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Frederique Lanoix

The OU Student Association 2024 Elections - My nomination

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Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 9 Apr 2024, 12:49

Volunteering in various organisations and managing my podcast at Home | !Visible (ivisible.co.uk) increased my awareness regarding the lack of equality that exists in the UK. 

For example, there is a lack of representation in the UK media industry for BAMEs. This is particularly true for black women, and the disabled. There is also a lack of access to green spaces for those groups.

So, I believe that I would be very keen on advocating for the increase of Black women's representation, help fight racism to improve equality and provide a better outcome for disabled students.

I suffered from those challenges, and I understand how difficult it can be to overcome those barriers. This put my self-worth in jeopardy for a long time.  

Hence, I have a lived experience of not being represented as a black woman and having to deal with racism in the UK, on top of being miss misunderstood due to my mental health challenges.

Top 4 points that I will advocate for :

    • Increase black women's representation in higher education.
    • Expand tools to tackle racism in higher education.
    • Improve disabled students’ experience in higher education.
    • Grow financial help for students.
    • Raise awareness about the protection of the environment.

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Frederique Lanoix


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Thursday, 4 Apr 2024, 19:48

The below is a template of a letter that you can send to your MP in order to request the resignation of the current Prime Minister. 


I am writing to you today because I am so exhausted by the way in which the Tory government is treating the most vulnerable.

Today’s PM question

I was utterly disrespectful and a disgrace. The PM has no facts/stats to provide but he is only able to be aggressive toward others without giving a concrete answer to ANY of the questions asked. 

One of his Tory colleague even allowed himself to say publicly that despite the death of hundreds of thousands of people in the UK only due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we should not question the PM and move one. 
The bravado and the arrogance of the Tories are unbearable to watch, especially after all the lies and the current MET police investigation.
Enough is enough, 
We the people need more social housing, less inflation, more opportunities to live decently. This includes having access to shelters, warmth during the winter, nourishing food, adequate working conditions (working from home), less discrimination & racism & violence toward BAME’s and free education. 
Boris Johnson needs to go NOW!


www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Boris Johnson makes Commons statement following Sue Gray “partygate” report – watch live. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnDqyyGcjuk [Accessed 31 Jan. 2022].

Audio and Video Version HERE

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Frederique Lanoix

When are we going to have a respectable UK Gov

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Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Thursday, 4 Apr 2024, 19:48

Last year, I asked when the government would be a respectable one. Have a look at the short YouTube video HERE.  

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Frederique Lanoix

Recent Work – Humankind Research : Humankind Research (humankind-research.com)

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Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:47

From February to March 2022, Humankind Research conducted 56 in-depth interviews with disabled people across the UK on behalf of the Office for National Statistics (ONS). 

You can find the research here : Recent Work – Humankind Research : Humankind Research (humankind-research.com)

Outlines of the research

Recurring themes which shape disabled people’s experiences in accessing and engaging with activities, goods and services include:

  • different barriers which influence accessibility through the physical design of the built environment, digital design of online services, and the design of systems and processes
  • strategies that disabled people often employ to improvise and adapt to navigate access and engagement barriers
  • the cost of inaccessibility to activities, goods and services, and of strategies to achieve access
  • the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on disabled people’s access and engagement with activities, goods and services
  • suggested solutions from participants for improving the inclusiveness of activities, goods and services in the future

(www.ons.gov.uk, n.d.)


www.ons.gov.uk. (n.d.). Disabled people’s experiences with activities, goods and services, UK – Office for National Statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/disability/bulletins/disabledpeoplesexperienceswithactivitiesgoodsandservicesuk/februarytomarch2022 [Accessed 22 Jul. 2022].

La version française : 

De février à mars 2022, Humankind Research a mené 56 entretiens approfondis avec des personnes handicapées à travers le Royaume-Uni pour le compte de l’Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Vous pouvez trouver le résultat de la recherche ici : Humankind Research : Humankind Research (humankind-research.com)

Aperçu de la recherche (NB- la version française de la recherche n’est pas disponible):

  • Les thèmes récurrents qui façonnent les expériences des personnes handicapées en matière d’accès et d’engagement dans les activités, les biens et les services comprennent:
  • les différents obstacles qui influencent l’accessibilité par la conception physique de l’environnement bâti, la conception numérique des services en ligne et la conception des systèmes et des processus
  • les stratégies que les personnes handicapées utilisent souvent pour improviser et s’adapter afin de surmonter les obstacles à l’accès et à l’engagement
  • le coût de l’inaccessibilité aux activités, aux biens et aux services, et des stratégies d’accès
  • l’impact du coronavirus (COVID-19) sur l’accès et l’engagement des personnes handicapées dans les activités, les biens et les services
  • les solutions suggérées par les participants pour améliorer le caractère inclusif des activités, des biens et des services à l’avenir

(www.ons.gov.uk, n.d.)


www.ons.gov.uk. (n.d.). Disabled people’s experiences with activities, goods and services, UK – Office for National Statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/disability/bulletins/disabledpeoplesexperienceswithactivitiesgoodsandservicesuk/februarytomarch2022 [Accessed 22 Jul. 2022].

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Frederique Lanoix

Cost of living crisis in 2022

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:47

My previous post was also about the cost of living crisis but in 2023. 

This post is actually the transcript of a video that I created last year, which you can find HERE


Hi, this is Fred from IVisible

For those who do not know my channel I encourage you to check my previous videos and most importantly my website by clicking on the link in the description box of this video.

Today, we will explore the current world of the cost of living crisis in the UK in 2022.

By the time I made this video the situation in the United kingdom is so bad that many families and individuals are in an unrecoverable financial state and this cannot carry on.

Unfortunately, this will not change anytime soon. Karl Williams in his Economic Bulletin dated March 2022, tells us that UK households are facing the twin shocks of the energy price cap rising and a historic increase in taxation on page 4 of his report.

First, to really dive deep into the topic and make sense of Williams arguments, we should define what the cost of living crisis is.

According to the organisation institute for government “The ‘cost of living crisis’ refers to the fall in ‘real’ disposable incomes that the UK has experienced since late 2021. It is being caused predominantly by high inflation.”

So we are talking about prices getting higher which brings us to this June 2022, where the UK experiences an inflation rate of 9.4% according to the Bank of England.

The inflation, had already reached 5% at the beginning of the year 2022 and was expected to pick at 7% three months later in April of the same year.

However, it has reached an unmanageable rate by June 2022 for many households.
As the bank of England explains, It is very concerning to know that “if prices are unpredictable, it is difficult for people to plan how much they can spend, save or invest.

And in extreme cases, high and volatile inflation can cause an economy to collapse.”
It would be devastating to see this happen, but what is even more damaging is that according to The Centre for Social Justice, debt problems are intimately connected to other problems in people’s lives, including mental ill-health and family breakdown.
The enormous pressure that the inflation puts on UK households is also acknowledged by Karl Williams.

The ONS adds that The largest contributions to the annual rate in June 2022 are from housing and household services, and transport.
First, this means that renters are being asked to pay higher rents.

Indeed, The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH) rose by 8.2% in the 12 months to June 2022.
Simultaneously, Karl Williams said that the energy price are rising and there is a historic increase in taxation although even before the Ukraine crisis, natural gas prices looked likely to remain elevated.

His reports details this even further, by stating that European gas prices look likely to increase this coming winter and quite possibly again in 2023-24 and 2024-25 as you can see in the chart . (Williams, 2022,p5)

This is the reasons why, the price of food and other items necessary for households to live decently are increasing too.

Now, we are narrowing down to the struggle of the most vulnerable, those on low income, and the disabled. It seems that the government aims at targeting those who are in needs.

In order to understand the punishment and deprivation that the universal credit system as well as the inflation means for those groups of people, the BBC in its program Panorama investigated how some universal credit recipients are left destitute, homeless, unable to find adequate help and ill treated by the Department For Work and Pension.

Channel 4 documentary provided an insight into what is like to live on the universal credit.
The guardian also investigated into the government practices of punishing people claiming the Universal Credit.

Sky news interviewed a former Universal Credit agent who confirmed that he had to cut people phone calls short so that they would not have access to basic customer service. They teach us that people in employment are rising, but are facing poverty as the salaries are so low that they cannot afford the basics despite earning a salary. 4 million households were in this category of poor workers in 2018.

And the list can go on. So I made a playlist on my YouTube Channel called The Universal Credit a system driving extreme poverty, for you to look at.
As such, you can make your own judgement about how horrible and unkind this system is and how a change needs to be implemented, as yesterday !!!

But how can the situation be eased at this point is a fundamental and logical question that I tried to answer whilst writing this presentation, and there are a few solutions available.

As per Centre for Policy Studies recommendations, moving to a system of weekly benefit payments and cutting the waiting time for UC would also help to ease the pressures on those who are going to struggle the most.
Karl Williams on page 5 of his report tells us that the UK must work on a plan of making and storing relatively clean energy as cheap as possible as soon as possible.

Also, Keir Starmer spoke to LBC about the topic and was explaining his plan to impose a cap to energy companies. That means stopping the energy companies to charge more.

I would like to add some very important points to this list by stating that the government must review the invoicing process in order to create laws that helps customers to avoid spending more than a certain percentage of their incomes on energy bills and water.

In addition, charitable bodies should not be the only ones capable of dealing with debt collectors on behalf of customers. This is why, I believe that any initiated debt collection related to the cost of living crisis should be fully scrapped.

Furthermore, renationalising the energy, water, debt and housing sectors must be planned in order to avoid this type of crisis. The UK has to look after its people by doing it in house !!!

It also means that the energy companies will have no other choice but to take the inflation increase as a cost that cannot be passed on to the customers for ethical, economic and well being purposes.

Although, I would ask them to make their accounting publicly available so that they cannot make even more profit during the transition from privatisation to nationalisation.

