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an awful realization

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 26 Oct 2012, 06:56

I've been horrered by edjits lately. They do stuff that I didn't want in a piss-poor way.

Yesterday I had to ease some windows that had suffered the attentions of joiners and painters. For they were not closed.

The joiners hadn't done a good job, unfortunately I knew what their mistake was. I decided on a fix. Hadn't really thought it through.

Which is why I found myself standing on a ladder struggling trying to hold a big, heavy window in place.

A big heavy window that was irreplaceable and might fall on irreplaceable kids.

I was terribly panicked.

Life is like that, sometimes you are on your own with something that you can't walk away from.

There was a moment there when I wanted to die, as soon as people arrived I wanted to kill.

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Pam Lloyd, Monday, 29 Oct 2012, 15:15)
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celebrate the start of a war...

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That killed and maimed millions? The start?? Celebrate our britishness?

Presumably that's where the £60m figure came from, £1 each. Probably it won't be done that fairly, "we must attract the best generals...". Actually if we'd managed to foist our generals onto the Germans the whole thing might have been over by christmas.

Even when they're dead the poor soldiers are being used as props for wealthy greed-mongers who think that they're plebs. It's like they died twice. This says it better than I ever could.

The self-centred vileness of politicians should never be underestimated.

Permalink 7 comments (latest comment by Chris FInlay, Sunday, 14 Oct 2012, 13:14)
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a different proposal

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I make a choice that may be a stupid choice. But if you don't make stupid choices....
Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Chris FInlay, Monday, 15 Oct 2012, 10:30)
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a modest proposal

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That the children of people who claim benefits are turned over to the BBC

Three hundred years. Same shitheads.


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Matt Hobbs, Saturday, 13 Oct 2012, 11:55)
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the other day

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When I was [oops I still am] in exam-avoidance-mode I came across a name that I knew in a book about board-games.

There he made the point that you must start with a smaller board before you move to the larger one.

That made a lot of sense. In some ways. Chess doesn't work that way, Go does. Perhaps more to my point solitaire does. Up to a point.

I was messing around tonight with my solitaire board; I really need a computer course, I need the nudge to programme this properly. I see a lot of patterns but I expect a lot of exceptions.

Make it small neo, then you'll see...

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 10 Oct 2012, 21:13)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 6 Oct 2012, 23:56

I don't really want to spend my life online, it's just necessary that I do.

Normally the people who interact with me are people like me—sane, rational, ... actually the main thing about them is that they are nice. They aren't out to hurt anybody, they want others to be happy they want to communicate with me in a share the life sense.

Nearly all of them that is.

Every so often you encounter someone who isn't like that. Someone who, for some reason feels that they have the right to transduce, degrade and despoil another person. And it is always another, singular person, an individual. It's never an attack on a group, it's focused on some poor bastard.

It's always targeted at a person and done in such a way that they can plausibly deny that they are targeting you.

I see craft in this.

Why do people do this? I have no idea. I'm not even going to suggest that such people are either mad or bad. But they cause massive harm. Whatever their personal devils are this can't be right.

Even if they mean well they are maiming people.

For the victims, and let's be clear there are victims, it's the sense of impotency that hurts the most. Nobody listens, and if they do take notice you are the one most likely to get whatever punishment is on offer.

You are blamed because someone has fastened onto you in an odd way. Because it's easier that way for them. Otherwise they'd need to make a judgement against someone who is clearly scary-bastard-mental. Best that you cope with that, I have a life of my own.

So there's nothing we can do?

Some time soon, after my exams, I'm going to have time to write some javascript. I'm going to write a wee bookmarklet that will block your favourite twat[s] from what you read here. Others will still be able to read what twat[s] say. But you can pretend that he [it's mostly he] isn't there.

Perhaps not a solution but a something?

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Bren P, Sunday, 7 Oct 2012, 13:09)
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always a board

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There are changes afoot at my work-work. So us old timers are remembering what once-was.

