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A skylark

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 30 July 2022, 00:12

A sky lark

Skylark with Caterpillar Wikipedia

When out walking in the countryside, one can sometimes hear one of the most beautiful song birds ever,  If you are lucky, as they are fast disappearing.


The skylark It is a bird of open farmland and heath, known for the song of the male, which is delivered in hovering flight from heights of 50 to 100 metres (160 to 330 ft). The sexes are alike. It is streaked greyish-brown above and on the breast and has a buff-white belly. Wikipedia

It has a long uninterrupted song while hovering in one spot which is beautiful to listen to.

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A Magpie

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 31 July 2022, 14:56

A magpie

Magpie Wikipedia

This morning I was taking my usual walk in the park, when I spotted one of these enormous black and white birds with a very long black tail. 


Magpies are birds of the Corvidae family. Like other members of their family, they are widely considered to be intelligent creatures. The Eurasian magpie, for instance, is thought to rank among the world's most intelligent creatures, and is one of the few non-mammal species able to recognize itself in a mirror test. Wikipedia

A Magpie

A Magpie in my garden

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Reading another book in French

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 29 July 2022, 17:22

I am reading another book in french entitled  'une livre de chanson française' by Bernard Minssen.
It is a collection of poems by various French authors including Victor Hugo, Verlaine, Maupassant, Béranger, Rimbaud amongst others. There is a short explanation of some of the vocabulary, at the back of the book in English, so this is helpful, although I still have to look up some unfamiliar words in the dictionary.


Je suis en train de lire un autre livre en français intitulé            

'Un livre de chanson française'    par Bernard Minssen.
C'est un recueil de poèmes de divers auteurs français
dont Victor Hugo, Verlaine, Maupassant, Béranger, Rimbaud entre autres. Il y a une courte explication d'une partie du vocabulaire, à la fin du livre en anglais, donc c'est utile,
mais je dois encore chercher des mots inconnus dans le dictionnaire.

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Un Merle

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 24 Aug 2022, 17:31
Un Merle chante fort dans le cimetière.Je me demande s'il va bientôt pleuvoir ?

A blackbird in the cemetery

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Where are the Sparrows?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 16 Aug 2022, 15:53

A sparrow



À Paris, les trois quarts des moineaux ont disparu en 15 ans. Le constat alarme écologistes et scientifiques. Londres, Amsterdam ou Hambourg connaissent le même scénario. Aujourd’hui, le mystère est entier, malgré les recherches des spécialistes. 

3/4  of  Sparrow population in Paris have disappeared over 15years and scientists are trying to solve this unexplained mystery.

Ici, Ou j'habite, il y a beaucoup de moineux. Il font leur nids dans les  haies. 

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Wonderful Wagtails

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 30 July 2022, 12:15

Wagtails are a group of passerine birds that form the genus Motacilla in the family Motacillidae. The forest wagtail belongs to the monotypic genus Dendronanthus which is closely related to Motacilla and sometimes included therein. The common name and genus names are derived from their characteristic tail pumping behaviour. Together with the pipits and longclaws they form the family Motacillidae.

White-browed wagtail (Motacilla maderaspatensis)Scientific classification

Linnaeus1758Type speciesMotacilla alba

Source- Wikipedia

A Wagtail

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A wagtail waits!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 29 July 2022, 16:36

A wagtail

This morning as I took my walk around my usual route, up to the park. I spotted a wagtail, I love these lovely little birds with their little wagging tails, black and white bodies and bright eyes. Unfortunately they always manage to fly off, but this time I caught a snapshot of one, waiting to cross the road!

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Following a Footpath under the Trees

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 July 2022, 11:55

A gate leading to footpath under trees

Following the footpath. The footpath has now been cleared and is nice and tidy!

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Following the footpath

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 19 Sept 2022, 14:34

This morning It was much cooler today than it was yesterday. I finished my french book Destins by Francois Mauriac. It was a very good book and I am glad I read it.  I will start another book again tomorrow, from my little collection of French books from the city charity shop.

This afternoon after reading, I went walking up to the park again, I did 2 laps around the park, only a few people (a family) was sitting in the middle of the playing field.

 I began walking at quite a brisk walking pace!  starting at the pavilion I usually go walking right around the perimeter, then finish up back  at the picnic area, beneath the trees. From here I left the park and I walked the footpath, towards Cemetery lane and past the Cemetery. I followed the path along past a farm that has some noisy clucking chickens, that were running around freely!

 I turned here and followed the footpath just a short one, through a wood, then carried straight on, walking through what is usually a lovely meadow of wild flowers. However, they didn't look very good today, but looked rather dry and wilted, as we have not had any significant rainfall here this year, only the odd shower, lasting only a few minutes. The weather has been dry and hot. I truly believe that this has been one of the hottest summers I have ever experienced in this country!

