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may I say that as well as the furore over Murdoch there is also the surprising resignation of Sir Howard Davies. When you consider that the LSE is the London School of Economics, and accordingly one would have expected that the world respected LSE would produce great economists.

However, is it any wonder if we produce such well respected economists, that somehow the economists never saw the 'Great Crash' actually coming. Same with the accountants, who signed off the accounts of the wonderful banks. How is it that the banks were run by bankers who were not actually 'bankers' they had no qualifications in banking. How is that the expert economists never saw the crash coming, and the accountants who were so well trained that they signed off the accounts.

So, whilst the media is distracted by events in the middle east, and the Murdoch empire, then when will there be an inquiry into how well educated our people are, yet they do not seem to be very well trained at all. 

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A Fair Society

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This is just part of an article in the telegraph today about the unfairness of American socirty:

'The retail data can be quirky but it fits in with everything else we know. The numbers of people on food stamps have reached 43.2m, an all time-high of 14pc of the population. Recipients receive debit cards – not stamps -- currently worth about $140 a month under President Obama’s stimulus package.

The US Conference of Mayors said visits to soup kitchens are up 24pc this year. There are 643,000 people needing shelter each night.

Jobs data released on Friday was again shocking. The only the reason that headline unemployment fell from 9.7pc to 9.4pc was that so many people dropped out of the system altogether'.

What happens in America is often repeated here. We are going to be in the first Great Depression of the 21st Century, the only trouble is that we have actually been in depression since 1987.



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It was terribly humiliating what happened in respect of the England World cup bid. However, the answer does lie in our own hands. Stop treating all these hangers on as somehow 'special'. No more invites to our world class events. As for the Olympics, and their special treatment, closing roads for the motorcades, staying at top hotels at our expense. Make them sit with the hoi poloi, it is about time that the proletariate started to expres themselves.

As Harry said in Afghanistan 'we do bad things to bad people' so let's start with the spongers, the hangers on, the wasters, the ones who live off the backs of the workers. No more staying at Claridges, and the Ritz, it's time to just say enough is enough.


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George Bush - Torture

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I think what many people totally fail to understand is the WWII could be justified on the basis that it became a just war, and the participants could not be open to any accusations of ill treatment, mainly because it was Just. Terrible thin...gs were done on all sides, but it was just, and soldiers could be foregiven for following orders, or 'losing it' when they came across a concentration camp, the inhumanity.

However, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and Afghanistan again, well sorry, it has come about that it is time to refuse orders, these are not legal wars, they are not Just. It is based on two wrongs, the thoughts of revenge, for 9/11, and for killing them in Afghanistan rather than on our streets.

Bush is now admitting what was known, it is almost as though 'stuff' had to be denied so that the record could be put straight in 'a book', I mean the total obsenity of it all.

I had a dream last night, that Adolf Hitler was still alive, and that he was being interviewed. Now listen, I thought that Poland had these weapons, that they were going to invade, because this bloke who was tortured told me so, and anyway they had burnt down the Rheichstag hadn't they. So, I invaded Poland, and people didn't like me for doing it, so I tortured them some more, and killed an awful lot of people, but hey, we didn't some space to expand didn't we. So anyway, thankyou for listening, the ends always justify the means.

Sorry but others would know more than most that the ends never justify the means, that torture must never be permissable, in a civilised society, and that anybody who pleads that they were following orders, well I don't need to go on. That is George Bush, and those who support him, are nothing other than Nazis, because do you know how many people Hitler tortured and killed personally? I think you will find zero, one big fat zero, it was all about following orders, from a higher authority.
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it is about time that a boil was lanced over the Dunblane massacre.

It is a fact that Thomas Hamilton killed 16 chlidren and one teacher with a gun. We have even had a similar situation where a man killed adults in our country, randomly bringing terror to the streets of our country. We have had Moat allegedly killing one man, and injuring a former girl friend, and a police man.

So, returning to Hamilton, was Lord Robertson a referee on the shotgun licence granted to Hamilton. If he was or was not is not important, it would be a matter of fact, there is absolutely nothing wrong, or criminal in being a referee on such a licence, so a simple answer to a question, who were the referees on Thomas Hamilton's licence.

Is it true that the Sunday Times has an FBI list of labour MPs who have used credit cards to pay for access to internet child pornography. Now I ask this question simply on the basis that it seems to be government policy, both this government and the last one, to give access to everybody to the internet, and people need to know what the internet has been used for.

