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someone else's brown box of books

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 5 Sep 2012, 21:40

Being a school we get stuff delivered all the time, it all comes to us jannies. I'd guess that on average [outside of quickspend time, when it gets much worse] we get about ten deliveries a day. Mostly it's just a hassle, even the stuff I order for myself doesn't interest me. Until yesterday that is.

I saw the postie pass over a strangely-familiar looking box to one of my boys, "what's that?", I asked.

"Is says urgent educational material..."

"What!" I was over in a second; we had an OU brown-box situation here, someone was avid for its arrival. I read off the address. Someone I didn't know c/o a teacher who has left the building for good.

I took it to the ex-teacher's department planning to explain, there was nobody there so I just left it in their base assuming that it would be OK.  Mistake. I checked in often; the first time I encountered a human the box had been opened.

Is nothing sacred!

Jaw-dropped, I peeked in, religious studies, I was tempted to look further but this was another bod's books, there are boundaries. Boundaries which had already been crossed. I explained the necessity of immediate action.

"I'll send her an email". [The c/o is being referenced here.]

Something inside me screamed, "you couldn't phone her?", I asked.

"She'll be busy". Sod her routine I thought.

At this point I made the requisite noises and left, I was getting too excited.

Today I had a busy day and forgot to ask, after all if you trust your brown box to others you deserve what you get. Tomorrow I will ensure that if it hasn't got to its destination it will do.

I'm angry with me, for my lax attitude.



Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Marcus Becker, Thursday, 6 Sep 2012, 09:44)
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I had to take a day off work-work today. Not because I had OU-work to skivve off for but because I was bona fide ill. I started to dress on the edge of the bed, and became aware that I couldn't.

I lay in my bed or in the hottest of hot-hot baths reading a maths book. [When I wasn't sleeping.] The maths book? An introduction to analysis. [of something!!] I read the groups bit.

Too often, as we move on, we forget what we have learned.

Tonight as I tackled my TMA I saw the basics that I'd forgotten.

And realized the depths of my ignorence.


Permalink 8 comments (latest comment by Chris FInlay, Wednesday, 5 Sep 2012, 21:50)
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according to my records

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It's been over a month since I did any groups & geometry stuff. Given that I have a TMA due in under ten days, and I haven't read any of the units, this would seem to be a problem.

Well not so much.

According to the assessment calculator I need twenty marks [out of a hundred] to have an OCAS > 70. Each unit text has a related question of twenty-five marks => two units will do the job. It's groups and I have enough days. I can ignore the geometry s&^%e.

It's not as if I can make a 1 in the exam anyway.

To some of you this type of thinking may seem wrong, shouldn't I try my hardest?

I will try my hardest but I'll try my hardest where it will do the most good. I need to spend my time on topology. If only because I love it the most. [Although I moan about it.]

I won't get a 1 on topology and I'll be lucky if I get a 3 for the groups. Still, I know that I'm right: focused effort.

At some point in your OU career, dear reader, you will be faced with the same problem. Save what you can.

Oh, and do the stuff that you like...


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Bren P, Monday, 3 Sep 2012, 08:34)
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a look back

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Trying to avoid opening the groups books I read about what I was thinking when this all started for me. Which lead to me realizing that this time last year that the plot was lost.

I'm opening the groups book...

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 1 Sep 2012, 18:49)
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in which i go

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batcrap mad
Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Chris FInlay, Monday, 3 Sep 2012, 21:22)
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a stroke of sadness

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 20 Dec 2013, 23:53

Back when I worked in the primary school whose playground I still live in, there were only ever at most two men on the staff, one of them was me.

Primary schools are like families. You take on specific roles vis-a-vis other people—mother, husband, wife, father, brother, aunt...

To the kids I was always the slightly-deranged older brother. I had a toy soldier club, I had the best collection of Pokemon cards...if they had troubles they could come to me but when I used the voice and told them to do something it got done.

My relationships with female staff were based on our respective ages, I was old in janny terms even then. Some were my aunts, some my sisters, some my wee sisters—wee sisters who I spoiled.