Finally and hopefully, the focus on looking for green energy alternatives will help create a work force dedicated to innovation, research and environmental protection so that the UK can be a pioneer in being sustainable, energy wise for the well being of all upcoming generations.

That is all for today, I hope you did enjoy this video and let me know what you think of the offered solutions in the comment section.
Thanks for listening and see you in the next video!



www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk. (n.d.). StackPath. [online] Available at: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainers/cost-living-crisis#:~:text=The%20%E2%80%98cost%20of%20living%20crisis%E2%80%99%20refers%20to%20the.

– Williams, K. (2022). Economic Bulletin Back to the 1970s? Energy Prices and the Cost of Living Crisis. [online] Available at: https://cps.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Economic-Bulletin-March-2022.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2022].p2,3,4,5,6,

– The Centre for Social Justice. (n.d.). Debt. [online] Available at: https://www.centreforsocialjustice.org.uk/about/the-five-pathways/debt. – Payne, C. (2022). Consumer Price inflation, UK – Office for National Statistics. [online] www.ons.gov.uk. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/consumerpriceinflation/latest.

www.ons.gov.uk. (n.d.). Consumer price inflation basket of goods and services – Office for National Statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/articles/ukconsumerpriceinflationbasketofgoodsandservices/latest [Accessed 15 Aug. 2022].

– Bank of England (2022). What is inflation? [online] www.bankofengland.co.uk. Available at: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/knowledgebank/what-is-inflation.

– The Universal Credit Crisis – BBC Panorama. (2018). YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrdEVhyoiP4. www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Man on Universal Credit Left with £5 Pounds for Rest of Month. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj0_ksxPHw4&list=TLPQMTYwODIwMjIOLnWxJqC8lg&index=3 [Accessed 16 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Claimants ‘tricked’ out of benefits, says Jobcentre whistleblower. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XLgg75stn4 [Accessed 16 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Keir Starmer speaks to LBC as cost of living crisis bites. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9An36-ZvaPw&list=TLPQMTgwODIwMjLdsKWUgqASYQ&index=3 [Accessed 18 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Growing share of under-30s in UK pay unaffordable rent – BBC News. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3lUNzXMLSg [Accessed 19 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Pharrell Williams – Freedom (Audio). [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pk_oHxy15M.

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Frederique Lanoix

Cost of living crisis committee hearing of 07 June 2023

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:48

I gave my viewpoint about the cost of living crisis issues which you can read below. Also, you can have a look at it in the comment section of the video HERE. The video was made available by Sky News on 07 June 2023.

My comment: 

UC* payment is so low that most people cannot eat fresh food and have to go for the worst quality products. This means that they are getting sick and are at higher risk to develop a bunch of diseases related to having unhealthy diets. Plus, relying on food bank services should not be the only option available for the most vulnerable.
Additionally, they cannot travel (even a trip to the Job center is too expensive), they cannot stay warm or use electricity.

It would make more sense to provide people with an upgrade in terms of payment. This is an emergency action which should not be debated further. Also, the government must cap the energy bill at a maximum of £15/ month per household for those who are the most in need. And, charities that provide services that help the most vulnerable (food banks, shelters, furniture and clothing) should receive a generous allowance that is in line with the current inflation rate.
Where is the compassion in the current system ? I really want to know!

* UC: Universal Credit 

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Frederique Lanoix

If you love cats

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Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:48

A cute video for cat lovers HERE.

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Frederique Lanoix

E-petition debate on the hunting of dolphins and whales in the Faroe Islands – 11 July 2022

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Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:49


LIVE: E-petition debate on the hunting of dolphins and whales in the Faroe Islands – 11 July 2022

I’d also like to thank the 104,664 petitioners who made this debate today possible, and Dominic Dyer for his continued passion and drive to protect animals.

Mr. Chair on Sunday, the 12th of September last year, a small armada of boats herded a large group of mammals towards a beach. They weren’t tourists. They weren’t scientists.

They weren’t hungry and looking for food. They were Islanders in a sophisticated country in the north of Europe, a country with one of the highest standards of living in the world, the Faroe Islands.

The creatures were highly intelligent mammals, dolphins, and they were being driven towards the scallop path north beach. Now dolphins are playful creatures are not suspicious of mankind. They probably had no idea of their intended fate until it was too late.
It was originally estimated that there were 200 dolphins in the pod, but we now know the number was much higher over 1400 White sided dolphins were set upon with knives, ropes, and with blunted hooks. It took hours to kill them all.
Once the art of senseless killing had stopped, the sea had turned red the scene resembled something from a biblical plague.
How that happened here? The thugs responsible for such a wanton and cruel act would face the full force of the law and would serve prison sentences. Remarkably, however, in our near neighbour the Faroe Islands, what was done was absolutely legal.
What was done was grotesque. The killing of mammals on this scale is sadly a regular occurrence.

Last year, excluding the event on the 12th of September 667, long pilot whales were killed in the Faroe Islands. Today this year alone 182 of these intelligent aquatic mammals, have been needlessly and brutally killed.
The practice of driving whales into specific base is called grinder trap, or more commonly the grind. It has its origins in the Middle Ages were sailors with drive the whales and dolphins to beaches and kill them with spears and rowing boats.
The killing of whales at that time was justifiable the whales were killed in far fewer numbers were vital for the survival of the federal East people who lived at the edge of northern Europe in an unforgiving winter climate. I know a bit about those climates.

Mr. Chair my family on my father’s side are from the Outer Hebrides. My surname Nicholson is Nordic and from Orkney the Faroe Islands southern neighbour. My family lived for countless generations, there are two or three archipelagos has suffered Famines throughout much of their history. Fresh meat and Willow were once vital for survival for folk soda lying to barley, seafood, and later potatoes, but no longer.
The Faroe Islands are thankfully, highly prosperous. The slaughtering of dolphins and whales is not required. In fact, the slaughtered animals are hard to get into the human food chain, as so few people want to eat it, especially young people.
And as for the method of slaughter, who could justify them? and on what basis tradition, sailors now use boats with electric motors to drive large numbers of whales and dolphins into killing bays.

Now, I apologise in advance, but it’s important to know exactly how mammals are killed. It’s not a quick death. Sea Shepherd has reported that the killing of dolphins regularly takes over two minutes and can take up to eight. Eight minutes to died at the hands of rudimentary tools like knives and blunted hooks. The fate for the whales is even more monstrous.
They’re killed by what’s called a spinal Lance, if used correctly, correctly is an unfortunate word under the circumstances, but if used correctly, this will paralyse the wheel, which will then slowly lead to death on average, this process takes 30 minutes 13 minutes of this wounded, paralysed, sentient beings floating in its own blood, while other creatures are killed round about.

The Killing is indiscriminate with pregnant mothers juveniles and calves (new born) being slaughtered. And all this takes place in the 21st century, just 250 miles from the coast of Scotland.
Now the UK Government has expressed its opposition to this barbarism, and to the hunting of sea mammals more generally, and that’s welcome.

The International Whaling Commission has condemned the killings too But no amount of condemnation has worked. So we need to get tougher. And that’s why this petition advocates a greater use of the government’s levers of power. That is the only way that we can ensure that this brutality does not continue.


French Version 

Transcription https://youtu.be/bHsoKBWyLR4

LIVE: Débat sur la pétition électronique sur la chasse aux dauphins et aux baleines dans les îles Féroé – 11 juillet 2022

L’intervenant remercie la salle.

J’aimerais également remercier les 104 664 pétitionnaires qui ont rendu possible ce débat d’aujourd’hui, ainsi que Dominic Dyer pour sa passion et son dynamisme continus en faveur de la protection des animaux.

Monsieur le Président, le dimanche 12 septembre de l’année dernière, une petite armada de bateaux a rassemblé un grand groupe de mammifères vers une plage. Ce n’étaient pas des touristes.
Ce n’étaient pas des scientifiques. Ils n’avaient pas faim et ne cherchaient pas de nourriture.

Ils étaient insulaires dans un pays sophistiqué du nord de l’Europe, un pays avec l’un des niveaux de vie les plus élevés au monde, les îles Féroé.

Les créatures étaient des mammifères très intelligents, des dauphins, et ils étaient conduits vers la plage nord du chemin des pétoncles.
Il faut savoir que les dauphins sont des créatures curieuses qui ne se méfient pas de l’humain.

Ils n’avaient probablement aucune idée de leur destin jusqu’à ce qu’il soit trop tard.
On estimait à l’origine qu’il y avait 200 dauphins dans le troupeau. Mais nous savons aujourd’hui que le nombre de dauphins tués était beaucoup plus élevé.

Ainsi, 1400 dauphins à flancs blancs ont été attaqués avec des couteaux, des cordes et des crochets émoussés. Il a fallu des heures pour tuer le troupeau entier.

Une fois que la tuerie avait cessé, la mer était devenue rouge. La scène avait un air de devastation de l’ordre biblique.

Comment cela s’est-il passé ici? Les voyous responsables d’un tel acte gratuit et cruel seraient soumis à toute la force de la loi et purgeraient des peines de prison. Remarquablement, cependant, chez notre voisin proche, les îles Féroé, ce qui a été fait était absolument légal.

Ce qui a été fait était grotesque. L’abattage de mammifères à cette échelle est malheureusement un phénomène régulier.

L’année dernière, à l’exception de l’événement du 12 septembre 2021, de longs globicéphales ont été tués dans les îles Féroé. Aujourd’hui, rien que cette année, 182 cétacés ont été tuées.

Ces mammifères aquatiques intelligents, ont été tuées inutilement et brutalement.

La pratique consistant à conduire les baleines dans une base spécifique est appelée piège à broyeur, ou plus communément la mouture.
Cette coutume tient ses origines du moyen âge, où les marins conduisaient les baleines et les dauphins sur les plages et les tuaient avec des lances et des bateaux à rames.

