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A New year resoluttion

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 25 Sep 2023, 13:04

This time my TMA preparation study took place over Christmas, although I took 2 or 3 days off for a break,  I had to speedily get back on to the assignment, to get it all quickly typed up and sent off before 10 January.
This meant I didn't get much exercise over the Christmas holiday,  apart from the odd walk now and then,  but nothing very regular.
I must get back into the good habit of walking again , this will be my  'new year's resolution'  to get into a regular walking habit.
If I don't have a walk,  I am going to feel very unhealthy,  and depressed!  just walking to the supermarket doesn't really count as exercise because it is only 5 minutes walk away. I must start taking a good 1 hour's walk every day, because a healthy body is a healthy mind!

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Counting the Cost

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 24 Jan 2022, 18:05

Just submitted TMA 02. Everything went ok,  but I only managed to get it submitted before the cut off date!
It has been difficult to concentrate at the moment, because at the begining of the year,  I often tend to look back at what events have taken place over the previous year.

At the start of this current pandemic,  I had not really heard or known of anyone nearby who had been infected with Covid 19. A couple of years on, and we have now lost a few more of our friends to the Covid19 virus. 

Recently I lost my good friend Rosie, who was rosie by nature too ! always so cheerful and bright, she had worked with me at the local charity shop,  a few years ago, she had worked tirelessly for many years , both for the Hospice shop and as a care worker in the charity's hospices.

 Then my dear older friend Gwen died who lived in my street, in the bungalows, who also lost her son (he was around my age)  she was a good customer in the shop,  she came in each monday regularly to buy a little something. She always made us laugh with her good sense of humour and optimistic outlook!

These were all valued members of the community who had lived and worked here most of their lives, so they were well known characters in the village. They will be sadly missed.

Although most were elderly who have died from Covid19, you feel it was a rather a bit prematurely, as they seemed quite healthy at the time.

 I have also known some younger members of the community, aged 30-40 who have had Covid very  badly,  one of whom has since died ( underlying healthproblems) and two have been hospitalised on ventilators. These only just managed to  survive, I only hope they will not suffer from long Covid, as a result of the Covid virus.

 There again I have known many people who have had Covid, who have suffered no worse effects than having had a very bad flu. How do you know if you are one of the lucky ones or one of the unlucky ones who get it very badly and die of it? It just seems so random. I took the vaccine because I mainly wanted to protect my family.

I hope you are all keeping well and managing to stay safe and healthy. We are in a battle! Keep on studying and stay positive!

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Busy TMA Week

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 9 Jan 2022, 11:22

This week is going to be a busy week, as it leads up to the cut off date for TMA 02 for the module E302. Therefore I will not have much time to post anything on the blog, because I will be extremely occupied this week preparing for this. TMA.  See you later!

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Friday, 7 Jan 2022, 02:16)
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Art and language

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 3 Jan 2022, 12:25

I am exploring language through images. This is discussed in block 1 chapters 5 & 6 of Creativity in language book. I am finding this chapter very interesting. Colours can express mood, contrating of dark and light for dramatic effect. As in literature metaphors foregrounding and deviation can be used. Symbolic knowledge can also be transmitted through pictorial rendering. Graphic imaging is one of the oldest forms of making sense of the world, before languages came to be the main concept of communication. Contemporary Art and the work of Xu Bing is particularly interesting as well as cartoon drawings and some of  Banksy's graffiti works. I just want to point out that many graffiti artists were performing very interesting works freely and without recognition in many places in our country, for example on the side of train tracks and many other sites escaping the law.

addendum -  and the graffiti artists also putting their lives at great risk.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 2 Jan 2022, 18:49)
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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 4 Jan 2022, 10:09

Blue Floral

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Impressionism- Snowy woods (tapestry)

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 10 Mar 2022, 11:50

Woods at night

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The 10 commandments

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 14 Oct 2023, 19:32

I translated these old english texts into modern English language.
God spoke and these were his words.
1)  I am the Lord God who brought you out of Egypt, where you were slaves. Worship only me. The Lord your God.
2) Worship no god but God
Do not make images of anything of anything in heaven or earth to bow down and worship ithem.
3) Do not take the name of the Lord God in vain.
4) Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Do no work on this day.
5) Respect your father and mother.
6) Do not commit murder.
7) Do not commit adultery.
8) Do not steal.
9)  Do not lie falsely about anyone.
10)  Do not covet your neighbours possessions.
Jesus the Messiah summed up the 10 commandments in this way:  it is to Love and honour God and Love and respect your neighbours. 

