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Richard Walker

"Turkey Tail"

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We found this striking Turkey Tail fungus Trametes versicolor growing on a dead log in our garden.

From Wikipedia, it is found world-wide and lives by digesting lignin, a key structural component in plants= tissues. The fungus has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and a range of beneficial properties have also been claimed for it in the setting of conventional medicine. For a summary see this article. I haven't read enough to assess how strong the evidence is, and I think opinion is probably divided.

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 2 Mar 2025, 13:43

"I'm counting how many pots of tea you make", said Tom brutally.

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Richard Walker

A classic puzzle from Martin Gardner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 2 Mar 2025, 22:44

This puzzle can be found in many places in the internet but was first published by Martin Gardner in his 'Mathematical Recreations' column in Scientific American. It goes like this (this wording is mine, not the original which I don't have to hand.)

Two mathematicians are sitting outside a café, and one say to the other, “I have three children, and the product of their ages is 36. Can you work out their ages?”

“No”, say the second mathematician, “I don’t have enough information”.

“Then what if I tell you the sum of their ages is equal to the number of that house directly opposite?” the first mathematician replies.

“Still not enough information”, answers the second.

“Well what if I tell you the oldest is called Bill?”, say the first.

“Aha, now I know the ages!” says the second mathematician.

1. Can YOU work out what the ages are? (Solution appears further down.)

2. Can you find a number different for 36 but which would still let the second mathematician deduce the ages if they knew the sum of the ages and the fact that the oldest child is called Bill?

PS The second triple is wrong see comments.

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Thursday, 6 Mar 2025, 14:21)
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Richard Walker

One Liner

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My crystal ball broke down so I took it back to the shop. They said they’d look into it.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Martin Cadwell, Friday, 28 Feb 2025, 10:47)
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Richard Walker

Equatorial Plant

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A friend travelling in the Eastern Caribbean sent me some photos of flowers. This lovely plant is paperflower, or lesser bougainvillea, scientific name Bougainvillea glabra.

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Richard Walker

Looking out for Spring

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Richard Walker

"Harvard Interview Question: 90% were eliminated"

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I'm disbelieving of this being a Harvard Interview Question, but that is the title given to a question circulating on social media. It runs as follows:

"7 men have 7 wives. Each man and each wife have 7 children. What's the total number of people?"

It's ambiguous and that's probably why it has gone viral, with people offering a variety of answers and opinions and even the occasional quip, such as "Were they going to St Ives?".

So it's not the maths that is interesting but the impetus to debate, discuss wrangle, argue. disagree and tut about the ambiguity.

Still, to get back to the boring old maths, I thought I would ask:

If 7 is replaced by n, what is the smallest answer that we could put forward a case for, and what is the largest?

Permalink 6 comments (latest comment by Martin Cadwell, Friday, 28 Feb 2025, 17:10)
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Richard Walker

One Liner

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If Musk got involved in a cover-up, would it be stretching things to call it Elongate?

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Richard Walker

Garden-Path Sentences

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Annie L. Pressland (1862-1933), from Wikimedia

A GPS is one that "leads you down the garden path". As you read it you think you are understanding it, then it socks you on the back of the head ("This makes no sense") but finally you realise you'd been reading it the wrong way and it makes sense after all. The canonical example is

"The old man the boat."

Another one, that is really hard to parse, is

"The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families."


The Wikipedia article says the first example "has been used to test the capabilities of artificial intelligence efforts" but that was in 2016, and today DeepSeek has no trouble, it's seen it before and can analyse it with no difficulty at all

I thought I would try making up my own GPS

Here's my attempt at a GPS sentence. It took me several goes before I was able to work the idea up into something that met DeepSeek's quite stringent criteria for a bona fide example but I finally came up with this which earned its seal of approval.

"The hack saw the editor."

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Richard Walker

The Path of the Moon

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 13 Feb 2025, 23:51

We know that from a Sun-centred point of view the Earth goes around the Sun and the Moon round the Earth. If we could magically hover above the plane of the Sun-Earth-Moon system, remaining at rest relative to the Sun, what would the path of the Moon look like from that vantage point?

Intuitively I thought it would trace a loopy path, something like the dotted trajectory in my sketch below.

I was surprised to find out how wrong my intuition was. The actual path is like the one below, which was generated by an nice simulation from the University of Colorado [1].

This is not to scale of course, the diameter of the Earth is about 8,000 mi and the distance from the Earth to the Sun 93,000,000 mi so if the orbit were drawn to scale your screen would need to be (roughly) 40 m wide, or the Earth drawn so small it would be a speck.

[1] https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/gravity-and-orbits/latest/gravity-and-orbits_all.html

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Richard Walker

Perplexing sentence

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The sentence below (perhaps seen on a sign in a hospital) was discussed in a 1979 paper by Watson and Reich [1] and has attracted a good deal of interest in the intervening years.

