under the trees and to eat our sandwiches , while looking up at the lovely ancient trees blowing in the wind. We drank a cup of hot tea from the flask and ate some biscuits.

There was only one family on the very far side of the park. They were busy trying to fly a kite, they eventually managed to get the kite successfully up into the air at last. It was a beautiful brightly coloured kite it was flying well,  very high, and doing loop the loops in the air.

We watched for a while as the kite swooped and dived. The wind dropped and the kite plummeted down to earth. The family waited until another gust of wind took hold of it again then the kite was able to soar up into the sky once more, this time the kite stayed up there for much longer!

My son and I then walked the footpath back around the field,  then past the cemetery, and up the small hill leading back into the village. We walk past the market place then church street then back home. 

It was quiet in the street and gardens around where we live, so I sat quietly on the bench in the back garden, overlooking the green lawn. I admired the wild flowers near the lawn and ferns growing in the border.
Sitting out here in the garden I was able to read and to enjoy the peace and tranquility in the green space of the garden. 

I enjoyed watching the birds landing on the bird table and  on the  birdbath, further along the end of the wild border. The cat was fast asleep on the bench next to me and was oblivious to any kind of bird activity!
The wood behind me at the side of the house was also full of birds chirping cheerily.

 I could hear the little fountain running gently nearby, the next door neighbours wind chimes were tinkling in the wind. I could see the wild flowers growing in the border to the left side of the gatden, and I could smell the roses in the rose garden just near the porch by the door.
What a wonderful cool quiet Saturday it had been!

Green garden lawn with bridge

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In The Garden Today

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 14:22

A pink rose in the garden

A bright new Rose opens up in the Rose Garden

On the porch

The Porch overlooking the green lawn.

Cats playing

Cats Playing Hide and seek on The Garden Lawn

Wild rose garden

A Dark Pink Rose in The wild border.

Pink flowers growing in garden border

Some Wild Roses growing in the garden borders.

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Lundi férié - Très bruyant !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 27 June 2024, 17:21

On aurait dit que tout le quartier était dehors aujourd'hui !  c'est lundi férié. Certains voisins sont dans leur jardin, Les plus jeunes dans la rue sont assis dans leur garage et écoutent de la musique forte ! Tout le monde profite de ce beau temps chaud et venteux

Ma voisine d'à côté est entourée de sa famille, ils sont dans le jardin de devant, assis sous l'auvent, à table, discutant tous ensemble de manière très animée.

Les autres voisins en face de nous sont sur leur terrasse en train de faire un barbecue. Beaucoup de rires venant de là.  Ils sont cachés derrière les arbres pour que nous ayons tous notre intimité !

Mon jardin est sauvage et verte par endroits, mais l'herbe n'est pas trop longue. À gauche de la porte il ya des roses, principalement des rouges, quelques blanches et quelques roses. Il pousse un peu à l'état sauvage et contient également quelques autres fleurs, comme des myosotis et des coquelicots.

 Dans les bordures sauvage, l'herbe est assez longue, donc quelques fleurs sauvages poussent entre les roses. aussi dans  la bordures sauvage se trouvent la fontaine, le bain d'oiseaux et la station d'alimentation pour les oiseaux.

J'essaie de créer un jardin de style Monet - La pelouse verte ressemble à un étang, elle a des fleurs blanches au centre de la pelouse, mon banc peut être positionné en bordure de la pelouse, avec vue sur l'étang aux nénuphars. La clôture ressemble à un pont japonais au bout du jardin. 

Avec un peu de chance, les visiteurs pourraient rentrer à l'intérieur. Je peux sortir m'asseoir en toute tranquillité sur mon banc pour lire mon livre et contempler mon Bassin aux Nénuphars de Monet !

A green lawn that  looks like Monets lily pond

Le bassin aux nénuphars de Monet se reflète sur ma pelouse !

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Friday, 31 May 2024, 19:15)
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Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 26 May 2024, 01:38

My current book that I am reading is 'Exile and the Kingdom' by Albert Camus.

