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Dreaming of France- poem 🇫🇷

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 05:23

France is a country
I love to explore
With its mountains and valleys
And coasts I adore

The countryside beckons
As a place of retreat
Long walks in the forests
And a stay in the gite

Orchards and vineyards
With rows of ripe fruit
There's a wine tasting visit
If you follow the route!

Fields of fresh lavender
That smell so divine
And Walking through meadows
All bathed in sunshine

The mountains so high
Some have snow on them too
The air's so refreshing
And there's a wonderful view

In Paris the Louvre
Famous paintings to see
And Notre dame cathedral
On the Île- de -la -cité.

Gill Burrell


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The gift that keeps on giving

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 4 Aug 2023, 04:29


Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed himself!

Proverbs 11. 25

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Free at last!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 18:18


If the son (Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed!

1 John 8. 36
From the Bible


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Freedom and Love

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 4 July 2021, 11:47

The Verse for Today is from Galatians 5:13 ESV For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through ❤️ love serve one another.

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Global warning!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 4 July 2021, 12:21


Many people in our society deny the threat of Global warming. 

They are in fact in denial because they do not want to face the truth of the reality.

In a short time I am sure there will be many more disasters all over the world. The threat for survival is probably just as much dangerous as Covid 19.

The greed of the big corporations is limitless in using the resources of this  already exhausted earth ! 

In a little while God wil destroy those who are ruining the earth!

(Thats in the bible!)

The book of Revelation in the Bible talks about the waters turning bitter, the sun scorching people and plagues now does this sound familiar.?

God knows the righteous man and will save him but the evil doer shall perish.

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Environmental poem 🌍

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 4 Sept 2021, 20:36

The End is nigh -

Exhaust pipes

Coughing out toxicity

Fossil fuels pollution

Mans complicity

Chemical solution 

Devil may care

Carbon in the air

Poisoning our lungs

Choking, smoking

Burning, croaking,

The earth is screaming

Where's the meaning?

Our children die!

The end is nigh!


(Environmental poem)

Gill Burrell

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Environment- Why Can't Governments make life better for people Living in inner cities?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 Aug 2024, 02:21

Why not Making life better for people in the inner cities - post Covid19

There has been some significant progress made in cities with the introduction of pedestrianisation in parts of the city, but it doesn't go far enough there needs to be much more pedestrianised areas, also in terms of  reducing traffic and facilitating good social distancing. 🚧 🚶‍♀️🚵‍♂️  

By having Pedestrianisation in towns, it will enable the residents to move around and socially distance more easily from shop to shop, without being hindered by the sheer volume of people that are crowded together like cattle all in one area because of the volume of  traffic taking up all space along the roads.

The closing up of certain streets to traffic, and the redirection of ⛔traffic flow together with out of town parking, will help with social distancing in the town centre areas, and make a very great difference to the residents of inner city streets, as well as shoppers in the town centres.🏙

Residents can have a more 🏡peaceful existence, without the constant noise of traffic hurtling past their windows, non stop for hours on end. 🚘🚙🚚🚛🚑This will also be more beneficial for their mental health. 🙂

Another bonus is not having to breathe in the poisonous fumes from the petrol emissions,⛽  which causes so many health problems in the population like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema and other respiratory illnesses.🗣🌬    🤮  

Having less cars 🚗🚙around the town centre areas would greatly improve the health of its citizens. It would also create a more pleasant and safer shopping experience, with more space for social distancing, for those visiting the city. The town centre should  be a more attractive area, which could be a more desirable place to live and buy a property🌲🏪🏠🏡

Electric cars 🚙are becoming increasingly popular. They have less dangerous emissions and are less harmful to the health of the residents.
Unfortunately, at the moment they are still pricey £ and out of reach for most ordinary people.  There should be more  discount schemes to encourage people to choose to buy electric. Who can afford it!

An updated public transport 🚌🚍system will be essential, as this will encourage people to drive less. Buses need to be cleaned 🧽thoroughly on a regular basis and kept in good condition,  Hand sanitizers🧴 provided and spacing made for social distancing.  Public transport is particularly important for people living out of town, and for those living in the outlying villages to have access to shopping centres, for visits for days out, tourism, cinema, sports centres and restaurants 🚎 fares should be kept low and concessions for pensioners and those on low incomes.

