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Helene Viel

A fragile international economy

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Edited by Helene Viel, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 18:34

Countries present different economic strategies such as cutting bank reserve ratio for China. That will allow to boost growth. Others, such as the UK, prefer focusing on reducing inflation and cutting interest rates, for example. 

Reducing inflation does not mean that consumption will increase and the number of jobless will decrease. Investors are looking for positive results and long-term confidence. Pressures are in every sector at the international, regional, and local levels.

China cuts bank reserve ratio to boost growth as sentiment sours (ft.com)

Five charts explaining the UK’s economic prospects in 2024 | Economics | The Guardian

UK has lacked coherent economic strategy for years, thinktank finds | Economic policy | The Guardian

Home page - OECD

United Kingdom’s Long-Run Prosperity Hinges on Ambitious Reforms (imf.org)

US Economics Analyst: 2024 US Economic Outlook: Final Descent (goldmansachs.com)

7 economic trends to watch in 2024 | Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)

Italy should boost investment, strengthen ongoing civil justice and competition reforms, and tackle public debt - OECD

Economy (tandfonline.com)

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Helene Viel

What next?

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Edited by Helene Viel, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 15:17

How should we interpret the fact that many corporate leaders are misguided in playing down the risks of a second term for the Republican former president? Are there any risks? What sort of risks? What about the economy, environment, geostrategy, international relations and the evolution of conflicts? The program of each candidate gives us some of their intentions if they will follow them.

The USA has a very important role in the world. A wrong economic or diplomatic strategy, the will to create fractions would provoke a deep recession and inflation. Risks could come from the will to protect ourselves without thinking about the consequences. Whoever the future president will be, we will have to manage with him/her. The most important is not to forecast his/her name, but how, when and where to invest, how to manage an international organisation, and how to manage diplomacy, how to manage a crisis of confidence.

Wall Street’s bargain with Trump (ft.com)

Realism About a Trump Presidency - WSJ

New tools to reinforce the EU’s economic security - European Commission (europa.eu)

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Helene Viel

The risky sexy AI and Data Science

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Edited by Helene Viel, Sunday, 21 Jan 2024, 21:26
Do we have to live with AI? What are the limits? Are there limits? What about Ethics?

We want to work quickly, and better. We also want to invest income in the right areas. It is always valuable for employees not to do basic tasks. The main issue is not about how to train employees but how many IT issues your organisation will have per day or week, how you will manage them, and what about the perception of this organisation from your customers and consumers.

Is data science always intuitive?

The AI represents a new positive evolution and a new risk. The risk of making wrong choices and letting a machine choose for us is important. A machine must help us to find information and then synthesise it to make the right decision, for example. What are the objectives? What for?

The result is double. We stop wasting time with non-essential steps but the risk is from more IT bugs, frauds, security questions, and a bad reputation. What to do in case of a bug? Can an employee act? What will be the delay of action? Commerce innovation is increased. The answer is given by a good global strategy.

We must think of an issue, not stop analysing a problem. Are call centres worse than AI? It happens.

Punk Rock, the Peace Movement, and Open-Source AI: The Mozilla Foundation’s Mark Surman - MIT Sloan Management Review

Five Key Trends in AI and Data Science for 2024 - MIT Sloan Management Review


n ba

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Helene Viel

Underlying risks

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Edited by Helene Viel, Thursday, 18 Jan 2024, 18:41

I talked about financial and non-financial risks before. Unfortunately, several risks are always ready to appear again very quickly. There are financial and non-financial risks such as IT with cybersecurity, liquidity, market, credit, operational, strategic and reputational ones.

The actual international order shows us that we live in a sensitive situation but a not weak one. I mean that investments are positive. The number of jobless decreased in the US, for example, and the economic data underlines that the situation is strong.

I mean by sensitivity, a general order that can change due to a stupid change of mood of an influential politician, the will to become more or stay radical. Actions or the absence of actions can cause negative slippage. Everyone is not ready to improve a situation, if so, in which direction, with whom, and when.

Journalists do not always take the time to explain the origin of a situation, and the public requires immediate fresh and short news. How to explain a conflict that has existed for several decades in two lines? How to explain to the public that women and children are taken hostage to be used as terrorist infrastructure shields? The reputation risk appears.

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Helene Viel

A slide towards the delirious

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Edited by Helene Viel, Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024, 18:58

There are two ways to manage a supposed 'local' conflict:

- you consider a conflict as a local one and decide not to act. The risk is that you let a movement grow and reinforce without surveillance. You will be attacked in the next few years at the commercial, financial, and economic levels and sometimes at the security level.

- you consider that local conflicts do not exist. The world has always connections, supports, and an opinion about a conflict, you act to stop the spread. Even if a crisis may appear. We must act to live in a well-balanced world. Let's try all together.