Albert Camus (1913- 1960) He was a French philosopher, writer and Journalist. His works include His works include-  The Stranger, The  Plague, The Myth of Sisyphus,  The Fall  and  The Rebel.
This book I am reading is a collection of short stories. It leaves you feeling deeply about life, about loneliness, finding meaning in life or no meaning in life,  about what matters and what doesn't. These are just like little parables,  that you can reflect on and find the meaning yourself within them.

Four of these short stories are set in Algiers on the fringes of the desert. The descriptions are vivid and interesting. You feel  yourself immediately transported to those exotic places. All the stories are very good so far and I am about halfway througb the book. So far so good.

I will read the rest of the book then finish my summary of the book in my next blog.

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A Wonderful Woodland walk

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 14 July 2024, 08:54

Trees and woodland in the sunlight

A good spot for a picnic beneath the Lime trees.

Delicate pale blue bluebells


Orange coloured pansies

Orange pansies

A yellow flower

Some delicate yellow flowers

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 14:42)
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Walking in Nature is good for the mental health!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 26 July 2024, 16:59

This week is "Mental Health Awareness week" and I have been taking lots of photos of flowers and nature to pin on my bedroom wall, because these scenes can be really cheerful to look at.

There is nothing better than going for a relaxing stroll through the park, nature reserve or a small natural woodland. 

There is always something new and interesting to see, whether it is a snail with its delicate small shell, a rosy red robin, a gay green foliage,  a beautiful bright butterfly or colourful cheerful flowers. There is always something in nature to see that can make you smile! 🙂

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 14:48)
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A walk through the woodlands to the park

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 10 May 2024, 11:40

Leafy green trees

We sat on a wooden log beneath the trees in the sunlit park.


Some bright yellow flowers in the wood

Dandelion clocks in fairy wood

Dandelion clocks and yellow flowers in "Fairy woods".

Bluebells beneath tree in woodland

Bluebells under the trees in the park.

Red flowers in woods

Ruby red flowers growing in the woodlands.

Close up of blue bell flowers

A closer look at some beautiful bluebells.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 11:53)
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The Park- Bird Watching!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 26 July 2024, 10:20

Today after studying in the 9, we had a lovely park walk, around the perimeter of the park field. We had chosen a quiet time of the day, when there was not too many people about.

I had soon spotted a lovely little grey squirrel and pointed it out to my son, he took out his binoculars to have a look  "Yes, it is a squirrel it has a very big bushy tail" said my son, but then that elusive little squirrel ran quickly away up the tree trunk, and disappeared  underneath the large canopy of leaves.

Green trees in parkLarge tree in park where we saw the squirrel

In this time of the year, it's the time of the blue bells, the redish pink ragged robins, yellow king cups, as well as daisies and bright yellow dandelions. The woodland looked quite enchanting at this moment, with all the dandelion clocks, like fairies dancing in the sunlight beneath the trees 

There was not a cloud in the blue sky, it was a beautiful day. We walked along the little footpath, through the woodland that led on to the park and large playing field.

The other path led towards the pavilion with its bright wooden picnic benches outside. Beyond this is the childrens play area, with swings, slides and roundabouts which at this time of day were empty.

Walking briskly we take the path that lead past the tennis court and along the path beneath the trees. We found our favourite spot with the little wooden bench to sit on beneath the trees, and I had brought a hot flask of tea and sandwiches with us.

Playground area in park

Playground and pavillion in park

 Here we could sit and look out across the large park and eat our sandwiches in peace. Looking across the playing field, was a bit like like looking onto a large green stage.

Greem field

Green playing field

It is quite a large park and on Satudays and Sundays they have well organised football or cricket matches on the field. At that time the park is busy full of spectators, mums, dads and children all moving about across the field and around the pavilion. 

At other times you can see dog walkers diligently walking their dogs, who are hopefully well behaved and on their leads. Then there are all the fairground rides and fetes throughout the summer.

However, today it is the birds that are the centre stage, as they swooped down to pick up the insects. There were Magpies, Crows, a few small Wagtails, Wood pidgeons, Doves, Starlings and Sea gulls all pecking about for small insects and worms that they find there, in the very lush green grass.