It is better for the economy £ to have safer and healthier environments to shop in. The shopping areas need to be spacious areas, good for social distancing, with benches (spaced appart) to sit on, and green 🌲🌳areas with trees. This is better for the health, as the  trees will absorb  CO2 ,  good also for the well being of the towns residents.

There are some encouraging signs that things are changing for the better. However there are still much more improvements to be made within inner city areas,  to make more space for social distancing so that any infectious diseases are less likely to spread and ensure the future health of its citizens post covid19.

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Just for fun- a metaphor

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 13 Sept 2021, 14:14

Cat 😼
says to bird 🐦
What are you doing?
Bird says looking for food 🦗 🐦
Cat says so am I !

🐦   😺


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 7 July 2021, 21:37)
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French Blog- un Jour froid et pluvieux 

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 3 July 2021, 10:57

Hier il a plu toute la journée. 🌧🌫
Quel été ! Je lis mon 📚 livre un roman policier.
Je suis assise sur le porche, 🪑🚪🌲à l'abri de la pluie avec la porte d'entrée ouverte.
Je lis mon livre et de  temps en temps je chercher les mots dans mon dictionnaire.📖
Mon fils est allé se promener avec son père 🚶‍♂️👨‍🦯 au parc pour regarder un match de football local. ⚽️ 🥅 comment peuvent-ils jouer au football par ce temps?

Je n'aime pas sortir sous la pluie battante. Je préfère rester à la maison 🏡
parce que le temps est mauvais. Je regarde les arbres  et les fleurs dans le jardin, 🌻🌷🌼🌺🌾et Je lis mon livre en paix. Quand mes gaçons rentreront chez eux, ils mangeront un bon repas chaud. 🍜🥖 C'est un Spaghetti bolognaise !


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The village 🏘

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 29 June 2021, 23:58

I was inspired to copy this poem down after spending my holidays in the french mountains quite a few years ago.🏡🏘⛰🏞 Gill

Le retour au village  ⛰🏘

Je vais revoir mon village,

Les lieux que J'ai tant chéris,

Et la montagne sauvage,

Et les églantiers fleuris;

Douce trêve

Qu'un long rêve

Qui s'achève

Les encore à mes esprits.

Je verrai la croix qui penche

Au front des rochers alpins,

Et les tapis de pervenche,

Et les halliers d'aubépins,

Et la mousse

Qui repousse

Molle et douce

A l'abri de noirs sapins.

Je reverrai la bruyère

Qui s'incline en gémissant,

Je reverrai la clairière

Où le ruisseau va 


Et ton onde


Qui féconde

Le pecage verdissant.


Charles Nodier.

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The rain

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 28 June 2021, 16:29

La Pluie  🌧☂️🌫

Mouille, mouille, Paradis!
Tout est à l'abri;
N'y a que mon petit frère
Qui est sous la gouttière
A ramasser des p'tits poissons
Pour sa collation.
La gouttière a défoncé
Mon p'tit frère s'en est allé
Tout mouillé

Chanson populaire citée par Kuhff

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Love ❤

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 17 Nov 2021, 21:32

Let us not love with just words or speech but with actions and in truth.


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Fellowship of life

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 19:44

The prayer 🙏of the fellowship of life.🐇

Oh God our father, 🌅we thank you for the wonder and beauty of your creation.🌲

Forgive us, we pray,🙏 that we have taken it all for granted and have ruthlessly and selfishly exploited it in so many ways contrary to thy will  🐖🐑

In particular we pray for the animals and birds,🕊🦅sharers in your creation, that are powerless to protect themselves from the terror and anguish of ⚡slaughterhouse and vivisection 🐇 laboratory, and those that die cruel and often lingering deaths so that we may wear their skins. 🦊🐆

Let us cease to turn deaf ears to their cries and teach us how to live our lives mercifully and justly so that our ❤ love for you will be mirrored by our love for  All Thy creation.

Fellowship of life Eynhallow, Croy, Inverness. 1v1 2PG

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Summer rain 🌦 reading in french

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 25 Sept 2023, 17:18

The weather has changed and there is a steady slow rain 🌦falling after many days of sunshine.  I draw back the curtains in the lounge and look out onto the garden. The lawn looks so green  🟩 and flowers ⚘🌸🌺  are colourful and bright in the summer rain. The rain is softly falling onto the trees 🌲🌳and grass.