After crossing the meadow, I came to a footpath through the field, this leads to the reservoir or the lake as we (romantically) like to call it!! On the lake is a family of ducks and some moor hens. I walked the whole length of the lake. The water level had receded a bit, but there was still sufficient water in there. The crops are growing well and so far they haven't used the sprinklers on the field yet-  but they may change later? I walked one time around the lake. 

I like it here at this time of the year, when there are plenty of dragonflies and damsel flies to be seen flying around, also lots of birds in the hedgerows. They are eating the bramble berries and other fruits that have fallen down,  like the little plums and crab apples.  I saw a lark just hovering high overhead in the air, over the wheat field,  it was lovely to hear her singing loud and clearly.

 I continued walking back towards the barn, and to the footpath that leads back to the other side of park, on the abandoned footpath. The footpath has actually been cleared now and it was lovely and tidy to walk along.

This footpath leads around the park and back onto a a leafy lane of beautifuul fragrant Lime trees, they hang down very low over the path, so that you feel protected from the heat of the sun, there were plenty of bees on their flowers. A rabbit quickly scampered past, and hopped under a hedge,  Oops, I think I might  have disturbed him!   I then took the path past the nursing home and the short cut leading to the footpath at back of my house. I needed  a nice cup of tea after that walk!

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Summer time - in my park

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 2 Aug 2022, 18:24

A playing field

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 12 Aug 2022, 23:32

A cooler day today.  I have been reading the rest of my current french book by Francois Mauriac 'Destins', it has been quite an interesting story and I managed to persist with it. The language was of very good quality and it was well written. The moral of the story was clear, and after much sadness, all went well in the end for those who were left behind.
The story of two young boys and how their lives had taken different paths. It is also about the people involved with looking after them, their family, friends and neighbours.

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La chaleur du soleil pendant l'été

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 19 Sept 2022, 14:26

Je suis toujours en train de lire mon roman en français.'Destins ' par François Mauriac. je suis assise à l'ômbre, Il y a une bonne brise qui souffle, il ne fait pas aussi chaud comme il y a quelques jours, comme lorsque nous avons eu la canicule , mais il fait encore très chaud! 

Autour de moi, je peux entendre les sons des gens qui vivent leur vie.
C'est assez calme à la maison de repos derrière chez moi.
Pendant la pandémie de covid 19, beaucoup de gens là-bas, ont contracté le virus. De temps en temps, j'entends des soignants s'appeler «au revoir» les uns les autres, alors qu'ils quittent leur temps de travail.

A côté de nous vit un vieux monsieur, il se promène très tranquillement dans sa cuisine,  sa porte est ouverte de son bungalow, il fait une tasse de thé, je l'entends remplir sa bouilloire et secouer les tasses et les soucoupes.

A côté de lui se trouve une jeune famille avec des enfants, qui jouent dans leur pataugeoire, donc beaucoup d'éclaboussures et de rires venant de leur jardin !

Je décide d'aller au parc publique pour lire mon livre, car c'est généralement calme à cette heure. Il n'y a que quelques enfants dans l'aire de jeux, de nombreuses familles sont déjà allées à la plage.

Nous nous emmenons un petit panier pique-nique avec nous au parc. Nous avons beaucoup de sandwichs avec nous, du fromage à la crème,  et du saumon, ainsi que des sandwichs à la pâte de champignons et aux herbes, et des sandwichs à la salade . Il y a aussi des petits cubes de fromage que nous avons mangés avec des tranches de pomme, le dessert était
un petit pot de fraises avec de la crème fraîche.

Nous avons trouvé un endroit parfait sous de grands tilleuls odorants, là,  nous avons placé une couverture douce sur le sol.

C'est  un bel après-midi, assis à l'ombre, regardant les oiseaux voler pour manger les miettes, les papillons brillants et les beaux bourdons visitant le jardin des fleurs sauvages, qui se trouvait juste derrière nous.

Je lis une autre page de mon livre,  et sirote ma limonade. Il sera bientôt l'heure de rentrer à la maison, mais d'abord une longue marche lente autour du parc public. Quel super "séjour- vacance" nous avons eu!

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Bird in the shade

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Bird on branch

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A Beautiful Afternoon In the park

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 23 July 2022, 22:22

Under the trees in the park

Picnic area under the shade of the lime trees.

Empty Playing area with swings

Play area and pavillion

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Reading in the park

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 17 Nov 2023, 03:49

I  read my french novel 'Destins ' by Francois Mauriac.
I am sitting in the shade in my garden,  where there is a slight cool breeze,  it is not as hot as the heatwave of last week, but still very warm.

All around me, I can hear the sounds of people living their lives. It is fairly quiet at the nursing home behind us. During the pandemic a lot of people caught the Covid19 virus. Occasionally the care staff call out "goodbye"  to each other, as they go off after their shifts. 