Brown benches beneath trees in park

We sat and watched the comings and the goings of the birds, as they swooped down to swallow insects, some birds landing on the ground. We quickly tried to name as many as we could,  I had to be really quick as they were so flying around a lot,  it wasn't easy!

Suddenly and without warning some of the birds flew up into the air, like a huge dark cloud with wings flapping,  while at the same time came the sound  of the lawn mower, that could be heard chugging and spluttering into action!

I had not noticed the man on the other side of the field- (the park keeper) standing  next to the shed, who had mounted up onto the sit -on -mowing machine. He began his long slow journey on the far side of the field, making nice straight lines up and down the field.  The birds scattered and flew away as soon as he approached on his machine.

After finishing off our tea and sandwiches, we moved back on to the footpath once more and made our way back out through the park gate.

 It was time to leave the park behind us, but we had both very much enjoyed this walk,  on a  lovely sunny afternoon.  Then as soon as we heard the cheerful chimes of the ice -cream van, my son asked me if we can have an ice - cream "Oh why not! " I replied.laughing.


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A Good Neighbour!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:29

My neighbours are very kind and friendly people, unlike the other neighbours who we had previously, who often seemed hard and cold, stand offish, even rude and downright offensive, playing their too loud music and throwing rubbish into our garden!

I said my neighbours, but in fact it is now only one neighbour, the lady of the house,  as her husband very suddenly died not so long ago.
She is still in mourning but she has been incredibly brave. We have been round to see her and offered to help if we can. 

We try to help her out and ask if she needs any shopping doing. She hugged me and we cried together as my husband and I were also fond of him. We shall miss his cheery humming in the back garden and his friendly banter.

He was a  jolly man, a good guy and always willing to help. Like the time when he came round to trim our trees, when they had became too tall and unruly. He came to the house himself and his son, who brought along his chainsaw with him." We will trim your trees if you like while we have the chain saw out" he said.

I wanted to pay him for his work, but he said no could he just have some wood for his log fire, so we said "yes take as much as you want"  

He also cleaned the guttering out on our roof whilst he was  cleaning his own guttering out, a week later. This saved us the bother of having to call someone to come out.

Ed was ever so nice to talk to and as well as that he often came and gave us vegetables from his allotment. " No I don't want any payment"  he said "except another jar of that Chutney you gave us a few weeks back." 

Well I had almost forgotten about my home made chutney I gave to his wife !
It was Just a friendly gesture for what they had done by helping by tidying up the garden for us.

I think good people are often remembered long after they die. They are by far the nicest neighbours we have ever had living next door.

Colourful chrysanths flowers

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Respect for Neighbours

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:33

'Love thy neighbour. '
 Respect your neighbour. "Do no harm to your neighbour who dwells peacefully beside you."

"Love is the fulfillment of the law" Romans 13:8-10 (NT Bible)

The 10 commandmentsExodus 20:2–17, The Bible

          ❤ ✝️📖🕯

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Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 26 July 2024, 10:23

We must seize this opportunity in this generation, to do all that we can to combat global warming and climate change. The days we are living in are ever changing, more action is needed while we still have this window of time. 

Are we recycling as much as possible all our old unwanted items?
Don't forget Charity shops can take discarded items, furniture, electricals, books, CDs, DVDs and clothes. Remember- Your old cast off clothes and bric - a -brac items could be someone elses treasure!

Some libraries take unwanted books that are still in very good condition, (or less than 5 years old) so just enquire first if they have this service available.

Supermarkets take unused food items that are still within their sell-by- date for food bank collections.

There are often some battery recycling schemes for your unwanted batteries.
Also there are mobile phone recycling at some shops.

Churches or schools will also take any  disgarded childrens clothes,  as well as school uniforms for their clothes bank. For those struggling to clothe their children.(how children grow out of clothes so fast! It's hard to keep up with them!)

Think before you bin it! Can it still be used again. Could it be repaired, cleaned, washed or recycled?