Ref: From The Bible

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Thinking about TMA02

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 25 Nov 2023, 21:18

I am really enjoying this course E302 language and creativity. Discovering ways of analysing poetry,  was beneficial for the reading and understanding of poetry.
I have always liked reading poetry, and the study of the Stylistics approach has greatly enhanced my appreciation of poetry.
Next, working on making a critique of one of the advocates of the theory of Stylistics Mick Short, who was also a lecturer at Lancaster University and is a writer on this subject .

 At the same time I will be exploring other stylistics theorists, comparing and contrasting their techniques. There are other techniques to be explored within the study of language creativity and literature, that are used to understand the reading of literary texts, also included texts within everyday language,  that we all use. This will be the focus of the next upcoming TMA 02.

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A post Christmas Walk to little chapel

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 25 Sep 2023, 13:08

A post christmas walk across the field to next village. A bit cold and damp with muddy puddles in places. We came to the little chapel which was open ⛪ but there was no one inside, so we went inside and knelt at the altar rail. Behind the altar there is a panel of the Lords prayer and the 10 commandments, in beautiful calligraphy and with colourful pictures.

There were some candles lit and we lit 2 more and made our prayers of thanks. I almost cried for joy because God had seemed to have answered a prayer of mine, but I can't say yet what it is, until it is absolutely certain. It was warm in the church and decorated just like in a house,  it actually is only as big as a large living room, with a curtained off kitchen area where you can make tea. 

There was a decorated christmas tree, the lovely nativity scene and some comfy chairs at the back of the church. There was also a book case where people can borrow books or swap them.

Since Covid arrived we have come here to visit a few times, while the church was empty, we have found it a comfort in these difficult times. There is still a regular sunday morning service I believe, for a handful of people which is the usual number of church goers who would attend anyway.

 I much prefer to come here when it is quiet and empty. as I like the warm,  peaceful atmosphere. We brought a thermos flask of hot coffee with us, to drink to keep us warm.🙂
I really enjoyed the walk there and back, but we avoided the footpath and field running behind the church, because there were lots of cows in the field and I am quite scared of cows!   🐄🐄🐄

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A Well Lit Window

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 19 Aug 2022, 21:59

Lit up window

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Christmas candles

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Christmas candles

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A True Christmas what is it?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 20 Jan 2022, 22:09

"For Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given."
Jesus was a man of peace. He spent his life in doing good. He died for what he believed in.
He was also the son of God and our brother.   🌅 👑 our friend and saviour.

"Happy are those who are called to his supper."


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Merry Christmas!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Sep 2023, 13:50

A Christmas tree

Christmas tree in our village.

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Nearly Christmas!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 26 Dec 2021, 00:10

I keep reading my TMA02 assignment and trying to stay focused on the question. I write lists of technical words down, then search for the meanings of words on google and in the Oxford dictionary. I try to hard to concentrate on the task but I can't,  the words swim before my eyes, becoming more and more blurred..

Christmas cards keep arriving and I count all those who are still alive thanking God for them, then I worry about cards that didn't arrive,  from those relatives who have been ill lately and I make a note to phone them up in the new year. I want to cry for everyone who has died of Covid, but I just  don't have enough tears to cry!

The Omicrom cases are on the rise in the country and in the nearest town. I feel worried but I must stay focused on my studies. I am pleased that my family have been boosted, so hopefully they will all be well and I will see them soon.

I decided to pack in studying for the day and do some housework instead. It was a nice change and the cleaning needed to be done. Surprisingly it was incredibly therapeutic!

We later went into the village for a walk around, there was hardly anyone about, and  it was starting to get a lot colder. The Christmas tree and the decorations looked very pretty in the market place with a bit of a white ground frost, very picture postcard- like .  My hubby took a photo of the christmas tree with myself standing in front of it. In my white ski hat with pom-pom on and black and white parker.