I was talking to one of the 'big' supervisors yesterday. We've known each other for what seems like ever, I was the janny when her kids were at school.

I always have a chess board set up on the counter, at the window, of my office. Anyone can have a game. It's surprising how many want one. She noticed this.

"Neil taught my kids to play chess".

Actually I didn't. I always insisted that they, the kids, taught each other the game. If you can't teach it to others you don't know it properly. I would try to impart some of the subtle things but the basics? That was down to some other kid.

It worked.

It worked in so many ways that I'm surprised that I thought of it. I suspect that, like many things in my life, I just lucked in to the right approach.

Often I despair. I feel like I've wasted my life. That I've been useless and pointless.

But I don't feel that when I'm playing games, and there are are people, on this planet, having fun playing games because they saw me having fun playing games.

Always a board.



Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 5 Oct 2012, 15:35)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 4 Oct 2012, 01:20

I've just watched a doumentary about why I should be getting angry because, I, having done the right thing, am being ripped-of by pretend-poor bearded-foriegners who've schemed.

I'm supposed to be angry that everybody who isn't the same as me is sponging off me. I don't see that.

I see a of of people making money out of other peoples' children dying

I see a lot of people saying that what they believe is so special that I can't question it

I see a lot of people who believe they are so special that nobody can question them

I see a lot of people suffering

I see what we've always had, terrified humans and an expoiting class.

We can't do much about the shit heads, but let's be nice to each other.

[forgot to mention. We will win. That isn't aspirational, that's a truth. Good people like us will prevail. We will inherit this earth.]

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Anthony Dooley, Thursday, 4 Oct 2012, 12:11)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 3 Oct 2012, 21:12

Today I was caught stealing from the stationery cupboard be my line manager. I get away with such things, mostly I suppose because it would be very hard to stop me, given that all the tools for doing so are in my paws.

He didn't say much.

What I was looking for was lucky pens.

There's something totemic about pens don't you feel? They have to make the right mark, they have to fit in your hand just so...

All my current pens have been involved in some type of failure somewhere; they are not fit for the exams. They would drag me to defeat.

I must have new pens, pens not mired in failure.

Ballpoints? No good, the drag factor is too high. Fountains, beautiful but too fiddly to cope with exam condition stress. You probably make the same decision that I do—a pilot. But there weren't any pilots to be nicked.

There were however some stabilios. These have a fibre-tip [rather than a steel ball] and feel a wee bit flimsy. Still they make a lovely mark. I stole a round dozen

They seem to encourage a small-writing, rather than the expansive scrawling that I ususally espouse.

I'll buy a couple of pilots but I'll defo give the stabilos a shot.

Then I'll do the sample exam paper to see which pen has the force.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 4 Oct 2012, 00:05)
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my dream room

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Once upon a time I almost had it.

I want a polished wooden floor, a matress, a mass of books piled round the walls and nothing else at all. I want order and mess. I want purity and chaos.

When I was younger than I am now I lived in a shared house where things were a bit basic. I had a huge [5000+] collection of science fiction books and little else.

There was a wardrobe where I stored nothing, mostly it was just me and the books. But there were carpets and curtains between me and the sky, there were things that got in the way. It wasn't what I wanted.

Now I exist in a space where all is mess; unit texts scattered everywhere, PT3 forms, maths books, computer books, laptops, devices, the detrius/kibble of an OU life...

I want to sit on an endless floor with a single, white, sheet of A4 between my legs, with the sharpest of sharp-black pens and just think.

Tonight I realized that without the feeling of mess I wouldn't be doing this.


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hard proof

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 27 Sep 2012, 22:07

I was toddling along, when, big wall—a proof I didn't 'get'.

Maths is hard [for me], I pretend that it isn't but it is. Too often I just charge through, I should stop and think, see that I don't understand, mash the symbols.

I have a feeling of of utter uselesness.

Does any of the above remind you of you and your subject?