Houthis attacked in the Red Sea is not a local conflict. Before the USA and the UK intervened, this movement was international. The conflict does not become international because of the USA and the UK. 

'The Pan-Arabist government, meanwhile, attempted to accelerate an ongoing alignment of the Zaydī sect with modern trends in Sunni exegesis.' There is always a conflict between Shiite and Sunni movements. Houthis support Hamas supported by Iran, supported by Russia.

Pakistan had been attacked this morning by Iran. 'Pakistan says attacks killed two children in ‘unprovoked violation’ of its airspace. Iran (Shiite) strikes Sunny militant bases in Pakistan.' Russia, Belarus, North Korea, and China are not far. Belarus declared this week that we must change the rules to use nuclear weapons. They want to be closer to Russia. Russia has always wanted access to warm seas. 

The access to the Red Sea is complicated. A map explains the problem. Commercial traffic has been highly risky for several years. Then, how to import goods from Asia to Europe if you cannot use it this way by cargo ship? You have to circumnavigate Africa. This is too long, too expensive. This issue has existed for decades. Terrorist movements use false arguments to develop their doctrine. More than 20 countries support the US in that decision.

Iran strikes ‘militant bases’ in Pakistan in latest Middle East flashpoint | Iran | The Guardian

Houthi movement | Yemen, History, Leader, & Goals | Britannica

What is the Red Sea crisis and what are the global implications? - ABC News

Red Sea Rivalries: A Conflict of Interests - Narrated by David Strathairn - Full Episode (youtube.com)

What is U.S.-led Red Sea coalition and which countries are backing it? | Reuters

Russia-Ukraine war live: Protesters clash with Russian police after activist jailed; Ukraine plans to ‘throw Russia from skies’, says minister (theguardian.com)

Letter from the editor: a testing year for democracy  (ft.com)

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Helene Viel

The Domino Game

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Edited by Helene Viel, Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024, 19:04
The Domino Game is met in many areas: financial, economic, political, military, and medical with pandemics. Risks are financial and non-financial.

If we do not think about our future as a global future in the short, middle and long term, we will live in a very important financial and non-financial crisis. We must take the time to analyse the situation and its implications. Some people want to act immediately and instinctively. This is the best way to be manipulated and make mistakes. Even animals calculate/think before acting. Sidonie confirms it. So, the show must go on.

During the pandemic, we noted that every single area had lost an important part of their income. It was mainly in 2020. I wrote a dissertation for my Master's in Finance. It is about 'the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on liquidity risk management by the European general insurance companies' management.' Who could imagine the level of loss of insurance companies in 2020? Several governments helped small businesses too. They postponed the risk of declaring bankruptcy for a part of businesses.

International organisation's bankruptcies result in further bankruptcies. The opinion of investors and the credibility of international companies are vital. 

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Helene Viel

What risks may appear in the first line in 2024? The Domino Game.

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Edited by Helene Viel, Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024, 17:16

Forgive me 😇 if I can't read the future in a crystal ball🔮Nothing is sure and definitive.

The world 🗺️ is constantly changing. In democracies, political and economic strategies are presented but they are not applied at every level as the authors want. They are discussed, interpreted, amended, and excluded sometimes. So, changes are not always the ones announced a few months ago.

We will live several general elections such as Pakistani, Finland, Indonesia, USA, Azerbaijan, Iran, Portugal, Russia, India, and South Africa. More than half the world goes to the polls this year. Even if we guess who will win in several countries such as Iran, Russia, and the Republican Party Primary in the USA, the most important is what the next step is. What is the political strategy orientation of South Africa, Iran, and Russia for the next few years? 

Every political strategy has repercussions on international and local political, economic, and commercial movements. Radicalism attracts other radicalisms. Will citizens choose a demagogue? Demagogues attract demagogues. We are in an international domino game. One crisis leads to another one. If a country chooses a far-right or far-left candidate, other countries will react. Antisemitism and racism increase. This is not good for a global balanced future.

There is another problem. An important part of the population follows the news via social media. This is very dangerous because there is no analysis, nothing is checked. False news are spread. Readers do not check anything and believe what they read. As a former European Correspondent for Shephard Press - UV Magazine and an IISS member, I am shocked to see that newspapers are less read.

What’s ahead in 2024: calendar of the year | World news | The Guardian

Key elections in Africa in 2024 - Oxford Economics

Africa 2024 elections: Stability at stake? – DW – 01/03/2024

More than half the world goes to the polls in 2024. South Africa is one to watch : NPR

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (iiss.org)

These are the biggest global risks we face in 2024 and beyond | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

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Helene Viel

What is Dynamic Asset Allocation for?

