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Excited about ThingLink upgrades

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I have used ThingLink extensively over the last 18 months so am delighted with the upgrades even if several of them require me to learn some new techniques:

Not only is it becoming, far, far easier to use but upgrades include:

·         Content can be downloaded to use offline.

·         Audio can be added ‘in real time’ to the screen you are looking at.

·         All text added using the ThingLink editor automatically includes Immersive Audio greatly improving accessibility.

With education in mind and giving students access to the platform for project work:

·         Content can be shared, so a project can be developed collaboratively.

·         Content can be developed as an assignment with grades given for responses. So a Health & Safety tour now becomes an interactive quiz with grades given out at the end.

And much more besides! 

A choice of 65 instant language versions, tags in 360 video …

Tours themselves are already far easier to create as images are linked by selecting thumbnails of the image you want to ‘teleport’ to, rather than having to use a 27 digit URL.


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I'm not sure I'm up to this: learning yet another platform

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What do you think? When you've learnt one App you can readily pick up another? I'd prefer to assemble and run a team of experts at this, each bringing their own skill, otherwise it is like being in a choir of ONE, where I have to sing Soprano, Treble, Tenor and Bass all my self. 

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Another platform to learn :(

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HP5 will be the platform I have to master in order to create scenario-based learning. This and shoot video. illustrate and all the rest. 

Maybe I'll get an illustrator involved. Maybe I'll shoot video or create a photo story instead. Anything to keep it simple. 

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A fun way to introduce health eating to kids?

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One of seven examples provided by Anna Sabramowicz in her weekly webinar on Facebook. She runs a private group: Scenario Design Accelerator and an open group Engaging eLearning Group. 




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Who are best eLearning Companies?

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 14 Oct 2019, 14:34

Several are in Brighton:

Brightwave Group


LEO Learning


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The TES SEN Show

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I'm delighted to have stumbled upon this the day before the event opens as I will now be going along. I am busily completing a script for a scenario-based elearning course to support SEN students with Independent Travel.

Scripting the learning is one thing. Delivering it with these kinds of tools and this level of functionality is another. Bespoke paltforms let you do this - you build it this way. Off the shelf platform are far more limited.

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Interactive Scenarious with Anna Sabramowicz

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After a couple of weeks of distractions I am back to trying to master interactive elearning design with Anna Sabramowicz. He informal webinars on Facebook are a great place to get started, and for me to keep in touch and to regain my focus as I develop a project.




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58 today

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I was 39 when I first signed up for an Open University MA in 2000. It was the MA in Open & Distance Learning. Having taken and not completed one module I picked this up again in 2010 and completed an MA in Open & Distance Education in 2013.

A further degree in British History of Britain and the First World War has followed. I am the Digital Editor for The Western Front Association. 

I am a Green Party Town Councillor and the Head Coach at a local swimming club. So a busy life that also includes involvement with the local sailing club and life drawing.





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Conference of the Parties 26 : A Roadmap for Success

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14 months away. Worth reading the background work and planning to be there. 




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Best Laid Plans

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A Fresher's Fair Run by staff doesn't work. Next to NIL interest. Not helped by someone kindly producing a poster for me saying 'Learning Resources' - the best way to put people off, rather than attract their attention.

Having created posters and flyers in various sizes with shortened URLs and QR Codes and then set up at the two community PCs in the common space I promptly had both computers taken over by a couple of guys wanting to play games. As I warned, with the main corridor used for multiple stalls, and the refrectary behind a partion wall - that is where all the students remain with all but the Dominoe's Pizza stall (giving away pizza and recruiting staff) and the Chelmydia desk wth any activity. I have seen my flyers screwed up and chucked on the floor.

I will check viewing figures. I am not hopeful. I overheard some students when asking each other what they were going to do during Freshers' Fair saying they would go home.

This is an FE college, more of a school than a campus based university.


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Swimming Coaching Planning

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Thursday, 19 Sept 2019, 10:01

There's a lot of this in my life these days. A case of a volunteer role 16 years ago gradually turning me into a qualified Swim England swimming teacher and coach with 1000s of hours of experience. Planning every session almost takes as long as running the session itself. These based on macrocycle planning for the months ahead.

Three weeks of 'streamlining' then three weeks of 'power/energy' work has been my intention. A good deal of technique improvement is required, and rather more discipline with attendance, arriving on time, and pre and post pool warm up and flexibility.  

