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Environment- What should life be really like in the inner city areas- post covid?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Sept 2023, 08:11



Making life better for people in the inner cities

There has been some significant progress made in cities with the introduction of pedestrianisation in parts of the city, but it doesn't go far enough, in terms of  ⛔reducing traffic and facilitating social distancing. 🚧 🚶‍♀️🚵‍♂️  👩‍🦯 👨‍🦼

By having Pedestrianisation in towns, it will enable the residents to move around and socially distance more easily from shop to shop, without being hindered by the sheer volume of people that are crowded together like cattle all in one area because of traffic taking up all space along the roads. 🏢🏪🏠🌲

The closing up of certain streets to traffic, and the redirection of ⛔traffic flow together with out of town parking, will help with social distancing in the town centre area, and make a great difference to the residents of inner city streets, as well as shoppers in the town centres.🏙

Residents can have a more 🏡🌲peaceful existence, without the constant noise of traffic hurtling past their windows, non stop for hours on end. 🚘🚙🚚🚛🚗🚕🚑This will be more beneficial for their mental health. 😟🙂

Another bonus is not having to breathe in the poisonous fumes from the petrol emissions,⛽  which causes so many health problems in the population like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema and other respiratory illnesses.🗣🌬    🤮  🏥

Having less cars 🚗🚙around the town centre areas will greatly improve the health of its citizens. It will also create a more pleasant and safer shopping experience, with more space for social distancing, for those visiting the city. The town centre should  be a more attractive area, which could be a more desirable place to live and buy a property🌲🏪🏫

Electric cars 🚙are becoming increasingly popular. They have less dangerous emissions and are less harmful to the health of the residents.
Unfortunately, at the moment they are still pricey £ and out of reach for most ordinary people.  There should be more  discount schemes to encourage people to choose to buy electric.

An updated public transport 🚌🚍system will be essential, as this will encourage people to drive less. Buses need to be cleaned 🧽thoroughly on a regular basis and kept in good condition,  Hand sanitizers🧴 provided and spacing made for social distancing.  Public transport is particularly important for people living out of town, and for those living in the outlying villages to have access to shopping centres, for visits for days out, tourism, cinema, sports centres and restaurants 🚎 fares should be kept low and concessions for pensioners and those on low incomes.

It is better for the economy £ to have safer and healthier environments to shop in. The shopping areas need to be spacious areas, good for social distancing, with benches (spaced appart) to sit on, and green 🌲🌳🌳🌲areas with trees. 🌄This is better for the health, as the trees will absorb  CO2 ,  good also for the well being of the towns residents🙂

There are some encouraging signs that things are changing for the better. However there are still much more improvements to be made within inner city areas,  to make more space for social distancing so that any infectious diseases are less likely to spread and ensure the future health of its citizens post covid19.✅


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Poem- For Fathers

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 1 July 2021, 12:00

Fathers are great
Just like a good mate
They buy you a gift
They give you a lift
Stand by your side
To be your guide
Listen to your woes
Take on the blows
Make you laugh
Make you sing
Ride a bike
Fly a kite
Take you away
Make your day
Sometimes you fight
But then its alright
It was all in jest
Fathers- they are the best!

Gill Burrell


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When all else fails.....

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 27 June 2021, 19:07

 When all else fails -   Pray !🙏


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Environmental poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 26 June 2021, 13:24

Car fumes

Petrol is blue 🛢
It can kill you
Roses are red
They smell better too.⚘

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The end is nigh- environmental poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 1 Sept 2021, 11:09

Exhaust pipes

Coughing out toxicity

Fossil fuels pollution

Man's complicity

Chemical solution 

Devil may care

Carbon in the air

Poisoning our lungs

Choking, smoking

Burning, croaking,

The earth is screaming

Where's the meaning?

Our children die!

The end is nigh!


(Environmental poem)

Gill Burrell

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"Therefore I tell you , do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food , and the body more than clothing?
Matthew 6:25 ESV.

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Greedy Capitalists !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 26 Sept 2023, 19:51

Doing their dirty deals
Setting aside their
High ideals
Corrupt to the bone and greedy
Makes one feel rather queasy
Unsafe and most uneasy
Infectious and disease- y
What are they up to now?
Behind closed doors
They're counting their cash
They're taking a bow
Wheeling and double dealing
Using and stealing
Power abusing, concealing.
We are just pawns in their game
And we're there to be slaves

They play us like fools 

Breaking the rules

But they are just ghouls

Rob from the poor to make themselves rich!

Saying -
Hard luck, life's a bitch!

So enjoy your yacht
One day it will rot!
Enjoy your cash
It will become trash
Enjoy your fast car
It will not get you far!
Enjoy your goods
They will become duds
Enjoy your gold bit
Because it will
Not be worth....s**t !
💰£ €🔫🛥⛵🚘

God will ruin those who are ruining the earth!

