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Unit 2: 2.4 Articles to read

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Following articles for H808 Unit 2.4

Crème, P. (2005) ‘Should student learning journals be assessed?’, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 287–96. Available from: http://libezproxy.open.ac.uk/login?url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02602930500063850 (accessed 9 October 2009).

Moon, J. (2001) ‘PDP working paper 4: reflection in higher education learning’ (online), The Higher Education Academy. Available from: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/resources/resourcedatabase/id72_Reflection_in_Higher_Education_Learning.rtf (accessed 29 June 2007).

Moon, J. (2005) ‘Guide for busy academics no. 4: learning through reflection’ (online), The Higher Education Academy. Available from: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/resources/resourcedatabase/id69_guide_for_busy_academics_no4.doc (accessed 2 July 2008).

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

School inspection

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School inspection 'till wednesday afternoon. Will catch up at wednesday evening!

Cheers Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.3 e-portfolio case studies

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 20:08

When I first started this course I tried to find a proper definition for e-portfolio. After reading Reese & Levy (2009) I found a definition that was very useful to me:”a digitized collection of artifacts including demonstrations, resources and accomplishments that represent an individual, group or institution”.
Beetham (2003) stated that an e-portfolio is simply a collection of documents relating to a learner’s progress, development and achievements”. In my opinion the Reese & Levy definition is somehow broader and makes it more understandable for me to work with. However, I have focused on the Aalderink & Veugelers (2005) paper because it is in my opinion, a good example of implementing an e-portfolio in Universities. The project provided an integrated learning management system (LMS) and an e-portfolio system (N@tschool). 7 Universities in the Netherlands worked together on a toolkit (website) with information and documents to be used at the start of portfolio implementation.

The anticipated learning outcomes were:

  • to realise an environment for learning and teaching in which student centred and competence based learning becomes possible and which supports the transformation in which the students will direct more than before the learning and teaching processes.
  • It should make learning and teaching more efficient and effective.
  • It should support and improve students’ acquisition of competencies
  • it should also bring about and support a more transparent and flexible workflow for the different stakeholders involved

Aalderink & Veugelers argue that there were differences between the two Universities, but wrote some mutual challenges regarding the implementation project:

  • How to keep the different perspectives of involved stakeholders in line with each other? This concurs with the Reese & Levy paper in 2009 in which they say that the different stakeholders have different roles in the institution and that this might be an obstacle.
  • Sharing of outcomes with each other is also an important element. Keep stakeholders involved
  • Management support is crucial: lines of development bottom up and after decision support and facilitation must go top down. This also concurs the findings of Reese & Levy when they say that support staff needs to be trained to handle different types of problems and requests.
  • Technical challenge: work with integrated architecture approaches. Give attention to open standards and interoperability.
    This concurs the findings of the Becta Report (2007) as well. The authors argue that “students are becoming familiar with other repository software as well (MYSpace, Flickr, YouTube) and  expect a high standard of functionality.” They continue to quote another author (Demos, 2007) who claims  that “schools need to value the learning that goes on in these spaces and enable students to recognise and transfer those skills in new situations, even into formal learning.”  Reese and Levy say that insufficient integration with other information technology system may inhibit e-portfolio use.

By using an integrated Learning Management System, the project tried to help the students organising  and managing their learning content. The Universities acknowledged the fact that students are very well able to direct an important part of their learning. Teachers become facilitators and coaches of their learning processes.

After reading some messages in the tutor group forum for Unit 2, I have noticed that when my fellow students tried  to choose an e-portfolio, they try to look for one that is either easy to use, accessible with other tools they use or meets the course demands. In other words, the choice of an e-portfolio is very personal, but is preferably an application which can be integrated with other tools and can be personalised as well.
This concurs with some of the findings of the various papers, but Beetham already made a comment about this in 2003 when she said: “There are considerably more complex requirements if the e-portfolio system is to interoperate with other systems such as learner records, virtual learning environments or assessment systems, and if it is to allow learner data to be shared with other organisations (e.g. for accreditation, transition or presentation)”.

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009, 19:42

Unit 3 looks very promising. Martin Weller (I've come across him as well in H800) is always in for some controversial opinions. Core activity 3.1 provided me with some useful insights. How to use Mobile Devices in your e-portfolio for example. I haven't looked at this feature in my review, but I find this a useful criteria to look at in other e-portfolio applications.

However.......back to Unit 2.3 reading the papers and write my summary.