Finally, is it true that Blair has even gone so far as to put a D-Notice on any publication of details of any paedophile rings operating in this country of ours.

I know, and to a certain degree can understand why there is an injunction against a close family member of mine on the grounds of breach of contract over Iraq, and also why there is an injunction preventing publication of details of a case brought against six SAS operatives. However, with the latest changes to the laws in respect of defamation I would hope that some senior individuals are not hiding from their just deserts by the use of D-Notices, and High Court injunctions.

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Brown at Chilcot

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is it no surprise that our finances are in such a terrible state. Now Brown is saying at Chilcot that he would spend any money necessary to fund any action against Iraq. So, was the money spent, and if we did not go to war in Iraq, then the money would have been wasted. The investment in the military would not have been worth it.

The finances were surely needed in Afghanistan, which was still active, and focus was on diplomacy, not on preparation for war.

Brown did not see the letters written to Bush, by Blair, we in the trasury had to take account of the possibility of war, costing the war, so where was the money coming from. A diplomatic solution, which would prevent war, yet he was spending for war, what if the war had not taken place. Just like the economy, there were no plans for a crash, they  just didn't see it coming.

Sufficient resources were to be made available, it is no wonder that the pound is taking a pounding.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Bob Nobes, Friday, 5 Mar 2010, 13:44)
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Oath of Allegiance

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Andrew, a very good morning,

'I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me'.

Now I am of the opinion, I will not say that there is no doubt, that the above represents the oath of allegiance which our soldiers take when they join the military.

The problem which is not being addressed is that by any interpretation of what has been going on at the Chilcot Inquiry that we were at war in Iraq because of American Foreign Policy. That Bush and Blair connived at the war and subsequent occupation, and that accordingly, no British general or officer had to accept orders, neither did the soldiers. The orders were illegal, I think that it is the reason why a certain General, as was revealed in his book, took legal advice before accepting orders in respect of Iraq.

I think that Military Law has had to be changed to include orders from officers of other States, on the basis that American officers were giving orders to British, and Australian soldiers, to 'detain' individuals, who were then extra-ordinary renditioned, and treated severely by American guards, and suffered enhanced interrogation techniques, or tortured. As Hutton revealed in February previous holders of his post inadevertently misled parliament, over these issues. I look forward to the evidence of Geoff Hoon, and Jack Straw, and wish that Brown will be called to give his evidence before the general election.

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Edited by Terry Griffin, Friday, 8 Jan 2010, 11:41

This is an extract from Hansard 1947, some things never change

Weather Forecasts

HC Deb 19 March 1947 vol 435 cc398-9
39. Mr. Gammans

asked the Secretary of State for Air if he will give an explanation of the incorrect weather forecasts given by his Department during the recent cold spell.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

To my regret I must admit that the science of meteorology still leaves much to be desired. During the recent cold weather, however, the Meteorological Office issued about 2,000 weather forecasts for the different regions of the British Isles and of the surrounding seas, and many thousands to the crews of British and other aircraft, and I am advised that the vast majority of them were correct. I am placing copies of these recent forecasts, and of the subsequent weather reports, in the Library of the House. If the hon. Member finds among them any to which he takes particular objection, perhaps he will put down a further Question.

Mr. Gammans

Is the Secretary of State aware that the Air Ministry predicted two thaws which did not come off, and that once they predicted rain and fog, which, fortunately, did not arrive? Will he try to improve the reliability of his forecasts, in view of the great inconvenience this country has suffered from the unreliable forecasts of the Minister of Fuel and Power?

Mr. Noel-Baker

I am aware that, as someone said, one "thawcast was a frost." I am also aware that many people tend to confuse the science and the practitioners of the science. The science is imperfect, but I think our practitioners in the very difficult conditions of the British Isles really do remarkably well.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Terry Griffin, Thursday, 14 Jan 2010, 09:50)
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I hope that your readers are listening to the Today programme this morning in respect of the FSA, and the changes to mortgages.

Now I have said before about self certification which should be banned, for obvious reasons. This seems to have been accepted.

However, there must also be a ban on the BBC giving air time to financial exclusives. They carry official status because of the very well earned reputation of the BBC. You cannot control the internet and media, but the BBC must never enter the world of exclusives which can cause problems.

There must also be a ban on short selling, where operators sell stock which they do not own.

There must also be a ban on all stock lending, where owners of shares lend stock to operators who then sell the shares as part of there short selling. If the stock lending is banned then short sellers cannot deliver to the market.