Capitalists are greedy because they take from the poor!

By Gill Burrell

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 12 Dec 2021, 11:51)
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Taking a Walk on a summers day.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 11 Aug 2024, 16:27

Yesterday got off to a bright and sunny start. Finished my studies early and did my carer's duties.

Coffee and muesli for breakfast in the back garden.We listened to the beautiful bird 🕊🦅song and watched the various birds landing on the bird bath and feeding station. 🐦By sitting very still and quiet the birds did not even know we were there.

We had just finished eating breakfast when the HA gardening team arrived noisily, with the sit- on lawn mower which they have to use for our garden, because it has quite a large lawn. 🏠🚜
it is done by the team, because it's so large! We could never manage to do it by ourselves.

I moved the chairs and the little round table,  back onto the patio from the lawn, to let them have a clear space to drive around the lawn.
We then brought the cats 🐈🐈 into the porch out of the way to be safe and not impede the man on the mower. 🚜🏠
We decided to leave the gardeners to it and go into the village to do some shopping.

 After this we took the footpath back past the field. As we followed the path, I really enjoyed looking at the large daisies, blue🦋 forget me nots and red poppies 🌺along the way. Cheerful birdsong was coming from the nearby trees.🌲🌳🌲🌳

In the next field we stopped to stroke the beautiful white🦄 horse and we gave him a carrot to munch, 🥕which he quickly chomped down in no time!
He then rewarded us by a lovely display of galloping and playful frolicking about in the field!

Continuing on our journey we came off the footpath called gypsy lane, that has a pretty meadow of wild flowers, and at the next exit we crossed into a little lane, which leads to a longfootpath running alongside the cemetry.

At last we arrived🏡 home, hot and exhausted but where we could cool down, use a fresh wet flannel, and sit in the lovely tidy back garden, in the shade beneath the cool evergreen trees and eat a delicious bowl of ice cold ice cream. 🍧🍧

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 13:50)
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Proverbs 6 (16-19)

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 23 July 2021, 08:24

There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:

          Haughty eyes,    👀
        a lying tongue,👅
        hands that shed innocent blood👊 👊     🙌
           A heart that devises wicked schemes,🤎
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,🦶🦶
       A false witness who pours out lies 🗯🗯🗯
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community ! 🤺

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 4 Oct 2021, 00:04


In an appartment beside the sea
I will sit on the balcony and sip my tea
Toast for breakfast with marmelade too
While I look out at the sea
And decide what to do.

It's first to the market I will go
And buy a few goods from a shop that I know
Then it's back home again for a long walk that is slow
Watching shop windows passing by as I go.

Next I will take a walk by the sea shore
In my bare feet
With my sandals in hand
 I will explore
Looking for seashells
Among white pebbles and sand.

I will board a sail boat to travel the cove
While sailors sing sea shanties
To the sound of the waves
And watch the gulls flying fast by the caves
Swooping for fish that they spy on the waves.

For lunch I will sit upon
The cliff top
With a picnic basket
And a checked table cloth.
I'll eat a fine lunch of bread, salmon and cheese
And drink a good wine
As I dine at my ease

Then I' ll lay back and have a long nap
While the sun shines brightly
Atop sparkling seas
With foaming waves
And gentle breeze
Dreaming of lands I have not
Yet seen.


Gill Burrell

Permalink 7 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 13 June 2021, 20:30)
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Thrifty !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 14:00

Now my module is finished for this term,  I have a little more time to reflect on the lockdown and how it has changed my life. 

Since the lockdown I have been doing a lot more recycling.
This includes things like buying my clothes from charity shops, instead of from the posh shops like Next, M&S and Dorothy Perkins.

This was mainly due to not wanting to travel on the bus, into the city and risk catching Covid 19 on the bus, or perhaps being asymptomatic, and not wanting to pass it on to others. I had no choice but to go local!

I have been able to pick up some really great bargains, like pair of new red shoes, a heater hardly used and a navy blue designer handbag at a lower knock down price!

Of course not everything can be bought in charity shops but many things can. Other items I managed to buy in the supermarket,  such as make up, socks, underwear and toiletries.

This I never did before,  because I always worried about the quality, but I had to do it, to avoid leaving the area and travelling by bus. It has actually worked out not too bad, as I also saved on bus fare!

One day I needed a spare chair for the garden,  in case we had visitors (now that we can meet outdoors) and when I was walking along I came across a skip.

There I found a garden chair and a bench, that was just what I needed , all there was to do was  a little repair job!
so with a hammer, nails, some wood glue and paint I
soon got to work and fixed them up! 
I then painted them bright green to match the colour scheme I had going on in the garden.

In the skip I also found a cupboard, which was very useful for my kitchen, and could be made into like a display cabinet to go on the wall!

