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A wild wood pidgeon or white collared dove?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Apr 2022, 03:13

White collorred dove or wood pidgeon?

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So far, So Good!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Apr 2022, 03:14

I have really enjoyed this course E302 English
Creativity in Lanuage, it has been a fantastic experience.
First, I learnt about creativity in language block 1, then in block 2 it was creativity in Narrative, then block 3 was about the Politics of language and creativity, how language is used in the political field.

This has been my favourite course in English up to now.
It has been challenging but very interesting. I feel that I have learned a lot this year.

Next term it is French language,  but I feel a bit rusty, so will have to get out my detective/ story/books and watch some French films in time for the October course start date.


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New blog post

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 21 May 2022, 01:29

Pink Abstract 2

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New blog post

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 21 May 2022, 01:28

Pink Abstract- painting on glass

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Going Green!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 12 Aug 2023, 22:10

Abstract painting in green

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Going to buy Organic Vegetables !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 7 Apr 2022, 20:04

I wonder what has happened to the weather?
It was lovely and warm at the beginning of the month, now it is so cold and damp!
I got caught in a downpour going to the supermarket today. It is supposed to be Spring time.  Is this really April showers more like an April deluge !

I had to dry my hair quickly with the hairdryer,  because it is too long to just leave it to dry naturally as it is, I will probably catch another cold on top of the one I have already!

I hope the sun will show up later this afternoon because I have to walk for half an hour to the vegetable sellers on the edge of the village. They have a large plot of land. I need to buy leeks, carrots, tomatoes and celeriac. Going to make a soup with hot baked garlic bread.  I better make the most of it because Friday is going to be the day when I fast for lent!

In the meantime, I will do some more studying in the lounge and wrap a thick duvet around me to keep warm!
Welcome to cold Britannia!


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 9 Apr 2022, 13:29)
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This time of Lent ✝️

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 28 Apr 2022, 02:55

It is the time of Lent and for many Christian followers, this means fasting, starting  on Ash Wednesday,  then every day or every Friday until Easter.
This is to commemorate the time, when Our Lord Jesus was fasting in the desert, where he was tempted by the devil three times. He was able to resist the devil and pray,  he stayed close to God. It is also a time to prepare for, and to celebrate the mystery of Easter, the time when Jesus paid the sacrifice, to blot out the sins of the world, to those who believe.

It is a time of self denial, to repent of sins. when we give up eating for the day, no meat must be eaten during the day,  so it is a good opportunity to practice being vegetarian.
If you are over a certain age or on medications you do not have to fast.

Instead you can choose to deny yourself something like choclate, alcohol, a holiday, a cake, watching TV or using the social media, something that you usually really enjoy doing. The main thing is to deny yourself, so it should feel slightly uncomfortable like a discipline, then you can pray and repent of sins.
It is also a time for acts of charity or kindness, a time for alms giving.

I myself am fasting every Friday before Easter now, some people do more or some people do less(all depending on health, age or lifes circumstances) For some they will just give up meat for the Friday, others do a full fast. If you do a full fast you can eat after sunset and before sunrise. You can drink water but not have any solid food during the day on which you fast.

It is a time to draw nearer to God to depend on him, to pray and read Holy books such as the Bible or other Christian books including poetry that inspires devotion to God. You can pray for certain things like healing or forgiveness or for a good cause.

The main purpose is to come  closer to God as we depend on his help to get us through the day of fasting. To show gratitude, being grateful for what you do have,  like the basics of life like a shelter, a home,  enough food, money, clothes to wear and so on. Being thankful to God.


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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 7 Apr 2022, 12:57


Today I was doing some voluntary work at the library. I had a few things to do there, like photocopying public information and helping out at the book sale.
My friend came along with me to help and tidied up the books .

There was a booksale for charity, so we put some  books on the shelf, these were on sale in aid of the 'Red Cross'  which is a very worthy cause. I was in charge of taking donations and my friend was stacking up the shelves.

By the end of the afternoon a lot of books had been sold, mainly childrens books, so that was good.
On the way home we called in for a chinese takeaway, a great reward for all our efforts!


