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Michael Gumbrell

Chapter 2 again

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Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Wednesday, 27 Dec 2017, 15:42

The block 3 tma question is similar to the last one in structure.

Once again it is all about chapter 2. It is a shame because you plow through 4 weeks of reading and work and only use 1 week of it.

I had a look ahead at all the other tma's and the same structure applies.

It might be possible to write all the tma's by only reading one chapter from each book.

That would leave you unstuck for the exam, however your ocas would be complete.

This is a very odd and off putting module.

I shall not miss it.

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Michael Gumbrell

Tma 2 mark.

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So i just got my mark back. I got 63 for tma 2. I got 68 for tma 1. So i am averaging 65 ocas at the moment.

65 is a 2.2 which is my lowest module score so far.

But that's okay. I do not like philosophy and nor would it appear that philosophy approves of me... 


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Michael Gumbrell

Star wars

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We went to see the new star wars film last night. The last jedi.

I thought it was pretty poor. Once the hype is over i wonder how much demand there will be for the ninth one.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Michael Gumbrell, Saturday, 16 Dec 2017, 12:30)
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Michael Gumbrell

Busy day today

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It will be a busy day today. 

A full external awareness day at work.

A quick christmas visit from auntie mary, who is down from wales.

Then jump back into car and out into the evening rush hour traffic to get to the cinema to see the star wars film.

So out the front door at 7.45am and back home again for 10.45pm.

Good job its friday.

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Michael Gumbrell

The social mine field

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Its that time of year,

Time to cross the social mine field of the works' christmas dinner.

I don't drink alcohol, which people at work know, however the christmas dinner this afternoon will mean two hours of 'go on, one drink will not hurt' or ' is it not boring if you do not drink'

At least we get three hours off of work...

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Michael Gumbrell

Venue change.

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I attended the first tutorial. In Guildford, a 40 mile drive each way.

Not great, now i have a charmiess email telling me the venue is now changed to Farnborough.

Great that adds another 20 miles on each way. One hour each way.

The OU really can stick a222 up their online portal.

This module has been the worst i have ever studied, by a country mile... and i will have to drive 60 country miles in each direction to attend tutorials now...

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Michael Gumbrell

#bloody a222

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Still grinding my way through block 3.

This module is very tedious.

I cannot wait to be out the other side of it.

Roll on june...

#bloody a222

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Michael Gumbrell, Thursday, 14 Dec 2017, 06:51)
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Michael Gumbrell

Snow day.

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I live in Hampshire, on the south coast of england.

So while the rest of the country is covered in snow, and social media is awash with pictures of snowmen, i am looking out the window at... some mild rain.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Michael Gumbrell, Sunday, 10 Dec 2017, 16:26)
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Michael Gumbrell

Star wars

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Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Saturday, 9 Dec 2017, 15:33

So i booked tickets for the new star wars movie next friday.

5 of us, 2 children, 2 students and the mrs as a full price adult.

52 pounds! And that was a standard 2D showing.

It would have been 65 quid for 3D and over 75 quid for Imax...

It would have been 90 quid for imax without the student discounts.

As they say on the dvd cases- 'priracy of this copywrite is a CRIME'

However highway robbery at the cinema box office appears not to be...

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Michael Gumbrell, Sunday, 10 Dec 2017, 08:09)
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Michael Gumbrell


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Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Thursday, 7 Dec 2017, 17:24

The counter just clocked 10000.

Thank you to everyone who has taken time out of their busy lives to read my witterings.

It is very much appreciated.

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Michael Gumbrell


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The counter is on 9971. I will be at work today, so i might miss the counter hitting 10,000.

I dont think ' sorry boss, i can not come to work today, i need to keep an eye on my ou blog view counter' is really going to stand up as a excuse not to go to work.

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Michael Gumbrell

NHS Statistics

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Just watching the BBC news.

Apparently 27 million people have been to A+E so far this year 

The UK has a population of 56 million.

So according to the figures, every other person in the UK has been to A+E so far this year.

That seems very unlikely.

They must be counting repeat visits.

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Michael Gumbrell, Friday, 8 Dec 2017, 06:49)
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Michael Gumbrell

Not the only undergraduate in the house

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Hopefully by the time i put #bloodya222 behind me, i will not be the only undergraduate in the house.

My oldest got his ucas application back yesterday.

He has a provisional place at the University of Portsmouth to read Politics and internstional relations.

So that is good news. All he hss to do now is make sure he gets the correct a level grades.