Maybe,  perhaps  because of the lockdown,  I have learned to become a little bit more thrifty!

🏮👜👒👠👗🛍🖼🗄 🥏🥿🛋

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 13 June 2021, 20:36)
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A fat cat - capitalist !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 10 Aug 2021, 15:35

The cat is fat 🐈
He sits upon the mat 😽

He wears a top hat🎩

He likes a little pat 🖐😸

He loves a bit of this 🍶🥛
And quite a lot of that!
🍗🍖🥓 🎏

    💰             😻

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Wise words from Martin Luther king

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 3 July 2021, 11:06


God Heavenly Father, Help us to keep our eyes on you and not on the troubles and trials of this life. Amen


Jesus was the son of God, the sacrificial lamb who takes away the sins of the world. He took our sins upon himself, an act of great faith and love for all mankind.

'Happy are those called to his supper.'


For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall be saved.


On the night before his death  Dr Martin Luther King gave his final speech;


" I have been to the mountaintop I have looked over, and I have seen the promised land. I might not get there with you.... but I'm happy tonight, I am not worried about anything. I am not fearing any man. For Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. "

Martin Luther King, our Lord Jesus and saint paul knew what lay beyond death.  St Paul said 
"I am already been poured out like a drink offering"


And yet "We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal"
(2 Corrinthians 4 v18)


Then as written in 2 Timothy4v8
"There is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord will award to me on that day."

So like St Paul and Martin Luther King Let us continue to run in the great race of faith towards the goal and let us keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Remember death  is not the end! ⚰⚱


Revelation chapter 21            

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a](A) for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away,(B) and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City,(C) the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,(D) prepared as a bride(E) beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them and be their God ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes.(H) There will be no more death’[b](I) or mourning or crying or pain,(J) for the old order of things has passed away.”(K)    


   🏞       ✝️      🌍


The Bible


Martin Luther King jr. 

Mountaintop speech


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 20:45)
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Music is the food of Love ❤🎹🎤🎵🎶

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 7 June 2021, 01:41

“If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.” ― William Shakespeare

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” ― Albert Schweitzer

If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” ― Albert Einstein


Permalink 8 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 15 June 2021, 09:51)
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Do not worry too much

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 18 Feb 2023, 01:06

All Good comes from God

All Evil comes from satan

Gods plan is unfolding

It is up to us to use wisdom to discern 

And choose the path of righteousness  and  peace.



Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 6 June 2021, 12:57)
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Finding Peace

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 26 June 2021, 13:26

O give thanks unto the Lord  ; for He is good ; For his loving kindness endureth forever. Psalm 107:1


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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 18:29

"Just remember once you're over the hill  you begin to pick up speed"

Arthur Schopenhauer.

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Solitude in the garden.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 25 July 2024, 14:17

It was a beautiful sunny day, EMA is submitted, OU studies now finished until October, absolutely nothing to do which is great,  just a form to fill in for next years course. Next term I hope to take the module 'Creativity in language"

There was hardly any parked cars now on the street. neighbours car had gone. I heard her earlier talking to her grandson, she was telling him to quickly bring his bucket and spade! 

I knew that  this was my best opportunity to get out there and into my back garden. I am lucky to be tucked away on the end house in the corner, surrounded by beautiful trees on both sides, it's a lovely garden.

Anyway,  today I could sit outside in peace, or potter about in the garden, sit on my bright green bench, barefoot, in my straw hat, long pink lace dress, drinking a cold glass of fizzy pink lemonade.

 I admired all the flowers that I had planted in pots earlier in the year, like the  primroses, marigolds, lobelias,begonias, pansies, pink and red geraniums and poppies

Red poppies

At the far side of the garden is a small wood (belonging to the retirement home) a group of trees bordering the back of our house.  The wood is sometimes home to owls and squirrels,  as well as lots of  different species of birds,  including wood pidgeons, thrushes, doves, blackbirds, sparrows, robins, blue tits, and chaffinches. In the mornings it comes alive with bird song and is bustling with activity.

 I sat and watched the comings and goings of the birds,  as they landed on the bird bath and bird table,  which I have situated on the far side of the garden, close to the fence beneath the trees.  I had a perfect view of the birds, but they couldn't see me, especially when I was sitting quite still on the bench and not moving ! 

 I quite liked being invisible!    


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How can we have a healthier world 🌏

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 24 Sept 2021, 00:46


Pollution in towns and cities- solutions-
How can we reduce dangerous toxic emissions that are killing off the population?

Everyone knows petrol fumes cause air pollution,  🌫 as does the burning of fossil fuels which rise up into the 🌪atmosphere, filling it with dangerous toxins, which are bad for the health!
Electric cars 🚙are being introduced into towns also electric buses 🚎🚌and trams to combat this pollution problem. These vehicles use batteries and need to be charged, so more charging points 🔌will be required , to be put into  various places around the town.
Factories 🏭and local businesses also need to significantly cut or reduce emissions 🌪from fossil fuels 🌫and invest in renewable energies. This would greatly benefit the everyday lives of residents in terms of their health. Preventing conditions like asthma and other respiratory problems.