We can all do our little bit towards helping the environment as well as caring for the communities in which we live.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 28 Apr 2024, 14:48)
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Promenade en l'eau!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 23 June 2024, 12:42

Foot bridge over a stream

Passerelle au-dessus du ruisseau

Footpath through the field

Sentier autour le champ

Footpath with tree

Un arbre magnifique

White Hawthorn flowers

Arbuste d'aubépine

C'est mon itinéraire habituel,  je commence ma promenade à travers le champ,  le long des sentiers balisés, jusqu'à la sortie du village. 

Ce week-end, le temps a été particulièrement humide, avec de nombreuses grosses flaques de pluie.
Il y a eu beaucoup de pluie cette nuit!

Les zones sombres du champ étaient celles où la majeure partie de l'eau était encore posé en surface.

C'était bien que je porte mes bottes Wellington !

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Climate Change in My Area!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 21 June 2024, 16:35

There has been a tremendous amount of rainfall where I am living lately.
The rainfall usually occurs during the night or very early mornings.

I had been hoping to go walking along the footpaths and over the fields with my friend but recently it has been so waterlogged. We had  just climbed over a stile and  put our feet onto the grass in the meadow, when we were  shocked to see our feet sinking down, down, into the grass and being covered over by water!

Never have I seen it so bad before!  We could not even continue walking over the fields, we had to abandon the idea altogether and just settle on walking the pavements around the village instead.

Did some research on the subject, I found out that the fens nearby where we live on the east coast,  the land from Lincolnshire, Notfolk and as far as Suffolk had been drained, first by the Romans, then  later by the Dutch.  


By the year 2050 the land may well flood again and be reclaimed by the sea, especially with the climate change, and global warming speeding things up. I probably will not be around by then, but possibly my offspring will. Let's hope they can come up with a clever solution to the problem before that time.

Global warming is still with us and the clock is still ticking. Will we be able to save the planet by each doing our best, our little bit to help stop the climate getting hotter, to stop the sea levels rising? What can the government do? Will we be able to make a difference by our own practical actions?
Only time will tell!

Is Climate change happening in your area?
⏳     🌊

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Creamy Pasta with Spinach, Mushroom and Cheese

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 02:11

Pasta with mushroom and spinach


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Un Excellent Repas!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 02:20

Nous avions récemment été invités à un repas de fête avec des amis. Le menu était excellent et j'avais hâte d'essayer de recréer ce repas. Chez nous!

Pate avec des champignons et des epinard dans une sauce à la crème Aussi des  quelques légumes méditerranéens rôtis. J'ai beaucoup aimé ce plat, c'est une nouvelle découverte pour moi, car il est fait avec de la crème fraîche, donc il n'est pas aussi gras que la crème entière. 

J'ai aussi aimé les légumes méditerranéens rôtis. Poivrons, tomates, cougettes, oignons rouges, courge musquée. 

C'est délicieux!


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Inscrite à mon prochain Module

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 21 June 2024, 16:34

Ça y est, j'ai sauté le pas ! J'ai décidé quel module je suivrai le trimestre prochain.

Je me suis inscrite à mon prochain module. L185 Anglais à des fins académiques en ligne.

J'espère acquérir davantage de pratique dans l'utilisation de la technologie en ligne, sans me sentir trop nerveuse! (Ha! Ha!) Cela me donnera des compétences supplémentaires en informatique.

En même temps, je développerai mes compétences en anglais pour les utiliser en ligne. Cela me donnera également une confiance supplémentaire, pour parler et écrire dans la vie de tous les jours.

Je souhaite à mes camarades étudiants, tout le meilleur dans leurs études, quels que soient les cours qu'ils suivent !
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Looking forward to Registering for next module.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 20 Apr 2024, 11:22

I am looking forward to registering and taking on another module with the OU in October.  This will be an English module to consolidate my English skills. 

I like writing very much and expressing my opinions, which is funny really because in real life I am very shy and reserved, as anyone who knows me will tell you! lol!

I hope I can succeed this module and that my life  runs smoothly (that will be the day!) hopefully, in order for me to get this module finished.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024, 08:13)
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How To Eat Like The French!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 12 Apr 2024, 10:19

I can't help admiring our french cousins. They are on average a lot slimmer than the US or UK  citizens and eat smaller much healthier portions!

