Personal Blogs
Fig. 1. Display of the Olympic Village, ExCel, Custom House, London Docklands. Part of a display for the 3,500 Gamesmakers who are being recruited over the next months to support the Olympics next summer.
Not blogging is for me a loss as I have always used a diary (1974-1999) and then a blog (1999-to present day) to provide a record or archive of what is hitting my head every day.
This provides, during times of reflection, the opportunity to think over events. (With a diary I might not look back at a page for a decade, but at least it was there).
I have little doubt that this is because I am between modules. Creativity, Innovation and Change (B822) kicks off in November.
Many colleagues keep a 'daily log or notebook'. I used to, but found I'd fill them too quickly. I favour IT to assist, sort, store. I will 'forget about' something in the knowledge that I can draw it from my electronic 'brain'; this of course assume that the content has made it that far. So a blog is a repository. The problem is which blog? These have a habit of splitting into multiple folders.
Nor is this blog the place for Social Media and Online Communications (my role at the Open University Business and Law School). Though at times there is considerable overlap with all that I have learnt in the Masters in Open and Distance Education. (Modules H800, H809 and H807 completed).
Nor is it the place for my potential adventures with the London Olympics 2012, which had me (like a number of OU Colleagues) attending a 'Gamesmaker' presentation and interview yesterday. I have been lined up for the Press Office, potentially to contribute to the Knowledge & Information desk which will draw in educational value from the events to share with future Olympics, otherwise either in the Olympic Village editing/writing a regular newsletter, or at one of the venues 'door-stepping' athletes and getting their words to the media centre.
My summer 'vacation' 2012
A part solution to the failure to post a blog is:
1) I took notes (directly into an iPad for the most part, so no need to transfer/transcribe)
2) I took pictures (sometimes with the iPad, now with an iPhone, such grabs of presentation slides that I immediately upload to Picasa Web. These in turn would be best placed in a photo friendly blog in WordPress, FlickR or Tumblr, though currently they are saved into locked galleries online).
3) I keep a daily log/notes of my day, aggregating content of interest from RSS Feeds (LinkedIn groups and Blogs) as well as Google Alerts. This has always remained offline. I need to get it into FileMaker Pro so that is it more searchable.
The above to provide a catalyst for developing further any one of these topics at a later date (if at all), but usually easy enough to discover if blogged (private view), or put into a relational database software package such as FileMaker Pro.
I therefore have a record of events, meetings, presentations and so on, which include:
MONDAY PR and the words of students and alumni from discussions and requests to our growing groups in LinkedIn.
TUESDAY Interviews with Alumni (three of the 1996 graduation group reflecting on their experiences of the MBA and what they have done since). Brief a TV production company.
TUESDAY Creation of a blog for Open University Business Network. Kathryn Tickell at the Stables (or was that last week ?!)
WEDNESDAY Using Camtasia, Audacity, a MAC and the Institute of Educational Technology 'Podcasting Suit' to produce a video-version (animation/movie) of a presentation I gave on Social Media in Higher Education which I wish to induct academics (or their teams) to use to compress 45 minutes lectures into scripted pieces that are more 'Web Friendly'.
WEDNESDAY Tweet inaugrual lecture of Professor Cherie Booth and the acceptance speech of Leslee Griffiths BA.
THURSDAY Personas and Mental Mapping (an OU technique to understanding and predicting visitor behaviours when using online materials)
THURSDAY Communications, Leadership and Influence (a presentation by the new Director of Communications). I took from this the need to make the time and effort to empathise with colleagues with whom I work.
THURSDAY Open University Businesss Network (a series of quarterly breaksfast briefings for local business people that started on Thursday)
THURSDAY Edit of interview visiting fellow from Ghana
Kathryn Tickell was at The Stables, Milton Keynes last night.
The music was wrapped around the stories of shepherds and farm labourers on the hills of the North Tyne valley. My father's great grandparents and several of my mother's too came off the land above Hexham, from Newton, to Chatton and Alnwick, to find work on Tyneside in the mid to late 19th century.
For a while my father lived in Chollerford, on the North Tyne and I was at school for five years down the road at Newton.
Trips out to Kielder, before and after the reservoir, were common. We often drove into Scotland over the fells via Wooler and Jedburgh.
In the 1920s my grandmother and her sisters would go and stay in Rothbury for the summer.
Northumberland, you could say, has some resonance for me.
I have a book of memoirs from 100 years ago which were brought up to date with stories of dreadful winters in 1963 which I don't remember and of 1979 that I do as I often struggled trying to get from my father's place in the Eden Valley, to my girlfriend in Wylam then home to Gosforth.
Picnic spots, school camping trips, parties in Church Halls and even singing in The Tynedale Festival and in churches in Hexham, Corbridge, Matfen and Alnwick.
Do I hanker after it?
The brackish water, bogs and ferns? a drive along the Military Road below Hadrian's Wall would be enough.
