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Afghanistan War

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On the 10th Anniversary there are still some who are ready to stand up and be counted:



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Almost a month has passed...and now not 'our boys' causing deaths...but their own home grown suicide bombers...bin Laden dead...we are to pull out...the French and Germans to pull out...the Americans to pull out...we should all pull out now...
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Free Speech

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I do sometimes wonder about free speech. I still struggle when people say that they get upset when somebody says that they don't agree with something, for example that we should not be holding parades for our brave and courageous military when they return from tours of duty.

I am always reminded of the War of Jenkins Ear, on the basis that the people thought that it was a good idea at the time. Or that England got involved in the Great War, which really was nothing to do with us, except that it was likely that Germany would have 'won' by Christmas without our assistance to the French.

I always worry when politicians use war as a distraction to events at home, for example again with the Great War, the near Mutiny in Ireland just before we sent the boys over to save the Empire. We are mired in the awfulness of Afghanistan, after our ignominious defeat in Iraq, with the run in the dark from Basra, and I fear what exactly we are going to do in Libya, and why we do nothing in Yemen, or Bahrain.


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The dead

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let's do away with men, but how to do it. Today the soldiers who died in Afghanistan are coming 'home' to Wootton Bassett. I'll tell you what the politicians should leave parliament. They should go to the homecoming, they should be forced to look at the bodies, the bodies of young men blown apart by roadside bombs. The politicians have blood on their hands. Get them to see the bodies, the war will soon be over, get the politicians wives, husbands and children to look at the bodies. Now that will end this war. This is a disgrace, it is not about keeping terror off the streets of Britain. It is about wasting the lives of young men, how on earth can we do away with men, there won't be any weeping mothers 'greeting' the men home in body bags. Am I angry, yes! TAG And this is not all funny.
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I'll tell you something about our politicians . Every wednesday it would seem that Brown reads out the names of the dead, he did it yesterday so will he do it again on Wednesday before PMQs.

In the meantime they tell us how important this is, that it is a war worth fighting because it keeps the terrorists off the streets of Britain. Is this the same streets where Mr de Menezes was shot and killed with illegal dum dum bullets. Is this the same streets where Mr Tomlinson was pushed over, and subsequently died.

I'll tell you what. The people of Wootton Bassett should not stand by and watch the dead soldiers go past. No, parliament should abandon the Commons for a day, go to Wootton Basset and look at the dead soldiers. The mutilated bodies of somebody blown apart by a roadside bomb. That would end this war. Get the politicians to open the coffins, look at what has resulted from their decisions.

It is alright for the generals to tell us that this is important, the same generals who will soon retire to write their books. Who only come out when it is too late, when they already have their pensions all lined up.

This all started to go wrong when Harry went to Afghanistan with his stupid cap, 'we do bad things to bad people' I mean how would you react if the grandson of the Queen came to your country and sat at a computer calling up an air strike. Now that is terror. State sponsored terror.

I am angry alright. It is fine for the MoD from behind their desks to say that this mission is really important. The only thing it is important for is their careers, their pensions, their own self importance.

This is not a war worth fighting for. Where are the Aghan soldiers, why aren't they in the front line, after all it is their country. They are nowhere, they have a corrupt homophobic, mysoginistic, fascist government. Is that what our boys are dying for.

If you don't beleive me then consider this. A tribal war lord will say to Karzaii, if you want my vote in August, and the 50,000 voters who will do exactly as I tell them then pass a law about women, pay me to be a member of your government. This is shameful. We are an occupying force in a country which is not and never will be a state, not as we know it anyway. So, where is bin Laden, still in his cave watching the death toll mount, is he an Afghan? No he is a Saudi, why have we not invaded Saudi arabia?

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with reference to my earlier posting #146 I have now heard that parliament will now have a special debate on Thursday to discuss Afghanistan. I commend your blog, in that to be honest my comment was off subject, but it would appear to me that your moderators understand the anger there is with parliament on this and other issues.