I saw all the ladies through the shop window,  having their nails done in the nail parlour,  and I wondered if I should have mine done?  No I wouldn't,  because I will not be dressing up,  but will just be wearing my pink bunny  pyjamas,  white fluffy cardigan , along with funny white bunny rabbit ears on Christmas day, and just having a nice relaxed day with my family. It will also be my birthday on Christmas day!

Merry Christmas to all!

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Pretty Pink flowers

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 22 Dec 2021, 21:22

Pink flowers

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White candles and white roses

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White roses and candles

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Last Christmas! What a difference a year makes!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 4 Mar 2022, 19:53

This year I am having to go without a lot of the things I previously enjoyed over other Christmases. We had a wonderful delicatessen last year, that sold so many delightful things for Christmas time.  This has closed down!

I don't buy these things everyday of course, as I am not very well off! but it just made Christmas that little bit special. I certainly do not want to travel 60 miles to the city,  on the public transport,  with coughing sneezing people, even if I have been jabbed! Not with the Omicron virus about!

We had a good Indian restaurant here,  but that has gone now. We have lost some of the lovely little tea rooms we once had. We now just have one little café! 
I just feel like I am living in a third world country here in Britain at the moment, there is so much poverty!

Last year we couldn't even visit our eldest son in the city at Christmas time,  or he visit us. While Johnson and co. Were having a wild party with his mates, we were crying over video calls with our son, we couldn't even be together at that time, because of the lockdown restrictions. Other people couldn't even visit their dying relatives to say goodbye, it was absolutely sickening!

Sorry rant over!

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Images as language

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 8 Jan 2022, 11:50

At the moment I am experimenting , with images as language. I think that it may be similar to the Russian formalist ideas, of foregrounding with  deviation. So drawing angels in the night sky is like deviation because we do not really literally see angels, physically as such, so this form is deviation.
However, the spiritual realm is invisible, but it exists in the minds of the believers. So is this inherency?  It has been interesting to find parallels in literature and in the art world . This has been fascinating to learn about lately,  as Art being like a language,  this is discussed in block 1 of the module.


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The righteous and the sinners

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 23 Dec 2021, 15:11

There are two types of people
The righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous.

Blaise Pascal

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Angels on high

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 19 Dec 2021, 13:25

Angels on high

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Angels gathering Flowers

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Angels gathering flowers

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Nativity Scene

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 19 Dec 2021, 12:28

Nativity scene

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Getting Organised!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 3 Jan 2022, 12:32

Getting organized at last!  I have even managed to get some kind of a rough essay scraped together, for E302,  but of course it needs refining and polishing up. I can now leave all that until next year as my TMA is due on January 10th. Now I can get on with some reading over Christmas time,  if I get any spare time!

My little log -effect electric fire is now fixed and working again, radiators all working in the rest of the house, so at least it will be warm in the house over Christmas.  I have my Christmas lights and candelabra on, I just have to post some christmas cards locally in my street and two in the next village. 

That will be a nice little 30 minute pre Christmas walk up there at some point and the weather is mild at the moment, so  I will go along there with hubby,  as it is a bit dark along the way, we can take a torch with us. 

If the church are having outdoor carols,  I might pop along to that on the way back but I am not risking any indoor church with others this year!

I bought some lovely food from local farmers christmas market last week,  for family members who like pheasants and some local cheeses (although I still have one more favourite to find). Home made mince pies and a christmas cake. Some ginger wine and sherry.

Got most of the supermarket shopping done, just got a few bits and pieces to buy. There are a lot of staff in the local supermarket absent with the Omicron virus at the moment and they seem to be the younger ones not yet had the vaccine.

They have had to bring in some new staff,  anyway I always wear my mask in the supermarket and I feel much safer now since I had my Covid jab last week.
So I am all ready- Roll on Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone and - hopefully a happier healthier New Year!


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 18 Dec 2021, 16:58)
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A Bright Christmas Chrysanthemum

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 17 Dec 2021, 05:23


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Christmas Chrysanthemums

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 7 Feb 2022, 23:46


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