This is a quote in Ian Kershaw's 'The End' (2011) of all things regarding one of many diaries he read researching the downfall of Germany in the final year of The Second World War.
It expresses for me what was or came to be an early perception of the 'online journal' (as they were called before web-log, then 'blog' came along).
I started to put my diary online in 1999.
I even copied out passages in notebooks that went back a further 20 years. It was an online diary to begin with, even a form of publishing. It morphed into other things as readers and other regular writers emerged.
The reality of 2011 is that this blank space is whatever you want it to be and whatever others make of it: a soap box, a survey, a statement, a chapter of a book, song lyrics, snaps, charts, gobble-de-gook.
The enigma of the private diary uncovered was the sense that this was the truth, how someone thought and behaved.
Today some of us, though not in this space, chose to reveal everything we can regarding what it means to be human. There was an element of 'exposure' but this, what I read in 2000, 2001, 2002, became the appeal and attraction, particularly to many isolated, even depressed people who discovered they weren't alone.
OU Business School Prof John Naughton is interviewed on Sky News and Al Jezeara on the legacy of Steve Jobs.
Can I get him to join OUBS in LinkedIn where we are reminiscing all things Apple.
Yesterday I gave my first Steve jobs presentation, a coincidence, I'd been put onto his visual, three point, narrative style by a colleague.
Last night the pub quiz ended on the music round and extra points for the hidden link.
We got as far as 'occupations' - lacking taste I thought the answer was jobs - Steve Jobs.
Not Mac users?
I will buy a Mac this weakend to replace the one that died after eight years (though surgically extracted into an external hard drive). She was called Suzi, I'll call my new Mac 'Steve'.
I'm up for a while in the middle of the night preparing a Steve Jobs inspired presentation - his approach is legendary. I've had a Mac from the start, with the Apple II.
Leslee Griffiths BA Student and Business School student tells her story:
With another 60 credits to achieve the MA in Open & Distance Learning I learnt I could 'stretch my legs' and pull in some points from other fields of study.
B822 is a Faculty of Business and Law School module; its fans, I have learnt are many and vocal.
My fear is the return to books and studying after a too brief interlude; it doesn't half muck up your weekends, what is more it has taken me entirely away from something else that I do (or did): writing fiction.
My fear too is that I am at the Faculty where the module was written and from where it is taught so there is little distance for me with this piece of distance learning.
However, that Muse 'Serendipity' just came to my rescue (during an interlude from sleep where I was busily asking myself 'should I' or 'shouldn't' I?
I stumbled upon the blog of Barbara Wilson, which happens to be my late grandmother's name, she happens to be an OU Lecturer in Creativity and Leadership (living in France) and her latest blog is about a paper from one of the authors of B822 which I promptly download and put into iBooks.
The relations of adult playfulness with psychometric and self-estimated intellegicne and academic performance.
It doesn't take much for me to feel the familiar comfort of reading, contemplating the application of ideas and taking notes. In one respect I spent a year, full-time, studying this at the 'School of Communication Arts'. Let's see.
There are good reasons to encourage more people to do this, to share thoughts and ideas online, to reflect on their work, to aggregate ideas (like a portfolio), to generate and share content.
What do you think?
Why have YOU embarked on this journey?
What will motivate you to keep doing?
How about every day for a year?(the goal of us early bloggers in 1999).
P.S. And an age-appropriate photo will replace the happy Dad of 9 years ago that you currently see. Intellectually I feel like a 19 year old - fighting fit and argumentative. The way I will go down here on in.
I have never gone grey, not lost much hair, still swim a mile or more a week ... avoid the sun, but tan easily.
I do NOT need reading glasses ... but my skin, in places is starting to look like rice paper ... I'm a baby of the 60s.
Thrilled to be alive, highly mixed up in e-learning ... a century ago (like my grandfather) it would have been planes, motorbikes and cars.
About to go out and eat on an extraordinary evening on the South Downs with views across the English Channel with the three people who matter the most to me in all the world, my wife and children.
Have I done my bit?
When they emerge from university and have five years steady employment, with a partner ...
When do you let go?
Given than my mother's parents, aunts and uncles reached their 90s ...
I feel, and celebrate that we never let go.
If in 50 years time my mother and my siblings and our cousins and second cousins and our children are all still present ?
- I want to have a role in the Olympics.
- I want to have a role in remembering the First World War.
- I want to be a grandparent.
- I'd like to be by the sea and on it most days.
- I'd like people to grin with pleasure feeling they've achieved something extra-ordinary and unexpected.
- This for me is the OU.
P.P.S. I am neither jingoistic or necessarily a patriot. The above is a statement of circumstance. Those millions of us living here ought to reflect more often on how great it is to live a life in peace, with food, a roof over our heads, clothing and friends. The challenge of the next 100 years is to educate some people not to abuse it: flytipping stinks, littering is no better. There are too many people in our society who frankly don't give a monkey's +@#
I got an iPHone three weeks ago.