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Edited by Helene Viel, Monday, 25 Dec 2023, 17:47

There are many different types of risk management. The dynamic asset allocation allows us to adapt a portfolio to an international or regional market situation and increase its performance.

Dynamic asset allocation is a portfolio management strategy that frequently adjusts the mix of asset classes to suit market conditions. 

How to optimise the risk-return ratio? 

In that case, we choose appropriate weights for the various asset classes. Adjustments usually involve reducing positions in the worst-performing asset classes while adding to positions in the best-performing assets. (Dynamic Asset Allocation: What it is, How it Works (investopedia.com))

There are three types of asset allocation: Variations on:

- MVO = Risk Parity; Black Litterman

- CAPM = 60/40; Portfolio insurance; Surplus optimisation

- Dynamic = Tactical asset allocation; Currency overlay; Diversified growth funds

Passive Investing Theory, part four: Portfolio Theory (sensibleinvesting.tv)

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Helene Viel

Last-minute holiday gift guide

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Edited by Helene Viel, Sunday, 24 Dec 2023, 14:22

For those looking for a last-minute present and wish not to waste money, let me suggest two exciting books written by Robert Curtis. Robert is a Vet and a Marine.

There are: * Surprised at Being Alive: An Accidental Helicopter Pilot in Vietnam and Beyond

                  * The Typhon truce, 1970

When you open the books and begin reading, you won't be able to stop. They are more captivating and fascinating than any bestseller thrillers because those stories are true. Robert is a very courageous and brilliant Marine.

Allow me to copy and paste the first paragraph of Surprised at Being Alive: An Accidental Helicopter Pilot in Vietnam and Beyond:

'Sometimes you do everything right, but it just isn’t your day. A part fails and your helicopter comes apart in flight, or, another aircraft runs into you and the pieces of both fall to the ground below, or the enemy gunner pulls the trigger at just the right moment and his rounds find your aircraft in exactly the right spot to take it out of the sky. Whichever way it happens, it wasn’t your day.'

Enjoy and Happy Holiday

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Helene Viel

New blog post

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Edited by Helene Viel, Sunday, 24 Dec 2023, 14:50
I passed my MSc in Finance a few months ago. I wish to thank a lot to the Open University Teams. They were very helpful.

New Year, new diploma, new job hope so, new perspectives.

I expect to publish a risk management analysis, mainly in Finance soon.
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Helene Viel

Strategic management

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To be able to maintain a good level of balance sheet or to increase its level, we need to draw strong strategic management. By strategic management, I mean the process for conducting the entrepreneurial activities of a firm for organizational renewal, growth, and transformation.

Company missions are:

                         - basic product or service

                         - primary markets

                         - principal technology used

                         - customer satisfaction, quality, and societal goals

                         - company philosophy

                         - self-concept (identity)

The environment is:

                       - economic

                       - social-demographic

                       - political-legal

                       - technological

                       - cultural

                       - ecological-natural

We define an industry with the following points:

                       - products

                       - competitors

                       - structure (number, size, relative strenght, market share of competitors, product differentiation)

                       - economic traits

                       - critical success factors

                       - entry barriers

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Helene Viel

How to analyze financial risks in a sector during an international crisis

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Edited by Helene Viel, Monday, 21 Sept 2020, 10:17

There are different ways to analyze financial risks in a sector during an international crisis. Can an organization go through any hostile environment or can we set up or manage an organization anywhere? We can analyze first macroeconomics evolution or begin from the sector/organization we want to study.

Macroeconomics means analyzing demand, supply, market equilibrium, and change in equilibrium.

Beginning from the sector we want to study means that we study balance sheet, cash flow, financial frictions, currency exchange effects, investment, financial accelerator.

There are different ways to definite financial risk, we can use the helicopter view of risk, risk mapping enterprise risk management, for example. The helicopter view of risk method gives a good view of financial and non-financial risks.

Financial risks are:

                         - market (currency, interest rate, commodity price risks)

                         - credit

                         - liquidity

                         - pensions ones

                         - leverage

Non Financial risks are:

                         - legal

                         - reputation

                         - operational

                         - strategic

                         - business

                         - regulatory ones

Risk mapping is different. There are five steps:

                        - classification: decide how to organise the catalogue of risks

                        - identification: list of all relevant risks

                        - measurement: decide on measure to quantify the risk (e.g. VaR, PFE)

                        - assessment: assess the significance of each risk

                        - response: accept, reduce, transfer, eliminate or avoid the risk

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Helene Viel


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Edited by Helene Viel, Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024, 15:12
In the last 20 years, we lived through two important financial crises: mainly between 2005 and 2009, and from the end of 2019.

The first was mainly financial, whereas the second was more global.

I expect to develop this item by:
* presenting instruments used to discover those risks
* defining financial and non-financial risks met
* presenting a risk mapping

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