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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 8 Apr 2013, 21:48

No decent, right-thinking human being should glory in the death of another human. I was tested today, I passed. I was utterly unmoved.

Much of what is wrong with this world today involves that thatcher person. She re-introduced an idea that isn't new, bolsheviks and nazis both used it: terror. She attacked people, people who other people might have atavistic instincts about, "the enemy within".

Much like the current government are attacking the undeserving poor, or the lame, or just anyone who they pay; a sub-section of society, one that most of the voters don't identify with.

The worst thing about the whole thing was that personally she wasn't very evil, she just didn't understand what she was doing.

Somwhere today I read that she, "rolled back the corrosive collective culture".

Collective culture, that is people being nice to people? Isn't it?

So bankers not fucking the world for their own profit and not even saying sorry, the government who can spend billions to prop up bankers bonuses pick on anyone who gets...

You know the gig wink

So while I won't delight in your death thatcher I think you were a horrible thing for the world...

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Roo N, Thursday, 11 Apr 2013, 17:21)
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NO, i'm not going to stop

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 6 Apr 2013, 23:55

I'm not going to be chased away from this place by my own petty anger.

What annoys me is that this place, the OU blogs, seems to have become a course forum for some courses. Why does that annoy me? Because you have your own course forum, why do you post course-specific stuff here? Why is that every third post is some mangled Anglish that says nothing, explains nothing and is un-understandable to most students? Are you so stupid that you can't create a wordpess blog? Or use your course forum?

Yes, I can scroll past. Except that isn't the point is it? If I'm screen downing I'll miss stuff, the stuff that I want to read because of the [meaningless to me] screed of tripe that you've written to impress, who? The worst thing is that you are suppost to be about eLearning and yet you can't explain one thing [online] to fairly clever people.

Why? Why are you doing this and why when we complain do you say, "shut up"? Or ignore us entirely; Apart from Jon I can't find one instance where one of you has commented on another person's blog, or have replied to a comment on your own blog unless the comment was from one of the cabal.

[You don't read what anyone else here writes:- broadcast. What do your elLeaning principles say about educators who broadcast but don't recieve?]

Come on, one of you must have the bravery to poke your head above the parapet and say that I'm wrong in anything that I say here.

Otherwise you a just cowards.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Mike Green, Monday, 8 Apr 2013, 14:25)
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i have decided to pull the rip-cord

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I am gone



Permalink 6 comments (latest comment by Rachel Austin, Wednesday, 3 Apr 2013, 14:12)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 1 Apr 2013, 01:04

I've been trying to write a blog post, on my nonsense, about number theory. I think that I know what I want to say but it seems that I've become too drunk say it. The argument [about why this is just great & brilliant stuff] is tight but the maths is loose. So I leave it until I'm sober [next Sunday].

Now I don't have to blog about numbers, or anything else for that matter, but what would happen if I had to blog? What might I say?

There are people here, on this very site, look over your shoulder's folks, who have to blog as part of their course. Is this either appropriate, useful or right? I think not for all three. Why do I think not?

For a long time I wasn't sure about appropriate; these were clever people, people who cited references, people who knew about the online, e-learning process, ... stuff that really belongs on a course forum. Should I talk about Turing, in a course sense here?

Useful? Only to them methinks. To the rest of us they are bad-advert of...stuff we never signed up for. I've posted comments on these crap sites. Guess what? No reply. Ever.

OU bloggers change my life meme on a constant basis. The forced aren't OU bloggers, at best these are counters: counters of beans, words, the letters after their names, of something that real people don't count...the join-the-dots-crew.

They are all about e-learning, about delivering knowledge online, about the dissemination of knowledge in the widest possible sense.

And yet I don't understand in single, or combination, any of words that they've ever written. It's a cant and it's meant to be a cant. They are deliberately excluding us. Or are they just stupid? Or are they evil?

Don't believe me? Scroll five posts up or down, some H-blah number will be posting something about why you will read what they've written that you won't read without some type of torture.

All of the above I'd forgive if they weren't so boring.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Kathryn Johnson, Monday, 1 Apr 2013, 15:43)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Sunday, 31 Mar 2013, 22:34
I love the days that the clocks change. True I have to change the time on a lot of clocks but it does tell me what devices have the ability to, "phone elsewhere". And hence bear [sic] watching, and subverting, in my future as a fugitive.
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tma away...

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 28 Mar 2013, 19:36

For the computer course, one unit completed for the maths course and one TMA question grokked for the maths course.

Plan for the weekend [a long one]? Two maths units read, three TMA questions grokked. Plan for tonight? Fire up Dia and create some sequence diagrams for the solitaire thingee! >wink

Sometimes one must allow yourself some fun...