I take 6 out of 8 sessions for a National Perforamce Squad. I also attend most of the Open Meets and Galas. At times paid hours are soon matched by additional hours yet again done as a volunteer - the nature of British swimming at a small club scale. 

Already 17 days behind, I want to add these to my Swimcoach Blog https://wordpress.com/view/swimcoach.blog 

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A lot more of this: ThingLink 360° Interactive Tours

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One of the Control Rooms in the impressive complex of live rooms, control rooms, post-production and other rooms (DJ room, sound booth) all at Northbrook MET, West Durrington where I am based at least once a week - often throughout the week supporting various creative departments inlcuding Performing Arts, Props & SFX, Textiles and Music & Music Technology.

Music : http://bit.ly/2kpQyue

Theatre : http://bit.ly/2m4IM9n 

Textiles : http://bit.ly/2lM2Gpp

Props & SFX : http://bit.ly/2lHeE3J 





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Planet eStream. Not such a hard sell to the right group of students

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We have a break through with specialist Props & Special Effects HE students to use the access to 2.3m TV programmes as a valuable research tool. 


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Something Went Wrong

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 16 Sept 2019, 15:18

Something going wrong frustrates many, is the digital way of life to others. I fall somewhere between the two depending on my mood. Why, oh why, having successfully done something last week will it not work this week?

I'm MAC not PC born. So I struggle with the constant trips and lack of intuativity that I feel comes with a PC.

These photographs would be on, are on my MAC at home. I take a pic on my iPhone, iPad or Sony DSL and that's where they end up. 


At college they have to be imported onto the network via the camera disc and a cable. Today PC Photos doesn't like what I have to offer. I am expecting to import RAW photos to colour correct on Adobe Lightroom. I can neither import them, nor open Adobe Lightroom.

A challenge for another day. 

For someone the fix will be obvious. Who to ask? Google doesn't want to help me. Google the problem and you just get flogged an App that will be a panacea for all your problems. 

Any suggestions out there? 

I can see I'll be taking this home with me - get them on my iMac at home that drop them into my college Google Photos album to make use of tomorrow. 


I just opened Google Photos and uploaded there. I'll make do of the editing tool there for now. I don't need to do anything fancy via Adobe Lightroom with these.

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Simle done. A 360 Tour of the Learning Resource Centre aimed at Students with Special Educational Needs

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There are distinct limitations when using an 'off the shelf' platform. The design component is limited so you have to use your imagination to generate text that is large and accessible. For now this features my voice too. My prefered option will be to video a student doing this and either use them 'in vision' or as a voice over.

Watch this space. 

Now I suppose I need to add some voice over narration to several dozen other such 360 tours. 

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A College TV Station. But will students watch it?

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I'm not quite a BBC Controller, but being the lead on Planet eStream selecting the content that comes onto the college network it supports feels a little like that. I run through some 24 subject areas vacuuming up content that I believe will be of interest to teachers and their students. A few teachers are getting involved too. These programmes can be edited, put into playlists, have slides added and even be turned into interactive quizzes.

The skill lies in the ability of the teacher to integrate it into their learning schedule.

We need to find a way to let students see the Electronic Programme Guide: 70+ channels, all terrestrial, many European and radio too, and some public broadcasters from North America. 

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G Suite for Education & Google Classroom

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Forget the Masters in Open & Distance Education, from my point of view. Pte J F Vernon, in the frontline of teacher and student support, I need to be able to make Google Classroom sing, and Turnitin, and Google Drive and Docs. And Planet eStream. And Thinglink. And WordPress. And video production ... 

At times it leaves me feeling inadequate at everything. Like Roy Castle spinning China plates on the end of long bamboo poles in an 'Guiness World Record' attempt on Blue Peter in the 1960s.

From time to time the plate drops. From time to time the plate appears to be able to spin forever my further intervention unnecessary.




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How to cite a TV broadcast hosted on an educational TV Platform

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 11 Sept 2019, 12:45

BBC Coast. (2019) 6/24. ‘Rivers & Seas Collide’ [Online] Transmission. 12/05/2019 Available at: https://gbmc.planetestream.com/View.aspx?id=3799~4C~F8pJz8xy [Accessed 11 September 2019]

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eNewsletters via MailChimp

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This is another skill I have picked up along the way. Over the last 4 + years I have sent out nearly 20 of these. I have tried all kinds of different approaches, from full fledged digital magazine, to notes with bullet points and links. What works for my audience is something in between: a few things to grab attention so that they open the email, then the widest variety of introductions to, and links to, a variety of events national and local, articles and book reviews. 