Cheers, Eugene

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Wednesday, 7 Oct 2009, 22:39)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 3: 3.1 review of Google Apps & My Stuff

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Google Apps

My Stuff


With iGoogle you can have various Google Applications under one roof. For file repository one can use Google Docs which is compatible with the common Office files. However, large Excel documents tend to upload quite difficultly.

Interesting comments made in the OU forum (inside and outside H808) can be stored by exporting the file into a word document and upload it into Items.. The file repository is different than Google Docs. It is a list of saved documents which are tagged by the drop down menu at the top of the page.  Office compatible documents can be stored very easily.


Google provides an aggregator as well. Google Reader is a tool which can be integrated in iGoogle as well. Google Reader gives an overview of the blogs you want to follow. You can share your rss feeds with your contacts (they have to be notified). If you have a Google Blogspot account then it’s very easy to access your blog.

I haven’t found an aggregator in My Stuff. Once logged in the OU VLE you have access to your personal Blog and My Stuff. It is not integrated and as for now My Stuff can’t be used as an aggregator (I haven’t found it)


Google reader and Google Docs give the user the opportunity to share saved files, articles, documents and so on. Notification by email and a fellow H808 student can follow your shared items. If in doubt, Google provides a clear tutorial.

My Stuff provides a clear sharing system as well. Once your documents or other stuff are saved, you can easily transfer the files to the shared content (compilation). Click on the people you want to share it with and they receive a notification. I believe they will be guided to your compilation area.


Google Groups is an application in which one can set up a Group with shared interest pretty quickly and easy. One can create a learning environment with shared members with restricted and shared areas. Invitation by email only and people have to register to have access.

I haven’t come across to create groups in My Stuff. My Stuff provides the members of your tutor group which is set as a group. My fellow H800 students were listed as well. I found this feature very useful.

Ease of Use

iGoogle provides some kind of portal to the Google Apps. All the applications combined together provide a, in my opinion, good e-portfolio

I still have to find my way around My Stuff. The immediate save button in the former OU’s VLE was very useful. Each comment, reflection, article could be stored within one mouse click. Exporting the file into a Word document is useful as well.


Google Apps communicate very well each other. Google Docs is compatible with Office. Other blogs can be followed by reader (making comments on a Blog which isn’t a Google one is difficult)

Files can be exported as Office files, the OU VLE provides access to your OU Blog. I would say it isn’t as interoperable as Google Apps

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 3: 3.1 Understanding e-portfolio software

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I have looked at the following two applications: Google Apps and My Stuff.

I have worked with iGoogle for a while now and have saved all my H800 and H808 stuff in there. Easy access and other interopearble applications under one roof. What I like about My Stuff is that it is integrated with the OU's VLE. I have now access to my course data, my blog, my instructions and my e-portfolio. However, I use far more applications than this for my learning which I can't import in the OU's VLE...unfortunately.



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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.3 e-portfolio Google Apps

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 5 Oct 2009, 15:02

An overview of how Google Apps can be used as an e-portfolio. Currently I use Google apps as my e-portfolio for H808, this picture below gives a good overview of how it can be used. Overview published by Helen C. Barret Ph.D. and is accessible here.

ePortfolio with Google Apps

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.3 Papers chosen

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Papers chosen for unit 2.3:

Reese, M. and Levy, R. (2009) ‘Assessing the future: e-portfolio trends, uses, and options in higher education’ (online), Educause, no. 4. Available from: http://portfolio.project.mnscu.edu/vertical/Sites/%7B0D936A3C-B3B2-48B8-838C-F5A3B3E0AF6C%7D/uploads/%7B2231316D-EFA9-4A6D-B382-734A350E4510%7D.pdf (accessed October 4 2009).

Becta (2007) ‘Impact of e-portfolios on learning’, Becta, 5 June. Available from: http://emergingtechnologies.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=etr&catcode=ETRE_0001&rid=14125 (accessed October 5 2009)

Beetham, H. (2003) ‘E-portfolios in post-16 learning in the UK: developments, issues and opportunities’ (online), JISC. Available from: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/e-portfolio_ped.doc (accessed October 5 2009).

Aalderinck, W. and Veugelers, M. (2005) ‘E-portfolio’s in The Netherlands: stimulus for educational change and life long learning’ (online), paper presented at the EDEN 2005 conference in Helsinki, Finland, Portfolio Themasite. Available from: http://www.icto.ic.uva.nl/surf/nl_portfolio/Publicaties/Downloads/aalderink_veugelers_2005.pdf (accessed October 5 2009).