There must also be a ban on contracts for difference, which enables operators to speculate in the stock market rather than invest. Contracts for difference mean that you can buy and sell a share and only take the profit, or pay the loss, rather than have to stump up the purchase price in full on the settlement day, and then receive your sale proceeds afterwards.

The problem with salary multiples on mortgages. Now that is an interesting one. Consider this. If I used to work for a bank, then employees used to get five times salary for our mortgage, we used to get subsidised interest rates, we used to be able to defer repayment of capital for say the first four years of the mortgage, we used to get subsidised endowment policies.

Now if the FSA bans multiples of five times salary, if they impose earnings limits, then the banks and financial institutions will not be, under law, able to offer benefits to their staff which are not available to the general public. I have said before and I will say again, the banks have taken over the government not the people taking over the banks.

Finally, there must be more use of the ability of the authorities to suspend shares when financial exclusives are broken because there will be a false market.

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Riots on the streets

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if anybody listened to the Today programme on Radio 4 this morning then I think that some of your commenteers owe Nick Robinson an apology. Mandelson actually was very economical with the truth when he asserted that Brown had never said this is about 'conservative cuts and labour investment'. Now Nick actually had taken the time, or his researchers had, to identify the actual comment from Hansard. Mandelson then was asked about what Nick had shown to be the actuality, and he responded it has to be seen 'in context'.

I thought that the interview should just be repeated time and again and again. I really look forward to the actual speech which Mandelson will give. Where is Brown at the moment. Surely not on holiday still. He seems to be lost somewhere in the ether, or is he on walkabout like an Austraian Aborigine. Does Brown actually exist any more, why is he not on our screens telling us about the truly democratic elections which have been held in Afghanistan, where so many of our soldiers have died, and for what.

As for riots on the streets, how dare anybody threaten me for exercising my democratic vote. If anything were to make me vote against a party then it is one which more or less threatens me that if there are cuts in public services then it may result in riots. Well my tough choice is to vote against anybody who threatens me. Our soldiers have died in Afghanistan to bring in some form of democracy, how dare anybody say that they would riot against any democratically elected British government. How dare they.

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can somebody please decide who we are meant to be. I mean our soldiers are now in Afghanistan. Now are we UN, NATO, British or just the occupiers. Are we fighting the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, the insurgents, the freedom fighters or the anti-colonialists. Furthermore, are our soldiers dying to bring democracy (but not as we know it) to a country which is actually nothing like any state or country that I know of, it is and always a buffer state.

Furthermore, was it not Gordon Brown who insists that we are not fighting Islam or Muslims, we are fighting and dying to keep terror off the streets of Britain (or is it England). Now we again are told by Brown that the whole area which is apparently known as Afghanistan/Pakistan (or Af/Pak for short) is some sort of terrorist area where anybody who goes there is training to kill us all by using terrorism, well that's what I understand him to say, or the message as I hear it.

So, we know that there are large numbers of Muslims/Pakistanis/Afghanis in Britain (or England) so can Brown please tell me in very plain language, that I have absolutely nothing to be concerned about from people living in England, that there are no areas in England which are no go areas, and that any fear I do have is groundless. That I should accept that in a very short time our soldiers will be training and mentoring the very people who are that the moment trying to kill them.

That I should have no view on women who cover themselves completely from head to toe in the Burkha, because I thought the wonderful Jack Straw who has recently requested the Queen to give a free pardon to a young man convicted in another country of a crime, the same Jack Straw who requested that women should not wear the Burkha when he is talking to them in his constituency. So, the government, and Brown/Straw are giving the wrong message. A message which I think is inciting some of our unhappy people to go to Mosques to incite a reaction from peace loving people.

I demand that Brown come on to our totally free media and give a formal statement as to why our soldiers are in Afghanistan killing and being killed, who are then meant to return home and see around them people who look and sound very similar to the very people they are killing and being killed by and then to sit and communicate with people who they see as possibly having just killed one of their pals. I just want to know what is actually going on. The continuing occupation of Afghanistan is and a disaster, and it really did not have to be like this. 'We do bad things to bad people', or so Harry tells us, although Andrew looks much less of a problem, and he likes very good in his military uniform in Afghanistan.
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surely it is not sufficient for Harlequins people to just resign. In order to protect the integrity of Rugby Union then Harlequins must be relegated and not allowed to enter any cup competitions for three years. Now that would be a real punishment, and I know that it would mean that all the club must pay for their indiscretions, but surely all or most of the club must have known what was going on and colluded in this scam. Either that or does nobody else see that to win a game by 'cheating' where a club gains a pecuniary advantage by their actions is a type of fraud, that is obtaining money under false pretences, and therefore, the police must investigate and possibly bring charges against those involved. If you win by 'cheating' your gates will improve and your club will win extra prize money. Throw them out!
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the freeing by the SNP Justice Minister of the convicted Libyan terrorist is a side show. Please will people concentrate on what has happened in Afghanistan over the election.