Permalink 7 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 29 Sep 2012, 12:02)
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I was sitting in my annexe [it's the Munich exchange ceilidh] listening to 'the dancing', doing topology, when a teacher came into my office. I was a wee bit surprised to see her, she hadn't struck me as the ceilidh type and she was a maths teacher.

[I should explain that my office isn't really my office, it's just the place I sit when I'm in the annexe. It's someone else's office really.]

She had left her memory stick in the main school and was going away for the weekend. Strange how often we forget our memory sticks. So we toddled over to the main school.

"You could store stuff on drop-box."

"The school system doesn't let you." Odd, I don't much do it but it works for me. Then I do have admin rights—geekiness must have its privileges I suppose.

I'd heard sirens in the distance as we walked, you don't listen though, do you? We retrieved the memory stick and exited the school to see the sight of five fire engines lined up in the playground and firemen milling around everywhere.

"See, I've arranged some firemen for you Jo."

"We've had a report of smoke coming from the building", one of them said.

Not again I thought. When it gets cold the boilers come on at night and what seems to be a plume of smoke rises from the school. We get a couple of reports every year. This was the first time that I'd been on hand to see the response, a pretty impressive one I'll admit. [If the building is open they come in and tell you.]

Then I started to have second thoughts—it wasn't that cold, the pumps might come on but the boilers shouldn't, and I didn't see steam where it should be. A worry developed. Could it...?

I had a sense that the building wasn't burning, after all I'd just been in there, it would have told me, wouldn't it? But still...

While logic was beginning to cut into my mystical another fireman appeared and said that someone was burning waste in a garden behind the school.

Panic over, back to topology and Scottish country dancing for me then.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 22 Sep 2012, 12:23)
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again knackered

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Four hours of topology, coming slowly but I have hope.

It's amazing the amount of wee subtleties that I missed first time round. Re-reading the first units has started to make some of the stuff that bothered me in the later units gel.

Tomorrow is going to be a hellish day, big split shift: start at six in the morning finish at midnight and then back to work for eight the next morning. It isn't that that's really bothering me, I've dealt with that before. Tomorrow Danny is taken from me. He is now surplus.

He'll go to green-pastures new, I hope he'll be happy. Still, life will not be the same without him. We enjoyed and supported each others weaknesses, we appreciated each others strengths, we had a laugh.

He is almost all of the reason that I've been able to cope this year when I so didn't last year. We could always lean on each other.

I know we'll stay in touch but we might never work together again. I've loved many people, few to none have I ever enjoyed working with.


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Sheena Bradley, Friday, 21 Sep 2012, 08:18)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 18 Sep 2012, 20:24

I see a multitude of lamposts, I know a rope shop where we can buy the needful, is it time for us to go hunting capitalists? This is something that I would never say. For people who say stupid drunken stuff on twitter, stuff that they don't really mean seriously, stuff that only vindictive despots would find alarming get put in prison, because the Daily Mail gets upset.

Other people, people who send other peoples' children to their deaths in unjust wars, have shares in arms companies, those who would butcher the world if it suited their agenda and might even if it didn't. They make a heapload of money on the 'cocktail circuit'.

It is now far more terrible to say something about something or someone than it is to end another's life. Words sting so don't they, especially if they come from someone considerably less entitled than you.

I guess that that's me finished everywhere.


[I kept this private, then I decided that I was being a coward. When did I start being one of those?]

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 18 Sep 2012, 20:49)
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sorry matt

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 01:21

look what god has done to us

he made me

[At this point insert your own name, did you think that reading came without any cost?]

I'm the biggest idiot that ever was, but as I write this I'm smiling, are you?

Nobody, and I mean nobody, understands the rage inside me, even those who have rage inside them. You see humans can't understand one another.

And if you believe that?


Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 18:32)
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today i'm 52

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 15 Sep 2012, 17:37

My mum and dad gave me a bag of chantrelles and a grand cru St. Emilion. Dad also lent me his Steve Jobs biography, so that I can talk with him about it. Perhaps as a shunt.