L’abattage des baleines à cette époque était justifiable, les baleines étaient tuées en bien moins grand nombre ce qui était vital pour la survie des peuples fédéraux de l’Est qui vivaient à la périphérie de l’Europe du Nord dans un climat hivernal impitoyable. Je connais ce climat.

Monsieur le Président, ma famille du côté de mon père est originaire des Hébrides extérieures. Mon nom de famille Nicholson est nordique et originaire des Orcades, le voisin sud des îles Féroé. Ma famille a vécu pendant d’innombrables générations, il y a deux ou trois archipels qui ont souffert de famines tout au long de leur histoire.

La viande fraîche et la saule étaient autrefois essentiels à la survie de la population locale. Ceci pouvaient s’ajouter à l’orge, aux fruits de mer et plus tard à la pommes de terre, mais cela n’est plus.

Les îles Féroé sont heureusement très prospères. L’abattage des dauphins et des baleines n’est pas nécessaire. En fait, les animaux abattus sont difficiles à entrer dans la chaîne alimentaire humaine, car si peu de gens veulent les manger, en particulier les jeunes.

Et quant à la méthode d’abattage, qui pourrait les justifier ? et sur quelle base, la tradition peut etre!
De nos jours, les marins utilisent des bateaux à moteur électrique pour conduire un grand nombre de baleines et de dauphins dans des baies meurtrières.

Maintenant, je m’excuse à l’avance, mais il est important de savoir exactement comment les mammifères sont tués.

Ce n’est pas une mort rapide. Sea Shepherd a rapporté que l’abattage des dauphins prend régulièrement plus de deux minutes. Et peut prendre jusqu’à huit minutes. Les dauphins sont tué avec des outils rudimentaires comme des couteaux et des crochets émoussés. Le sort des baleines est encore plus monstrueux.

Les baleines sont tués avec ce qu’on appelle une lance spinale, si cet outil est utilisé correctement, Et soyons clair le mot “correctement” ne devrait pas etre employe dans ces circonstances, mais si ces outils sont utilisés correctement, cela paralyse l’animal, ce qui conduit à une mort lente qui peut duré en moyenne entre 3 et 13 minutes.

Ces êtres blessés, paralysés et encore alertes, flottent dans leurs propre sang, tandis que d’autres créatures sont tuées autour d’eux.

Le meurtre est aveugle! En effet, des mères enceintes, des juvéniles et des nouveau-nés sont abattus. Et tout cela se passe au 21ème siècle, à seulement 400 Kilomètres de la côte écossaise.

Maintenant, le gouvernement britannique a exprimé son opposition à cette barbarie, et à la chasse aux mammifères marins en général, et cela est bien.

La Commission baleinière internationale a également condamné les meurtres, mais aucune condamnation n’a fonctionné.
Nous devons donc nous endurcir.

Et c’est pourquoi cette pétition préconise une plus grande utilisation des leviers de pouvoir du gouvernement.

C’est la seule façon de faire en sorte que cette brutalité ne perdure pas.

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). LIVE: E-petition debate on the hunting of dolphins and whales in the Faroe Islands – 11 July 2022. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gd9QBpBwwA&list=TLPQMDQwODIwMjJ9Z76WtT-IIw&index=45 [Accessed 5 Aug. 2022].

World Cetacean Alliance. (n.d.). Our Vision. [online] Available at: https://worldcetaceanalliance.org/who-we-are/our-vision/ [Accessed 8 Aug. 2022].


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Frederique Lanoix

Cost of living crisis in the UK in 2022

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:49


Transcript of the videoi s below and the content can be found HERE

Hi this is Fred from IVisible

For those who do not know my channel I encourage you to check my previous videos and most importantly my website by clicking on the link in the description box of this video.

Today, we will explore the current world of the cost of living crisis in the UK in 2022.

By the time I made this video the situation in the United kingdom is so bad that many families and individuals are in an unrecoverable financial state and this cannot carry on.

Unfortunately, this will not change anytime soon. Karl Williams in his Economic Bulletin dated March 2022, tells us that UK households are facing the twin shocks of the energy price cap rising and a historic increase in taxation on page 4 of his report.

First, to really dive deep into the topic and make sense of Williams arguments, we should define what the cost of living crisis is.

According to the organisation institute for government “The ‘cost of living crisis’ refers to the fall in ‘real’ disposable incomes that the UK has experienced since late 2021. It is being caused predominantly by high inflation.”

So we are talking about prices getting higher which brings us to this June 2022, where the UK experiences an inflation rate of 9.4% according to the Bank of England.The inflation, had already reach 5% at the beginning of the year 2022 and was expected to pick at 7% three months later in April of the same year.

However, it has reached an unmanageable rate by June 2022 for many households.
As the bank of England explains, It is very concerning to know that “if prices are unpredictable, it is difficult for people to plan how much they can spend, save or invest.

And in extreme cases, high and volatile inflation can cause an economy to collapse.”
It would be devastating to see this happen, but what is even more damaging is that according to The Centre for Social Justice, debt problems are intimately connected to other problems in people’s lives, including mental ill-health and family breakdown.
The enormous pressure that the inflation puts on UK households is also acknowledged by Karl Williams.

The ONS adds that The largest contributions to the annual rate in June 2022 are from housing and household services, and transport.
First, this means that renters are being asked to pay higher rents.

Indeed, The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH) rose by 8.2% in the 12 months to June 2022.
Simultaneously, Karl Williams said that the energy price are rising and there is a historic increase in taxation, although even before the Ukraine crisis, natural gas prices looked likely to remain elevated.

His reports details this even further, by stating that European gas prices look likely to increase this coming winter and quite possibly again in 2023-24 and 2024-25 as you can see in the chart . (Williams, 2022,p5)

This is the reasons why, the price of food and other items necessary for households to live decently are increasing too.

Now, we are narrowing down to the struggle of the most vulnerable, those on low income, and the disabled. It seems that the government aims at targeting those who are in needs.

In order to understand the punishment and deprivation that the universal credit system as well as the inflation means for those groups of people, the BBC in its program Panorama investigated how some universal credit recipients are left destitute, homeless, unable to find adequate help and ill treated by the Department For Work and Pension.

Channel 4 documentary provided an insight into what is like to live on the universal credit.
The guardian also investigated into the government practices of punishing people claiming the Universal Credit.

Sky news interviewed a former Universal Credit agent who confirmed that he had to cut people phone calls short so that they would not have access to basic customer service. They teach us that people on employment are rising but are facing poverty as the salaries are so low that they cannot afford the basics despite earning a salary. 4 million households were in this category of poor workers in 2018.

And the list can go on. So I made a playlist on my YouTube Channel called The Universal Credit a system driving extreme poverty, for you to look at.
As such, you can make your own judgement about how horrible and unkind this system is and how a change needs to be implemented, as yesterday !!!

But how can the situation be eased at this point is a fundamental and logical question that I tried to answer whilst writing this presentation, and there are a few solutions available.

As per Centre for Policy Studies recommendations, moving to a system of weekly benefit payments and cutting the waiting time for UC would also help to ease the pressures on those who are going to struggle the most.
Karl Williams on page 5 of his report tells us that the UK must work on a plan of making and storing relatively clean energy as cheap as possible as soon as possible.

Also, Keir Starmer spoke to LBC about the topic and was explaining his plan to impose a cap to energy companies. That means stopping the energy companies to charge more.

I would like to add some very important points to this list by stating that the government must review the invoicing process in order to create laws that helps customers to avoid spending more than a certain percentage of their incomes on energy bills and water.

In addition, charitable bodies should not be the only ones capable of dealing with debt collectors on behalf of customers. This is why, I believe that any initiated debt collection related to the cost of living crisis should be fully scrapped.

Furthermore, renationalising the energy, water, debt and housing sectors must be planned in order to avoid this type of crisis. The UK has to look after its people by doing it in house !!!

It also means that the energy companies will have no other choice but to take the inflation increase as a cost that cannot be passed on to the customers for ethical, economic and well being purposes.

Although, I would ask them to make their accounting publicly available so that they cannot make even more profit during the transition from privatisation to nationalisation.

Finally and hopefully, the focus on looking for green energy alternatives will help creating a work force dedicated to innovation, research and environmental protection so that the UK can be a pioneer in being sustainable energy wise for the well being of all up coming generations.

That is all for today, I hope you did enjoy this video and let me know what you think of the offered solutions in the comment section.
Thanks for listening and see you in the next video!



www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk. (n.d.). StackPath. [online] Available at: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainers/cost-living-crisis#:~:text=The%20%E2%80%98cost%20of%20living%20crisis%E2%80%99%20refers%20to%20the.

– Williams, K. (2022). Economic Bulletin Back to the 1970s? Energy Prices and the Cost of Living Crisis. [online] Available at: https://cps.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Economic-Bulletin-March-2022.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2022].p2,3,4,5,6,

– The Centre for Social Justice. (n.d.). Debt. [online] Available at: https://www.centreforsocialjustice.org.uk/about/the-five-pathways/debt. – Payne, C. (2022). Consumer Price inflation, UK – Office for National Statistics. [online] www.ons.gov.uk. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/consumerpriceinflation/latest.

www.ons.gov.uk. (n.d.). Consumer price inflation basket of goods and services – Office for National Statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/articles/ukconsumerpriceinflationbasketofgoodsandservices/latest [Accessed 15 Aug. 2022].

– Bank of England (2022). What is inflation? [online] www.bankofengland.co.uk. Available at: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/knowledgebank/what-is-inflation.

