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No Mow May!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 13 Aug 2023, 18:32

I was very pleased to see that "No Mow May" was being put into practise in my neighbourhood last month and It was a big success! Well done to our local councils!  and to everyone in our local communities who remembered to leave their grass to grow long! 

 It was well needed after a cold start to the spring, it gives the insect population a chance to grow, to thrive and so to provide a well balanced regeneration of the ecosystem.  I know it is tempting to cut the grass and keep the garden tidy,  but I just think of the environment and how much it will benefit from being allowed to regenerate and thrive for a month!  

I hope every year people will remember to observe this very important month and leave their grass to grow for the sake of the environments in which we are living.

Already nature is benefitting from this important action, as we see more butterflies and other insects,  also more birds are appearing in the neighbourhoods and the nearby parks. Please lets keep up the good work!


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Mixed blessings!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 24 Sept 2023, 17:48

It has been like a rollercoaster ride lately with the EMA all written up and sent off. I feel free! 

I now seem to have become a carer for my husband Accompanying my husband to hospital appointments, he now has cataracts in both eyes and he is still awaiting a double hernia operation.

 I still have bursititis on my knee-  but it isn't getting worse but my ankle is swollen on that same side. Hopefully a few more good walks might help me to get back into  good condition again.

Going to hospital ophthomology dept with him tomorrow about his cataracts. The good news is it is 5 minutes from the hospital to the beach so we could  have a little stroll on the beach!
Hope the weather will stay fine! 🌞

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 7 Oct 2023, 22:31

I have submitted my final EMA assignment earlier than I had intended to.I should have really checked it again one more time but I had a panic attack and sent it off!

I hope I did everything right that I should have done.
Well it is too late now I have submitted it! 

I have completed it and I did my best, but in the end I had to submit it because family caring commitments were starting to impede upon my studies! 

Good Luck to everyonetaking their EMAs!  👍

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Friday, 26 May 2023, 18:37)
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Proof reading!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 19:01

Well, I managed to finish the synthese last night. I was also able to write the conclusion. 

Today I will be typing it all up and arranging it better, checking the spellings, checking for errors and just seeing if it all makes sense grammatically, and  if it flows well enough.   I will do this by reading it out loud. Next step make a reference list.

It is a beautiful day outside today. If I finish early I might take myself off for a walk.

☀️   🙂  🚶‍♀️🌳🌲🏡

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A Steep learning curve

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 24 Sept 2023, 20:05

I am stuck on the synthese at the moment, it is so hard to think from a new angle on the subject. And write 800 words in french.

I have already put a lot into the these 800 words and anti these.800 words. Now I have to come up with another angle for the synthese. What do you write in a synthese? I will have to rack my brains for this one but this will be leading up to the conclusion.250,-300 words but I am going to be cutting it fine !
I have put on about 2 stone this year I think! 

Looking forward to going out for a long walk after this week is over for my morale, and sanity!  maybe a trip to the beach if I am lucky!

I can't wait to finish my degree! The studies were more difficult than I thought this year (but very interesting too!) with a steep learning curve. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! I don't know if I will ever manage to pass or not,  but feeling quietly confident, anyway I will give it my best shot!

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The Last EMA!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 24 Sept 2023, 20:03

It took me far longer than I thought it would to write out the anti-these in french science  for AI. It is a fascinating subject with lots of material to write about,  both from the module, TV and internet.

Just finishing off the anti-these before I embark on the synthese tomorrow. Fortunately someone can help me look after the house tomorrow, while I am busy working away on the synthese. Another 800 words for that one I think!

👩‍💻 😖 😟💨🤔😊

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The last hurdle! 🏃‍♀️

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 1 Aug 2023, 18:23

The weather has been dull lately with only the occasional dry sunny spell. Since the weekend I have been battling away all the time at my dissertation! The EMA came so quickly after TMA4, that I hardly had time to prepare for it, and not only that,  but I changed my mind so many times about the topic!

 Anyway I chose AI, Artificial Intelligence for my final EMA because I think there is a lot to write on that subject. I have now wrote the introduction, the these and at the moment I am writing the anti- these (all in the french language of course.)

I feel so tired and overwhelmed,  but I am determined to finish
this dissertation. I just have to keep on going until the end! 🤪

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Writing up the Dissertation

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 10 Nov 2023, 16:15

J'ai décidé de rédiger mon EMA en français sur l'IA (Intelligence Artificielle). J'allais écrire sur le changement climatique et l'environnement, car cela m'intéresse beaucoup, mais ensuite je me suis dit que j'étais un peu technophobe, alors pourquoi ne pas écrire sur quelque chose que je trouve plus difficile, juste pour le défi !