Today my son (13 years 3 months) loaded the Carling APP, and a fish pond.
He then showed me how to turn it off. So one of these and one of those
I do now follow various foriums with the RSS feed to my email, picking them off as the happen, responding from time to time, rather than letting them stack up.
For the second time today I did a Google search only to come back to this student blog, whilst in one respect chuffed, it doesn't help me correct the considerable volumes of nonsense that exist here.
This possibly explains the 1,000+ page views a day.
The last time I went on a Geography Field trip was January 1982. This was a School of Geography trip to Majorca. We stayed on the south of the island and took a coach every day to the beautiful, scenic, and for the purposes of this trip, featured covered mountains (limestone), rather like North Yorkshire but not so wet ... with trips to the coast where cliffs showed the geology (rather like Hope Gap here in East Sussex).
If you experience of running a field trip of any kind is rather more recent than mine you might care to comment. I added in some practical matters such as risk assessment.
I can see that at this size it isn't legible.
Click on it and you go to the Picasa Web page where it is held and it can be viewed any size you like, or downloaded.
Keen to get the initials of e-learning authors/academics I put 'Hawkridge, Morgan and Jeffs', into the search engine Bing and was directed to a not very helpful student blog ... this one
Whereas Google offered the correct journal, and paper authored by these three and corrected Jeffs to Jelfs. One click and I had the paper downloaded (for the umpteenth time) as a PDF.
I don't bookmark or save documents anymore, I just Google it. Now, is this because Google is intuatively following my choices? I hotdesk between computers though, I'm on my wife's laptop now, was on my son's desk top earlier on ... while during the week I'm on my own laptop or iPad.
I guess it depends on how I am signed in. Who knows. I should (but don't).
This 6,000 word assignment is in its final draft.
My current estimation is that it will take another 16 hours to complete; it is due 12 noon on Monday.
Why so long?
The content and narrative is in place, and running at 8,000 words it should be just a case of judicious editing and referencing. The challenge is how to create the required, or my desired, weave of references, quotations and illustrations while not 'losing the plot' or making something straight-forward confusing.
Whilst two years to get to publication for an academic seems extreme, I do nontheless now appreciate how and why these things can take so long. However, I question why the marking system and the objective appears to be to turn us students into the writers of academic papers, when for most of us the desire, certainly in the Masters in Open and Distance Education is far more practical, indeed the Sussex University e-learning diploma is assessed through the completion of a series of workable e-learning modules or activities that can lead to students applying this content directly in their workplace or joining any of the many e-learning and web business along the Sussex Coast.
We'll have dropped the suffix 'e' with a year and the descriptors such as 'digital' sooner.
Learners should not be defined by the technology they use, whether books, TV, computers, or interactive web-content; they should be defined by the processes of myelination that is going on regardlessly, in it's most mysterious ways, under our thick skulls.
Who indeed is the 'digital scholar', an academic now an 'e-reader' in 'Enter Subject Specialisms Here'.
Some answers are offered in Martin Weller's book 'The Digital Scholar'.
My favoured observation post is to watch out for this slippery fish in the OU Student Blog Roll, more a stream of fish-fry commencing their online, 'electronically-enhanced' learning journey, than a mere list, more news feed, though refreshing from the perspective of the new, rather than the rehearsed and practises mind.
Once a fish, now a fisherman?
I have another 12 months in these waters, more if I postpone completing the MA (more by accident than design, I've not registered for the next module yet - whatever that might be).
The choices are bewildering, not least because I can drift off to do something with a different Faculty.
Part of the brilliance of The OU to enable such choices. Creativity and Innovation with the Business School is attractive.
Monday 26th Submit EMA (by previous Friday preferably) then a day off everything. I may go for a swim.
Tuesday 27th Have no choice but to accept that having been 34 for the last 16 years I am now 50. Take part in a conference call to discuss webinars. Birthday lunch or dinner, or both.
Wednesday 28th (if I am still living) get stuck into MOOC 2011 while attending 'The World of Learning' if only to speak to Laura Overton about benchmarking through 'Towards Maturity'.
Thursday 29th Attend and video an inaugural lecture. (Cherie Blair QC)
Friday 30th Supervise uploading between 6 and 15 interviews with our new MBA students to our website (Business School).
Saturday 31st fly to Grenoble, pick up hire car and head to Tignes for a weekend skiing on the glacier where I asked my wife to marry me 20 years ago.
Spend a fortnight skiing various European glaciers.
Some of the above is wishful thinking
(Three days later I have not submitted my EMA; I am working on it today. I should be doing a paper edit of some student interviews then will be cut in my absence on Monday. I need also to finish a script for an MBA workshop.)
Or should that be 64 things and 14 academics ? (a number that could be doubled from our reading lists with ease).
What about the others?
What have I missed out?
Some tools:
- Forums
- Google Alerts
Do please add some of your own to see if I can get it up to the cliched 101.
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