– The Universal Credit Crisis – BBC Panorama. (2018). YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrdEVhyoiP4. www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Man on Universal Credit Left with £5 Pounds for Rest of Month. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj0_ksxPHw4&list=TLPQMTYwODIwMjIOLnWxJqC8lg&index=3 [Accessed 16 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Claimants ‘tricked’ out of benefits, says Jobcentre whistleblower. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XLgg75stn4 [Accessed 16 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Keir Starmer speaks to LBC as cost of living crisis bites. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9An36-ZvaPw&list=TLPQMTgwODIwMjLdsKWUgqASYQ&index=3 [Accessed 18 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Growing share of under-30s in UK pay unaffordable rent – BBC News. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3lUNzXMLSg [Accessed 19 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Pharrell Williams – Freedom (Audio). [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pk_oHxy15M.

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Frederique Lanoix

Fab Socialism

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:51

Last year, I created a series of videos on Black YouTubers whom I found very interesting. 

The first video can be found HERE and the transcript is below. 

Hi this Fred from IVisible

For those who do not know my channel I encourage you to check my previous videos and most importantly, my website by clicking on the link in the description box of this video.

I would love to hear from you regarding both the quality of the videos and the website

So please leave a few words in the comment section of this video.
Without any further a due, let’s get into todays’ video topic!
I have worked on a series about Black female youtubers who are to me worth learning from.

Hence the first Youtuber of the Serie is Fab Socialism

She is very articulate, organised, able to quote and create a good atmosphere. It is easy to understand her point of view without feeling threaten by her ideas or any of her arguments

Her sense of humour is uplifting and respectful which is a breath of fresh air in today's constant search for sensationalism. That makes her entertaining and credible.

Indeed, there are not many unlikeable or annoying features that could let the viewers think twice before watching.
Although some of her videos are long but this again is a plus to me because I love hearing her talk about what she cares about.
She is very pretty and smooth talking which makes the message easy to remember.
Finally, the quality of her editing skills or the person who manages her editing is excellent.
That is all for me today, I hope you did enjoy this video and let me know what you think of Fab Socialism in the comment section.
Thanks for listening and see you in the next video!


www.youtube.com. (n.d.). The Ultimate Pick Me: Beyoncé. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDgTKzEzNbE [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). THEY ARE DONE WITH US AND ARE MOVING OUTSIDE OF THE US! [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc2L1UVrt2w&t=807s [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Social Media, Natural Hair, And The Conversation That WON’T Go Away. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl3oTG8wxHg&t=22s [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Masculinity, Submission & a Black Woman’s Place. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl5_u7kE7Ks&t=1s [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). The Internet is Turning its Back on True Crime. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FWId1YBU3g&t=497s [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Men…in pearls…groundbreaking | Khadija Mbowe. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUfpYHQFqvA&t=5s [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Why don’t I just date out? | Black Love follow-up. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtTcd72beTM&t=596s [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Black Femicide and Intimate Partner Violence: A History. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=touhaV1tvBw&t=11s [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].

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Frederique Lanoix

At the window

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:50

Last year, I adopted a kitten and in this video you can see it play at the window. 

Just cute and relaxing. 

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Frederique Lanoix

Natural Vibes

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:50

Another video published on YouTube HERE.

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Frederique Lanoix


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:52

Please have a look at my videos about nature HERE

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Frederique Lanoix


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:52

HERE, you can view one of my videos regarding Pitri Patel made a few months ago. 

The Transcript is as below: 

Hi this is Fred from IVisible.

For those who do not know my channel, I encourage you to check my previous videos and most importantly my website by clicking on the link in the description box of this video. 

I would love to hear from you regarding both the quality of the videos and the website.

So please leave a few words in the comment section of this video.

Today, I will cover the video where Priti Patel was grilled by Members of Parliament over the issue of channel crossing.

Many questions were asked so I will focus on what I think is important to remember from the exchange between the ex-Home secretary and the chamber.

At 15.15 minutes, the question of how can the Met Police improve its recruitment process and check on those who apply for the jobs was asked, followed by a question on the strategy that relates to enforcing the law against abusers at 20.53 minutes of the conversation.

Pitri Patel had no real answer and started some kind of business-like pitch about the police force excellence.

She was reminded that it was not the topic for the day, but she kept on going and came across as very rude.

She argued that she had to put some contextual details. Hence the importance of spending a long time congratulating the police workforce without any tangible ground for it.

This seemed highly superficial and out of touch with the conversation’s aims and direction.

In fact, when the main speaker of the chamber was able to get back on track topic-wise, it was mentioned that no face-to-face recruitment for police officers was available.

I would have asked why the number of white British male police officers is so high compared to other ethnic groups. And why nothing has been done to change the racist and abusive culture currently perpetuated by such a pivotal public service department.

Then, at 16.17 minutes, Patel was asked how to tackle low-level of sexual offenses. And are masturbation, voyeurism, and exposing private parts considered low levels of crime?

There again, no specific reply was laid on the table to give at least some kind of reassurance that progress is being made.

Her answers were vague and she briefly spoke about how mental health issues are all important points to explore including prevention.
Of course, no delivery dates were given for substantial improvement.

I strongly believe that the police should be held accountable for the lack of competency when required. However, I don’t understand what more tools they need in order to tackle sexual offenses.

Are we talking about providing more adequate training on sexual offenses or being innovative by using new technology in order to detect potential offenders, and subsequently prevent a high degree of violence from happening in local communities?

Due to the lack of insight into the subject, I was left wondering what the real purpose of officers investigating crimes is, and what can be improved to gain more compliance from the police task force.

I wanted to gain more knowledge about how abusers operate and how to raise awareness among the police force and the public at large.

Most importantly the hearing was an opportunity to advocate for survivors of sexual assaults and domestic abuse.

I was also expecting Mrs. Priti Patel to use less jargon and to listen to others’ concerns.

Her focus on how often she is in contact with the police force was not an important aspect to be pointed out because it doesn’t help reduce crimes.

It could, nonetheless, help create an adequate plan to tackle domestic abuse or prevent offenders from aggressing others but she had no insight of this sort to offer on that day.

She was reminded that she had to submit a clear plan of action back in 2021 and this was still not completed.

The second part of the conversation was focused on the channel crossing by asylum seekers.

Diane Abbot tried to pinpoint how Mrs. Patel justified the potential involvement of the navy to deter channel crossing by asylum seekers.

Mrs. Patel used a lot of jargon and didn’t want to answer the question. Patel expressed the fact that the work that included the navy had not been completed, yet.

Whilst deliberately and rigidly staying on that ground, she refused to give more details on the operational approach to planning, coordinating & delivering a solution to tackle the issue.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Abbot quoted James Heappey, the defense minister, who sent the clear message that no plausible intervention of the Navy on the matter was to be anticipated. (Channel migrants: MPs criticise use of navy to tackle English Channel crossings, 2022)

To conclude, the Tory party has once again shown a lack of transparency and professionalism that is highly patronising and demoralising.

The only real certainty here, is Patel’s inability to be effective and efficient. In addition to her incapacity to understand that the public and her colleagues are not duped by her lies.

I am glad that she resigned and I hope that she will not be given any type of front bench opportunity in parliament ever again.

We should detail her background though because this is not the first instance where Patel showed her unprofessionalism politically speaking.

Patel had to resign in November 2017 over an unofficial meeting with Israelis as UK international development secretary. (Priti Patel quits cabinet over Israel meetings row, 2017) And the same year she stopped paying her Husband £25000 for advising her whilst in office. (Laud, 2021)
After all this, why has this woman been given a senior position under Johnson’s premiership?

She is just an opportunist and untrustworthy person who proved her callousness as she resigned for a second time in September 2022 as a home secretary.

She is aggressive and very disrespectful even in parliament.
We witnessed her lack of calm and compassion when she shouted “shut-up” (The Independent,2022) to her colleagues in parliament and was found to have broken the ministerial code of conduct when an inquiry for bullying was raised against her last year in 2021. (the Guardian, 2020)
I can imagine how difficult it might be to deal with her in the privacy of her home, especially for her son.

I am so glad that she is out and I hope never to see her again. To me, she is to be avoided at all costs and banned from public service, forever.

I think that this topic is very important to pay attention to. This is due to the undeniable impact that the role of the Home secretary has on the daily lives of all UK citizens. We deserve better than Patel!

Finally, this is my opinion only, I found her dress code very ugly. Her dresses lack grace.

Compared to Theresa May, just to take an example of another senior member of the Tory party, was always very well put together.
Mrs. May’s jewellery and dress code sent a signal of competency, care, womanhood, and professionalism.

Priti Patel is not at that level of care at all. And as a woman from an ethnic minority, I must admit that she looked disheveled, not appealing nor aspirational.

This is all for today, thanks for listening to me and see you in the next video. 



www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Live: Priti Patel grilled by MPs over Channel crossings. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbCM0EvjLUM [Accessed 17 Feb. 2022].
In-text citation: (www.youtube.com, n.d.)
– Channel migrants: MPs criticise use of navy to tackle English Channel crossings. (2022). BBC News. [online] 18 Jan. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60042484 [Accessed 17 Feb. 2022].
In-text citation: (Channel migrants: MPs criticise use of navy to tackle English Channel crossings, 2022)
– The Independent. (2022). Priti Patel tells MPs to ‘shut up’ as she sets out her legacy. [online] Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/uk-news/priti-patel-shut-up-mps-b2161954.html [Accessed 12 Sep. 2022].
In-text citation: (The Independent,2022)
– Priti Patel quits cabinet over Israel meetings row. (2017). BBC News. [online] 8 Nov. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41923007 [Accessed 26 May 2021].In-text citation: (Priti Patel quits cabinet over Israel meetings row, 2017)Laud, G. (2021). 
– Priti Patel husband: Is Home Secretary married? Do they have children? [online] Express.co.uk. Available at: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1285932/Priti-Patel-husband-is-Priti-Patel-married-children-family-Alex-Sawyer [Accessed 12 Sep. 2022].
In-text citation: (Laud, 2021)
– the Guardian. (2020). Bullying inquiry ‘found evidence Priti Patel broke ministerial code’. [online] Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/nov/19/boris-johnson-expected-to-rule-on-priti-patel-bullying-claims-within-weeks.
In-text citation: (the Guardian, 2020)

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Frederique Lanoix

Respect nature, a short video

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:51

I have been talking a lot about nature in my previous post and yet I still have more to say. 