500 word summary of the issues raised by this case will follow!

Cheers Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.2 Reflection

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Write a short personal reflection commenting on your experience of the task
The activity is in my opinion quite useful. Now I have a quick overview of the drivers from the different papers and I can use this as a reference if I want to know more about the specific papers/drivers. I haven’t participated in the discussion on the forum (I’m a bit behind), but have read some messages posted by fellow h808 students.
I’m not sure whether discussing the relevance of the drivers and agreeing which should be in the table is a useful task. In my opinion this takes too much time and in the end we might end up with nothing. I’d rather just fill in the table and see what others have to say. I can always read the paper myself if something strikes me as odd, relevant or interesting. If someone else doesn’t agree with me then a discussion about these drivers might occur.

Could this completed template be considered as evidence of your department in the technology competency area (because it is about e-portfolios)?
Yes I believe so. Using a collaborative tool, like a wiki, is in my opinion a technological competence. However, just because the subject of this activity is e-portfolios it does not mean it is necessarily a technological competence. The activity could also have been about our favourite pets or our favourite calendar girls. The point I’m trying to make is that adding content in a table through a wiki is a (useful) technological competence because we use this tool to achieve a specific learning outcome (adding drivers in a table). In my opinion the content is not relevant. Using the tool is.

Could it also be evidence of your pro-activity (because you have created it collaboratively)?
According to the H808 course guide pro active means: “leading, informing, or otherwise motivating your fellow learners in collaborative work”.
In this activity, Thomas was clearly pro active because he split the task into bits and gave each of us in group a task. I wouldn’t consider myself as particularly pro-active in this activity. I contributed to the task and fulfilled the role I was given, but due to time constraints I wasn’t as pro-active as I hope to be in the future!

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 The Drivers

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Sunday, 4 Oct 2009, 19:39

I've skim read various papers and the one I've focussed on provided me with the following drivers:

Beetham 2003: 
JISC e-learning and pedagogy program:
- Potential Applications of e-portfolios
- Technical developments
- Organisational, management and regulatory issues

Aalderink & Veugelers (2005):
Dutch Government tries to implement e-portfolios into higher education.
The project provided an integrated learning management system (LMS) and an e-portfolio system (N@tschool). 7 Universities in the Netherlands worked together on a toolkit (website) with information and documents to be used at the start of portfolio implementation. In this paper the Universities of Amsteram and Windesheim are highlighted.


EifEL: The European consortium for the digital portfolio:
Europortfolio wants to “engage upon an orchestrated effort involving both educational and corporate institutions to define, design, and develop digital portfolio systems that meet the needs of all stakeholders”.



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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

H808: So behind

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So behind already...coming school inspection next week won't help me either. Anyway...I'm off adding some drivers in course wiki and continue to catch up with Unit 2.
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

ePortfolios and authentication

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The Authentication issue is following me..can't get this issue out of my head. Beetham (2003) paper left me thinking. Anyone experience with authentication within ePortfolios??


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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

New Literacy

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An opening quote from a Blog Entry which caught my eye:

"As the school year begins, be ready to hear pundits fretting once again about how kids today can't write—and technology is to blame. Facebook encourages narcissistic blabbering, video and PowerPoint have replaced carefully crafted essays, and texting has dehydrated language into "bleak, bald, sad shorthand" (as University College of London English professor John Sutherland has moaned). An age of illiteracy is at hand, right?"

Read the full Blog entry here: features Andrea Lunsford from Stanford University. Interesting reflections!



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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 Europortfolio

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 21:05

It looks like an advert. An advert with interesting key points which describes the essence of how a good e-portfolio should be.

A reflection and a summary of my notes:

Aim: e-portfolio needs coordination. In the past many projects were uncoordinated. Europortfolio wants to “engage upon an orchestrated effort involving both educational and corporate institutions to define, design, and develop digital portfolio systems that meet the needs of all stakeholders”.


Europortfolio mentions interoperability. From what I’ve read on the forums and the papers so far I am really interested in how this works…to design such an e-portfolio which integrates and communicates with other applications…is there someone who can design a standard for this (xml, html, )..or am I talking nonsense here? Is Europortfolio the answer??


“ and encourages the adoption of technical standards that will enable interoperability, between a range of ePortfolio systems and with other information systems. Interoperability will be the key to maximising the number and quality of services offered to ePortfolio owners.