It is accepted by everybody that the election is seriously flawed. Now we are getting the spin that actually the result does not matter, it is the fact that elections were actually held. That will be the epitaph to the military career of Dannatt, you managed to save Brown and parliament because an election has been held. The loss of life, on both sides, in the occupation was worth it. I want to see the memoranda of understanding which exists between Afghanistan and the occpying forces.

I know that this may be a bit left field for some of you but the Harlequins affair is proof to me that people will do illegal 'stuff' if they are told to, they will cheat, on the basis that they are following orders. To some the ends will always justify the means, whereas others think that we are a means to an end.

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All for nothing

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Please if there is any decency left in the labour party when you hold your party meeting demand an election in October. This appalling situation must not be aloowed to continue. Our soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan and for what, a manifestly corrupt government.

Your party is now an abomination of what it was, your leaders say nothing when a convicted terrorist is freed on humanitarian grounds, and yet have achieved so much in the past, but labour will now be forever associated with Iraq and Afghanistan. This is just so sad and is an insult to the memory of all those who lost their lives, on all sides, in the two Great wars of the last century. It has all been for nothing, who has gained from all the killing, all the pain and suffering, all for nothing!

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what I find most disturbing is again the Prime Minister who really should be expressing his thoughts on the death of 'Teddy' Kennedy. These are his own personal feelings and do not represent mine at all. Next thing there will be a memorial service in Westminster Abbey for a great foreign statesman, who was the son of an alleged boot-legger who thought that Britain was finished after Germany defeated France in WWII.

Nobody speaks for me any more. I have my own thoughts and feelings, and I resent a politician unelected in my country (England) saying what a loss 'Sir' Edward Kennedy is, not only in America but across all Continents, again Brown speaking on behalf of the world, how dare he. The sooner we have a chance to vote in a general election the better it will be, can't wait for the Queen's speech, 'My government will...' if this really is her government then we need help, an awful lot of help.

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so 'Sir' Ted Kennedy is dead. Brown immediately let's us know what he thinks, having interrupted his holiday yesterday to greet the Israeli Prime Minister. I cannot believe what is going on. A man who drives a car off a bridge and as a result a woman dies, and the driver, Kennedy, walks away and does not report it for hours, gets a 'knighthood' personally bestowed on him by Brown. He gets a comment to the media by the man who pretends to be our prime Minister.

A man who is a convicted terrorists, and multiple bomber is released, and the British Prime Minister says nothing because it is all to do with Scotland, a part of Britain, of which Brown is still the Prime Minister. So, Brown is a merciful and compassionate man. Next he will be holding talks with Karzai, a man who I regard as heading a corrupt government, and leads a country which seems to do little to protect our soldiers from 'insurgents'. Soldiers who are allegedly there to bring them freedom and democracy. And to protect us from terrorist attacks on our Island.

I wonder what compassion and mercy Kennedy showed to the young woman who was left in a freezing river, possibly alive. I wonder what compassion and mercy the convicted Libyan terrorist shows to his victims. If he did not do it then he should have gone ahead with his appeal. I am not sorry, I will be glad if the Libyan dies before or on his three months sentence from a higher power, but somehow I think that he may well live for some time longer than the three month sentence given to him by the 'higher power'.

If these people believe in heaven then they must surely also believe that there must be a hell. If there is then I know where I want these two men to end up, they showed no mercy and compassion, one has been guilty in the courts, the other in the court of public opinion. Guilty!  

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I wonder if somebody could tell me how our wonderful Prime Minister, who is still on holiday, can have meetings in Downing Street today, find time to congratulate the English cricket team, and yet dare not make any reference to the release of a convicted terrorist on grounds of mercy and compassion.

As for the Video Regulations Act would the Prime Minister care to mention that all sorts of filth can now be sold without any threat of conviction. Does he think that any previous convictions should now be overturned and any penalties refunded. Does he also think that in order to be merciful and just that a review ought to be held because from my memory, which is not very good, there are MPs continually complaining on behalf of their constituents that illegal fines in respect of speeding or parking where signage is shown to be incorrect must be refunded.