You can check one of my other videos HERE

Please comment about the videos, I am curious to know what you think about it! 


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Frederique Lanoix


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:52

Part 2- Conférence de presse – Réunion des chefs de gouvernement de la CARICOM, Belize, 2 mars 2022


Hi this Fred from IVisible,

for those who do not know my channel : I encourage you to check my previous videos and most importantly my website by clicking on the link in the description box of this video.
I would love to hear from you regarding both the quality of the videos and the website
So please leave a few words in the comment section of this video.

Without any further a due let’s get into todays’ video topic!

By the way it is my cat that makes so much noise ! 🐱

I therefore I’m more than happy to say that President Ally, who has responsibility in the quasi cabinet for agriculture and food security, was able to move with dispatch, even in the midst of a pandemic over the course of the last year to bring together the ministers of agriculture, to work with finances to meet with companies dealing with possibilities for crop insurance, to deal with the barriers that you spoke about.

The sanitary and phytosanitary barriers we now have to address fully. The president of Suriname is here He will speak to those barriers to podcasts, which the Caribbean agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency is located in Suriname so that we recognise that this is going to require a number of things happening at the same time.

We’re happy that that we’ve gotten this far.

The next step is unmanned 19th and investment conference in Georgetown, Guyana, May 19 to the 21st where we seek to bring together both public and private sector in order to determine what the investment opportunities are.

Broadly speaking, we recognise that not only can we be self sufficient in poultry in the region, where important what just over $200 million in poultry, US dollars in poultry a year two we recognise that we can also seek to position ourselves by 2025 to be self sufficient in full in the feedstock sorry for poultry while still having the capacity to export. And to that extent.

The Government of Guyana President Ali was able to make the point that 25,000 hectares will be needed to be dedicated to corn and soy production. And if we can do that, throughout the region, not just Guyana. La Guyana is more than willing, but Suriname, Belize, Jamaica in particular. And then in terms of those of us who produce poultry.

There were five or six countries that are reasonably self sufficient within the region. More or less. There are some peculiar items like some countries like backs I think Jamaica is a heavy laser on backs and in Barbados its wings.

Different countries have different preferences, but by bringing everything together that causes for the first time to plan and to have some level of integration in terms of our production from the feedstock right back through the production of poultry.
He also looked President Ali also looked at a number of root crops, and a number of vegetables that are the main ones that we import into the region broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, etc.

And in addition to that, he then took three products for which there is great potential value added. There’s a lot of palm oil, for example, imported into the region, but there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be using coconut oil, which in any event has particular health benefits.

And we looked at one or two other items, where the value added can be there so that you’re not only looking at your basics, but those things that have value added. I’m satisfied that we have the capacity with the agro processing that is done in the region, and for which there is a healthy market to be able to expand that many of us see produces out of Trinidad and Jamaica and they occupy a lot of room on our shelves.



C’est  Fred d’ IVisible, 

Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas ma chaîne : je vous encourage à consulter mes vidéos précédentes et surtout mon site en cliquant sur le lien dans la case de description de cette vidéo. 

J’aimerais avoir votre avis concernant à la fois la qualité des vidéos et celle du site Web. Donc n’hésitez pas à laisser quelques mots dans les commentaires . 

Sans plus tarder, je vous laisse apprécier la deuxième partie de la Conférence de presse sur la Réunion des chefs de gouvernement de la CARICOM, organisée à Belize, le 2 mars 2022. 

Par ailleurs c’est mon chat qui fait autant de bruit !🐱

Je suis donc plus qu’heureuse de dire que le président Ali, qui a la responsabilité dans le quasi cabinet de l’agriculture et de la sécurité alimentaire, a pu se déplacer avec diligence, au cours de la dernière année, au milieu d’une pandémie pour réunir les ministres de l’agriculture.

Et tout cela afin de travailler avec les finances nécessaires pour rencontrer les entreprises qui s’occupent des possibilités d’assurance-récolte, pour faire face aux obstacles dont vous avez parlé.

Les obstacles sanitaires et phytosanitaires que nous devons maintenant complètement éliminer. Le président du Suriname qui est ici parlera de ces obstacles.

Et surtout l’Agence de santé et de sécurité alimentaire agricole des Caraïbes qui est située au Suriname, de sorte que nous reconnaissons qu’il sera nécessaire qu’un certain nombre de choses devront bouger en même temps. Nous sommes heureux d’en être arrivés là.

La prochaine étape est la 19e conférence sur l’investissement à Georgetown, en Guyane, du 19 au 21 mai, où nous cherchons à réunir les secteurs public et privé afin de déterminer quelles sont les opportunités d’investissement.

D’une manière générale, nous reconnaissons que non seulement nous pouvons être autosuffisants grâce au secteur de la volaille dans la région, où il est important de savoir qu’un peu plus de 200 millions de dollars américain en volaille est importé chaque année.

Mais nous reconnaissons que nous pouvons également chercher à nous positionner d’ici 2025 afin d’être pleinement autosuffisants dans le secteur de la matière première, désolé pour la volaille, tout en ayant la capacité d’exporter.

Et dans cette mesure le président Ali du gouvernement Guyanais a pu faire valoir que 25 000 hectares seront nécessaires pour être consacrés à la production de maïs et de soja.

Et si nous pouvons le faire, dans toute la région, pas seulement en Guyane, la Guyane est plus que disposé de le faire, mais le Suriname, Belize et la Jamaïque aussi. Et puis en ce qui concerne ceux d’entre nous qui produisent de la volaille.

Il y avait cinq ou six pays qui sont raisonnablement autosuffisants dans la région.

Il y a des particularités de consommation dans certains pays, il me semble que la Jamaïque préfère le dos et à la Barbade se sont les ailes.

Différents pays ont des préférences différentes, mais en nous rassemblant pour la première fois nous pourrons planifier et avoir un certain niveau d’intégration en termes de production à partir de la fabrication de la matière première jusqu’à la production de volaille.

Le président Ali a également examiné un certain nombre de plantes-racines et un certain nombre de légumes qui sont les principaux aliments que nous importons dans la région: brocoli, chou-fleur, citrouille, etc.

Et en plus de cela, il a ensuite pris trois produits pour lesquels il y a une grande valeur ajoutée potentielle.

Il y a beaucoup d’huile de palme, par exemple, importée dans la région, mais il n’y a aucune raison pour que nous n’utilisons pas d’huile de noix de coco, qui a de toute façon des avantages particuliers pour la santé.

Donc nous avons examiné un ou deux autres éléments, où la valeur ajoutée peut être là, de sorte que vous ne regardez pas seulement vos aliments de base, mais aussi les produits qui ont de la valeur ajoutée.

www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Press Conference – CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting, Belize, 2 March 2022. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euj3pvQGm8U [Accessed 26 Aug. 2022].

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Frederique Lanoix

Part 1- Conférence de presse – Réunion des chefs de gouvernement de la CARICOM, Belize, 2 mars 2022

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:53

Part 1- Conférence de presse – Réunion des chefs de gouvernement de la CARICOM, Belize, 2 mars 2022

If I could ask as a follow up, sir, but we know that one of the elephants in the room in this region are the barriers to trade. And these are very real and we know that there is for a number of reasons, cultural among them, antipathy towards products produced in the region.
And many times we favor imported products from outside the region. We know the well known case, taken to court as quoted on the CCJ of Belize and Trinidad over sugar, subject very near to you.

How do we make the tariffs functional, so that we can create a marketplace or a commercial space for our products to truly move freely and more cheaply across borders.

The Chairman of CARICOM , John Antonio

That’s something that that has started us as heads. Today we all made a commitment once again to be able to try to move that integration even more or certainly faster. Because we are realising that by doing that, our people benefit and we also have to appeal to or to the private sector or individual countries.

As you pointed out with with sugar. In Belize, we have made the necessary adjustments and changes to be able to meet the requirements. And it goes both ways. And more than ever.

I believe that because of the shocks that we’ve been getting the economic shocks over the past two years, I believe that now there is a renewed commitment to the single market integration in the Caribbean, I would ask Prime Minister Motley to add a little bit more as she has been doing most of the heavy lifting, with this Prime Minister?!

Prime Minister Motley

Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. First of all, before I answer let me thank you and the people of Belize, for your wonderful hospitality in hosting us as CARICOM heads of government and our delegations. Over the last two days it has been indicated to me that you handled it with a level of efficiency.

Such that this is a first press conference and participation in the like the CARICOM heads of government meeting. let me say that with respect just to give some context, the 25 by 25 came as a result of the regional agricultural ministers meeting in Bridgestown in 2018.

And we indicated then that we really as a region needed to recognise that food and water were becoming the new oil and that we needed to be able to reduce the volume of imports while at the same time increasing the opportunities for our agricultural sector, our farmers in particular, but at the same time seeking to do two other things, one, reduce the cost of food and to encourage our people to eat more
locally grown food that would be better for them and would help us in reducing the bills we hope in the long run medium to long term that we spend in fighting chronic non communicable diseases.

There’s too much diabetes, there’s too much hypertension.

There’s too much stroke all of these things our populations are facing I therefore I’m more than happy to say that President dally who has responsibility in the quasi cabinet for agriculture and food security, was able to move with dispatch, even in the midst of a pandemic over the course of the last year to bring together the ministers of agriculture, to work with finances to meet with companies dealing with possibilities for crop insurance, to deal with the barriers that you spoke about.