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Blue Grape Hyacynths in the woods.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 4 Apr 2022, 21:48

Blue Grape Hyacynths

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This afternoons walk- And what I saw

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 5 Apr 2022, 17:15

Wild yellow Primroses

This afternoon after studying I went for a walk in the woods. There were daffodils, blue grape hyacinths and primroses growing everywhere in the wood so this was something new to see. I sat on the bench and listened to birdsong. I noticed that there were lots of Sparrows, blackbirds, magpies, woodpigeons and starlings flying about. I  avoided the market place as it was too busy at this time on a monday!  so came back by the back route along the  country lane, passing the cemetry and park because it was much more peaceful that way and with my chaotic mind I really like the  peace and quiet!


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This mornings reading unit 19

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 4 Apr 2022, 19:05

Still reading the same chapter. I have identified some or all of the topics and some of the ideas noted below.
•  Role of the literary agent   Cultural value and commercial value.
• Ideas of Bakhtin discussed in Unit 17, Chapter 2 and Unit 18, Chapter 3, and those of Heaney in Unit 17, Chapter 2
• Ideas relating to translation (Unit 5)
Collaboration- The contribution of collaboration to creativity in language use has been considered in relation to spoken language. 

•(Unit 3), workplace humour (Unit 2) and grass-roots politics (Unit 17)
Impact of new technologies. A theme running throughout the module, especially in relation to translation, creation of multimodal texts, grass-roots politics, and commerce and advertising.

Still lots to do reading and taking notes.

(Unit 19 Milton Keynes Open University)

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Why do we Love?

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Lilac flower

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An Environmental Day

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 1 July 2024, 23:14

The weather was cold but sunny, when I went out for a walk this afternoon.
I decided to walk through the village rather than across the muddy fields(it had rained earlier on)

What struck me the most, as I walked along the street today, was the silence along the main road. Even though it was Saturday,  there has been hardly any traffic about (especially since the pandemic.)  It reminded me of when we had first moved here from a large industrial town in the late ' 70s

Of course as time went on things changed,  as everyone could afford their own cars. The husband, the wife, the teenage children all owned cars, these stood in their large drives.  Then it was not so quiet anymore, there were so many cars, driving about madly everywhere!

However, today it was like being transported back in time, to those peaceful days again, when we first arrived in this quiet village. A time when there were very few cars about. It was as if time had suddenly gone backwards.

It was not always like this, but today I heard a blackbird singing so sweetly, so clearly, in a nearby tree, birds flew down onto a bird table in one of the gardens, now this was most unusual because it is on the main road leading into the village, so usually lots of cars charging past. But not today!

I stopped to sit on a bench on the quiet market place,  and I closed my eyes. I heard birdsong,  I saw some magpies and several gold coloured finches, who landed close by to where I was seated. 

 "Why can't it  always be like this?" I said out loud. Maybe it could? Imagine this scene in the city or town centre. Wouldn't that be wonderful? 

Well one can have a  dream as they say, but wouldn't it be good if it came true?


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A French Blog

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 2 Apr 2022, 13:20

Ce matin je me suis levée à 8h comme d'habitude
et j'ai préparé le café.
j'ai porté le café dans le salon,
où mon mari était assis sur le canapé
il était en train de trier le courrier qui venait d'arriver dans la boite aux lettres

il parcourait ces catalogues habituels qui faisaient de la publicité pour des livres, des cds et des dvds. Cependant, ces jours-ci, il ne commandait pas beaucoup à partir du catalogue. il aime toujours regarder les dernières nouveautés.
j'ai versé un autre café et un petit pain brioché.
j'ai regardé par la fenêtre, dehors le soleil brillait fort. C'etait un bon jour pour sortir ensemble pour une longue balade. C'est le seul plaisir que nous avons dans la vie!

                 🌤                                         🌄  🌲 🏡       ☕🥖

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Struggling with a cold, the blues, the cold weather and studies.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 19 May 2022, 23:36

It was such a bitterly cold day today,  that I shivered when I woke up, the weather had turned much colder. I had a runny nose.

Never mind I soon warmed up as I did  quickly my daily house work routine. This included Sweeping up, Washing the floors, dusting and polishing.
All this made me feel a bit warmer. However I still wore 2 leggings, 2 jumpers and 2 pair of socks!