David was a teacher and David and I were brothers who shared a warped sense of humour. We formed a male support group, our bodies ourselves, dedicated to maintain the masculine, in the face of this monstrous regiment of women. We told the other teachers that we had done so.

We had a catchphrase, "aw o' them?" Which related to a story that David had. He'd been a taxi driver and some other driver had said, "aw women are f^&*((g mad", to which some other taxi driver had replied, "what, aw o' them Rab?"

Actually it wasn't really a catchphrase, it was more of a way of us signaling to each other that we thought that what was being suggested lacked sense. Or a way of trying to get the other to laugh inappropriately.

I remember one christmas [a huge thing in a primary school!], we were doing the christmas decorations [it was a tradition that the entire staff put up the decorations some evening; so that the kids came into a joy the next morning]. I was at the top of a ladder trying to arrange a string of kid-made stars such that mother [the head] was satisfied. David was at the bottom of the ladder feeding me the needful. Julie [I think it was] came over and asked us to do something [I forget what]. The following conversation occurred...

Me: I don't think that's my job

David: Nor mine

Julie: Why not? [tetchy]

David & Me [together]: Because that's women's work

There was general shouting and laughter from all corners of the hall.

David always biked to and from work. I have a fixed mental-image of him doing it; when I saw him I always started thinking about how we could wind people up.

David died of some aggressive cancer a couple of years ago. By the time I found out he was so ill he was refusing visitors, he was in such humiliating pain.

Tonight as I was walking back from the shops dwarmingly realizing that I'd made a stupid mistake in my topology TMA I saw him cycling out of the school. Then I remembered. It was just someone who looked like him.

A striking sadness but a reminder of so, so many joys.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Anthony Dooley, Saturday, 1 Sep 2012, 10:19)
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My life is a constant series of well-dones that utimately end in utter, utter failures. It's why I support Hearts [Heart of Midlothian, the Jam Tarts, the stadium of whom I sit my exams in.]

For three minutes tonight I hoped. That's enough really, isn't it?

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Sheena Bradley, Thursday, 30 Aug 2012, 22:39)
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Thirty-one marks to get, one unit book to read, and this is topology.

Still I have an advantage, I can sit in the work-library all day, my boys will fend off anything that doesn't totally need me, not many people can do OU stuff at work. Why can I do this?

I'm not going to answer that.

Still, tomorrow will be hard day in, what seems to be, a life of hard days. What!. None of us here are stupid, we signed up for a life of hard days.

It's time I got back to computing, which seems simpler, until I actually tackle it

Still I've found a song to dance to when my TMA is off in the post. I can't find a good online version—still it's interesting. One pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small. What you aren't saying is anything about the topological invariants. Jings you don't even give us a proper metric?



Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Marcus Becker, Thursday, 30 Aug 2012, 11:27)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012, 21:08

[I'm tired, I should be writing this for the nonsense but I can't be bothered schleping HTML tonight. So you're stuck with my tripe here. It will be nonsense to most. Perhaps to all?]

The toplogy TMA will not be finished; one and a half units/questions undone, and the thing to be posted by 17:30 Thursday—not going to happen.

Tonight I managed thirteen of the hardest marks that I may never get. Still I had a light-bulb moment. [This is a live TMA so I'm going to obfuscate this.]

For some reason I thought that I could manage a proof-by-contradiction (sometimes I can) after a while I realized that, while I was right, [I knew that from the way the question was worded] this wasn't going to work out. Where to now?

That's the problem with topology—the tool kit is too big. And you don't know what some of the tools are really for. And you often pick the wrong tool.

For example, tonight I needed to show that some set in some space was bounded, that would be the General Extreme Value theorem then? No! that says that something entirely different. So ... what? Monotone convergenge, that isn't even listed in the hand book ... do I really need to show that this is bounded?

People who know this stuff will guess the method that I used. Weierstrass and his ilk may have been the rightest of the right but they have blown the brains of generations of undergrads. Maybe that's our due?