Landlords should make sure properties are using clean renewable energies. Solar, 🌞windpower 🌬or other 🌊 green energies. The Cutting of gas and fossil fuels to an absolute 🔥minimum from local residents, landlords and rented, housing associations.

Pedestrianisation of town centres with less traffic coming in and out of town, out of town car parks 🚙🚗(like park and ride scheme)  🚌to reduce traffic flow into town centres, with a total ban on traffic in some areas ⛔and more green spaces 🟩for citizens to relax in with cleaner air to breathe.

More outdoor areas🟩 for various 🎾⚽️sports🎳Exercise classes, 🏃‍♂️🧘‍♂️also 🎨Arts and crafts 🧶🧵group, 🎸🎙music and theatre in outdoor spaces.🎭 🖥This is all beneficial to the physical and mental health of its citizens. 🙂 It will also help people to socialise.(eventually)

Gardening projects for residents within town centre area with allotment 🟩🥦🥕projects also rooftop garden projects. These can be run as a peoples co-operative. Park projects using green spaces 🟩 for people to get exercise.

Cycle tracks to encourage people to take up cycling 🚵‍♀️and to keep cyclists safe and off the main roads.🛣

These are some of the targets post covid that local town councils should be now aiming for in an ideal world!

Will it ever happen I wonder?


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God is Love

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 08:54

Let us not love with just words or speech but with actions and in truth.
(1 John 3: 18)



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Vegetables are great!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 10 June 2021, 18:44

I am absolutely in favour of vegetables and there are some tasty recipes using plant based foods.🍅🥔🍆 🥗🥮🍜

When I first started out as a vegetarian I tended to eat the same things over again but I have since then been surprised by the variety and availability of other ingredients that can be found in shops, vegetable sellers or on- line. Alternative products like quorn or soya beans are good stand ins for meat. Quorn sausages are great for breakfast with eggs, baked beans and potatoes!

I am a big lover of vegetables 🥦🥒🍆🥑so thats a positive ! I used to hate carrots as a child but having had them presented in some very🥘🥬🧄🧅 interesting mouthwatering recipes so I was soon won over to the humble carrot and I now love eating 🥕🥕🥕 rainbow carrots too which are lovely!

It has been fun to experiment using lots of different types of vegetables to make some great recipes. For a time I went to the local vegetarian society where I learned to cook some vegetarian meals. After finding out about it I would definitely recommend a vegetarian diet. 

There are some great alternatives to meat eating like beans🧆🧆 ( I love beans!) which are great mashed together with other vegetables in pasties. Mashed and seasoned🧂🥫🍯 vegetables can be used as a good replacement for mince. I have also used this veggie mixture wrapped up in pancakes 🌮🥞🍲with spices or curry paste in, also topped with mashed potatoes for a shepherds pie. 🍲🧆 I 🧀🥔🧅
Really tasty! 

We just have to learn to be more adventurous and flexible  in our cooking. It doesn't have to be expensive you can obtain some cheap vegetables from some local vegetable growers, or from markets and farm shops

.1) I am vegetable lover first of all because I feel it is healthier to eat a vegetetable diet.🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

2) I like all animals and do not want them to suffer🐑🐄🐖🐇 

3) it is good for the planet 🌎and the environment so thats three very good reasons to be vegetarian. 🙂


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Les Lilas- the lilacs- french version

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 17 Nov 2021, 20:46

Lilas doux, Lilas intoxicant
Avec leurs couleurs vibrantes
éclatantes en mai
le printemps remplis de merveilles


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EMA- C'est fini! French version

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 18:24

Voila! C'est fin! J'ai enfin envoyé mon EMA.
c'était une course 🏃‍♀️ contre la montre ⏰J'ai mis un bon ordre 👩‍💻et dans une autre langue! 🇨🇵
Mais J'ai fait! Whew!
Demain pour fêter, je vais faire une belle longue marche a la compagne, et savourez un repas copieux dans un petit pub chaleureux!
je prendrai mon parapluie en cas de pluie! 🌤☂️
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Lilacs - English version

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 18:25

Sweet lilac, heavenly scent

Your colours are so bright

Bursting forth in May

What a springtime of delight !


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EMA - sent off! English version

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 10 June 2021, 22:33

That's it I finally sent off my EMA!
It was a race 🏃‍♀️against time to get it finished with everything👩‍💻 in order very difficult especially in another language!🇨🇵
But I managed it. whew! This day I will celebrate by taking a nice long leisurely walk in the country and take my brolly just in case it rains. 🌂🌤


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