Si vous me le permettez, monsieur, nous savons qu’il y a un énorme problème dans cette région qui sont les obstacles au commerce. Et ceux-ci sont très réels et nous savons qu’il y a, pour un certain nombre de raisons culturelles parmi elles, de l’antipathie envers les produits fabriqués dans la région.

Et souvent, nous privilégions les produits importés de l’extérieur de la région. Nous connaissons bien le cas judiciaire de la CCJ de Belize et de Trinidad concernant le sujet du sucre importés.

Comment pouvons-nous rendre les tarifs fonctionnels afin que nous puissions créer un marché ou un espace commercial pour que nos produits puissent vraiment circuler librement et à moindre coût à travers les frontières.

Le président de CARICOM , John Antonio répond:

C’est quelque chose qui nous concerne et aujourd’hui nous nous sommes tous engagés une fois de plus, afin de faire avancer cette intégration plus rapidement. Parce que nous nous rendons compte qu’en faisant cela, notre population en bénéficie et nous devons également faire appel au secteur privé ou à des pays individuels.
Comme vous l’avez souligné avec le sucre. A Belize, nous avons apporté les ajustements et les changements nécessaires pour pouvoir répondre aux exigences locales. Et cela va dans les deux sens. Et plus que jamais je crois qu’en raison des chocs économiques que nous avons subis au cours des deux dernières années, je crois que maintenant, il y a un engagement renouvelé en faveur de l’intégration du marché unique dans les Caraïbes.

Je demanderais a la première ministre Motley d’ajouter quelques mots, concernant cette intégration car elle a fait la plupart du gros du travail. Madame la première ministre, je vous passe la parole.

La première ministre Motley s’exprime:

Merci beaucoup, monsieur le président. Tout d’abord, avant de répondre, permettez-moi de vous remercier, vous et le peuple de Belize, pour votre merveilleuse hospitalité en nous accueillant en tant que chefs de gouvernement de la CARICOM et nos délégations. Au cours des deux derniers jours, il m’a été indiqué que vous l’avez géré avec un certain niveau d’efficacité.

Permettez-moi de dire, afin de donner un contexte, que les résultats de 25 par 25 ont été obtenus à la suite de la réunion des ministres régionaux de l’agriculture à Bridgetown en 2018.

Et nous avons reconnu que nous devions vraiment, en tant que région, reconnaître que la nourriture et l’eau deviendraient le nouveau pétrole et que nous devions être en mesure de réduire le volume des importations tout en augmentant les opportunités pour notre secteur agricole, et pour nos agriculteurs en particulier, mais en cherchant en même temps à faire deux autres choses.

Premièrement, réduire le coût de la nourriture et encourager nos peuples à manger plus d’aliments cultivés localement.

Ce qui serait meilleurs pour eux et ce qui nous aiderait à réduire les factures essentiellement liées à la lutte contre les maladies chroniques non transmissibles, sur du moyen et du long terme.

Il y a trop de diabète, il y a trop d’hypertension.
Il y a trop d’AVC, toutes ces choses auxquelles nos populations sont confrontées.



www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Press Conference – CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting, Belize, 2 March 2022. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euj3pvQGm8U [Accessed 26 Aug. 2022].

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Frederique Lanoix

Rachel Meghan Markle

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:54
YouTube video about Megahn Marckle available HERE


Hi this is Fred from IVisible, 

Today, I really need to give my personal point of view regarding the beautiful Rachel Meghan Markle.

I have nothing against Mrs Markle as I do not know her personally and I am not even interested in knowing her as such. she married a rich white male who is very famous because of his birth right to be a Prince.

By doing so Meghan was able to enter the aristocracy of Britain.
But as we all know those posh people and I’m referring to the aristocrats act like a cult. Indeed, there is no diversity, no change in the way they do things and no kindness for others. These are some of the ideologies that they seem to abide to.

Of course, this is my observation, as I do not have access to this type of people. So, for a woman from a complete different background, entering this thick and discriminatory world must have been hell on earth.

The most annoying is the fact that the media in the UK spent its time bashing on Meghan as if she had no feelings.
I do not get why so many poor white people are against her.

I think that they are no way better than Meghan, especially knowing their history of rage against other ethnic groups.
I think that they should just be quiet as they know how to shut up when it comes to important matter such as the cost-of-living crisis and Brexit.

Meanwhile as unashamed racist and uneducated people that they are, they idolise Kate Middleton.

Kate, who has no career, no personality, and does very little to improve anything in their local community.
Kate Middleton does one thing and one thing only. She makes babies to Prince William and obeys to whatever her husband’s family require her to do, like a well-trained soldier. (Middleton, 2018)

I have spent years hearing about the trash that, British people allow themself to get into when it comes to Mrs Markle and playing dirty seems to be the only thing that you want to do.

So, today I want to say that as a white girl, Kate had too many financial and social advantages. As a daughter of a businessman, she never had to worry about the basics like paying her bills or studying toward a degree and not knowing how to finance that degree.

Kate has never experienced hardship, despite the difficult time that the press insist that she may have had as the girlfriend of the prince. Indeed, she could not find a respectable job. (Middleton, 2018)

What a non-sense and pitiful position to be in!

Kate has only been in a bubble, protected by her father and her husband. In the real world for most black women, it is very hard to get by and finding sympathy especially when you are in a vulnerable position is practically mission impossible.
Megan Merkel may not have struggled the most due to her father who had some money at some point in his life. But Kate is not better than her!

If anything, Meghan is not less educated than Kate. Anon, (2020)

Kate just holds a degree completed at the University of St. Andrews which has seen her husband graduated too. (Middleton, 2018)

To me, Kate has no character whatsoever.

She is not inspiring compared to Megan Merkel, who I stand with.

Beauty wise Kate is not pretty compared to many black women, and this includes Meghan Markle. I personally do not like Kate because she does nothing innovative or helpful for women in general. And we know how hard it is to be safe in this world as a woman.

So, there is work to do and because of her position she could be a great help for others.
However, she is not known for advocating for anything that is not related to her husband’s duty and to me she represents an old fashion way of living.

I am sure that William thought about being with someone more charitable because “In April 2007” they broke up. (Middleton, 2018)

And I could go deeper into bashing Kate just like those racist, stupid, arrogant, silly journalists who love to create discord and belittling Meghan.

So, in order to send a message of peace and harmony, I must add that people around the world are watching you and it is not a pretty image that you are portraying.

Finally, I am not Meghan but if I was her shoes, I would have stayed in the UK, just to make sure that Britain do not treat another black woman the way they dirtied me.

I am done with this topic. I am not sure if I will make another video about Meghan and Harry, especially Meghan because she is a black woman and I think that she is a human, and she needs some support. I will think about it and thank you so much for listening and I hope you will subscribe and like this video.




– Middleton, K. (2018). Kate Middleton. [online] Biography. Available at: https://www.biography.com/royalty/kate-middleton.
In-text citation: (Middleton, 2018)
– Anon, (2020). Does Meghan Markle Have A Degree? [online] Available at: https://celebanswers.com/does-meghan-markle-have-a-degree/#:~:text=Meghan%20has%20a%20degree%20in%20Communications.%20In%202003%2C [Accessed 26 Sep. 2022].

In-text citation: (Anon, 2020)

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Frederique Lanoix

Short video about respecting nature

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:54

A few months ago I created a video encouraging people to put their trash in the litters. 

Let me know what you think about it. ☘️


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Frederique Lanoix

Elizabeth Holmes

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:55

I created a video few months ago about Theranos which you can find HERE

Thanks for reading the transcript below  or watch the video. Feel free to let me know what you think about it! 😜 

Hi this is Fred from IVisible,

For those who do not know my channel: I encourage you to check my previous videos and most importantly my website by clicking on the link in the description box of this video. I would love to hear from you regarding both the quality of the videos and the website.

So please leave a few words in the comment section of this video. 
In this video, I will talk about Theranos’ founder conviction

– Revolution
– Democratisation of personal health accessibility
– Low amount of blood required to run tests on a new technology

What do those statements make you think about?

Well, those were some of Elyzabeth Holme pitch content. I spent a lot of hours watching either the documentaries available online and the series provided by Disney Channel which was very well crafted by the way.

I have put a list of videos and articles which you can watch on your own time if you want to know more about this case.
Going back to our topic, I will not give you details about the facts because I will need to create a full documentary on this story. So I will give my opinion regarding Elizabeth Holmes.

First, I would like you to spend a few seconds remembering a time when you have been duped. Do you remember how it felt? Do you remember the feeling of being angry or sad or distressed?

Now, when it comes to dealing with our health, nobody likes to be told that a medical procedure has a risk of failure. However, you trust experts and you assume that the given advice is honest and for your own well-being.

Elizabeth Holmes spent countless hours talking as if she was an expert in the field of medical testing. She purposely lied and made up a false personality in order to fit into a business environment that encourages white males to succeed without completing a higher education plan. For example, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg did not complete their degrees. (Academic-Writing.org, 2017)

So, we can assume that she may have been inspired by this type of behavior as a tech entrepreneur.

To me she is the epiphany of what an entitled scammer looks like.

She, as a white upper-class woman, had the opportunity to do so much good around her.
Instead, she chose to convince investors to inject huge amounts of money, almost $1 billion, for about 12 to 15 years without showing any real progress. (Ramsdell, 2019)
Although some of the investors were not the most ethical and fair people on this planet.

She spoke passionately about her concept which was only a concept.

And for our own curiosity, we should spend some time defining a concept. It is an abstract idea and due to its intangible character, in the business world, concepts should be worked on as much as possible within the scope of contemporary technology in order to meet customers’ needs. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022)

Customers and investors are not the only stakeholders that businesses should be concerned about. With the increased attention on corporate social responsibility, it was clear that Theranos needed a strong ethic manifesto and commitment to design a machine capable of collecting, analysing and delivering accurate test results in a timely manner. (Chen, 2021)

So, it is not SMART to bring an unfinished machine on the market. Furthermore, the basics were missing in Theranos’ approach to entrepreneurship.

