Making life better for people in the inner cities
There has been some significant progress made in cities with the introduction of pedestrianisation in parts of the city, but it doesn't go far enough, in terms of ⛔reducing traffic and facilitating social distancing. 🚧 🚶♀️🚵♂️ 👩🦯 👨🦼
By having Pedestrianisation in towns, it will enable the residents to move around and socially distance more easily from shop to shop, without being hindered by the sheer volume of people that are crowded together like cattle all in one area because of traffic taking up all space along the roads. 🏢🏪🏠🌲
The closing up of certain streets to traffic, and the redirection of ⛔traffic flow together with out of town parking, will help with social distancing in the town centre area, and make a great difference to the residents of inner city streets, as well as shoppers in the town centres.🏙
Residents can have a more 🏡🌲peaceful existence, without the constant noise of traffic hurtling past their windows, non stop for hours on end. 🚘🚙🚚🚛🚗🚕🚑This will be more beneficial for their mental health. 😟🙂
Another bonus is not having to breathe in the poisonous fumes from the petrol emissions,⛽ which causes so many health problems in the population like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema and other respiratory illnesses.🗣🌬 🤮 🏥
Having less cars 🚗🚙around the town centre areas will greatly improve the health of its citizens. It will also create a more pleasant and safer shopping experience, with more space for social distancing, for those visiting the city. The town centre should be a more attractive area, which could be a more desirable place to live and buy a property🌲🏪🏫
Electric cars 🚙are becoming increasingly popular. They have less dangerous emissions and are less harmful to the health of the residents.
Unfortunately, at the moment they are still pricey £ and out of reach for most ordinary people. There should be more discount schemes to encourage people to choose to buy electric.
An updated public transport 🚌🚍system will be essential, as this will encourage people to drive less. Buses need to be cleaned 🧽thoroughly on a regular basis and kept in good condition, Hand sanitizers🧴 provided and spacing made for social distancing. Public transport is particularly important for people living out of town, and for those living in the outlying villages to have access to shopping centres, for visits for days out, tourism, cinema, sports centres and restaurants 🚎 fares should be kept low and concessions for pensioners and those on low incomes.
It is better for the economy £ to have safer and healthier environments to shop in. The shopping areas need to be spacious areas, good for social distancing, with benches (spaced appart) to sit on, and green 🌲🌳🌳🌲areas with trees. 🌄This is better for the health, as the trees will absorb CO2 , good also for the well being of the towns residents🙂
There are some encouraging signs that things are changing for the better. However there are still much more improvements to be made within inner city areas, to make more space for social distancing so that any infectious diseases are less likely to spread and ensure the future health of its citizens post covid19.✅