Would he also like to use the term justice and mercy in respect of Israeli occupation and use of illegal setllements. What about Israel showing mercy and compassion to the Palestinians.

Finally, has anybody else noticed that Mr MacAskill is referred to as Kenny MacAskill whereas it is either Gordon Brown, or Mr Brown. Can we please give Mr MacAskill his proper title, it is not 'Kenny' it is Mr MacAskill, just like it is Lord Mandelson, not Pete or Peter, just like it is not Gordy Brown, or Brown the man who picks his nose and eats it whilst sat behind the then Prime Minister Anthony Blair. In the old days of course it would have been 'Brown the nose picker' and 'MacAskill the just and merciful'.

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CIA Interrogations

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I understand that the CIA have now issued unredacted documents relating to enhanced interrogation techniques used on 'detained' individuals. What is interesting is who actually detained these individuals after the war but during the occupation.

I think that the British are not innocent in all this and a previous Defence Secretary, John Hutton explained in February how previous holders of his post had misled parliament in resepect of detainees. I think that we, and the Australians, have detained individuals, not the Americans, and that we have then handed these people over to the Americans where detainees have been 'tortured'. The war was over and therefore, there was no Geneva Convention to protect people because the Geneva Convention only applied during 'war'.

The government has ordered an inquiry into Iraq, which I think will be a travesty, I am not confident that the truth will come out. I think that we in Briatian are guilty of being complicit in the 'torture' of detainees by detaining them and handing them over to the Americans. We cannot allow the military to hide behind 'get over it' the senior officers must be questioned over giving orders to our men to detain certain people, and they must confirm that they detained individuals on the orders of the Americans anbd that the detainees were then handed over to the Americans for interrogation. The Americans could then plead that they did not detain anybody, they did not arrest anybody, they received and processed people who were detained by 'a third party'. The same applies to the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior, I think that we also handed individuals over to them for 'questioning'.

It really is no good for us to wring our hands and ignore our own involvement in wht has been allowed to happen in our name. Most soldiers followed orders, they did what they were told without question, that is no excuse, yes they are brave, and heroic, but that does not mean that they did not carry out illegal acts. It is time for justice, with compassion and mercy yes, but the truth must be revealed, because otherwise the stain on our character will never be erased. Accept that times were different, but we must learn the lessons, because otherwise we are all guilty because nobody really cares about the Iraqis and Afghans who have suffered at the hands of the coalition.   

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Does the Devil exist

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listened to Milliband on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning. In respect of the release of the convicted Libyan terrorist I think that it is absolutely shameful by our Foreign Secreatary to use what I can only refer to as weasal words.

There seriously must be an election before the Queens speech because I think personally that if it was me I would wretch with igdignation if I had to utter those now conemptiable words 'my government will...' in respect of this shamed parliament. Brown will refer to Afghanistan but on this most important issue of the release of the convicted Libyan terrorist, not a peep, he is still the Prime Minister, yes he is!

I would also like to hear from Lord Mandelson what, if any, conversations he had with the son of Colonel Gaddafi whilst they were together in the Rothschilds holiday home on Corfu. A simple question for Mandelson, did he or did not have any conversations with the son of Colonel Gaddafi whilst on his recent trip to Corfu. I know that there will be no answer given to any such question but what this heinous government cannot do is to stop me thinking what I think, I know, there is no evidence, but then again there is not a lot of evidence that there is a God, in fact there is more evidence that there is a devil, a malevolent, evil being, because the evidence is all around that such a being exists.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Lorraine Chaplin, Tuesday, 22 Dec 2009, 21:31)
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libyan terrorist

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how wonderful that the Scots would seem to have a monopoly on compassion and mercy. I say that because we showed no mercy nor compassion to the unfortunate Mr de Menezes. Maybe the convicted Libyan terrorist should have been travelling on the London underground and then there would be no problem.

In the meantime how many Iraqis and Afghans have actually been captured and jailed, rather than killed in action. Maybe we should consider our own actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, take no prisoners, they may be released in a years time to return to the fight.