I make my coffee☕ then I go and eat my cereal in the porch  on a chair overlooking the garden and watch the rain. 

There is no sign of the 🐈🐈cats yet anywhere. I suspect they could be in the greenhouse or summer house of the neighbours or under their caravan.

I call out to them but no sign of them. They will come back eventually but not yet while it's raining because they don't like the rain 🌦and prefer to be under cover somewhere.😾

It seems strange having no OU studies to be occupied with at the moment, but I still have some books 📚 to read, to keep my newly acquired skills sharpened, so I intend to do that some point during the day.

But for now I sit quietly and feel the presence of God. He is here and he is all around. I tell him my thoughts and prayers.

I look on my emails and messages but nothing of importance. 📬Just a voicemail from the local doctors surgery to remind me to make an appointment will do that today by phone. 

I close my eyes and sigh. It's so quiet here outside today so peaceful, it must be because of the rain. 🌧
However, soon the silence is being broken by the sound of dogs 🐕🐩barking in the distance announcing the imminent arrival of the postman. 👨‍✈️ and  this then marks the beginning of my day.

Today is not an OU study day but I am going to read my detective story in french. I am also reading from the series of books 'Toi et Moi' which is quite funny and very easy to read in French!

Have a good holiday!


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Une journée ensoleilée 🌝

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 26 June 2021, 21:31

C'était bon de voir le Soleil aujourd'hui. 🌞  La température à atteint vingt degrés 20° où nous vivons. 🏡🌲
J'ai même persuadé mon fils de venir se promener avec moi.👨‍🦯🚶‍♀️
Dans le parc publique les enfants jouent.🤸‍♀️ 🌲
Ils sont revenus à nouveau. 🚵‍♂️
Ils jouent sur l'equipement de jeux et leurs mères viennent les regarder.   👩‍👧‍👦   

Sur le terrain de jeu,  les garçons jouent au football ⚽️  en plein air !

Le soleil brillait 🌞 et tout le monde était très heureux d'étre à l' extérieur. 👫⛱🌲

Bonne vacances !

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A blog in french

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 22:53

Pour le moment je fais une pause, mais je continue toujours la lecture en Français.
                       📖 📚
Je lis des histoires de detective 'Maigret ' par George Simenon. J'aime lire des romans policiers, c'est très intéressant, cela m'aide à apprendre le vocabulaire français.

Je suis aussi en train de lire la série ' 'Toi et Moi' juste pour m'amuser, c'est parce que c'est facile a lire, et pour pratiquer la langue Française.

Pour terminer, je voudrais vous souhaiter de très agréable vacances ou vacance chez - soi !



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God is....

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 23 June 2021, 11:12

The nature of God 

God is Omnipotent, Omniscient- Omnipresent.

Omnipotent- means all powerful

Omniscient - means all knowing

Omnipresent - means always there.

❤ 🪔 📖  🕌⛪🕍

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Poem- Facing Covid19

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 05:34

This pleasant land of England

Was struck by a terrible plague

It was so very cruel, 

and came to us wave by wave

Thousands of people died each day

We wondered why it would never go away

Some even said it was here to stay!

Some are in denial saying it can't be true

It just came up out of the blue!

The people wait inside their home

Wondering what will be next to come?

Now we wait to have the jabs

Knowing it's the best option that we've had

To send this virus upon its way

May it never again see the light of day!

Gill Burrell


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Environment- What should life be really like in the inner city areas- post covid?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Sept 2023, 08:11



Making life better for people in the inner cities

There has been some significant progress made in cities with the introduction of pedestrianisation in parts of the city, but it doesn't go far enough, in terms of  ⛔reducing traffic and facilitating social distancing. 🚧 🚶‍♀️🚵‍♂️  👩‍🦯 👨‍🦼

By having Pedestrianisation in towns, it will enable the residents to move around and socially distance more easily from shop to shop, without being hindered by the sheer volume of people that are crowded together like cattle all in one area because of traffic taking up all space along the roads. 🏢🏪🏠🌲