They did not even spend time on some sort of research that could be the way to understanding what gap was missing or already readily available in the marketplace. Can we expect to see a concept car getting approved for production without all the health and safety compliance checked?

But why do I care about this story?

The answer to this question is that Theranos used people’s desperation for fast blood testing, pain, and hopes for a better future to its advantage in order to gain funding.

Funding that the disabled community needs and could use adequately in cancer research or any other type of research related to incurable diseases, for that matter.

Many examples of neglected research areas which are underfunded came to my mind such as addiction diseases (www.medicalnewstoday.com, n.d.), domestic violence recovery (Domestic abuse charities can apply for vital funds, 2020), housing for homelessness (Homeless Link, n.d.), postpartum psychosis cure (NHS, 2021), depression and anxiety cure (NHS, 2021), people touched by hunger and food deserts (Brones, 2018), heart diseases cure (Conditions, 2020), malaria (WHO, 2021) and chikungunya (www.who.int, n.d.) cures to name a few.

This is why being a white female made Elizabeth Holme at the top of the list for funding and rather than helping others, she indulged in counterproductive behavior and gave an ugly face to entrepreneurship.

Personally, I believe that too many white people have it too easy and pretend to be educated, intelligent and experts whilst others have a hard time getting noticed even when working really hard to achieve their goals and dreams.

Indeed, most Silicon Valley tech firms have less than 2% black employees and I was unable to find statistics on the percentage of disabled people being part of the workforce, so diversity-wise, it is mediocre. (Kim, n.d.,Wong, 2017)

This is not a sign of innovation but simply pure arrogance and an open display of discriminatory and racist behavior.
That is all for me today, I hope you did enjoy this video, and let me know what you think about the topic in the comment section. 
Thanks for listening and see you in the next video!
List of video and articles :

– Elizabeth Holmes: The ‘Valley of Hype’ behind the rise and fall of Theranos [documentary] – YouTube
– Theranos – Silicon Valley’s Greatest Disaster – YouTube
– The downfall of Elizabeth Holmes: Is the young billionaire going to jail? | 60 Minutes Australia – YouTube
– The spectre of Theranos looms large over the diagnostic world | WIRED UK
– Elizabeth Holmes Trial Witness Allegedly Went to Her House Last Month (businessinsider.com)
– Former Theranos exec Sunny Balwani convicted of 12 counts of fraud | Theranos | The Guardian
– Erika Cheung: Theranos, whistleblowing and speaking truth to power | TED :

– Tyler Shultz reacts to Elizabeth Holmes verdict – YouTube
– Widow of Theranos’ former chief scientist speaks out following Elizabeth Holmes’ conviction – YouTube
– Elizabeth Holmes SCANDAL – Body Language That Reveals The Lies – YouTube


– Academic-Writing.org (2017). Mark Zuckerberg and His Education. [online] Academic-Writing.org. Available at: https://academic-writing.org/blog/mark-zuckerberg-education/.

– Ramsdell, T. (2019). Theranos: A cautionary tale of ethics and entrepreneurship. [online] CU Denver Business School News. Available at: https://business-news.ucdenver.edu/2019/05/24/theranos-a-cautionary-tale-of-ethics-and-entrepreneurship/#:~:text=Over%20its%2012-15-year%20lifespan%2C%20Theranos%20raised%20almost%20%241 [Accessed 8 Sep. 2022].

-Cambridge Dictionary (2022). concept. [online] @CambridgeWords. Available at: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/learner-english/concept [Accessed 8 Sep. 2022].

– Chen, J. (2021). Learn What Stakeholders Are and the Roles That They Play. [online] Investopedia. Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stakeholder.asp#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways%3A%201%20A%20stakeholder%20has%20a%20vested.

– Kim, E. (n.d.). What it’s like to be black in Silicon Valley. [online] Business Insider. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com/being-black-in-silicon-valley-2016-7?r=US&IR=T#:~:text=Source%3A%20Medium%20In%20fact%2C%20according%20to%20the%20American [Accessed 8 Sep. 2022].

– Wong, J.C. (2017). Segregated Valley: the ugly truth about Google and diversity in tech. The Guardian. [online] 7 Aug. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/07/silicon-valley-google-diversity-black-women-workers.

– WHO (2021). WHO recommends groundbreaking malaria vaccine for children at risk. [online] www.who.int. Available at: https://www.who.int/news/item/06-10-2021-who-recommends-groundbreaking-malaria-vaccine-for-children-at-risk.

www.who.int. (n.d.). WHO/BS/2022.2434: Collaborative Study to Evaluate a Candidate World Health Organization International Standard for Antibodies to Chikungunya Virus. [online] Available at: https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/who-bs-2022.2434 [Accessed 12 Sep. 2022].

www.medicalnewstoday.com. (n.d.). Addictive disorders: Causes and reasons they may get worse. [online] Available at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323483#why-does-addiction-occur.

– Domestic abuse charities can apply for vital funds. (2020). gov.uk. [online] 7 May. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/domestic-abuse-charities-can-apply-for-vital-funds.

– Homeless Link. (n.d.). 2020 Annual review of single homelessness support in England. [online] Available at: https://homeless.org.uk/knowledge-hub/2020-annual-review-of-single-homelessness-support-in-england/ [Accessed 12 Sep. 2022].

– NHS (2021). Postpartum psychosis. [online] nhs.uk. Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-partum-psychosis/.
– NHS (2021). Mental health. [online] nhs.uk. Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/.

– Brones, A. (2018). Food apartheid: the root of the problem with America’s groceries. [online] the Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/may/15/food-apartheid-food-deserts-racism-inequality-america-karen-washington-interview.

– Conditions (2020). Conditions. [online] British Heart Foundation. Available at: https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/conditions.

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Frederique Lanoix

New blog post

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:55

The new Space age is a program available on Amazon Prime which helps you to understand what is the new vision for space exploration and what the various agencies such as NASA are engaging in. The program is very interesting. 

Nonetheless, there is one important factor which is slightly worrisome in that, pollution is also happening in space. 

I am not sure how to reconcile the fact that Earth is already full of pollution and those agencies are creating even more pollution in space. For what purpose? 

It seems that lessons were not learnt and men, especially greedy men, are stubbornly annoying in their quest for money and fame.  

Just a thought, 


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Frederique Lanoix

Whale watching issues

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:56

"Whale watching tours [...] can force cetaceans to abandon crucial feeding grounds, get separated from their babies, and feel debilitating stress.

There "are things you can do" to ensure you can help protecting cetaceans now. Here’s what to know.


A boat on the seaFrederique 

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Frederique Lanoix

Whoopi Goldberg’s suspension for Holocaust comment 2022s

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:56

From : 

The independent published that Bill Maher says Whoopi Goldberg’s suspension for Holocaust comments is “so insulting.” (The Independent, 2022)
And I totally agree with Maher’s statement. It is not only insulting but clearly discriminatory and racist to suspend Mrs Goldberg for a lack of knowledge. 
This is important to point out because the fact that Whoopi Goldberg made a mistake and corrected herself should not be a good reason to cancel her. 
The act of dismissing a public figure should be thorough in a world where Black women are rarely promoted. Hence the media industry has a duty to treat people decently because thus far there are not that many Black women on screen nor Black disabled women, for that matter. 

The Holocaust and the disabled community 

 In order to understand why I found Mrs Goldberg dismissal outrageous we need to take a look at the fact that after the second world war; the world discovered that the Jews were not the only victims of the Nazis. The disabled community suffered greatly as a consequence to the Nazis’ determination to eliminate as many disabled people as possible too. The Eugenic theory played its part in the justification of the killings of disabled people.

(Historicengland.org.uk, 2019 )

Eugenic theory which promoted the elimination of the disabled and those who was categorised as impure members of the German society left the disabled community with a death toll of approximately “275,000 disabled people killed by the Nazis”(Bbc.co.uk, 2014).

Having said that, the “mass killing of disabled people”  during the Holocaust had set a new tone for the protection of the disabled community in the UK. This is why,  disabled people in the UK campaigned successfully for the implementation of “The 1944 Disability Employment Act” which “promised sheltered employment, reserved occupations and employment quotas for disabled people” (Historicengland.org.uk

, 2013).

In a bitter sweet resolution, this gave birth to many changes that eased the way in which disabled people interact with their environment on an accessibility level in the UK. For example, “architects and planners took on the idea of implementing a ‘ universal design’ regarding the fashion of new buildings to satisfy the need for a more inclusive environment (Historicengland.org.uk

, 2013).


The consequences of people believing in the Eugenic theory  were not confined to Europe only. 


For example in the United States of America, the little understanding of disability led to vague generalised labelling of syndromes from doctors (www.youtube.com, n.d.). The Down or Williams syndrome as well as Autism or Dementia were classified as debilitating without appropriate research about the best way to look after each individual’s  needs.


In order to deal with the issue of disability as a whole the government subsidised Fairview. John F. Kennedy was convinced that parents would benefit from having some sort of medical support for their disabled children. And this happened in the 1950’s, many years  after the second world war ended. Only a few could access to what they thought was an innovative and adequate solution to creating a better environment for disabled people (www.youtube.com,n.d)


Children were sent to Fairview institution but suffered from being separated from their family which can be considered as emotional abuse. Many protocols were implemented that breached human rights such as the forced sterilisation of all Fairview’s patients (www.youtube.com, n.d.).

Other, more severe mistreatments resulted in the death of children. 

Today, there are still many issues to be solved. The WHO (World Health Organization, 2021) tells us “that there are Over 1 billion people living with some form of disability” worldwide.