As soon as Brown uttered the words that he will wait until August before possibly committing more troops then an MP should have noticed what I did as soon as the words were uttered. They do seem more interested in their own words than listening to what is said. It was obvious that wednesday will be the last PMQs before their break, and that if there are problems during or after the Afghan elections then parliament must be recalled for a full debate and vote before any more troops are sent.

As for Reid then for him to say that we would not be the aggressor and that we would be happy if a shot were not to be fired, then he must have agreed the form of words with the Prime Minster before he uttered them. So, if we go into a district which we had ignored since the invasion of 2001, then he seriously thought that we would not be seen as the aggressor. There is also a problem with the timeline. Apparently we went into Afghanistan in 2001 to keep terror off the streets of London. Home grown terrorists then proved that aim to be wrong, the July bombings are proof of that. So, we went in to keep terror off the streets and failed. We had been in Afghanistan since 2001, yet when did the bombings in London take place, so our mission failed. So we are reinforcing defeat, something which any military officer educated in Sandhurst will tell you that they are taught not to propose.

Sadly, Harry would not be sent be sent to Iraq for his own safety. So what did the idiots do, they sent him to Afghanistan, where he wears a cap 'we do bad things to bad people' and he is shown operating a computer calling up an air strike. Now if that is not an aggressive act then I do not know what is. Furthermore, all this is recorded, but because of an agreement with the media, all of this is kept from the British public, for his, and the troops who had to protect him, from harms way.

Now then, it would appear to me that the resources which were utilised to protect a Prince of the realm, the Queens grandson, should be likewise employed to protect all of our soldiers from harm. Where is Harry now. Why not on our screens telling us how if he is not there with his men then he will leave the army.


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the political parties seem to think that if there is a parade by the returning soldiers from Afghanistan then that means that we support the occupation. Will people understand that there is no country called Afghanistan, it is tribal, has been tribal and alwys will be tribal. If you are continually having foreign forces invade you, they hang around a bit, do a bit of something then disappear to be replaced by another group of invaders who come in, do something then disappear, then imagine how you would react.

The sign of when we have 'won' is when the first British soldier, meets a local woman, falls in love and then marries her and is accepted into the local community. Now this is never going to happen, we cannot avoid the fact that we are foreign invaders, that we are not welcome, that these people are just freedom fighters, resistance fighters, or whatever, we are the aggressor, if it is anywhere that should be invaded it is Saudi Arabia, that is where bin Laden came from, oh I forgot we need the oil, what is it Brown wanted to break, oh yes that's right the dictatorship of oil, another famous one like 'British jobs for British workers'. 

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What a waste

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this is no longer a joke. This PM continues to be a disaster. We need to be told exactly what is the point of our continued presence in Afghanistan. The Americans have effectively taken over from us, just as they did in Iraq during the clearing up of Basra. We now have another two deaths one of a very senior officer.

What on earth was such a senior officer doing being out on the front. We are told that officers like to lead from the front, this harsh lesson was learnt during WWI that that is one thing they should not do. It is extra-ordinarily expensive to invest in an officer, the training is not cheap, so they learnt that it might look good but Haig took his officers away from the front. He made them the planners, the ones who did not lead from the front. That was the job of somebody else.

It is widely known that a senior SAS officer resigned from the regiment on the basis that he was criticised for going out with his men on operations. This is where there are difficulties, because these men are brave, they do want to be with their men, yet an accountant, a bank manager, a chancellor, would say no, we can't afford these men and equipment to be lost.

It is the same with an aircraft carrier. Billions spent on it, all the investment, yet the last thing they would want is for it to be lost on operations. So you keep it in port. Bit like the Germans in WWII, they built beautiful ships, the Graf Spee, the Bismark, the Tirpitz, yet the first two were lost and accordingly the third one could not be used, the loss of such a vessel would be bad for morale. They are for show.

With our army and military at the moment, we cannot afford to lose men and machines, they are too expensive. I think that we are wasting men and material in Afghanistan, we cannot afford it, it is sapping our morale, our economy, and why, what is the point of being in Afghanistan, there is no point at all. We can't even capture bin Laden, we have not 'destroyed' the Talibhan. We never will.

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