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Michael Gumbrell

Block 3 and the christmas break

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Having had a look at the block 3 tma question, i am going to have to work through the christmas break.

The tma question is very long. More like a four part question.

That is a big question to answer so it will require alot of work...hence no christmas break for me.

I got 68 for my first tms, i am waiting for the mark for tma2.

I think it will not be as good as 68.

So i need to put the work into tma3 to try and keep my ocas in the 2.2 range for this module.

A222 has 6 tma's and no substitutions, so a good ocas will be hard to achieve.

Lets hope that it does not go from 68 and then downwards.


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Michael Gumbrell

Getting closer...

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Getting closer to five figures.

There might be a prize for whoever makes the 10,000 view.

However the prize could be a 50% completed a222 module!

Who would want that!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Michael Gumbrell, Tuesday, 5 Dec 2017, 17:02)
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Michael Gumbrell

Double down.

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Having just worked my way through 75% of chapter 1, block 3, it is abit disheartning to find out the reading volume will double in this block..

Come on a222, ours is a difficult relationship already, without you gaslighting about the reading.


Can you start a #hashtag on a ou blog?

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Michael Gumbrell

Block 3

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So i have started block 3 'ethics'.

Not including the exam, get block 3 done and thats 50% of the course complete.

Half way through, i am looking forward to getting half way there.

50% of A222 out of the wsy  

Yes please.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Michael Gumbrell, Tuesday, 5 Dec 2017, 12:36)
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Michael Gumbrell

Tma 2

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So i finished and submitted tma 2 last night.

1750 words.

Now to wait for the closing date- thursdsy 7th and then for it to be marked.

Still not enjoying a222

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Michael Gumbrell


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The counter is at 9750...

Not long to go to the big 10,000 mark.

Thats very exciting.

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Michael Gumbrell

Tma 2

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I am supposed to be discussing humes ( philo's) objections to the arguement from design, as presented by cleanthes.

Is hume (philo's) objection compelling.

Philo leaves his objections aside until subconclusion 1 of cleanthes arguement.

I think philo could have raised objections earlier on, objections to premise one and two, but philo does not.

Now can i include in the tma analysis of philo's objections the fact that he did not step in earlier to object, based on philosophical reasoning...

Or can i only write about the quality of philo's actual stated arguements?

By not stepping in earlier, philo allows cleantges to develope another premise, sub conclusion and conclusion that are based on unchallenged premise one and two.

I am very mindful now if Simon Reeds advice in comments on another of my posts.

' we are not here in a222 to do any of our own philosophy, just to show we can construct a philosophical arguement correctly, and stick to the module materials'

Without wise words from Simon, i might have wasted 800 words of tma2 and got a poor mark.

I will mention my thoughts about philo letting premise one and two too easily, very briefly, as a further example of what might have made philo's objections truely compelling. However 1000 words need to be invested on what philo does say...

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Simon Reed, Sunday, 3 Dec 2017, 16:57)
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Michael Gumbrell

block 2 almost done

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That's all the reading for block 2 'the philosophy of religion done' 

now I have to turn the 500 words already written for tma 2 into 2000 words by 7th of December and that block is behind me, and 33% of a222 will be behind me and I will be closer to getting what I have come to know a ' bloody A222' done.

oh and the three hour exam, don't forget the exam....

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Michael Gumbrell

The christmas break.

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I wonder how many of my fellow students take the christmas break.

Personally i use the time to plow on with study and try to get as much study done as i can.

I find it really motivating to work through. By the time the planner restarts after christmas, i can get ahead and have the course 50% complete.

I am looking forward to being half way done with a222.

So do you work through the break?

Or do you have a rest?

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Michael Brierley, Friday, 1 Dec 2017, 17:37)
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Michael Gumbrell

What would google say?

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Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Sunday, 26 Nov 2017, 13:39

I was just chatting with my fellow a222 students in our facebook group.

The upshot was, if you type 'bloody a222' into google,

This blog comes out three times in the top five results.

Just saying.... bloody a222....

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Michael Gumbrell

Hit me baby one more time

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I am not compulsive about the view counter...

If i was i would have noticed its about to hit 9500 views.

Thank you everyone.

Your time spent viewing is very much appreciated.

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Michael Gumbrell

Wheres your tma gone?

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Nearly had a heart attack today.

Turn the laptop on and all my short cuts were gone.

Including the folder called 'bloody A222' which had my tma 2 saved in it, well the 500 words i have written so far.

Had to resort to a F2 safe mode restart to get it bsck to mormal.

Heart stopping moment waiting for the reboot!

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