... and some Muse.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Sunday, 31 Mar 2013, 20:08)
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computer science and the OU

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I'm woefully behind with my maths course—no units done and a TMA due in the next couple of weeks. Not panicking yet. If only because a couple of the units are, mostly, about something that I've done before, done during the building blocks of software; a course now sadly gone.

Which got me thinking—does the OU do computer science? The sad answer is no. I'm doing the degree, a discontinued one, that most nearly approximates to computer science in real-world terms but it isn't really computer science. And when I've finished my degree there's nowhere for me to go in the OU.

My current courses are number theory and software development, number theory is about the most computery science thing that I've done in ages. Most of my computer courses have been about writing code or designing systems, which I want to be able to do but which has never been my main focus. I can always learn to write code and who really wants to create a system?

Don't get me wrong—I have learnt a lot, it's just that I've realized that if I want to take my personal madness forwards I'm going to have to do it outside the OU, bereft of the discipline of tutors, exams, TMAs and fellow students. Which is a wee bit sad.

Still, I expect that I'll always have a course on the go here. So all that is needed is that I stand on my own brain for once.

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one clock

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For different reasons my wife and I like clocks. For me it's a memory of my paternal gran and grampa's house, where every quarter hour was marked by a tintinnabulation of chimes. For my wife? Well, you'd have to ask her. Anyhoo, we've always had a lot of clocks; every room in our house has at least two. Fifteen in a four room house.

The problem is that they [the clocks] get out of sync; Like my gran and grampa's clocks did—I well remember the day when we were 'treated' to a whole hour of ding-dang-ding-dong at distressingly irregular intervals. Coco [my brother] and I were border-line deranged by this, our grandparents seemed unmoved.

Aside from not knowing what the actual time is there's the ticking, "tick, tick, tock, tick, tock, tock...". Annoys.

So when, recently, we had a few pence to rub together we decided that we needed a big clock, a ruling clock, the one clock to rule them all. Here is what we purchased. It isn't on the wall yet, it sits in the corner, worshiped, keeping perfect time. The other clocks have had their batteries removed or have been otherwise disabled. We still have our personal alarms because we may be away from the one clock....

Having a ruling clock I've noticed that I'm enslaved by time, it rules my life; everything I do has a deadline. This feels inhuman. I wake up precisely before my shifts, when I open an eye I know what time it is by the light and the noise.

Why does the one clock rule us?



Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Cathy Lewis, Saturday, 23 Mar 2013, 12:29)
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a partial

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explaination for why I have been so quiet lately.

Not sure that you cared...


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Colin Young, Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 18:00)
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snow, snow

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I hate snow.

Today I worked the full two shifts, six of the am to ten of the pm. Most of these hours spent on my lonesome in a playground with shovel and salt, my sole soul mates.

People who crossed my path either complained about the weather or suggested that I'd consumed more than the calories allocated to me for the day. I wasn't really sure how to take that...

Today has been a day of odd, strange, clouds in different skies. Before the sun was up the clouds were puce limed gold on a royal blue cushion; as I walked home the same but different clouds hung under the the darkest of star-flecked black-firmament.

I hate clouds

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Jonathan Vernon, Tuesday, 12 Mar 2013, 06:54)
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been quiet lately

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Been doing stuff. Computer course, shared project, working hard at a nonsense project. Happy.

I found that I wasn't doing what I desired, for too long I've just been coasting along, ticking boxes. I'd forgotten why I needed maths, it was always a tool to an end, so that I could understand stuff like this, not something that I wanted to know; just something I need to know.

I often get like this when I have my computing head on: thrawn. I must be one thing or another mustn't I?

Yeh well, neil, you don't. What is it about you that you don't like? Why this eternal naval gazing? Why can't you be happy?

That has never been something that I wanted.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 8 Mar 2013, 17:59)
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Is positively strewn with annoyances. [Warning geekery!!]
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life, OU life

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I'd planned that my m381 moans would be off-set by a, much more chipper, post about m256, where I'm having such fun. A balance if you will. However, you will have to put up with my regular moaning self.
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Chris FInlay, Saturday, 16 Feb 2013, 14:23)
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Mortal tired.

I have a maths TMA to get away tomorrow, still two and one half questions away from completion. I have a day off but my wife and I fancy a walk in the woods.

Am I sick of maths? I don't know; TMA hell-time isn't a proper time to be thinking about anything but there's someone inside me saying, "you've proved that you can, give it up now". I lack the will to argue with him.

I understand but I don't grokk. Everything is so hard. Recently I started a computer course and it was, "wow! this stuff is easy". Have I lost the plot?