This is probably due to their eating habits of a more Mediterranean diet. We in the UK on the other hand are much stockier and plump, living on an island that sees much colder, wetter, wilder, weather in general, so we have to eat a diet with lots of carbs particularly to survive the harsher, colder weather conditions.

However, the french love food and especially fine cuisine!
"Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup" meaning "eat well, laugh often, love much" is a common saying in France that sums up the nation's enthusiasm for food.

Note the "eat well" rather than "live well" - eating is to be savoured as a central part of life itself.

French movie star Leslie Caron knows a thing or two about French food, having run a restaurant near Paris for nearly 20 years.

"I eat sensibly – every day at lunch I have a steak with a big salad and I eat fruit, vegetables, yogurt and muesli," she says. "I seldom eat pastry – maybe once a year. I never eat desserts and I don't drink. That makes a big difference."

On the other hand, numerous studies have indicated that red wine, and French red wine in particular, contains high level of antioxidants. So French women can rest assured that one or two glasses a day are not only pleasurable but beneficial to their health as well. Santé!

Unlike the UK or the US
Food portions are much much smaller in France. It is quite common for french women to leave half her plate or save it for later!

Food is celebrated in France and enjoyed with  family and friends.  The french eat 3 times a day but they never eat between meals!

Food should always look pleasing to the eye and beautiful on the plate. Nouvelle cuisine is the popular choice of meal and remember less is always more.

  1. Exclude All Processed Foods. ...
  2. Emphasize On Whole Foods. ...
  3. Shop At Local Food Markets. ...
  4. Think Quality, Not Quantity. ...
  5. Cook Every Single Meal. ...
  6. Eat A Wide Variety of Foods. ...
  7. Eat Everything In Moderation. ...
  8. Stay Thin simply by living your life. (Everyday excercise.)
  9. French women walk everywhere!

So I think we can learn a lot from our french cousins. Bon appétit!

* Sources - Stylist.co.uk

*leoncechenal.com/french-diet- how -to - like- a - french-woman

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 16 Apr 2024, 12:56)
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Study, Caring and Health

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 9 Apr 2024, 19:25

I am still struggling to get my health back to normal again after the Covid.  I am finding long walks just too exhausting, so I think I will try shorter quicker bursts of exercise instead, this will include walking the circuit of my village. 

Starting from the park including the park, taking the longer route and ending up on the market place. This usually takes about 3/4 of an hour. I must set aside a time during the day between caring duties and study to take a walk.

My diet will have to change too, I just feel so heavy when I walk. I have decided to reduce and maybe even cut out completely, Carbs from my diet. 
I am going to include instead low fat yogurts in my diet too.
Apart from that I will still eat vegetables, protein and fruit as usual. But no bread pasta, potatoes or desserts.

I have let myself go completely and piled on the weight. This is because I have been so busy doing my caring duties at home and going to appointments that I have neglected my own health. Now I intend to get back on track to a better health!

2024 this will be my year to get fit! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 9 Apr 2024, 17:53)
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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 8 Apr 2024, 11:57

A poster showing the earth in space with the words " Praying for Peace" on it.

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Springtime Flowers

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 30 Mar 2024, 23:07

A garden of daffodils

Garden containing different colorful Tulips

We passed by these beautiful gardens on our walk across the fields to the next village, it was really a glorious sight. The renewal of Springtime!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 4 Apr 2024, 23:21)
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An Easter Walk

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 17 June 2024, 03:20

A Church in the woods

Today was Easter Saturday, the sun was shining and the weather looked good. I asked J if he would like to walk with me across the field to the next village. He said he would and would be glad of a walk.

Set off walking across the fields, walking along the footpath. The first field was a small cabbage field, the smell of cabbage was quite pungent!  We laughed, but I happen to like cabbages so I didn't really mind. From here we came into a lovely wild meadow, where we spotted wild yellow primroses, crocus,  yellow gorse bushes. king cups, wood anemones, harebells and other wild flowers. 

There was also the pretty white Hawthorn flowers growing on the hawthorn bushes, by the side of the footpath and the field.