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The Western Front Association

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Event details HERE >>  http://bit.ly/2kbrXZX 

I've been the digital editor for the Western Front Association for 4 1/2 years. Here is the kind of thing I do, promoting a local branch event. This one is in Warwick tonight. There are 54 UK branches, another 2 in Ireland and a handful in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium and France. 

During this time I took an MA in British History and the First World War. I had thought about taking the OU MA in History which covered 1845 to 1945 or thereabouts but considered it too broad for my needs and interests. I wonder now if I should look again? However, three jobs, 53 working working hours, additional volunteer hours for Lewes Town Council and Lewes District Green party - as well as sailing and sailing duties, let alone 12 hours a week commuting leaves me without the time. I do think that in the the past these degrees have served the purpose of filling gaps in my day and week which are now well and truly covered!

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TV for an audience who never watch TV

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Gathering resources together from a choice of millions of programmes from Planet eStream feels no different to putting on a display of popular books or magazines in a library. You're having to promote stuff to an audience who don't watch any TV. They stream it all from YouTube or Netflix. Other than the biggies: Bake Off, Strictly and Britain's Got Talent ... and soaps, how aware are they of the 'educational' content we would have them watch.

And how education is TV anyway if produced to entertain and then repurposed to form the backbone to a class?

I've been running through 32 subject areas seeing if there are programmes that might intrigue our 16 year olds during Fresher's week. They can view any of this via their Student Sign in on Planet eStream. 

Bjork Meets Attenborough

Stacey Dooley on Fashion

What will the Future Look Like in 100 Years?

The Beauty of Diagrams

Who Do You Think You Are? Daniel Radcliffe, Cheryl ...

Desert Island Discs: Bill Gates

A Good Read

Horizon: Hair Secrets

The Truth About Vegans



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"It feels like being there!"

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Last year I took over 1,000 360 photos on a Ricoh Theta SC camera. I created some 18 360 tours such as these. I have many other collections of shots of Anne of Cleves House, Lewes Castle and the Langermarke German Cemetery amongst them that I am yet to stitch together.

Do they really 'take you there' ? Yes it is novel, and with a headset there is an immersive experience. Sound helps. But as an experience there is no story, no journey, no narrative or characters. This is where games design experience needs to be involved. 

In our efforts to engage students I will be 'manning' a stall at the GB MET Freshers' Fair, each day for 4 hours at a different campus. I will be armed with cards showing something like these above with a QR Code and shortened URL in the hope that some will be curious and take a look on their phones. Hopefully I'll have iPads, Chrome Books, a touchscreen PC and even a giant smartscreen. 

This should take you on a 360 tour of the Northbrook MET, West Durrington Campus.



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This is bugging me.

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I've taken over 1,000 360 images using a Richoh Theta SC and out of the blue it has started to do this right when I have an elearning project to create using it. 

These 360 cameras are OK. Not too expensive. Image quality not wonderful in low light. Not great definition when you try to zoom either, but I have had some fabulous results. 

I had been hoping to be working on a introduction/induction to the Learning Resource Centre for students with special education needs. This requires a series of these photographs linked together with further hotspots featuring close ups with annotations and video clips.

I'm working my way through all the possibilities (short of the camera having been damaged).

Update Firmware

Checking the settings for taking images and for uploading them.

Any thoughts? 

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Considering starting my 4th Degree

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Thursday, 5 Sept 2019, 09:19

I had or have credits towards an Open Degree, an Masters in Education and even an MBA - though time is fast running out as I completed these in 2013.

Meanwhile, as I take up a part-time role as the Head Coach of a Swimming Club, as well as looking at adding to my Swim England qualifications I am looking at taking a Sports Science Degree with the Open University.

Sport and conditioning science into practice

The image at the top is the 8 x 25m pool at The Triangle, Burgess Hill where I have coached and taught swimming since 2008. This is part of a test 360 VR tour I created using a Ricoh Theta SC camera and ThingLink. 







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BBC Short Stories

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This is more than just making the awards and telling each story - the short story as a form is discussed and analysed too. Having the skills to construct and perform or communicate a short story is key to much learning practice. This ties in directly with my developing the skills to create 'scenario-based elearning'. 


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