When this course finishes I won't be walking away from topology. This course has been too-far too-fast but I've always seen maths as a girl...a girl like me, a girl who likes me.



Permalink 7 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 29 Aug 2012, 20:35)
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in a blizzard of paper

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I sit on a floor. Smiling slightly because I see a sequence of functions that can't be squeezed to null. Better, I can see where Cauchy went wrong.

I see where Cauchy went wrong? Whoop! It was easy for me, I had help, much-much help, still I see. That's got to be good for something?

God, if you are there, and if you are listening, thank you for maths. Thank you so much.

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i found myself

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plugging numbers into functions tonight. That ain't right.


You lose lots when you shoot for the stars.

Always remember to plug numbers into functions. And see what comes out...

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of another type. Checkout this...
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Mat Woolfenden, Sunday, 26 Aug 2012, 07:40)
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uniform convergence

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of sequences of functions.

Cauchy made a mistake that was spotted by Abel. Simple stuff then?

Which is why at five in the am I'm lying in my pit fretting.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Marcus Becker, Sunday, 26 Aug 2012, 11:10)
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long day...

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 25 Aug 2012, 21:13

of topology.

And you know what? I'm happy. Some of the solutions that I've produced today are the best solutions that I've ever produced. [I think, we'll see]

Usually I'm a four-page answer type-of guy. Today I've rarely gone beyond a single page, even for seven marks.

I could be utterly wrong. Actually I couldn't; I could be wrong, but when it comes to maths I can no longer be utterly wrong.

Jings. What have I just said?

If I have scored every mark, I have fifty. I have less than a week to do what took me a month.

The funny thing is that I think that this is possible.


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Sunday, 26 Aug 2012, 06:36)
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oh my

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It's festival time here in the 'burgh, the town is full of metropolitan types. I met a very nice couple, of such, today who needed directions to, "Dairy". It took me a while to realize that the destination required was Dalry.

I know Dalry very well and as I gave them the directions I was wondering what they were going there for. It was some time later that the penny dropped and I knew that they must be headed for St. Brides.

A couple of hours later, I was walking home from work, I was preparing to swing-down onto the canal when I noticed a half-eaten poke of chips lying on the bridge. Odd. I could hear a guttural disagreement taking place under same-said bridge. I looked over the parapet.

There was a man, grey-haired, sixty-odd I should say, wearing nought but black swimming trunks, raging against world.

He was very, very, verry drunk.

I took a moment to take a second look. You do that if you are going to have to walk past shouting, gesticulating drunken nutters.

He was splattered with mud, his hair was wringing, he'd been in the canal for sure. Those swimming trunks were his underpants [I now spotted that his clothes were strewn about on the tow-path] and he seemed to be having a conversation with the workies across the canal. He was ignoring everyone else.

"You didn't even &^** try to help me...", although he was a wee bit more pithy than that. Well, as pithy as a man clad only in soaked boxers can be with the world watching. I could see the workies smiling but they weren't saying anything.

From which I took two things:

  • I was OK. He didn't seem to want to mess with me, and if he did he was going back in again.
  • A possible time-line of events

I've swan dived off this bridge myself. But it was late at night and I was trying to impress girls. In the middle of the afternoon, however drunk? Nah.

But I might have dangled my legs over a bridge to eat my chips. And then from drunken incompetence fallen in? That might happen.

What I wouldn't do is to make a huge scene about it, clad only in my skanties. I hope.

He was older than me. Perhaps this my future?


Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Angela Legge, Saturday, 25 Aug 2012, 11:31)
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I'm reclining and regarding a wall of symbols. I know what these symbols mean but that doesn't help. This is the hardest thing that I've ever done in my life so far. The temptation to blub is strong.

At some time in my past some-me decided that the horror I'm currently suffering would be good for me. I'm not sure that he was a complete idiot.

I'm also sure that the now-me is going to mire the future-me me in the muck big time.