What am I for? I always ask this of myself on my birthday. I have a nagging sense my of uselessness. My failure to achieve what I should. I piddle around at nonsense, every time I seem to be making a difference it gets taken from me.

Nobody ever troubled to tell me the rules. Still, I fear that I'm not doing enough. I've been given this most marvelous thing—life, and I'm pissing it up against the wall.

I resolve to change but I can't help but notice that all those who do manage to change seem to have the life sucked out of them. What made them special, what made me love them, what made them fun. Was gone.

However dead I might be tomorrow, I need to be alive today.

Permalink 7 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Sunday, 16 Sep 2012, 19:34)
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the fight back starts here

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 15 Sep 2012, 03:56

Google, proper google, group theory blues. Me. We can use this.

We can fight back. Fight back against the murdochs, the blairs, the despots, the bloody-handed greed-mongers. And their lack-spittle followers. We, thanks to the internet, can put an alternate world view forward. We can have our say.

I refuse to lie down, I refuse to let some rich piece of evil dictate to me, I refuse the idea that I can do nothing. I will struggle against this dark evil, however useless that might be.

I'll do it with words, for that's all that I'll need. They [whoever] may kill me but my words will remain thanks to google.

Brothers, sisters, others: as ever a new battle begins. This time they can't stop our words, as they have so often done so before.

They will again win. But like the international brigades marching into Madrid, we must make a marker for the our future fighters. Our struggle will give them hope.

Organize, struggle, write, don't let them overawe you. Don't let them censor google, for my words are there, your words are there.

Always remember that we are right. Always remember that we, the despised, the meek, the hated, the spongers, the useless, the little people, will win.

For they can no longer gag us.

Permalink 6 comments (latest comment by Matt Hobbs, Saturday, 15 Sep 2012, 08:44)
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the others?

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:35

I asked.

"Present a bit of a difficulty. They're insoked." [Another internal word, meaning that they're interested in the world and don't make judgements about it based upon a recieved understanding. That's the best that I can do </shrug>.]

"They seem like us, first-rate, third-rate minds."

"So why don't we understand them?"

"They seem to have no understanding of maths."

I laughed, "you mean that we can't communicate our understanding."

"No, it appears that they have no conception of the natural numbers."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"They seem to be fractal. Dimensions, they always see things rationally."

"So why aren't we?"

"We are a bit...", he [me] waved a hand to indicate the four of us.


"See. That's the difficulty."

"It's not that they can't conceive a zero, it's that they can't conceive a one."


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 14 Sep 2012, 15:41)
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the numbers

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:36

"Yes, that's a wee bit worrying. It's not as if we ever liked terminated decimals,"

"Are they...?"

"Well they don't seem to be transcendental, they all seem terminated, and none of us has ever seen a rational, never mind an integer."

"They are all real?"

"But they aren't all the reals"

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 14 Sep 2012, 15:10)
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quark, quark

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I immediately looked up to the scuddy-clouded sky. And saw this year's first [autumn] skein of geese. And as ever, my heart leapt with the feral-feral joy that I'm alive.
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Matt Hobbs, Wednesday, 12 Sep 2012, 19:58)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:37

"We seem to be time-sequential", one of the older mes said. He had a, kind-of, focused look about him that others say that I have when I'm on-task, a look which I've never seen for myself. The other n00b was looking like I felt. Blootered.

"Is this a dream?"

"We don't think so, there no skringe and it appears smotret."

I was stunned, these are some of my internal words, I've never shared them, why would I? Who would understand?

  • Skringe: the feeling you get in a dream when you realize that something isn't quite right
  • Smotret: The Russian word for see [ish, Russian words are iffy]. I use it when I see something that I know but which might not be real

"You've got to understand that a whole succession of us have been working at this", I was droning on.


"When we came here there were thirty-two of us..."

"So where did we go?" The other n00b asked. Before I could.