I need that walk in the woods more than the marks that I'll get. There's something wrong with my head that only open air and nature will cure.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 13 Feb 2013, 20:15)
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My avatar doesn't seem to show up in some of the course forums, can't have that. So I discussed this with my wife last night. We came up with a plan.

The plan involves make-up, false eyelashes, cigarettes and strong drink. The type of plan that I love.

See me soon...

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I seem to have a problem with my work computer, it isn't behaving itself. Some security update? I'm too tired to chase it down tonight. I may even be doing something stupid.

I should be doing my maths TMA, the deadline for which is getting uncomfortably close. I sense a weekend of sweat, horror, red bull-shakes and despair.

I'm not too worried though, most of the TMA is just work; I don't think that I need to understand anything very much.

On the plus side the M256 team project is looking good. There's a great group of people on board, I think that we have a reasonable, and achievable plan and I'm fairly confident that I can project manage this.

I can't believe how much I've missed computing. Still there was a point last week when I almost chucked it all in. Pull the rip-chord, give up, stop striving. I don't need, "the piece of paper", I've probably gotten everything that I really need from the OU. I could stop. I can't really.

This is now in my blood. I can't imagine not having an exam to study for, a TMA to do. I could settle back into a comfortable uselessness, or a selfish bliss. I don't want that. I would hate myself.

I'm tired, angry, scared and entranced. I ramble and moan but I have a sense of my own sharpness. The OU taught me that. I'm not very clever but what you can always expect from me, now, is that I'll think. You'll always get considered thought out of me. Rubbish as that may be.

I may be wrong about the subject-matter to-hand but if you get into an argument with me you may be assured that I'm not trying winding you up. I have genuine concerns, I want to understand.

And I want to help you understand too.

Knowledge without insight isn't much use and knowledge without insight and understanding is even more useless.


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 6 Feb 2013, 21:12)
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a funny thing has happened

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 5 Feb 2013, 00:53

Someone attempted to bully me recently [not here!!]. (I'm 53!) Perhaps they didn't see it as such, but that was what they did.

I've had a week or so to think about this and the emotions that are resurfacing as a result of this.

I was very badly bullied in my first two years of secondary school. For the next two years I was a bad choice for the bully but it still happened. My last two years; I was hunting bullies. I am someone who you should think very hard about having a, "go at" in any sense.

That sounds a bit gung-ho and agressive. That's down to me being badly bullied. I learned a behaviour, I don't like bullies and I know how to cause them worry. The basic trick is to not react in a way that they want.

A massively inappropriate reaction to a simple greeting, a simple, "cool" while being punched, a laugh in the wrong place. Don't ever let them settle, don't ever let them 'get' you, 'get' to them.

This was the stuff of my youth. I thought that it was gone and past and not needed anymore. Turns out the bullies are still here.

Again, I am being bullied.

I hate the fact that I have to dig out of my head behaviours that  I really thought that I would never need again. But there is a bit of me will enjoy using them again.

This above is all very cerebal. The main problem is that my anger is out of control because I feel bullied. I hate that. I hate that people can do this to me. I know that I'm mad and I hate that.

I can't think of a round-up, so I'm going to post as is



Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 5 Feb 2013, 23:40)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013, 23:55

Hopefully at some point of your life you'll fall in with a bunch of people who seem like they will be able to change the world for the better, for someone. It's always a group that changes the world for the better. It's all to easy for an individual to make it worse.

For me it was a certain primary school and a senior management team who were confident enough to allow me to use my off-normal-sequence skills to their best advantage.

Specifically I was to deal with the difficult kids in a way that they didn't expect adults to. Nothing was ever said of course.

We had one particular wee lost soul who caused us many problems. When he came to us the damage had been done but we tried. There was an unspoken agreement amongst us that however often we failed we would never abandon him. As long as the other kids were, and felt, safe. That was my job.

I knew that he was trouble the first time that I clocked him, the first time that I touched him was when I scooped him away from punching a wee girl, the look of horror and surprise on his face said it all, "nobody can stop me!". I let him punch me for a while and then just extended my arm, which he punched until he started crying.

School is about your friends rubbing the corners off your selfishness. This wasn't going to be the case in this case.

I spent a lot of my thoughts on this problem, starting after-school clubs so that he could interact with his peers in a different way. The clubs were a success (Warhammer, Chess, Pokemon, games right!)] they helped others but he always went mad and had to be exiled. All I ever had was a hold over him, a rather wobbly one, but I could make him behave. Which held him for other people too.

Then came regime change.

The day that the world changed was when he threw a plate at another kid, something that he knew was unacceptable. I was in the room at the time, I remember seeing his face as I started baring down on him; there wasn't fright on his face, he just knew that a trouble that he didn't like was coming.