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I have to ask what exactly is the point in the United Kingdom continuing. The people I have heard interviewed in respect of the release of the Libyan terrorist seem to think that it is Britain which has released this man. It is not, it is Scotland, they are compassionate and merciful. I will assert that in England we would not be so compassionate and merciful, and accordingly I want my freedom from Scotland. This is the end of the UK as far as I am concerned, send all Scottish prisoners held in English gaols back to Scotland. I want an English parliament, with an elected second chamber, and the end of all Scottish rpresentation in England. If any of them want to govern us then they must be elected to an English seat. I am angry at this, but most of all I am angry with the appalling person who seems more concerned with events in Afghanistan than what goes on in our country. Where is Brown, gone away from the flak as usual. Shame on him, this really is not good enough.
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Friday, 21 Aug 2009, 07:42)
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if the Libyan convicted terrorist is not dead withing three months will Scotland send over a hit squad to assassinate him. I wonder if Gordon Brown, our Prime Minister, would like to tell us what compassion and mercy he and his government are showing to the Afghanistan people who are being killed in large numbers, how do I know if they are Taliban, by our soldiers. they must be dying we have discharged over 3 million bullets and some of them must hit somebody. Also would Gordon like to explain the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter as I always thought that we were the occpiers in Aghanistan. What will he say if Karzai comes on to our screens tomorrow demanding the withdrawal of our soldiers. We are there by invitation, allegedly.

Finally, I have seen no comment on the British officer saying to local tribal leaders that the army was there on the orders of thge Queen, why not tell the truth. we are in your country to stop you coming over here and blowing us all up with your IEDs. 

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I have just been watching the twelve o'clock Channel 4 news. There was a reprt from Afghanistan and a colonel or other high ranking officer was talking to the tribal leaders. In his conversation he started by saying something along the lines of 'We have been sent here on the orders of Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II' etc...and I would assert that this is not the case. It may be according to army rules and regulations, they sign up to serve Queen and Country but please, to say to these people that they are there on the orders of the Queen is a complete untruth.

The Queen may well have signed the orders but we should be told by the Prime Minister Gordon Brown that our soldiers are in Afghanistan on the orders of the Queen and that accordingly he has nothing at all to do with it. The Queen should come on to our screens and say how much she regrets sending our soldiers to their deaths, are they there on her orders or not.

I think that our soldiers are in Afghanistan on American orders, that we are fighting and dying for somebody else, and that our soldiers must be brought home, now. They are fighting and dying for a corrupt regime which does not have the support of the local people, they are no more freer to vote than we have ever voted in England for Gordon Brown to be our Prime Minister, and we have never voted for the Queen either. What a totally false democracy we are, how on earth can we bring democracy to Afghanistan when we don't have a democracy.

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listened to Radio 5 Live this morning on student fees. It was admitted that some students do not need the loans, they were cheapo money. So, Mum and Dad paid for education, the student invested the money in PEPs, they got degree in chemistry, did PHd took up teaching, where the government now pays off the loan, and they are laughing. This is a scandal, loans should be means tested.

As for students parents, here in Exeter the parents bought houses, jammed them full of students who paid rent, but no council tax, then when their son/daughter graduated, house was sold with no CGT, and then they pocketed the profit which together with the income from the rent left the education of the sibling free. I live in Exeter.

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Good Morning Andrew,

Please let me quote from Kipling:

If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white,
Remember it's ruin to run from a fight:
So take open order, lie down, and sit tight,
And wait for supports like a soldier.
Wait, wait, wait like a soldier . . .

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.

Please note that a cable was allegedly sent by the British envoy in Afghanistan to his French counterpart on 2nd September 2008 where it was said 'the presence of the coalition, in particular its military presence, is part of the problem, not part of its solution'. Foreign forces are the lifeline of a regime that would rapidly collapse without them. As such they slow down and complicate a possible emergence from a crisis'.

I think that the only realistic way to 'unite' Afghanistan is to put in place a dictator, a benign one if you like, and we must prepare public opinion for such an outcome.

We all know that America will never go to the next presidential election whilst such a large numbers of Americans are fighting in occupied Afghanistan. This is not a war, it is an occupation, to think otherwise is stupid, anybody who helps us is seen as a collaborator, just like the French punished their collaborators after the German occupation, no difference whatsoever.

It is time to support the soldiers by demanding our immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan, that is how we can support them. Stop pulling the patriot card, the defeatist card, the three card trick. Look for yourselves as to how many of our soldiers died in the first three years after 2001, until we made the disastrous decision to invade and occupy Iraq. We have lost in Iraq, we were defeated and we retreated, we committed crimes in Iraq, we cannot repeat the same mistake. We must announce our withdrawal. It is time for the Afghans to fight their own battles.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Tuesday, 18 Aug 2009, 09:40)
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