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C'est juste que j'aime la cuisine française !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 8 May 2023, 21:47

J'ai toujours aimé la cuisine française! 🥐🥖
🍄🍅🧅🍆🥒 🍷🥞

J'ai décidé que j'aimerais étudier la langue française lorsque mon mari m'a dit de commander notre repas en français dans un restaurant, pendant nos vacances.🏖 ⛲🌄

Je ne connaissais qu'un peu de français à cette époque, pourtant j'ai commandé nos deux repas, desserts ainsi que les vins qui vont avec ! Après cela, j'ai été accro à la langue française.
🇨🇵 🗼
Pourquoi ne pas prendre un diplôme français? a-t-il dit.

Et voila je suis ici !

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Spring Tulips

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 8 May 2023, 17:31

       Colourful assortment of Tulips

The Tulips look good in the garden this year.

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Une promenade en mois de mai

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 22 Nov 2023, 19:13

A long green grassy lawnLe Cimetière

Aujourd'hui j'ai été me promener avec mon fils dans les environs. Nous avons visité le parc, Le cimetière, Les jolies ruelles bordées d'arbres et dans le petite ville avec ses petites  boutiques pittoresques. 

Nous avons remarqué que dans certains jardins, les gens n'ont pas coupé leur herbe car il est le mois  " il n'y a pas de coupe (l'herbe) en Mai,"  les gens y laissent l'herbe plus longtemps pour permettre aux insectes de prospérer et d'aider l'environnement.

Quelle merveilleuse

 idée !!

Charming little old country chapel

'La petite église Sainte-Marie'
Crois en Dieu et tu seras sauvé!
Obéir à la loi de Dieu  suivez le Christ.


'The little church of St Mary'

Repent of sin, Believe in God and you will be Saved!

Obey Gods law, follow Christ.

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Je prend beaucoup de notes pour l'EMA!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 10 Nov 2023, 16:44

Cette semaine, je prends beaucoup de notes pour l'EMA. Je me lance ! J'ai dû mettre la première ébauche à la poubelle, car j'ai trouvé encore plus d'informations sur le site Internet au sujet de l'IA. Je suis donc de retour à la planche à dessin, pour changer et intégrer ces nouvelles connaissances dans ma deuxième ébauche. Au train où vont les choses, je pense que j'aurai bientôt 3000 mots !

Vivid red flowers in sunshine

Les fleurs rouges de mon voisin sont très jolies aujourd'hui !

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I Passed French TMA 04!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 10 Nov 2023, 16:49

I was so pleased to recieve the results for my TMA 04.oral exam. Very happy with that !

I had been dreading this exam and really pushed myself hard with it. I never thought that I could even do it, because  I had no confidence.  Then just before the oral exam, I had a moment of inspiration from listening to some of the audios and I suddenly found my 'french voice!'

Thank you for the audios that the Open University provides!


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Writing Final EMA !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 10 Nov 2023, 16:00

Je rédige mon premier copie, pour l'EMA, ce sera mon examen final ! je prends maintenant les notes de mon cahier, avec des informations et des puces, pour souligner les points principaux de la thèse. Après cela, il s'agit de l'étoffer dans un essai en français lisible, en suivant mon plan de rédaction que j'ai rédigé hier. Je dois trouver 3 000 mots en français.
pas de transpiration ! très facile!

Assortment of colourful roses. Rose d' hiver

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Nous parlons en français

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 26 Apr 2023, 19:38

Quand j'ai commencé ce cours, je ne savais pas que toute ma famille serait impliquée dans l'apprentissage !

Mon fils aîné et moi nous envoyons des SMS tous les jours en français. Mon fils cadet répète ce que je dis dans un français presque parfait ( bien qu'il ait probablement oublié le sens ! )   Mon mari et moi nous avons de courtes conversations ensemble en français. C'est comme si on disait " Éduquez une femme et vous Éduquez une famille !"

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Un concert classique 🎹

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 2 Aug 2023, 17:24

Je me suis promis, que si je réussis mon prochain  TMA 4 , je me récompenserai en allant voir un concert classique, de Bach a la ville prochaine, avec
mon épouse.
C"est "La passion de saint Jean"  de Johann Sebastian Bach.
Bach est l'un de mes compositeurs préférés de musique classique!

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Fascinating Science!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 26 July 2023, 07:48

This Science unit has been fascinating for me.There is so much in there to learn and explore, that it has kept me up at night, as I set about doing my own research on the internet.   👩‍💻
Space exploration, Artificial Inteligence, computers, smartphone, genetic research, climate change, biotechnology,  genetically modified organism, foods.🍅🌽
There was so much to read up about. I think the family think I have gone bonkers! With Dictionaries, 📚📙📘📖 encyclopedias library books and scientific books spread all over the table.  They look at each other in disbelief and shake their heads!
"I thought you were studying french" they say. I shrug my shoulders and say "so did I!" I laughed.