An AHT ran into my face. She explained that, "We've decided on a different way of tackling this..."

He punched her in the face about a week later and was excluded. That was when I decided that I was no longer required.

Today I saw him riding on a bike along the canal and from the look upon his face I know that we failed him. That we would be I.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Joyce Rae, Friday, 1 Feb 2013, 00:59)
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Chinese new year

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Saturday morning, Chinese school. We are coming up to New Year so there are dragon drums beating everywhere and I'm looking at a pile of envelopes that I know that I should deal with.

There are mornings of this world where you just feel like going away but then you remember other mornings that you would have hated to miss.

And I quite like dragon drums.

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a dead mouse

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 25 Jan 2013, 19:30

My wife aggressively shook me awake this morning to announce that there was a dead mouse lying on the floor of our spare room.

This was not an, "eek I'm scared" moment, this was a corpse management situation.

Usually we deal with birds and have a system, you put the deceased under a pot and allow nature to take its course. Eventually you are left with something that you can steep in bio-machine-wash, which will strip it to the bones. Then all that's involved is a sieve and a wee bit of peeling.

Mammals are difficult, they have fur. [We've never done an actual human but we are agreed that we are more like birds than hairy mammals and the pot would need to be huge.]

We decided that the first thing we had to do was desiccate the beast, which would give us options. There was some discussion about skinning the poor wee thing but we were both a wee bit too squeamish to do that.


If you want bones sometimes you are just going to have to put up with doing things that are a bit weird.


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Jan Pinfield, Saturday, 26 Jan 2013, 10:28)
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i might be ill?

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Can't be. I don't get ill—I get mad, in the sense of genuine mental disorder rather than upset about something. I don't get ill.

Don't get me wrong, I've taken more than my fair share of sickies, I don't do it any more but that's because it would be a personal-hassle rather than that I have a moral objection to doing so. My work always mounts up and only I can do it, so time off has to be balanced against returning to a greater mountain of workload.

This feels different, I don't want to be off. I've been working hard, physically and mentally, over the last few days but this amount of muscle ache? True, I'm getting older but I've been doing things that I do all the time. And I feel too hot.

I've got the flu haven't I? Crivvens.

Still, even although I can't really go off sick [people might discover my secrets] I can hope that by coming into work I might infect everyone else. The entire place will be closed if we achieved plague-like conditions!

There's something about that plan that worries me and suggests that I may be ill.

Or just mad, again.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Susan Whelan, Friday, 25 Jan 2013, 13:56)
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sitting on the floor

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Trying to read some on-line documentation [for sourceForge], all the while nagged, in a back-of-brain sense, that I don't know how to mash mods properly, whilst compulsively squinting out of the window to see if the weather will require of me to get up for a pre-dawn snow-scrapping experience of black/white/salt horridness.

Hi-def, stereo, Jeremy Kyle is my harsh mad-shouting soundtrack for this. At last count I have five hundred episodes on disc. Some day I'm going to meet him and I'm going to be more him than he is.


That folks, is how you start a book wink


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i've said this elsewhere...

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...in a comment on a comment to another post. I think that it bears repeating...[changed]

Steve Jobs said, "people don't know what they want until we give it to them". He was right. We need to hold that thought in our heads, for we are prone to obidging the loudest compainers, which we shouldn't.

If I hear the word, "stakeholder" in a meeting my mind says, "an opinionated shouter that we'd be wise to ignore if we want this thing to work".

Jobs got things wrong, he got things right, what he never did was to produce something designed by a committee that decided an outcome based on listening to those who shouted the loudest. Jobs produced lovely things that we didn't know that we needed. Everyone else listened to what their customers wanted, produced crap and then scrambled to build cheaper, crappier versions of what Apple had done. And they mostly failed.

They failed because they listened to their 'stakeholders'.

Feedback is important but much more important is filtering it. If you just do what the latest shouter wants you to do, are you really doing anything?

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Andy Robson, Saturday, 19 Jan 2013, 10:41)
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skip, skop, stop

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 12 Jan 2013, 22:18

Too many horrors to deal with? The answer is to catch up with your current course. It helps in so so many ways, I'm even thinking about talking my bank. ...em, perhaps not just yet neil....urggh

I've been deliberately not writing stuff here for the past week; my focus was focused on my maths and my work-work work.This was efficious, efficious in that I got about a quarter of the stuff that needed doing done.

So should I just stop writing crap at the fag end of a night when I am unsober? It's a balance.

I want, almost need, to project screeds of my rabid crap into the ether that is the www. I'd like to do other things too but they must always be secondary to my primary purpose—to inflict my descripton of my head upon you.



Permalink 6 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 15 Jan 2013, 21:04)
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