The closing up of certain streets to traffic, and the redirection of ⛔traffic flow together with out of town parking, will help with social distancing in the town centre area, and make a great difference to the residents of inner city streets, as well as shoppers in the town centres.🏙

Residents can have a more 🏡🌲peaceful existence, without the constant noise of traffic hurtling past their windows, non stop for hours on end. 🚘🚙🚚🚛🚗🚕🚑This will be more beneficial for their mental health. 😟🙂

Another bonus is not having to breathe in the poisonous fumes from the petrol emissions,⛽  which causes so many health problems in the population like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema and other respiratory illnesses.🗣🌬    🤮  🏥

Having less cars 🚗🚙around the town centre areas will greatly improve the health of its citizens. It will also create a more pleasant and safer shopping experience, with more space for social distancing, for those visiting the city. The town centre should  be a more attractive area, which could be a more desirable place to live and buy a property🌲🏪🏫

Electric cars 🚙are becoming increasingly popular. They have less dangerous emissions and are less harmful to the health of the residents.
Unfortunately, at the moment they are still pricey £ and out of reach for most ordinary people.  There should be more  discount schemes to encourage people to choose to buy electric.

An updated public transport 🚌🚍system will be essential, as this will encourage people to drive less. Buses need to be cleaned 🧽thoroughly on a regular basis and kept in good condition,  Hand sanitizers🧴 provided and spacing made for social distancing.  Public transport is particularly important for people living out of town, and for those living in the outlying villages to have access to shopping centres, for visits for days out, tourism, cinema, sports centres and restaurants 🚎 fares should be kept low and concessions for pensioners and those on low incomes.

It is better for the economy £ to have safer and healthier environments to shop in. The shopping areas need to be spacious areas, good for social distancing, with benches (spaced appart) to sit on, and green 🌲🌳🌳🌲areas with trees. 🌄This is better for the health, as the trees will absorb  CO2 ,  good also for the well being of the towns residents🙂

There are some encouraging signs that things are changing for the better. However there are still much more improvements to be made within inner city areas,  to make more space for social distancing so that any infectious diseases are less likely to spread and ensure the future health of its citizens post covid19.✅


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Poem- For Fathers

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 1 July 2021, 12:00

Fathers are great
Just like a good mate
They buy you a gift
They give you a lift
Stand by your side
To be your guide
Listen to your woes
Take on the blows
Make you laugh
Make you sing
Ride a bike
Fly a kite
Take you away
Make your day
Sometimes you fight
But then its alright
It was all in jest
Fathers- they are the best!

Gill Burrell


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When all else fails.....

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 27 June 2021, 19:07

 When all else fails -   Pray !🙏


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Environmental poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 26 June 2021, 13:24

Car fumes

Petrol is blue 🛢
It can kill you
Roses are red
They smell better too.⚘

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The end is nigh- environmental poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 1 Sept 2021, 11:09

Exhaust pipes

Coughing out toxicity

Fossil fuels pollution

Man's complicity

Chemical solution 

Devil may care

Carbon in the air

Poisoning our lungs

Choking, smoking

Burning, croaking,

The earth is screaming

Where's the meaning?

Our children die!

The end is nigh!


(Environmental poem)

Gill Burrell

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"Therefore I tell you , do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food , and the body more than clothing?
Matthew 6:25 ESV.

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Greedy Capitalists !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 26 Sept 2023, 19:51

Doing their dirty deals
Setting aside their
High ideals
Corrupt to the bone and greedy
Makes one feel rather queasy
Unsafe and most uneasy
Infectious and disease- y
What are they up to now?
Behind closed doors
They're counting their cash
They're taking a bow
Wheeling and double dealing
Using and stealing
Power abusing, concealing.
We are just pawns in their game
And we're there to be slaves

They play us like fools 

Breaking the rules

But they are just ghouls

Rob from the poor to make themselves rich!

Saying -
Hard luck, life's a bitch!

So enjoy your yacht
One day it will rot!
Enjoy your cash
It will become trash
Enjoy your fast car
It will not get you far!
Enjoy your goods
They will become duds
Enjoy your gold bit
Because it will
Not be worth....s**t !
💰£ €🔫🛥⛵🚘

God will ruin those who are ruining the earth!

Capitalists are greedy because they take from the poor!

By Gill Burrell

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 12 Dec 2021, 11:51)
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