Europortfolio describes its mission and two of the bullet points caught my eye:


“ use of the ePortfolio as one of the foundations of a learning economy and society. The link between the different dimensions of learning: individual, organisational, and community learning, based upon a lifelong and life wide repository and celebration of achievements”.


 It caught my eye because it wants to integrate the different aspects of learning into one application. Students use, in my experience, more than one application, their own PLE.  Must we store everything in one place? Is this the concept of e-portfolio....one application, many integrated aspects (doc reader, blog reader, curriculum vitae, reflection forms etc. etc.)


The other one that caught my eye was:


An ePortfolio is a personal digital collection of information describing and illustrating a person's learning, career, experience and achievements. ePortfolios are privately owned and the owner has complete control over who has access to what and when”.


This contradicts the Beetham paper in which she says that there should be shared ownership…the learner and the institution; the institution because it can authenticate the information and the learner simply because it concerns them.




Cheers, Eugene

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 21:19)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 Aalderink & Veugelers (2005)

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 21:02

Aalderink and Veugelers (2005) describe a framework for describing and planning e-portfolio implementation.
They make a valid point when they argue that there is an educational shift towards student centered education. The role of the tutor is changing; he becomes a facilitator of learning processes.
Students therefore have to take greater responsibility for their learning, therefore “
students must be supported by a powerful learning environment, in which competences, process steering and co-operation, are the pillars at which the concept of education is build and IT helps meeting their demands”.

The project provided an integrated learning management system (LMS) and an e-portfolio system (N@tschool). 7 Universities in the Netherlands worked together on a toolkit (website) with information and documents to be used at the start of portfolio implementation. Different scenarios are described to carry out the implementation (scenario 1 is not involving all teachers in the implementation process but in scenario 2 they do...the aim is to measure the impact)

Unfortunately they don’t describe the advantages of this approach but I guess the more Universities are involved, the more data become available to evaluate and most of all...can they work towards a system which is inter-exchangeable??


Two Universities are highlighted in this paper: Amsterdam University & Windesheim University

Aim: 40% of the 22000 students should be working with an e-portfolio by 2005.
Processes: making academic training and skills visible in an e-portfolio, collective concept of education and study career counselling.
- Attention for creating a support base / sharing views / involving the context

- A study career-counselling route with checklists for the managers to steer the pilots and new initiatives

- Stimulating and encouraging teachers to grow in their changing role from expert to coach via a professionalization route


Approach:  it should be a fundamental cornerstone for the pedagogical process on the one hand and the educational institute’s administrative processes on the other. When implemented in the heart of both, an e-portfolio should make learning and teaching more efficient and effective. It should support and improve students’ acquisition of competencies and it should also bring about and support a more transparent and flexible workflow for the different stakeholders involved”.

In the picture below it is clear to see how the e-portfolio has a central role in student’s processes:

 Aalderink & Veugelers 2005

They continue to describe various challenges which both Universities have experienced along the way, the one that caught my eye was the one about the conditions of the technology used in the implementing process: “In most cases e-portfolio is not just a single tool (one piece of software), it is more often part of a larger technical configuration, in which the required functionality may be met by the interoperation of different hard- and software tools.”.

I believe the issue of various different systems operating with each other is raised here as well…


Conclusion: “Together the models, cases and examples described above make it clear that ‘folio thinking’ is and will remain a strong trend for the coming years in the Netherlands. It is at the same time a result of and a stimulus for both the development and implementation of e-learning and that of pedagogical change across educational sectors and potentially also through working life of our citizens”.


All together an interesting paper if you want to know how to implement an e-portfolio system. Personally I would like to know more about how exactly e-portfolio systems are benefitting students’ educational careers. Does it have an effect on their learning? Most of all, who are we to decide that an e-portfolio is useful for students’ future…..just questions that popped up whilst reading this paper.
I guess I still have a lot to learn about this subject.

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 Beetham (2003)

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 19:06

When it comes to ePortfolios in higher education, I am quite a newbie. In our school we have gradually shifted from a portfolio system to an ePortfolio system. It is called CITO (Centraal Instituut voor Toets Ontwikkeling = Central Institute for Test Developing). When we asses children we save all the results into a computer program called LVS (Leerling Volg Systeem = Pupil follow-up System). When a pupil leaves the school we have an overview of 8 years of assessment. I am not only collecting assessment results but I also add my learning support reports, general reports and general notes I make of the child’s progress. So our ePortfolio is very focused on the "Learning Tracker" side of ePortfolios.