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primevères jaunes et roses

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 15 Apr 2023, 18:06

Yellow and pink primroses

Ce matin il pleut mais maintenant il y a un peu de soleil et il commence a retour de normalité apres la fete du paques. Christ est mort, Christ est ressuscité et Christ reviendra.  Vie, mort et renaissance. Cela me rappelle le printemps qui survient après l'obscurité de l'hiver. Le printemps apporte l'espoir, tout comme foi en Dieu.

j'étudie maintenant et passe en revue la révision du chapitre 5. J'ai un livre électronique interactif que je lis en ce moment, donc je travaille juste sur les exercices qu'il contient et je pratique de courts paragraphes de discours prêts pour TMA 04.(oral)

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A Cheerful Collection!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 11 Aug 2023, 15:40

Yellow and orange flowers

This years flower display in the village hall, was as spectacular as ever, with delightful daffodils, pretty primroses, ravishing roses, heavenly hyacinths, beautiful begonias and amazing anemones!

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Join together in a peaceful march!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 11:05

This morning I woke up with the birdsong. The weather was lovely outside and I wondered if it was too good to be true.Has the winter really gone yet? so I went to look outside and yes, it felt a little bit warmer! However I felt cautious and put my warm navy coat and red beret and scarf on just in case.

I looked at the calendar and it saw that today was good friday. I just had time to get my shoes on and join in the Walk of Witness a walk  following the Cross of Christ through the village and singing "The old rugged cross" well I do love singing!

I had not been to a public gathering since before the pandemic so a bit nervous!  Saw some ladies I know and we had a quick chat before setting out on the walk. The walk itself was mostly silent with hymns at the begining and at the end of walk, but silent during the walk, as a mark of respect for "Our Lord". 

 The vicar as usual went on ahead to hold up the traffic as all the congregation crossed over the main road together.  A lot of the walkers waved to people they knew along the high street. We came to a halt outside the Methodist
Church. Each year the Easter friday service is held in different churches or villages, we are very multi -faith here. I believe It is good to get together with others  to show strength of feeling for something important. This includes protest marches too!

I think people of all faiths everywhere should visit each others churches from time to time, and join together with other faiths, instead of having all this fighting in the world! 

 It was nice to have a cup of tea and cake afterwards and a chat to some of the lonely old age pensioners of the communiry, some who have suffered,  struggled and survived the Covid pandemic, as well as the on- going cost of living crisis. It was a great social occasion as well as a time of deep reflection.

Time now to get back to earth and  home, to get down to some serious TMA studying!


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Wood anemones

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 25 Apr 2023, 16:44

Colourfulwood anenomes

While walking along the footpath beside the wood I spotted these purple, pink and white wood anenomes. They looked so colouful shining in the sunshine. It always cheers me up to see these little flowers and each time I pass they always look a little different!

The weather is good for walking at the moment between the showers. Just after that I saw some serious walkers and one lady she said that she had not seen me walking for a while. I said I do still walk but not so often as I used to. When the weather is warmer I will get out more often.

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Mastermind french Oral TMA 04 Practise

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 22 Nov 2023, 19:01

This morning I am interviewing myself in french for the Oral TMA04 using my recording app. I did it in the form of an episode from the TV "Mastermind!"

I asked myself to state my chosen subject( just like in Mastermind!) which I then answered in french.

Why have I chosen this subject? I gave the reasons in french.
What are the advantages and disadvantages?

I answered the question fully.

So it continued....

At the end I then said out loud to myself "you have correctly answered 20 questions, with no passes but plenty of hesitations and a few mis- pronounciations.
You are now allowed a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit!"

I think I have found a great technique to use to practise french orals (as well as TMAs and EMAs) by setting myself a series of 20 questions, just like in the programme Masterrmind! Doing it this way should cover every possible question and  angle!
This was only the semifinal 
Tomorrow I will begin  practising it again and try to do it all over  and I will try to do it correctly next time!!!

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Preparing for French Oral TMA

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 15 Apr 2023, 18:03

I have decided not to take any time off for a holiday this Easter term (although I may
take one day out to visit my eldest son in the nearby town.)
I will be mostly concentrating on and working towards my French TMA04 (Oral) Exam and this will be my goal. I can not take my eyes off the ball for one minute because it is so important. I must pass this TMA particularly as it carries a mark of 35% of the overal score, also the EMA.

I must strive towards this even if I have to stay awake all night and all day studying if I have to! 

I really have to nail this one and practise, practise, practise speaking and getting my points across.


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There is something cheerful in the garden!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 4 Apr 2023, 19:52

Bare winter trees in cemetery

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Tension rising! 😓📈

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 20 Sept 2023, 13:48

I am feeling quite anxious today, because I know I have to make progress and to make it very quickly! It is all very well,  taking notes,  gathering lots of relevant information together, listening to audios, repeating little sentences and phrases but now it is crunch time!

I really have to practice speaking perfectly well, just like a fluent native french speaker. I feel terrified because I prefer reading, writing and watching french films and having a short french conversation, but I am not used to having long, wordy, accademic conversations in french so I hope I can succeed to speak in French.

Less than three weeks until my final oral exam! Yikes! 🙈

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