This weekend it was quite damp, nevertheless I took myself off for a walk in the afternoon, around the outskirts of the village, as I was feeling stressed with homework and badly needed some exercise. There was still a brief moment of full sunshine, between the April showers so I took the opportunity!
I noticed there was still lots of blossoms on the trees and plenty of spring flowers around the village like daffodils, crocus, primroses, and tulips.
The birds were singing away softly and cheerfully in the nearby trees, I had a small bag of fine breadcrumbs for the birds, which I scattered onto the grass verges near the park and the cemetery. I didn't stop to sit down on the bench this time because it was too cold.
The lake was visible, shimmering in the afternoon sunlight, but didn't feel like walking right through the next field as the grass was too high and wet, I would have done so if the weather had been drier. Besides, I dont like to wander too far from the beaten track.
This time I took the other path on the left, that one led back into the main village, market place, church and village green.
There was not a soul about, it was eerily quiet, everywhere was deserted it was like a sleepy hollow, a ghost town, hardly anyone in the shops or in the streets. A few dog walkers far off in the distance on the village green, floating like ghosts in the foggy sunshine.
I then hurried quickly back home before the light faded and all the vampires came out! lol!