Beetham (2003) has written an interesting paper in which she describes the potential of ePortfolio systems. I have focused on chapter two (potential applications and purpose of ePortfolios) and chapter four (Organisational, management and regulatory issues).

Chapter two describes the different processes which ePortfolios can support. Beetham mentions the following:

Summative Assessment
"Demonstrating competence according to criteria set out within a programme of study or by an accrediting body". This process is quite alike with what I'm collecting from my students as well at this moment. The assessments are integrated within my ePortfolio for the children.  However, other relevant assessments can't be imported by this software, which is in my opinion, a big negative.
Ideally Beetham suggests to have an ePortfolio which has both, built in assessments and a way to import external assessments.

 Learning and ‘learning to learn’: “enabling the learner to identify and reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, making use of formative feedback, and enabling professionals to support learners in ways appropriate to their achievements and preferences, by drawing on information in the profile”; Another aspect which applies to my use of our national ePortfolio for our children (did I mention it is semi-compulsory by our national Inspector??). I can add information into the file about their progress of learning. Beetham questions, however, that there is little consensus on what constitutes useful information.

Another useful aspect of this process is described by Beetham as pre-course diagnostics and on-course learner tracking. On-course learner tracking is an aspect which I have described in the intro, the pre-course diagnostics is new for me. I have to be honest that I don’t add this information into the ePortfolio but it makes sense. Beetham says: “Evidence of previous achievements can be used diagnostically: a simple search of the profile will identify records of pre-requisite subjects and key skills”.

A recent trend has been to see the e-portfolio as a ‘digital space’ or a ‘personal learning space’ within an integrated e-learning and assessment environment. Learners can carry on a range of activities in this space, some of which will later be presented for assessment.
Collaborative Learning can be a key issue here: “Siemens (2004) foresees the inclusion of collaborative tools within the e-portfolio to allow contact with peers, mentors, tutors, experts etc, as well as interaction with external resources.”


Presentation: showcasing the learner’s best or most relevant achievements in the context of a specific learning or career opportunity, for example on application to a university or during a professional development review;

This sounds all very nice, but how many CVs are entirely truthful nowadays…I might be touching a sensitive subject here, but how can one authenticate if the information in ePortfolios is accurate?
Beetham argues: “Using e-portfolios for presentation at transitions raises some of the same issues as using them for summative assessment. Accredited qualifications require authentication from an institution or awarding body, and the reviewer (employer or receiving institution) must have confidence that such records are secure and authentic”.

Personal and professional development planning: supporting the general process of reflection, self-evaluation and action planning for lifelong learning, including guidance on educational and/or career pathways.


In my personal and professional career, portfolios have been a good asset to gather useful material to present to my new employer. Over the years my 3 band Ring has been growing quite a lot: certificates, professional career evaluations, self evaluations, followed courses, reports about job responsibilities, reflections etc.
An ePortfolio is, in my opinion, an electronic version of this but I think has much more to offer.
Beetham mentions in her paper another insightful aspect of using ePortfolios: “Higher level and professional learners might be expected to become relatively self-sufficient in the exercise of these skills, but learners with less confidence and experience are recognised to need structured personal development opportunities. This support could be provided by an electronic service – even by sending reflective prompts in text messages27 – but most commentators regard this as an area in which human interaction remains the gold standard. There are at least as many examples of best practice with paper-based as with electronic systems, all of which will need to be drawn on if learner profiles are to be used successfully for personal development”.


Finally I would like to mention the ownership issue. In Unit 1 I asked myself “who owns the data which is stored by the student/learner/employee?  I was asking myself this question as I was looking at different ePortfolio applications. There doesn’t seem to be a general format. Is the information exchangeable, what happens with the content if I stop studying at the OU and want to export my “My Stuff” materials?
In chapter 4, Beetham argues that these issues still remain relatively untested: “For some organisations there are political concerns over the management and authentication of data. Institutions and awarding bodies must retain ownership of qualifications data which only they are in a position to authenticate; at the same time, however, learners must be able to access that data, and to grant others access to it. What responsibilities does an organisation have with respect to these learners and their information? These issues remain relatively untested”.

Beetham’s paper gave me a good insight in the use of ePortfolio systems…and it was a good way for me to get into H808 again. I would recommend this paper to others as well.


The ownership question keeps haunting me and as this paper is written in 2003, maybe this issue might have been tested in the meantime.