J soon spotted 2 rabbits at the edge of the field scurrying quickly away, we watched as their little white fluffy tails disappearing quickly down the rabbit hole on the bank at the side of the field. When we came to the little footbridge over the stream, I commented about how deep the water was, and how fast it was flowing after the recent rainfalls. J agreed the streams were fuller than usual.

We sat on the footbridge to rest for a little while. By now we were about halfway there, but I felt tired already,  so it was nice to sit and rest and drink a fruit juice. The sun felt very warm, but fortunately there was a slight breeze too.

Played at throwing sticks onto the water from the footbridge and waited until they appeared on the other side of the bridge. I think mine must have sunk as I couldn't see it anymore!  J cheered as he saw the stick appear again still intact on the other side.

Next, we took the narrow footpath that ran along the backs of the gardens, beside the cows field except no cows were in there today,  because they were in the lower meadow, beside the lake.🐂🐄 (thank goodness I am a bit scared of cows!)

We both liked looking at the back gardens as we passed by on the footpath, there was a riot of colours! One garden was full of brightly coloured tulips while another garden was full of golden yellow daffodils of all varieties. 

 There were quite a lot of different  butterflies about,  we saw a peacock butterfly, a yellow one, common white, a red admiral or painted lady? and a little blue one. A few very large bumble bees buzzing around the flowers too.  Some ducks were quacking noisily, beside the pond in another garden! 🦆🦆

Soon we arrived at our destination, which was the little chapel in the centre of the woods hidden beneath the trees. Here, we were able to rest inside the little warm chapel for a while, and I whispered a little prayer of thanksgiving,  that I even made it there, my first real long walk since covid!

I like this little chapel, with its quiet altar, its flowers, the candles and behind the altar on the wall, the words of the Lords prayer on the left  side and the 10 commandments on the right hand side. Just to remind us what God expects of us.

On the way out of the church we saw the lady vicar just leaving the house of one of her parishoners nearby in the village, so I waved.. She knows me and she waved back. "Would you both like a lift back home?" She asked. "Yes please, that's very kind of you" I replied and gave a big smile and huge sigh of relief!  "Thank you." I think God just answered my prayers, as we were both feeling so tired after that walk!

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Easter Week

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 7 Apr 2024, 08:24

Christ of the cross Salvador Dali

Christ of Saint John of the Cross. By Salvador Dali.

Picture from Wikipedia

'For God so loved the world" John 3v16

Ref. The Bible

Listen on youtube

To God so loved the world  by "Hillsong" with lyrics


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 7 Apr 2024, 08:22)
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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 6 Apr 2024, 08:25

Easter is a time of renewal, of new life. Emerging from the dark winter days, we look forward to a new life in Christ. Christ who has died, Christ who has risen and Christ who will come again. Jesus Christ died for our sins to bring us closer to God.

All our sins will be wiped out, when we believe in Jesus's sacrifice, that he died for us to take away once and for all every sin we have ever committed. Only then can God look upon us as his pure children.

Repent, believe, receive!

"Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be white like wool."


NIV version
Isaiah 1:18

Matthew 20:28

"The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” That was his purpose, his mission on earth to show us the way and to lead us to God.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Ref. The Bible

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Réalisé cette année!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 23 June 2024, 04:36

Cette dernière année, j'ai : -

•  réussies - Langues et culture niveau 3
• J'ai réussi - niveau 3 dans le module de langue anglaise. Réussi - niveau 3 du module de langue française.
• J'ai lu plusieurs livres en français et j'en ai compris environ la moitié.
• Regarder des films en français sans sous-titres. J'en ai compris environ la moitié.
• J'ai pu parler en français à mon ami français au téléphone.
• J' ai écrit sur une blogue français
•  J'ai appris à mon ami anglais les bases du français pour débutants.
•  A écrit sur un blog anglais
• Rédaction d'essais en français
• Participation à un forum multilingue.
•  A rejoint la chorale
• J'ai joué d'un instrument de musique en petit groupe.
• J'ai amélioré mes compétences en informatique !
• J"ai Bénévole à la bibliothèque
• fini de tricoter une couverture chaude et colorée.
• J'ai participé au rangement de mon village local
• Je me suis lié d'amitié avec une charmante famille d'un autre pays qui vit maintenant dans mon village.
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