What does it mean? Whoever wrote it presumably meant "Don't ignore a head injury however trivial it is", and that is what most people read it as, but if we unpick the wording carefully that is not what it literally means. 

Compare it with "No citizen is too poor to be taxed" which says that no citizen is so poor as to be exempt from being taxed, i.e. all citizens are taxed. So it seems the hospital sign has a meaning opposite to the intended one.

[1] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14640747908400750?journalCode=qjpa#:~:text=But%20No%20head%20injury%20is,too%20serious%20to%20be%20ignored.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 24 Feb 2025, 22:59)
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Richard Walker

My new word—Eutaxiophobia

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A friend said she thought I must have some phobia about tidiness (what, me?) so I wondered if there is a word for such a condition. There wasn't but there is now, because I invented it.


Etymology : from Ancient Greek eu- (εὖ) "good" + taxis (τάξις) "arrangement" + phobia (φόβος) "fear"

Then I validated my new word by asking DeepSeek what it meant. It told me that it was not a commonly recognised word but if it existed it would mean "a fear or aversion to orderliness or tidiness", which fits the bill perfectly.

It's possible I am not the only person with this particular phobia.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Steven McDonald, Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025, 19:37)
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Richard Walker


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Easy really, it’s just comma sense.


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Richard Walker

A beautiful word

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oscine : pertaining to songbirds

This word came into English from Modern Latin in the late 19th century. The ancient Latin word is oscen, whose elements according to Etymonline are ob- and canere "to sing". These in turn have Proto-Indo-European origins, epi-, which has a broad prepositional meaning of spatial nearness and kan-, "to sing".

Other words that seem to be from kan_ include accent, charm, descant, enchantment and Carmen, and many others.

Oscine is a rare word. I came across it in Times 2 Word watch column and I'd never seen it before. It only occurs on average 0.01 times per million words. So in this blog post it has come up with a frequency that would normally only appear once in every 200 million words. 

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Richard Walker

A circle theorem and an online problem

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 9 Feb 2025, 18:05

If two chords of a circle intersect  there is a neat relationship between the lengths of the four line segments created, as seen below.

This neat theorem must go back to the ancient Greek geometers. It's a fairly simple relationship but quite powerful and it often provides a short and elegant solution to geometric problems I used it yesterday to solve Think You Can Solve This? Find the Square’s Area!, posted on YouTube by "The Phantom of the Math".

The Phantom's question boils down to finding the side length of the square in the configuration below, where the square is divided by horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry as shown, the circle has its centre on the vertical symmetry line, and the circle is 3 units and 4 units away from the left-hand and top sides of the square.

The standard approach to this sort of problem is to construct a right-angles triangle, come up with expressions for the lengths of its side, then use Pythagoras to arrive at an equation which we can then go on to solve. I used this approach, then when I had an answer I went back to see how the Phantom had tackled it, and as I. expected they had followed a similar strategy.

But the problem nagged at me, because these solutions were a bit involved and mechanical and I felt there ought to be a better way. After pondering on and off for quite a while I suddenly saw a pair of intersecting chords right in front of me! Now the solution fell out really easily, like this

Finding the lengths of the four segments in terms of the side length s is not hard, we apply the intersecting chords theorem, expand and tidy up, then it's easy to solve the equation and find that s = 9 units. No applications of Pythagoras were used in this solution, and no extra lines needed to be added!

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Richard Walker

Helpful Instruction

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Richard Walker


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The person who invented momentum (was it Isaac Newton?) was originally going to call it 'moment' but at the very last moment they hesitated.

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Richard Walker


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If you had to pick a size of spiritualist, what would you go for?

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Friday, 7 Feb 2025, 15:23)
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Richard Walker

Polka-Dot Wasp

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A friend snapped this striking insect holidaying in the Caribbean (my friend, not the insect). It's a Polka-Dot Wasp Moth, or Oleander Moth, Syntomeida epilais. It's a day flying moth, whose caterpillars feed on oleander amongst other plants, and according to Wikipedia are "widely known for [their] gluttonous appetite".

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Richard Walker

What I'm Reading

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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 4 Feb 2025, 23:41

The Art of Uncertainty, by David Spiegelhalter, someone who I have long admired. I watched an Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture Chance, luck, and ignorance on YouTube and really liked the content and the way he presented it.

Early in the talk he quotes an Italian statistician de Finetti who famously declared "probability does not exist". Spiegelhalter goes on the say that after 50 years of mulling things over he has decided that Finetti was right! I don't think he is claiming that we can't attach numbers to whether we think some event will happen or not, only that probability (with the possible exception of subatomic particles) probability is not a property of the world but something humans have made up, a "personal expression of our uncertainty".