Next:  the Aalderink-Veugelers Paper from 2005.

Cheers, Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 ePortfolios-drivers and case studies: a reflection

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 19:19

I'm trying to get into Unit and have read the introduction. 3 drivers so far (Uk based?): a reflection on my thought and notes

3 drivers so far:

1. Requirement to implement personal development planning (PDP): for students only? My OU course is part of my PDP for my job. Partly paid by my employer and partly by myself. H808 is focusing on higher education...why?

2. The move in both formal and vocational courses towards students providing evidence of attaining programme outcomes: anyone can choose their own system...is there not a conflict in communication with each other if we all use something different? Do we need a common denominator? Is My stuff accessible only for those who study at the OU?

3. The life long learning agenda (PDP and the ability to evidence learning outcome are also important life-long learning skills): Who owns the content? In my opinion a strong driver: keeping your ePortfolio up to date helps you simply to have a proper overview of what you've done (simplified)....btw I still have my 3-ring binder!!

Various definitions of ePortfolio systems. The one I relate to the most: JISC: ..simply electronic versions of physical portfolios that contain digital objects instead of physical objects.

Why? Because I like definitions to be simple smile

Next: reading Beetham (2003)



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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Hello H808!

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Thanks Alan for your support, I will have to catch up this week and start with reading the promised papers. I've noticed lots of forum traffic, so have to read my way through some messages. Then start and reflect on the promised papers. Will start Unit 3 properly on Saterday..again thanks for your support!

Cheers Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Thanks H800!

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Dear All,

Handed in my ECA and H800 is over after 8 months of fantastic learning experiences and learning journeys. I wish everyone the best of luck and maybe we'll see each other somewhere in another course. Thanks Alex for your support, much appreciated!

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: Group B

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Dear Fellow H808 Group B students. I am giving my full attention to my ECA at the moment. Will read the promised papers as soon as ECA is finished. Sorry for the delay! Thanks for setting up wiki page Thomas! Sorry sad(
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 00:43)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

ECA Update

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Part A + B roughly finished as is part C. Part D is on the agenda now. Reading Engeström and Säljö & Wenger. Tough papers! Will be happy when ECA is finished and give full attention to H808.
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 The ePortfolio Drivers

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Sunday, 4 Oct 2009, 19:39

Thanks Thomas for trying to devide the papers amongst us. My focus is on the following:

Core Papers: Beetham, H. (2003) & European Institute for E-Learning (EifEL)

Supplementary resources: As I'm Dutch, this paper caught my eye: Aalderinck, W. and Veugelers, M. (2005).

Get back to you soon with my reflections on the three papers.

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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This weekend is going to be a busy OU weekend. I'm rounding off part A of my ECA which has its focus on videosharing and folksonomy. I have mapped my learning activity for part C and have detailed ideas how to set it up..leaves me with the writing of it sad

Part B and D are scheduled for next week. Meanwhile I have to find another 15-20 hours this week for H808 Unit 2....collaborative activity and reading quite a few papers. Well, at least it gets me straight into the course!


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Sunday, 20 Sept 2009, 18:27)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 1: ePortfolio and ownership

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I was just wondering what happens with my documents and "My Stuff" when I'm not a student anymore at the OU? Can we export data and import it another ePortfolio application. Anyone have idea's about this?
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Monday, 14 Sept 2009, 19:51)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 1: 1.3&1.4 ePortfolio

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I have explored some ePortfolio's today: Mahara and Snappages. I've tried to open an account with PebblePad as well, but it seems that you have to pay for this (or maybe I misunderstood).
I've opened up accounts for Snappage and Mahara and Snappage was quite fun to work with, unfortunately both applications haven't fulfilled my expactations: easy access, quick upload of documents, overview of blogs etc.
I am still quite happy with my iGoogle account in which I have everything I need: Google Docs for backing up my documents, Google Reader for following my fellow H808 students, Google Calender for an overview of my activities.

I have explored My Stuff too and must say that I am begining to like this as well. When I'm browsing on the forum it is very easy to save interesting comments, links and articles and share this with my tutor group (Don't forget to add your share stuff in the compilation). I haven't filled in all the CV forms (yet), but in my opinion I believe it's quite useful to have an online CV which you can access wherever and whenever you want.

Well, looking back on the first two weeks of H808, I found this quite interesting. I am looking forward to the next Unit in which we have to do some collaborative work.

Cheers, Eugene

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