On the right hand side, is a small allotment, then the church yard and  the vicarage.

To the left hand side of us lives an elderly gentleman very quietly moving about in his kitchen of his bungalow,  making himself a cup of tea. 

Next to him is a young family with children, who are playing in their paddling pool, so lots of loud splashing and happy laughter coming from their garden!

I decide to go with my young son  to the park because it is usually fairly quiet at this time of day. So I can sit and read my book in peace.  There are only a handful of children in the play area, as many families have already gone to the nearby beach. We have taken a small picnic basket with us to the park with a flask of tea as well as some cold drinks.

We have plenty of sandwiches with us,  cream cheese and salmon,  mushroom pâte and herb pâte,  and some salad sandwiches too. Little cubes of cheese which we eat with slices of apple. For the dessert,  it is a little pot of strawberries with a pot of fresh cream.

Now to find a perfect spot for our picnic. Just beneath a fragrant sweet smelling lime tree would be perfect, there we place a soft blanket on the ground. It is a lovely afternoon, sitting in the shade of the lime  trees, watching the birds flying down to pick up the crumbs, brightly coloured fluttering butterfles and beautiful bumblebees, they are visiting the wild flower area just behind us. 

After eating our picnic I open my book and  read another page,  as I sip my lemonade. Soon we will have to head off back home, but first we will have a long slow stroll around the park. What a great staycation we have had!

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Yellow grass !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 22 July 2022, 21:46

Yellow grass after the heat wave

After the heat wave the grass is turning yellow in the park. It is a sorry sight for the gardeners.

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Fallen tree- Look what the heat has done!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 29 July 2022, 11:00

Fallen tree

With the intense heat of the last few days,  and the heaviness of the foliage,  part of this tree has broken off into the cemetery.

Yet another sign of Climate change !

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A Bird Station

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 21 July 2022, 20:47

A bird station in the garden

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Gardening day!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 21 July 2022, 22:30

Finding all sorts of jobs to do in the garden, like watering flowers in pots,  but the flowers and grass all looking very dry!

Today with the help of my very kind neighbours,  we have managed to put up a bird station,  so that my son and I can sit in the garden and watch the visiting birds.

Hopefully we will be able to see lots of visiting birds passing through!

Bird station with feeders and water

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Une lecture d'été

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 20:50

Je prends plaisir à lire mon livre Les 'Destins' de François Mauriac.
je suis au chapitre 5 maintenant.
Pour le moment le temps est un peu plus frais avec une brise fraîche.
Je lis tout les infos du "Monde" en ligne et regarde France24 sur mon portable.
Pendant les vacances, je prévois de regarder des vidéos en français.

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Learning Changes you!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 15 Oct 2023, 12:46

Alice in wonderland quote

(Artist unknown)

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I Passed My English Degree !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 19 Sept 2022, 14:40

I  have Just looked for my results and found  I have passed my English Degree! Yes!!!  but I will celebrate when the weather is cooler. I still can't  believe it,  I have to pinch myself! 

Next term, my last term is going to be  French! L332

Hope you are all doing well. 

Best wishes


Permalink 7 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 13:11)
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Believe in the impossible

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 15 Oct 2023, 12:49

Alice in wonderland in blue dress

(Artist unknown)

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Il fait tres chaud dehors

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 15 Oct 2023, 13:19

Il fait très chaud dehors. Ce matin J'ai fait un petit tour dans mon  village jusqu'à la poste pour payer ma note.

En ce moment Je lis mon livre et je reste cool à l' ombre. J'ai mangé des fraises avec de la crême pour ma collation. il fait de plus en plus chaud,  la température est maintenant de 37°  Wow!

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Reading François Mauriac- 'Destins'

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 15 Oct 2023, 13:00

Sitting in the shade of my garden this afternoon. It is very hot but under the trees it is quite cool.  The french book that I am currently reading is 'Destins' by François Mauriac. I imagine myself to be in France!

It is a moral tale centred around 2 boys Bob and Pierre and Elisabeth as guardien looks after the children, and of the neighbouring bourgeoisie families. Set in the Gironde region on the South West of France.The story follows the life stories of the two boys and what becomes of them. This is the summary in French.

"Jean Gornac et sa belle-fille Élisabeth font prospérer un domaine viticole à Viridis en Gironde. Dans la maison voisine vit Maria Lagave, une femme âgée dont Jean aida naguère le fils Augustin à poursuivre ses études pour devenir un fonctionnaire respectable à Paris. L'action débute alors que le fils de ce dernier, Robert, est envoyé en convalescence auprès de sa grand-mère en Gironde. La vie de bohème que mène Robert Lagave (dit Bob) dans la capitale est mal acceptée par son père. Son passage à Viridis va troubler l'équilibre bourgeois du domaine et provoquer une révélation chez Élisabeth."

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