By this point he had won me over and I bought the book. The lecture, which I watched right through was fascinating. Towards the end he gave an arresting example using a pack of playing cards as a prop.

Randomly shuffle a pack of cards*. Now the order of cards has almost certainly never, ever happened before in the entire history of humankind. If every person ever born had lived to be 100 and shuffled a pack of cards every second of those 100 years the chance of any of them having generated the same order as the pack you hold in your hands is infinitesimally small. Here are the sums:

Estimated number human who have ever lived 120 billion

Seconds in 100 years about 3 billion

So all those people shuffling away could have produced only(!) 120,000,000,000 x 3,000,000,000

= 360,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 3.6 x 1020 shuffles. Let's call it 4 x 1020 to simplify the arithmetic coming in a moment.

But the total number of ways to order the pack is 52 x 51 x 50 x ... x 3 x 2 x 1 = 52 factorial, which my calculator says is about 8 x 1067.

That means the chance that one of those people generated the same order as you is

4 x 1020 ÷ 8 x 1067 which is 1 in 4 with 47 zeros after it

It's theoretically possible but the chances it will are almost unimaginable small. 

* To do this properly you need to do at least 7 successive riffle shuffles or 1 minute of "smooshing", see the fascinating Numberphile video The Best (and Worst) Ways to Shuffle Cards. Anything less than this the pack is probably not truly randomised.

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Richard Walker

Winter Moon Haiku

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this winter nightfall

the trees stretch their branches up

reaching for the moon

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Monday, 3 Feb 2025, 15:08)
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Richard Walker

Reversible Words

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 31 Jan 2025, 22:36

I came across this crossword clue

It goes round and round again (5)*

This is a well-used clue which comes up often in various guises, and meeting it again set me wondering how many words are reversible and what the longest is.

So I downloaded a list of 370,105 words from dwyl/english-words on GitHub, and wrote a short Python program to extract all the words that are the same backwards as forwards. My program found 232 reversible words, which appear in the list below. Some of them are rare or debatable – I certainly don't know what most of them mean – but there are plenty of familiar words there.

The longest is 'kinnikinnik', which is in the OED and means

A substance used by some Indigenous peoples of North America as a substitute for tobacco or for mixing with it, typically consisting of dried sumac leaves and the inner bark of willow or dogwood.

a, aa, aaa, aba, abba, acca, ada, adda, addda, adinida, affa, aga, aha, ajaja, aka, akka, ala, alala, alula, ama, amma, ana, anana, anna, apa, ara, arara, asa, ata, atta, ava, awa, b, bab, bb, bib, bob, boob, bub, c, cc, cyc, civic, crc, csc, d, dad, dd, deed, deedeed, degged, deified, deked, deled, denned, dewed, did, divid, dod, dtd, dud, e, ecce, ee, eye, eke, elle, eme, ere, ese, esse, eve, ewe, f, ff, g, gag, gig, gog, goog, h, hagigah, hah, halalah, hallah, heh, huh, i, y, yay, yaray, ihi, ii, iii, imi, immi, yoy, j, k, kaiak, kayak, kakkak, kassak, kazak, keek, kelek, kinnikinnik, kook, l, lemel, level, ll, lwl, m, maam, madam, malayalam, malam, mallam, mam, marram, mem, mesem, mim, mym, minim, mm, mmmm, mom, mum, murdrum, n, nan, neven, non, noon, nun, o, ofo, oho, ono, oooo, oto, ottetto, otto, p, pap, peep, peeweep, pep, pip, poop, pop, pp, prp, ptp, pup, q, r, radar, redder, refer, reifier, renner, repaper, retter, rever, reviver, rotator, rotor, s, sagas, samas, sds, sees, selles, sememes, semes, senones, seres, sexes, shahs, siris, sis, solos, sooloos, sos, sps, ss, stats, stets, succus, sus, t, tat, tebbet, tebet, teet, tenet, terret, tgt, tibbit, tipit, tirrit, tit, tyt, tkt, tnt, toot, tot, trt, tst, tut, txt, u, ulu, ululu, umu, uru, usu, utu, v, vav, vv, w, waw, wow, x, xix, xx, xxx, z. 

* rotor

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Richard Walker

Dad Joke

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Went to buy some onions but apparently there’s a shortage.
The shopkeep said, "I can let you have three. Then that's your lot."

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Richard Walker

The Dogs Favourite Vegetables

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Richard Walker

Hail fall 27/01/2025

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Hail is from OE hagol, which may ultimately be related to Latin calix and Greek κάχληξ, pebble, and so from the same origin as calcium.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Richard Walker, Monday, 27 Jan 2025, 15:04)
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