I Stopped to have a coffee mid way through and a snack of Croque monsieur(with quorn sausage in) and
a fried egg. I am not Vegan but I try to be Vegetarian whenever I can. By the afternoon I was a lot warmer.

I then got down to studying. The politics of language and Creativity in a Globalised World.
Chapter 4. Language, Creativity and the politics of Value.
Last week I had enjoyed chapter3 Creativity on sale.
It was a very interesting.chapter.

I read a portion of the chapter today and I wrote down notes in my digital notebook.

I am so amazed that I have even come this far in my degree.  After everything I have been through, bereavement (my sister), family illness, looking after my son and the latest rising costs of living, which is very hard and crippling for me.
Well, I suppose that is the life of a student !

Unfortunately, I don't seem to be having all these great fun parties that everyone is supposed to be having!
🥂🍾🍷🍹🍺 😒

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Trying to remain hopeful in the spring time.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 30 Mar 2022, 00:46

After my studies this week, I had not been out for a walk lately, so I decided to walk around the little  wood near my house. It was lovely to see so many cheerful yellow daffodils growing in profusion right through the woods.

The twigs and branches snapped underfoot as I walked through the wood. It smelt earthy, woody and flowery. The birds were singing cheerfully, bees buzzing and I even saw some bright red and orange butterflies.

These were the signs of Spring arriving everywhere at last, after the long cold wintertime. I try to be positive and hopeful,  that things may get better in the world as this year goes on, let's hope so.

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Pretty Blue flowers growing wild in the woods

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 27 Mar 2022, 11:07

Blue flowers

Does anyone know what these are?

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Why not Tax the Super Rich Energy companies?⚡

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 30 Aug 2022, 23:00

Why can't this government tax the rich energy companies, instead of passing the high cost of energy on to the poor customers,  who are already struggling from austerity. I heard that In France, they tax the energy companies instead, to help out the  consumers. Why can't the government do that in this country ?   Instead of passing on the cost to the very poorest in our society! 🤷‍♀️

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Cheerful Yellow forsythia

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 Mar 2022, 22:17

Yellow forsythia

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There are daffodils in the woods!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 Mar 2022, 18:59

Yellow daffodils in the woods

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Creativity in Political discourse chapter2 (Taking Notes.)

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 10 May 2022, 18:17

In Political discourse
Why is the creative-aesthetic dimension so common?
There are three possible reasons

1. First, creativity is a fundamental aspect of human life; therefore, it is not surprising that it is also evident in political discourse.

2. Creativity, as understood in Bakhitinian terms as a carnivalesque activity, often involves transgression of conventional social, cultural and political norms which can be mobilised for more planned political purposes, such as challenges to established authorities and the status quo.

3. In the twenty first century for a range of reasons, not least to the material means of cultural production through the use of the internet, there seems to be what Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999, p95) call a 'heightened reflexitivity'
this refers to the fact that people are paying increasingly explicit attention to discourse, both in the production of discourse for particular purposes(buying, selling, persuading, etc.) and in the production of self(how we talk, dress move, etc.)


The importance and potential impact of creating and sharing a banner or meme which laughs at dictators cannot be underestimated !

(Open University)

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Reflections on water

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 1 Apr 2022, 19:46


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The cost of energy has gone up! Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 19 Mar 2022, 00:33

Today we received our energy bill for this winter quarter and it has doubled!
Despite our best efforts to cut back, like having the heating on for just 1 hour only per day, in the morning (only on the coldest days)
Then to top this insult off, it said on the letter to pay by the 17th March that was yesterday!
My son is in the most vulnerable group. We are on low income.
This is really  evil to treat people like this!
I never voted for this  and the other parties do not seem to offer a better alternative. Can the government not do something to help those consumers who are struggling to pay their energy bill?

What sort of country are we living in?

I thought things were supposed to get better for Britain?  ££££££?

Thank God the weather is getting warmer so we can turn off the heating!

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 23 Mar 2022, 16:58)
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Money It's The Root Of All Evil! 😈

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 22 Mar 2022, 17:54

Cartoon money

                        MONEY    TALK

Why is everything getting so expensive ?

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Money Talks!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 4 July 2022, 10:39

   Cartoon Cat


Money is the root of all evil.

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