"The problem is that this is a reality whose rules aren't built into us. We can understand stuff but only in a way that doesn't make sense." I wasn't to be stopped.

"It's beyond belief that we are in a world where Marsh-Wiggles exist, this must be something that our minds are doing to make sense of it."

"So why don't we have hats?" We all said.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 12 Sep 2012, 03:54)
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is this?

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:38

"Hell?" said another me, "doubt it. Rather too interesting for it to be a punishment to us."

"Besides we weren't that awful", another me said.

I wasn't so sure; to be locked up forever with another three of me? A lot of people might consider that cruel and unusual.

There were four of me including me. Two had been here for, "a while". They weren't specific. Another had just arrived.

We were perched ... on something, our legs dangling into nothingness. We hadn't been introduced to the others, that was the tradition, apparently, we had to get to know ourselves first.

"Why don't I...?" I started to ask.

"Have a fishing rod? I see you as having one. I don't have a fishing rod..."


"Yes. The way we perceive reality doesn't match up with how, what appears to be another me perceives it."

I looked at a number scrolling somewhere off at who-knows-what distance, there was a slight feel of something brushing my left arm but mostly I was just seeing it.

"Are we supposed to figure this out?" I asked.

"Who knows but it isn't as if we aren't going to try", another I answered.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 11 Sep 2012, 13:47)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:39

"are alway a power two of us."

This was odd to start with, how could they add me? But some sense of mine was seeing...

"Is it that...?" I started to ask.

"Yep, they are marsh-wiggles. And." He paused and wiped his face. "There isn't a puddle-glum. We've checked."

I asked to the air, but to the other me really, "where are their hats?"

"That might be a great part of our problem."

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Marcus Becker, Tuesday, 11 Sep 2012, 09:00)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:39

I smelled something rushing past me. Smelled?

"It takes a while for your senses to adjust to it. You might taste a touch, or something, for a while." A me was standing behind me. "See that?" he pointed at...

"That looks like a  ... number." I seemed to see a dark decimal scrolling out of a nowhere off into a nowhere.

"We see it that way, most of the others don't."


"Yes, quite a lot. Mostly clone-sets like us, but not always and..." He trailed off with a look, a look which if it meant the same as if I had made it, I didn't like.


"The personal metric bit", he perked up, "it seems to be related to our feet, or whatever. We can do what we like with the rest of our bodies and it seems like we're in R three but as soon as we move our feet..."

"Where are we?"

"The jury is a bit out on that one I'm afraid. Oh, and we all have mobile phones."

"What? Why does that matter?" Something else rushed by me, I tasted it. "That's..."

"Your brain will start to cope with it soon. It's like when you wear upside down glasses. Pretty soon you'll see again with your eyes."

Sadly I knew what that meant. If you wear glasses that make the world look upside down, your brain will eventually turn it the right way up again.


"Yes, none of us are sure how many dimensions exist here." And what it is that our brains are making sense of was the sub-text.

"What do the others see?"

"Difficult to say, none of them are human apart from us and this makes concepts difficult to communicate. We don't know if we are talking about the same thing."

"Don't!" I'd raised a foot to kick him. "Put it back carefully and I'll introduce you to the gang.

I'm an insufferable pratt, and he was clearly me.


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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:40


I was stood on an endless whiteness with a something that looked like a me hailing me from thirty feet. He was very still.

"Don't take so much as a single step."


"Distance doesn't work the same way here."


"Neil, we know this stuff, you remember the discrete metric, you remember that Greek guy..."


"Him. Well it doesn't work that way here."


I must have taken a step, or shuffled, because I was suddenly about a mile away from the other me. He was just a black dot on the whiteness. A mobile phone that I didn't know that I had rang in my pocket.

"Don't do that again. Do you want to be lost here?" My voice said when I eventually managed to get the thing working.

"Why is my personal metric working?" I asked.

The phone went dead and things started to get weird.

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Deborah Skewes, Monday, 10 Sep 2012, 11:47)
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