And disabled people still have so many challenges to overcome from high unemployment, to lack of access to adequate health care or racism and  discrimination, to name a few.


The Holocaust and other groups of people 


The Nazis used the same stupid and inaccurate arguments, not just to exterminate the Jews but also against people of colour and the travellers community. Indeed, “Travelling people were the second-largest group slaughtered by the Nazis. There were Roma who stood up against the Nazis, but that is not shown in the media.” (LazenbyMonday, January 27 and 2020, 2020)


“As many as 35 million non-Jews were killed by the Nazis in the course of the war” only to justify a fundamentally unproven and delusional ideology in order to rob, enslave, kill and create fear in Europe and beyond (Pencak Schwartz, 2019).


The BBC listed those who Who fought for Britain during World War II as the below: 


  • The British Empire and Dominions raised a total of 8,586,000 men for military service
  • More than 5,000,000 came from the British Isles
  • 1,440,500 hailed from India, while 136,000 came from South Africa
  • Of those who fought 629,000 were Canadians
  • 413,000 came from Australia and 128,500 from New Zealand
  • More than 134,000 travelled from other colonies, including some 10,000 from the Caribbean


The organisation Worldwar2.org.uk adds that the estimated casualties for : 

  • Germany reached just under 7.4 million.
  • Soviet soldiers it was roughly around  8.7 million 
  • British 700,000 military casualties and 60,000 civilian deaths
  • Estimated USSR losses  now stand at 26.6 million.
  • Poland’s death toll was between 5.6 and 5.8 million.
  • USA military dead is around 416,800 people

Casualties listed here include about 4 to 12 million war-related famine deaths in China, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, India that are often omitted from other compilations of World War II casualties.


Finally, etre republicain explains that there were an estimated of  130 000 to 500 000 Roma who have been killed during the conflict and perhaps more according to some historians and between 10 000 to 15 000 homosexuals died in the hands of the Nazis in the concentration camps. (www.estrepublicain.fr, n.d.)


Although, these are estimated numbers, it does not take into account the “44000 Native Americans who served on all front in the conflict” and the soldiers from Senegal, Mali, Benin, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Pierre et Miquelon, Nouvelle Calédonie, French Guiana, French Polynesia etc…


Hence, Mrs Goldberg statements were inaccurate but not an act of support for Nazism.  Also, did the Jewish community have any compassion for the others who died in horrible circumstances during the second world war? You were not the only victims of the Holocaust and that is an undeniable FACT. 


This is why the view has lost me on this matter and I wish that they could think about the consequences of their actions when it comes to racism and discrimination. 





The Independent. (2022). Bill Maher says Whoopi Goldberg’s suspension for Holocaust comments is “so insulting.” [online] Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/bill-maher-whoopi-goldberg-the-view-b2008301.html [Accessed 5 Feb. 2022].

LazenbyMonday, P., January 27 and 2020 (2020). Gypsies and travellers under continual attack. [online] Morning Star. Available at: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/gypsies-and-travellers-under-continual-attack.

Soldiers of the Caribbean: Britain’s forgotten war heroes. (2015). BBC News. [online] 13 May. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32703753.


. (2013). How Many People Died In World War 2 | World War 2 Casualties. [online] Available at:


www.estrepublicain.fr. (n.d.). Les statistiques des pertes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale varient, avec des estimations allant de 60 … [online] Available at: https://www.estrepublicain.fr/actualite/2015/05/05/les-statistiques-des-pertes-de-la-seconde-guerre-mondiale-varient-avec-des-estimations-allant-de-60 [Accessed 5 Feb. 2022].

Science Museum. (n.d.). Medicine in the aftermath of war. [online] Available at:


www.youtube.com . (n.d.). In the shadow of Fairview: full documentary. [online] Available at:


[Accessed 7 Oct. 2021].

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Frederique Lanoix

Diane Abbott

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Frederique Lanoix, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 16:57

In a short video about Diane Abbott, Sky news (2023, April 23) starts by stating that the MP killed her own career for pointing out the fact that Jewish people do not have the same experience of racism and cannot understand what it means to face racist attacks because of your skin colour. 

Whilst it has been acknowledged by the Jews, that they suffered 6 million deaths in WW2, what Diane Abbott was trying to say is that the black community has a very strong experience of racism which cannot be replicated unless you are a descendent of the slave trade survivors which involved 3 continents, namely Africa, Europe and America.  

When the slave trade was in operation "more than 15 million" African men, women and children (United Nations. (n.d.) died as a result of it. This does not include all the genocides and persecutions suffered by the first nations in Africa, the US and elsewhere during the same period of time. 

Black people have to "live" (Terrance Carney,2016) with their skin which are seen by others as being subhuman has a profound effect on the victims of racist attacks. Hence, the nature of having more melanin is totally different from being a white Jewish person who can decide to hide his/her background whenever it is suited. 

This is why, I do not understand why a black woman expressing her point of view about her own community labelled as despicable. This is barbaric and totally well out of order. 

Whoopi Goldberg experienced the same idiocy recently, and she is still a prominent figure in her local community. Why? Because she did nothing to the Jewish community. Today, it seems to be the same sickening behaviour, happening in terms of discrimination against a black woman.

So, I must voice my anger over the lynching that is currently taking place.

It is important to have a historical background check fact, in order to make sure that we know the reasons why Diane Abbott is right. 

The fact that Jewish people claim to be the only victims worth to speak up against the Nazi regime is mind blowing. "No one is 100 percent certain of the number of people who died in World War 2 but it experts believe the figure is around the 50-70 million people killed in as a result of World War 2." (How Many People Died In World War 2 | World War 2 Casualties, 2017) 

This fact only teaches us that 50 or 70 Million - 6 Million is equal to between 44 to 64 Million people died in WW2. This in addition to the Jewish community.   

Hence, the jews were not the only one who suffered from the Nazi regime. Indeed, the regime used the same stupid and inaccurate arguments, not just to exterminate the Jews but also against people of colour and the travelling community, for example. 

For instance, “Travelling people were the second-largest group slaughtered by the Nazis. The Roma stood up against the Nazis, but that is not shown in the media.” (LazenbyMonday, 2023)“

Furthermore, The BBC (Soldiers of the Caribbean: Britain’s forgotten war heroes, 2015) listed those who Who fought for Britain during World War II as the below: 

  • The British Empire and Dominions raised a total of 8,586,000 men for military service
  • More than 5,000,000 came from the British Isles
  • 1,440,500 hailed from India, while 136,000 came from South Africa
  • Of those who fought 629,000 were Canadians
  • 413,000 came from Australia and 128,500 from New Zealand
  • More than 134,000 travelled from other colonies, including some 10,000 from the Caribbean

The organisation Worldwar2.org.uk (How Many People Died In World War 2 | World War 2 Casualties, 2017) adds that the estimated casualties for : 

  • Germany reached just under 7.4 million.
  • Soviet soldiers it was roughly around  8.7 million 
  • British 700,000 military casualties and 60,000 civilian deaths
  • Estimated USSR losses  now stand at 26.6 million.
  • Poland’s death toll was between 5.6 and 5.8 million.
  • USA military dead is around 416,800 people

Casualties listed here include about 4 to 12 million war-related famine deaths in China, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, India that are often omitted from other compilations of World War II casualties. 

Furthermore, these are estimated numbers and it does not take into account the “ More than 44,000 American Indians, out of a total Native American population of less than 400,000, who served with distinction between 1941 and 1945 in all theaters of the war” Magazine, S. (2020) and the soldiers from Senegal, Mali, Benin, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Pierre et Miquelon, Nouvelle Calédonie, French Guiana, French Polynesia etc…

Lastly, "It is estimated that close to 250,000 disabled people were murdered under the Nazi regime."(Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people, 2023)

To conclude, it seems strange to me to see a nationwide witch hunt against a Black woman who has ancestors who paid the price in WW2 and who have endured so much more due to slavery, colonialism, racism, discrimination, misogyny, eugenics, white supremacist and now Zionism.  

This is why Diane Abbott is right when stating her opinion on an issue that she experiences herself. 

She has the right to say that living in a skin that white people do not appreciate, value or respect is tiring. 

Hence, she does not need,as a Black person, to be held accountable for the lack of decency shown by their white counterparts. 


- Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Disabled people. (2023). Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/disabled-people/

- How Many People Died In World War 2 | World War 2 Casualties. (2017). World War 2. Available at: https://worldwar2.org.uk/how-many-people-died-in-world-war-2

- LazenbyMonday, P.(2023). Gypsies and travellers under continual attack. [online] Morning Star. Available at: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/gypsies-and-travellers-under-continual-attack.

- Magazine, S. (2020). Native Americans Have Always Answered the Call to Serve: National VFW Day 2020. Smithsonian Voices | National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Magazinehttps://www.smithsonianmag.com/blogs/national-museum-american-indian/2020/09/29/national-vfw-day/

- Soldiers of the Caribbean: Britain’s forgotten war heroes. (2015). BBC News. [online] 13 May. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32703753.

- Sky News(2023). Will Jewish racism comments end Diane Abbott’s political career? [Video]. YouTube. , Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FBIwxZ-Hl8&ab_channel=SkyNews (Accessed April 24, 2023).

- Terrance Carney(2016). Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary: Post Traumatic Slave Disorder [Video]. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGjSday7f_8&ab_channel=TerranceCarney (Accessed April 24, 2023). (from 3.50 min 

- United Nations. (n.d.). Slave Trade | United Nationshttps://www.un.org/en/observances/decade-people-african-descent/slave-trade#:~:text=International%20Day%20of%20Remembrance%20of%20the%20Victims%20of%20Slavery%20and,darkest%20chapters%20in%20human%20history.

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Frederique Lanoix

Le Journal Afrique du vendredi 31 mars 2023 sur TV5MONDE

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