I suppose that this will only end when my head explodes.

Still I have James to keep me warm.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Robert McCune, Wednesday, 22 Aug 2012, 21:48)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 22 Aug 2012, 21:26

I remember walking home in my wife's jeans with this in and on my mind.

And going home was sweet.

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She and I looked at each other. We'd been friends for years, there were things unsaid between us. If they were ever going to be said the time to say them was now. I felt.

In her eyes I could see that she wanted me to say these things. I suppose that she could see the same thought in my eyes.

She said nothing, I don't know why. I said nothing because I was pretty sure that we'd meet again and that anything that we said at this moment would make our future meetings fraught. I was wrong about that. So far we've never laid eyes on each other again.

I'm happy, functional and alive. Still, I can never listen to, 'this charming man' without seeing her face in my mind and wondering, what if?

And then I remember the first time that I saw my wife's face; the look in her eyes; the feeling in my soul. The days we spent together, the talks that we had. I love the Smiths, but this song will always makes me cry from joy. It's my Tish and mines.

I shall no more chase chimera.

For I have what I really desired.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Mat Woolfenden, Wednesday, 22 Aug 2012, 13:02)
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three more marks

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Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 21 Aug 2012, 21:05)
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that's odd

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 20 Aug 2012, 23:03

I was working my way through uniform convergent/point convergent sequences of functions. We don't seem to care what space we are in any more. My brain is beyond hurt with thinking. Then I saw something. I played a few games of solitaire and I think that I'm right.

There comes a point place when you can remove enough pegs so that a single peg finish isn't possible any more. I can't prove this but there's some limit condition here I'm sure. I'd love to know where that place is. Which might mean that there is always a point convergent sequence of functions under a certain limit? Mmmmm.

Dammit neil, build that app properly! It's not as if you haven't had years and years to do so.

Jumping, jumping, Neo. Still I have a shining new tool for my toolbox. And my personal madness is burning bright once again.


Permalink 8 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Sunday, 26 Aug 2012, 05:20)
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shitehawks [companys]

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Do you imagine that this is going to work? That that somehow-yellow packaging is  the key to success. That you can somehow piggy-back profit from someone else's achievement? Sleep-ill, we won't lynch you, we won't stop you, but when you fall there will be nobody to lift you up. For you nary gave us a glance when we were down.
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Today I cut back the bushes around my house and wrote a long rambling article about how topology might be applied to solitaire. Fortunately before I posted my crap Doctor Sheldon Cooper intervened.

Cooper is an idiot-savant. I'm far worse; I'm just an idiot. I saw I might be talking shite.

My problem is that I think I'll be taken seriously, like that's going to happen. One of the most important duties of mine mind is to remind myself how small I am.

Shoot me with whatever you have, if I ever pretend to understand anything, ever again.

I've almost lost the plot of the why I'm doing this, this OU stuff, it seems so hard.

I will win, somehow.

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Monday, 20 Aug 2012, 20:52)
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night thoughts

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Sunday, 19 Aug 2012, 02:34

I woke with the sudden realization that I'd been missing something important. As we walked to last Saturday's tutorial Graham said something along the lines of, "...or you create your own internal words for...".

Which is something that I usually do, but haven't been doing lately. What does that mean?

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Susan Whelan, Sunday, 19 Aug 2012, 13:45)
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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 18 Aug 2012, 17:02

A couple of posts that expose my madness. Although I prefer to see it as your classic British eccentricity.

[You need to scroll up to see the first one—I've messed something up there.]

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My feet are in a horrid mess, I've worked seventeen days on the trot and I've been doing six in the am until nine/ten in the pm shifts for the last three days.

Still I bagged, I hope, another five marks in my topology TMA tonight. More to the point, in doing so, I understood [yet another] something that is you intuitively think is true, is not true when it comes to topology.

Topology is just plain mad but it has a beauty that any kind of jejune normalcy just doesn't.

My feet can be fixed, my mind is forever altered.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Friday, 17 Aug 2012, 16:37)
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